How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description


The dream of every woman looks beautiful and spectacular at any age. To create an irresistible image, the girl resort to a huge number of tricks, one of which are false eyelashes. Magnificent and thick cilia make it possible to create an expressive and attractive look, which will necessarily notice the representatives of the strong sex.

Given the demand for this type of product, manufacturers produce a wide range of overhead eyelashes. To create a gentle and natural image, experts recommend paying attention to beam eyelashes, which can be glued on their own at home without much difficulty and hassle.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_2

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_3

Features, pros and cons of the procedure

Overhead eyelashes are a modern and efficient method of creating an expressive look. Thanks to the simple technology, even beginner fashion can at home to create a unique image for both a solemn event and for each day. Despite the variety of this type of product, The masters of beauty salons are recommended for home use to use beam eyelashes, which, like any decorative material, have both advantages and disadvantages.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_4


  • affordable price range;
  • simplicity;
  • creating a spectacular image for any event;
  • lack of need to visit expensive beauty salons;
  • minimum time strength;
  • the possibility of multiple use;
  • compatibility with different types of decorative cosmetics;
  • Fast removal at home.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_5


  • short period of operation;
  • the need for correction during deformation even one beam;
  • The complexity of hygienic care.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_6

This type of material is made of artificial fibers that glued together in small beams. To create an expressive look, manufacturers are placed in one packaging of eyelashes of different lengths. Short cilias are designed to accommodate near the inner part of the century, but long - closer to the outside.

Depending on the type of monofilament, the cilia are the following types:

  • mink;
  • Soud;
  • Silk.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_7

The color gamut of the decorative material is wide enough and selected depending on the general image and stylistic direction.

Special attention should be paid to the length of artificial material, which There should be no more than 2 mm on the size of natural eyelashes . Thickness also need to select individually and watch The council decor did not lose weight.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_8

Tools and materials

Before you begin to self-gluing eyelashes, it is necessary to prepare special tools. On the desktop, you must include the following items and accessories:

  • tweezers;
  • false eyelashes;
  • fixing adhesive;
  • magnifying mirror;
  • Forceps for shaping;
  • bright table lamp;
  • wet wipes;
  • cotton wheels and wands;
  • mascara with water-repellent effect.

Be sure to prepare a container of warm water for washing, and also the special toner for skin degreasing.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_9

As steps glued eyelashes?

bonding technology overhead beam eyelashes at home - a simple process that still requires patience and skills. In order to properly apply the lashes and glue house process should be studied carefully, and it is better to pass training courses for professional artists who are sure to help build beautiful and voluminous lashes.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_10


Before proceeding directly to the process of gluing eyelashes should perform a number of preparatory actions. First of all it is necessary to choose the right type of artificial material, which should be sure to match the length, thickness and color of your own lashes.

To create maximum clamp is necessary to thoroughly clean the work area from dirt, dust, sweat and cosmetics residues. Any of these pollutants will not allow the adhesive to secure the hairs on the eyelid.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_11

If the procedure is performed for the first time, experts recommend that before you commit to conduct a kind of fitting. In the package you purchased, you can see the eyelashes of different lengths. This fact often causes the fashionistas think about the location of each hair. In order to avoid having to redo the work better without glue to make the hairs on the selected sites and objectively assess the possible outcome. If the result does not live up to expectations, then it is possible to adjust and change the density of hairs.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_12

The main stage

Technology fixing eyelashes consists of the following manipulations:

  • Put a small amount of glue on a piece of aluminum foil;
  • Unpacking the selected material;
  • smearing glue only eyelashes a base;
  • bonding material at the selected location within 30 seconds after application of the adhesive.

How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_13

    Stick hair should be just above the root of the real eyelashes, trying to mute slightly open eyes. If the beam is not turned to place exactly at the desired location, it can be removed at a time when the adhesive is not yet frozen. If the composition has hardened, it is best to wait a full point and using tweezers to separate from the century, remove glue residue and repeat manipulation.

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_14

    Experts recommend working with each eye separately, then the image will turn out and form a clear and correct. Eyelash glue must be since the mid-century and gradually moving towards the edges, thus increasing or decreasing their length.

    The most important thing in the process - it's strictly adhere to the natural shape and thickness of the fibers change depending on the nature of facial features.

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_15

    finishing procedures

    After the milestone came to an end, and were glued all the selected yarns, experts recommend to wait not less than 20 minutes to complete solidification of the fixing composition and fingers to touch the eyelids, trying to check the level of fixation. If all indicators are normal, you can begin to reconcile natural and artificial cilia by their curling.

    for the twisting device should not touch the century, as the hot plate can soften the glue and spoil the work.

    The final step in creating the image of a drawing of the decorative make-up. Create a more expressive eyes help shade eyeliner and, of course, mascara.

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_16

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_17

    How to remove yourself?

    The versatility of the overhead beam eyelashes is not only the ease of fixing, but also the possibility of withdrawing at home. Remove yourself a decorative element, you can quickly and without the use of special compounds. Budding fashionistas must always remember that the skin of the eyelids is very thin and easy to mechanical damage and reckless action can trigger the removal of not only synthetic fibers, but also their eyelashes.

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_18

    Technology removal of decorative elements:

    • softening the glue by means of a steam bath for the face;
    • imposition of wet cotton disks for ever;
    • separation of synthetic fibers using fatty makeup remover;
    • neat separation of the adhesive residues by cream;
    • applying to the eyelids reducing oil.

    Manufacturers of decorative cosmetics offer a wide range of special formulations that will not only help remove the glued eyelashes, but also moisturize, soothe and saturate the skin with vitamins.

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_19

    Useful advice

    Before the start of manipulation should be carefully examine the procedures and technology to carry out all the recommendations made Who advise pay special attention to the choice of adhesive. It is from this consumables depend on the quality of the work and the external aesthetic appearance.

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_20

    The composition of the adhesive affects not only the level of fixation, but also on the condition of the skin after the procedure, and for the presence of allergic reactions. The following types of glue can be seen on the shelves of specialty stores:

    • colorless - for colored eyelashes;
    • black - for natural lashes.

    How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_21

      According to the consistency of the compositions are thick and liquid. The first category of goods has a low price range, but can provoke allergic rashes. The second group of products refers to expensive materials, so it does not cause allergies, there is no smell and falls smoothly.

      When choosing glue, it is necessary to carefully study the composition in which there should be no toxic aldehydes. It is strictly forbidden to acquire and use products with an expired expiration date.

      How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_22

      To prevent irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye It is necessary to carefully ensure that the compositions do not fall into the eyes. And with the slightest contact with the shell of the eye, it is necessary to stop the procedure and rinse the eyes with water. It is strictly forbidden to use false eyelashes daily. Permanent contact glue with skin can provoke serious eye diseases.

      How to glue and remove beam eyelashes at home? 23 Photo How to properly stick eyelashes? Step-by-step process description 23802_23

      In the next video, you will learn how to create an effect of extensive eyelashes with overhead bundles.

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