Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews


Barbara's eyelashes glue is popular with novice lossekers and professionals in this area. The product line includes 3 main composition with different characteristics (Effect, Elegant, Exclusive), the reviews of the masters about which look quite convincing. Mark specializes in working with salons and beauty-specialists, creates flavored, transparent, colored, as well as hypoallergenic adhesives for a resistant fixation of artificial eyelashes.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_2


The glue produced in South Korea to extension Barbara's eyelashes is among the top ten means for Lashmeking in Russia . The brand specializes in this area of ​​activity, focused on a professional audience. The produced adhesives have a modern formula with polymerization from 0.5 to 3 seconds depending on the ruler. Funds have good fluidity, rather liquid, provide economical spending.

The description of the compositions for Lashmeiking from Barbara necessarily includes a list of ingredients. The company uses in the natural dye to South (Carbon Black), polymethylacrylate, ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate, ethoxyethyl cyanoacrylate. Dangerous compounds with formaldehydes are not used. In stock A hypoallergenic series without caustic chemical evaporations, there are flavored products with smells of green apple and banana.

After the expiration of the period from 5 to 8 weeks, the composition is easily removed by a rehemver, while wearing remains elastic, without the effect of tightening.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_3

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_4


In the Barbara product ranges to fix eyelashes, you can find funds with different compositions and characteristics, almost all of them, except for the Fast Clear series, have a black pigment in the composition. It is worth considering the most popular of them in more detail.

  • Aromatized series. Includes Apple tools, Banana Power in 5 and 10 ml vials. The polymerization rate ranges from 0.5 to 1 second, the effect remains up to 8 weeks, there is no sense of strutty due to the elasticity of the means. The glue is comfortable in operation and quite liquid homogeneous consistency.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_5

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_6

  • Bang Bang. Professional line for experienced masters. The glue provides a snap-down coupling without a long expectation, well holds.

The series is designed specifically to perform volumetric extension.

Packaging 5 and 10 ml.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_7

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_8

  • Effect. The composition for masters with extensive experience belongs to the new generation of means with accelerated polymerization - not more than 1 second for the coupling. The effect is saved up to 8 weeks.

During the work, the composition gives a minimum of evaporation, it has an economical flow rate.

The adhesive composition is packaged in the package of 2, 3, 5 and 10 ml, it is undemanding to the working and storage conditions.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_9

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_10

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_11

  • Elegant. Professional cyanoacrylate glue with high polymerization rate - up to 1 second. The composition is sensitive to temperature regime and humidity when working with it. Recommended by the manufacturer for experienced masters. Packaging 2, 3, 5, 10 ml.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_12

  • Exclusive. Glue with the fastest polymerization. It is represented only in bottles of 5 and 10 ml. The composition is insensitive to different atmospheric temperatures and humidity indicators, it is convenient for applying thanks to liquid consistency, it is not lost due to evaporation.

The glue composition is focused on professional masters with extensive experience, harden in 0.5-1 seconds, eliminates the appearance of discomfort from the client.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_13

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_14

  • Fast Clear. Transparent glue in 5 ml bottles, resistant to environmental changes, does not require special storage conditions. The composition is focused on masters with extensive experience, instant polymerization.

The tool is well suited to build up color eyelashes, imperceptibly in front of the eyes, keeps up to 8 weeks without discomfort. Consumption moderate, low level of evaporation.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_15

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_16

  • Safety. . A line with a packing of 5 and 10 ml is recommended for use in people prone to allergies. Fund components do not give evaporation, it is suitable for extension with open eyes. The hitch takes 2-3 seconds, the effect remains up to 5 weeks. Pigment of natural origin.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_17

  • Start. The ruler for novice masters with a polymerization rate of 2 seconds is available in vials of 5 and 10 ml. On the eyelashes glue keeps up to 5 weeks without loss and feelings of discomfort.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_18

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_19

  • The Best. The line with a very high velocity of polymerization is about 0.5 seconds. Designed for experienced masters, the consistency is more liquid, it provides the possibility of an economical consumption of funds when increasing. Resistance up to 8 weeks subject to maintenance rules.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_20

  • Buzzy Bee. The glue composition in bottles of 3, 5, 10 ml, has a convenient liquid consistency. Optimal to work in volumetric equipment techniques is suitable for masters with experience, since the polymerization rate is up to 0.5 seconds.

The composition does not cause discomfort, gives a minimum of evaporation, keeps up to 8 weeks.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_21

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_22

Tips for choosing

Solving what better glue from Barbara is purchased to work, it is necessary to take into account many factors. All important: Master's experience, building type and even the desired effect of the procedure. For example, the black composition with a pigment creates a lining effect, but if the type of appearance of the girl is close to Scandinavian, he will look unnatural. Transparent means are absolutely indispensable when working with color eyelashes or when creating natural images.

In addition, other factors have importable importance.

  1. Polymerization rate . The Barbara brand has the compositions in which it happens instantly. It is convenient if the beams of eyelashes are fixed, rather heavy, capable of falling under their weight when working. Newbies are better not to choose glue rules with polymerization indicators faster than 1 second - it will be difficult to work.
  2. Duration of wearing . Hypoallergenic compositions and means for beginner masters hold no more than 5-6 weeks. Extraseal longer retain their effect. On average, Barbara's eyelashes are holding up to 8 weeks.
  3. Purpose . Colorless compounds are suitable for working with color eyelashes. There is a Bang Bang series to create a bulk building, BUZZY BEE, which take into account the features of this technique.
  4. Volume of Flacon . The main series is available in a volume of 5 and 10 ml. If the wizard's work is carried out in daily mode, it is better to immediately take a large container. Some of the most popular rules also have a packing of 2 and 3 ml, convenient for testing or not too frequent use.
  5. Availability of special requirements for storage and use . They are not only in the top compositions. For most types of glue still have to create the necessary operating conditions.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_23

These are the main tips for choosing glue for eyelashes from Barbara brand. In addition, it is worth considering the experience, personal preferences of the wizard, the type of material used. Then the results of work will be impressive.

Recommendations for use

When working with some adhesions you need Observe the level of humidity in the room in the range of 40-70%, the temperature range from +18 to +24 degrees Celsius . This applies to the Buzzy Bee, Elegant, Start, Apple, Banana Power series.

Sticking is possible only for pure, skimmed eyelashes, in the future it is not for the use of creamy cargoing faces.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_24

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_25

Work with Barbara's funds does not cause difficulties even with newcomers in the field of Lashmeking. It is enough to follow the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Prepare eyelashes on ribbons or in beams.
  2. Open the tube.
  3. Take a drop of glue. Holding the eyelashes with tweezers, press them to a natural hairs separated from others.
  4. Fix to polymerization. At the best compositions, it happens instantly.
  5. Repeat all over a row.
  6. Upon completion of the bottle, close. Eyelashes combing with a special brush.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_26

Before using the bottle is necessarily shaken for mixing. When working it is necessary to eliminate contact with the skin, the mucous membrane of the eye. After using the adhesive composition, the tip of the bottle is flushed with a napkin that does not have a beser coating.

Storage is recommended strictly in the standing position, you should avoid decays of the container.

Review reviews

According to the masters, adhesives for Lashmeiking from the Barbara brand deserve attention. The brand does not apply to the category of the most expensive or elite, is available to most newbies. There is an economical flow - up to 6 drops on both eyes, a 3 ml bottle grabs for several months.

Experienced specialists note that the declared fixation rate really corresponds to reality. In addition, the compositions do not cause allergies, give a minimum of evaporation, and after applying they retain elasticity.

Does not do without displeased masters. They note that the compositions are sensitive to temperature change and at + 18 ° C can become too liquid . Many learned the problem of humidity, simply laying nearby cottage discs. For beginners, Barbara products may seem too far in polymerization, it is worth carefully approaching the choice.

Barbara's eyelash extension glue: Effect, Elegant, Exclusive, their characteristics and makeup, Masters reviews 23767_27

About the glue for eyelash extension from Barbara brand Looking further.

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