Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation?


Many girls do not know firsthand what is the lamination of eyelashes. Daring to such a procedure, it is important to remember that in some cases there are negative consequences. As is known, laminated relates to cosmetic procedures, in which the eyelashes are covered with keratin: he feeds them, making healthy, beautiful and compelling. Today lamination is at its peak, so it's worth a closer look, what are the absolute and temporary contraindications to this technique.

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_2

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_3

absolute contraindications

Lamination helps lashes to become stronger and healthier. You can not talk about specific indications to the lamination, since the choice is for each of the fair sex, but with contraindications should be very careful.

To begin, we emphasize that laminating eyelashes has almost no absolute contraindications . Precautions should refer to the procedure for those who are allergic to any components that are required during operation. There are cases when the fair floor complain intolerance sera which include keratin, and other substances.

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_4

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_5

Most often, the serum used during lamination eyelashes are hypoallergenic m, but it is not necessary to be completely confident in them, because there are cases when there were rashes and itching.

Typically, such reactions are the girls who are the owners of sensitive skin. Then any serum component may be followed by an allergic reaction.

Before the procedure lamination eyelashes always check the serum. The procedure is standard. It is necessary to put a few drops of the substance on the inner bend of the elbow. Wait a long time do not have: in just 30 minutes you can say for sure whether or not to do lamination eyelashes. If there was any kind of redness or itching, then the procedure is to forget once and for all.

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_6

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_7

A also need to pay close attention to the condition of lashes, as this is the second factor in the decision about the procedure . Very short lashes should not be subjected to stress, because the visible results will still not be able to achieve. Serum acts so that the eyelashes are starting to curl, and therefore without the short hair will look even smaller.

Important: if the skin around the eye is characterized by dryness of the eyelashes lamination procedure should be abandoned.

It is necessary to understand that serum will lead to even greater skin drying in this zone. Irritation will appear on the eyelids, as well as peeling.

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_8

Temporary restrictions

In addition to absolute, there are also temporary restrictions on the lamination procedure of eyelashes. It should be emphasized that they are usually short-term, and also relate to various pathological conditions. If they are eliminated, then no obstacles to lamination will arise. Consider in what cases the procedure should not be carried out.

  • Ophthalmic diseases (precisely during the exacerbation). For example, keratitis or conjunctivitis, other diseases, tears.
  • The diseases of the eyelids, which are presented in acute form: for example, blepharitis or barley.
  • Eating hormonal drugs in order to treat various diseases. It is during this period that the lamination should be abandoned, as well as from extension.
  • Restoration after an ophthalmic surgery or blepharoplasty. After such interventions, it is better to wait at least 7 months.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Research, which would confirm the negative effect of serum on the development of the fetus, no, but it is better not to experiment with the health of the future kid. It will be right to carry out lamination of the eyelashes after the period of breastfeeding will end.
  • If keratin was applied earlier on the eyelashes, the lamination will last long.

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_9

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_10

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_11

Some experts argue that during the menstrual cycle also should not be changed to the procedure, it is better to wait a few days. This is due to the fact that the change of hormonal background often leads to loss of eyelashes. In this case, lamination can be considered short-term.

But there is no categorical prohibition, so every representative of the beautiful sex independently decides.

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_12


Experts note that there are also some other restrictions, Which comes exclusively after laminating eyelashes.

  • It is necessary to abandon the face of the face for a day, not even ordinary water should be applied. As you know, serum is not afraid of water, but in the first day after applying keratin, the hairs actively feeds, saturates with vitamins. If the serum is washing earlier, the effect of its use can be considered only decorative.
  • The formation of the necessary proper bend is not enough one day. Usually this process takes from 2 to 3 days. Specialists advise not to sleep on the stomach, burning face in a pillow. It is undesirable to rub his eyes or scratch their fingers, because such actions can be broken bending.
  • In the first 24 hours, you should forget about the calcination of hairs. Of course, after applying serum on the eyelashes, the effect of gluing or tightening will be felt, but it is brief. After a day, the situation will improve significantly.
  • If you often use cosmetics for eyes and mascara, it is better to abandon alcohol-containing options. Means on the basis of fats should not be applied, since they lead to the dissolution of serum. It is not recommended to paint the hairs in the first couple of days after the procedure.

Some types of carcasses lead to the fact that eyelashes begin to fall out or change their original color.

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_13

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_14

Contraindications to the lamination lash: What are absolute and temporary contraindications for the procedure? Is it possible to laminate during lactation? 23711_15

Even more about the lamination procedure, see the following video.

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