Extension of eyelashes with the effect of "Kim Kardashian" (29 photos): Eyelash extension scheme with the effect of "races", bending and volume 2D and others in the style of Kim Kardashian


Women who have from nature there are no beautiful and lush eyelashes, today can take advantage of the services of the master and resort to extension. Such a simple procedure allows you to achieve an incredible effect, for example, become the owner of the eyes, like Kim Kardashian.

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

What it is?

Eyelashes with the effect of "Kim Kardashian" have special charm. From side It seems that some sectors' cilias are a little more than others in the ciliary row, naturalness remains, despite the greater length of hairs.

Eased rays have any interval among themselves. Often the master takes into account the natural data of the girl and takes into account the result expected after increasing.

Kardashian style extension allows you to get the desired volume even those girls who have very rare hairs . A peculiar 3D effect is created, while uneven length emphasizes naturalness. The eyes are neatly framed by eyelashes, which get to the eyebrows, while there is no feeling of a puppet look.

If you want to achieve an additional effect, you can build up and in the lower eyelid.

Such a view has a unique charm, it turns out open, attractive and mounted.

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

One of the advantages of the equipment is to suit girls of any age and type. As a result, the desired volume and length appears. There are no contraindications in the method, however, the representatives of the beautiful sex who have to wear glasses will have to go to the lenses.

If you continue to wear a rim, the eyelashes will break about the glass, as a result, the whole effect will be lost in a few days.

To achieve the desired result, the girl will have to spend at least three hours on the wizard's couch. You should not expect that the result will last long. Due to the long length, artificial hairs are quickly peeling, so the correction may be required in two weeks.

Masters do not cease to repeat: The larger volume the girl wants, the faster it will have to go for correction.

Of the advantages that the fair sex representatives noted are the desired volume and length. Besides, The image is suitable for any style of clothing, it can be used in everyday life . Despite the big length of the eyelashes, they do not stand out and are not thrown into the eyes, like, for example, "spider legs".

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

With such eyelashes, others will not immediately notice tired eyes. The technique and the ladies who have a hanging eyelid, as the eyelashes hide this flaw perfectly.

Among other things, you can save on the carcass, because it is additionally tedging such eyelashes is not necessary.

Despite the large number of advantages, the effect of "Kim" has several significant drawbacks:

  • long procedure;
  • The effect is not saved for more than two weeks;
  • Eyelashes can be laid on the tips if wearing glasses.

With extreme caution, you will need a girl to carry out morning procedures. Retained eyes contraindicated, you need to carefully remove makeup, without having a strong mechanical impact on the material Used during extension.

Girls should be known that not everyone is ready to work with the technique and realize dreams, because the fashion described style entered only in 2016, so the first masters did not study it within the framework of the basic course.

If the master is not familiar with the technique, then the desired result is not worth waiting. First, you will need to disassemble the scheme in detail before getting to work.

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of


Before proceeding with work, each wizard checks whether he has everything at hand.

To create the necessary effect, you will need:

  • overhead hairs;
  • cotton disks or silicone tabs;
  • glue composition;
  • degreaser;
  • tweezers;
  • tray.

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

Bends and volume

The most important thing in the implementation of the desired effect "Kim" is to properly select the size of the eyelashes. The master combines them not only in length, but also in thickness, the form of bend.

Every girl has to work individually, only then the amazing look is obtained, naturalness is not lost.

The thickness of hairs in the described technique varies from 0.5 to 0.10 mm. Length is always an individual indicator, since it should be no more than 2 mm from natural eyelashes.

If the length increases to the outer edge, then the shortest cilia will be 7 mm, while popping hairs should be more than 3 mm.

No restrictions, as well as recommendation on bending, no. It is worth noticeing to the girl before you understand what exactly she is suitable. Most often use two options: C and D . They can be distributed through the ciliary row in chaotic order.

For the described technique it is better to use mink As it has less weight, respectively, will last longer.

In addition, such artificial eyelashes have an incomparable gloss, so it seems that the girl is just healthy, well-groomed hairs.

Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

How to do?

If you study the increment scheme in the details, then in practice everything will be not so difficult. Before starting the main job, the master is required to first examine a series of cilia from the client.

Natural hairs grow inconsistently, and almost always this is not one row, but several. Short eyelashes are glued along the lower, so this row is required to determine the first.

Long placed on top row, but only after the first stage will be completed.

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    There are two techniques how to make the effect of Kim Kardashian.

    • All short eyelashes must be one size , For example, 8 mm. They will be needed to connect in advance in the beam and open it. The amount of hairs in such a beam depends on the volume of the girl expects. Long eyelashes are attached to the same principle and of the same length.
    • According to the second scheme, the length of hairs gradually increases to the outer edge . If the master takes for a starting length of 7 mm at the very edge, then by the middle this figure should increase to 10 mm. By the end, the length is reduced again. In advance, the master does not install the interval that will be respected between long eyelashes. It is always chosen arbitrarily and depends on the individual characteristics of the girl.

    To create the desired effect, it is desirable for short hairs to use bending C, and for long - D. In this case, it all depends on the fancy of the wizard, because there may be other no less attractive options.

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    The procedure itself consists of a certain sequence of steps.

    • First, the client is conveniently located on the couch. You can offer her plaid or pillow, because in the same position she will have to spend a lot of time.
    • Silicone patches are placed as protection against adhesive composition on the lower eyelids. Some masters use special scotch. These funds also help prevent eyelashes.
    • Eyelashes need to first comb, but before that, the tool is treated with an antiseptic.
    • Now the hairs degreased. If this is not done, then the material will last less time, since the adhesion of artificial and natural eyelashes will be low quality.
    • The first to build short hairs along the bottom row.
    • The material is lowered into the glue. It is pre-poured in a small amount in a special capacity. At the tip of the beam, there should be no ball from the composition.
    • Tweezers cling one hairs to which the prepared open beam sticks.
    • A bundle is applied to the eyelary, while the distance to the century should be from 1 mm, that is, close artificial material is not attached.
    • When the lower eyelary series of the upper eyelid will be filled, you can start decorated with the second.
    • Bundles with long hairs are glued in random order.
    • When the work is over, you need to comb eyelashes and see where empty places remained.
    • At the end of the patches are cleaned - now you can enjoy the result obtained.

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Not every girl is ready to decide on extension, and there can be a lot of reasons for this. In this case You can not deny yourself the pleasure and use to create a style of Kim Kardashian overhead eyelashes.

    First you need to apply a tinting agent, then eyeliner. It is best to use a soft pencil, which outlines the eyeling outline in the upper eyelid. After it is chosen with the help of the applicator. Next take dark shadows and apply all over the century.

    Now it will be necessary to make up the natural eyelashes of mascara, only after it dries, you can stick overhead hairs.

    Already after the adhesive composition takes place well, the masters advise to use the liquid eyeliner, which is emphasized by the eyelash.

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    If the girl wants the eyelashes to look natural, and not theatrically, then the invoice should not be too long. The hairs can only be one third longer than their own.

    Some girls prefer to abandon the described method Due to irritation from the adhesive composition. You can avoid this if you use silicone glue . In addition, such a means is effectively even if the representative of the fine floor fell under the rain. However, the product is more expensive, but the quality is noticeably different.

    Once the Kardashian made a confession that he does not like to build up and negatively refers to it. The girl prefers with false eyelashes made from mink fur, as this technique does not harm her eyes and looks natural.

    Among other things, the use of false eyelashes makes the effect of "Kim" available to every representative of the fine sex.

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of


    When the master completes his work, he always gives a good advice on how to care for such eyelashes. If compared with other technicians, then the subsequent careful attitude towards artificial material is no different.

    The first 24 hours a girl can not wet his eyes. Strictly prohibited for several days to go to the sauna and bath, use makeup to remove makeup.

    Those who are used to sleep on the stomach will also have to tolerate. If you lie face down, the eyelashes can simply stay on the pillow from pressure.

    Due to the large volume and the length of the eyes, even if it really wants it, it is impossible.

    Any mechanical impact will lead to the fact that the material will not withstand the load and fall off with natural eyelashes.

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Extension of eyelashes with the effect of

    Any contact with glasses glasses also need to be excluded. This is the time when it is time to go to lenses.

    If the girl becomes the indicated recommendations, the effect of KIM can survive up to two weeks, which is quite a lot, given the length of hairs.

    Even without a professional, a woman has the opportunity to create an additional effect if it acquires a high-quality invoice material. Such a transformation allows you to save eyelashes with beautiful, healthy. As an additional supply composition after using the adhesive, the plot oil is perfect. It will greatly strengthen the eyelashes and add to them density.

    About how to build eyelashes with the "Kim Kardashian" effect, see the next video.

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