Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point


Golden decorations will never stop being popular. Products made of precious metals are durable and attractive, especially if samples are made from alloy 585. In his features, we will figure it out in today's article.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_2

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_3

What it is?

Sample means the percentage of gold in alloy.

This means that 585 sample says that there are 58.5% of the purest gold in a special jewelry raw material, and everyone else is auxiliary additives.

Often the metal with the 585 breakdown on it is called Chervonny Gold. In the past, the royal worms were preparing. Since the coins made of purest metal soon were abrasion, they decided to make wear-resistant raw materials. This is how the "prototype" of the current 585 gold samples.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_4

History of origin

585 Gold sample appeared not so long ago, she won popularity in 1994.

The new test was replaced in the USSR 583, introduced in 1927, at a time with the fixation of a special system for measuring the alloys of the precious category.

The basis for such changes was the fact that the gold of domestic origin was valued much lower than the same 14-carat alloy in Western countries. Then they decided to increase the volume of pure gold by 0.2%, so that the products resulting in the end fully responded to all adopted international requirements.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_5

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_6

Advantages and disadvantages

To date, goods from gold 585 samples are recognized as high quality, so they can be met in all jewelry salons. The reservation of this alloy is explained by the advantages of which it is different.

  1. Sample alloy 585 is characterized by a sufficient density, which is enough for durable and attractive decorations of different types.
  2. If you compare the price of the considered things with copies of highly probe alloys, it will be more democratic and attractive.
  3. The sample alloy 585 demonstrates high ductility and fuel, so you can make decorations with various cunning patterns and decorative inserts from it.
  4. A considerable share of ligature in the composition of gold jewelry makes it possible to achieve different kinds of interesting tones.

Matter 585 samples does not "suffer from serious flaws. But some worth saying.

Due to a certain percent of the ligature in the composition of such a material over the years, it may begin to darken or be covered with spots.

On the surface of the decorations of the sample under consideration, scratches and other similar damages remain quite easily.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_7

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_8

Composition and properties

In the alloy marked with 585 breakdown, the percentage contains 58.5% of pure gold . The proportion of gold is expressed in grams on cubic cm, and this figure is 19.3 g per cubic meter. See the remaining 41.5%, such a component is given as ligature. An additional element replenishes rawly missing strength and density, contributes to a decrease in the total value of gold products.

The main elements from which ligature consists is silver and copper. It is much less likely to find products from the compositions in which platinum, silicon or nickel play the role of additional inclusions.

They are mostly involved to create beautiful white gold. After a certain number of years of decorations made of 585 samples made from gold, capable of changing the original color and even be covered with noticeable specks. However, this process takes no day nor two, but for many years. If you provide a product competent regular care, then you can not encounter such a problem.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_9

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_10

The alloy density indicators range from 12.8 to 14.76 g per cubic centimeter. These values ​​are depending on the composition of the ligature.

Golden alloys are made more durable due to copper, which contains ligatures. The higher it turns out to be its percentage, the more resistant to frictions the jewelry is obtained. For example, worber gold. It includes copper in large quantities, turns out to be more durable and strong than classic yellow or white material.

However, the specified alloy over time can be covered with scratches or traces of friction. Save a good and fresh product type will allow careful wearing and storage.

As for the melting point of the gold of 585 samples, it turns out to be insignificant. Because of this, the products obtained can undergo a multiple melting, including at home. For gold, the index in question is 940 degrees Celsius. This value not only simplifies the manufacturing process, but also reduces the power of the necessary furnace.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_11

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_12

Shades and stigma

The genuine coloring of gold 585 sample is bright, sunny yellow. However, the presence in the composition of different types of ligature can make its own adjustments by hanging the alloy with the most beautiful shades. Jewelers involve such properties in the manufacture of high-quality jewelry.

Bright colors (up to saturated red) provides presence in copper.

Supplement from silver, based on the percentage, can give products a greenish tint (with small dosages) or white if a third of the total weight of the product is used on silver.

Chrome or cadmium type ligatures can give accessories spectacular black color. Such products are necessarily covered by an additional layer of rhodium.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_13

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_14

Yellow alloy combined with gorgeous platinum, in the end gives beautiful white gold . Such products for many years are at the peak of popularity in people who know the lot in such jewelry.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_15

However, the obtained alloy is quite expensive, so often in the manufacture of such jewelry use more affordable types of ligatures.

  1. White tone The gold alloy manifests itself in the case when it is at least 10% palladium.
  2. If the decoration demonstrates a pleasant Greenish color This suggests that there are zinc additives in its content.
  3. Pale yellow shade It is achieved in the case of an introduction to the nickel content. But here it is important to keep in mind that this metal may well serve as the manifestation of allergenic or magnetic properties. The unfavorable factors of the impact of ligatures on the human body can be neutralized only with the help of applying the coating, which subsequently has to be updated.

Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_16

    To designate a specific sample, on decorations made of precious metals Special stamps are applied . It testifies not only about a certain variety of the product, but also serves as confirmation of its genuine origin. In Russia, the role of stigma involves a relief drawing of a female person in profile. After it is set to a digital mark.

    On the jewelry products of Soviet times, a star was depicted, in the inner part of which the sickle and hammer fit. Numeric designations differ. Instead of 585 samples exhibited 583.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_17

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_18

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_19

    Comparison with other samples

    Consider than gold 585 samples may differ from other similar alloys.

    From 583.

    The main features of 583 and 585 samples are the same and do not differ. The difference lies solely in their composition - at 0.2% of gold. The main thing is that 585 sample is distinguished by its fixation as an officially established standard. Decorations with 583 breakdown are currently no longer available, current stamps with such a numeric mark no longer found in modern products.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_20

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_21

    From 375.

    Decorations made of gold in demand 585 samples are noticeably different from the base products from 375 alloy. They are different not only on external qualities, but also by their physical qualities. The sample material 585 is not so rapidly losing its original colors and does not leave traces in the skin, which cannot be said about 375 alloy.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_22

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_23


    Today, the alloy of the category in question, characterized by excellent quality, is the most common jewelry raw material in Russia . From it produce all sorts of types of jewelry. It is also often involved in the role of a gilding of trendy products made of noble silver.

    Often, the gilding is also found on high-quality jewelry, which is originally produced not from precious materials.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_24

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_25

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_26

    If we consider in more detail, then the sample alloy 585 can be used in the following fields:

    • in the jewelry industry for the manufacture of accessories;
    • in the production of electronic systems;
    • in the manufacture of church or objects of various cults;
    • in chemical production;
    • In the role of products conservation products.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_27

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_28

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_29

    How to determine the sample of gold?

    Find out what kind of gold is not difficult. Jewelers may in a short time calculate the value of the value of the instance, can provide a guarantee . This is elementary and one of the most reliable solutions.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_30

    If you want to approach the definition of the sample more seriously and responsibly, in the Russian State Tube Chamber, individuals are taken.

    Here they will be able to unmistakably determine the sample, and then set a confirmation of stigma.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_31

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_32

    If you want to identify the sample of gold at home, then there are several actual ways to suit this.

    1. Check jewelry With vinegar. Immerse the accessory there and immediately see the result. Natural gold 585 samples will not change its color.
    2. T You can also check use a magnet - This is another of the popular ways. . If the jewelry decoration is well and fragile to him, it will say that it is made of steel or gilding, because the quality alloy 585 of the sample cannot be.
    3. Cry to the decoration under consideration. A genuine product from a high-quality alloy will not even exhibit even catchy odors.
    4. If at home there is an unreleased ceramics tile, it can be carefully lost about its surface with gold jewelry. If you have noticed that dark or grayish traces after such manipulations appeared, it will indicate that you are not genuine gold of the specified sample.
    5. Also checking gold can be carried out Using a powder means for causing a wound or lapis. These are simple ways to identify metal. Moisten a slightly decoration, apply a small amount of Lyapis on its surface. If the material suddenlyurns, it will talk about the fact that you are not gold, but a fake.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_33

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_34

    Despite the large number of different ways, Determine the sample and the origin of gold at home you still can not . This is due to the fact that for all tests it is necessary to have specialized materials at hand, namely: chloride gold, nitric acid and the test needle.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_35

    Features of care

    Despite the fact that Gold 585 samples does not suffer from serious shortcomings and looks attractive, it does not mean that the decorations from it do not require the right and regular care. Consider in more detail how you can take care of such jewelry to keep their attractive appearance.

    1. You can prepare a special solution. To do this, mix a tablespoon of any detergent and a teaspoon of ammonium hydroxide. The resulting mixture will need to be mixed with boiling water. It is best to do it in deep containers. Next, gold, which requires cleaning, add to the prepared composition and leave there for a while. After that, the gold decoration is enough to rinse under running water, and then wipe with a dry cloth or a napkin.
    2. A special soap solution is often used to clean gold, in which there are 40 ml of hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of the ammonia. The resulting composition is laid gold decoration 585 samples. In solution, it should be soared for at least 30 minutes. After that, the decoration must be reached, rinse and suck.
    3. You can update the appearance of gold jewelry using an ordinary cook salt. This is a cheap and effective method. It will take 3 tablespoons of salts to dissolve in half a glass of warm water. After that, the resulting liquid will need to lower the decoration and leave there for 12 hours.
    4. You can put a foil sheet on the bottom of the saucepans. It should lay out a golden decoration that needs cleaning. The dishes are required to pour with a solution prepared from 2-table spoons of soda and 1 cup of water. The composition together with the product should be left overnight. In the morning, the decoration will need to be removed from the solution, rinse under running water and rub with a cloth or dry napkin.
    5. If conventional methods of cleaning gold turned out to be useless, it makes sense to refer to mechanical stress. If there is no additional inclusions on the decoration in the form of precious stones, then you can do this way: to squeeze a little toothpaste on a toothbrush with a soft pile. Then the polluted areas of gold jewelry will need to be brushed, wipe the sponge, moistened in alcohol solution. After all these actions, the golden decoration need to rinse under running water and wipe dry.
    6. If you need to clean the decoration made of white gold, a solution is suitable made of ammonia and alcohol. You will need to immerse the jewelry and leave for a few hours. After that, the thing must necessarily rinse and how to dry.
    7. If you have a gold jewelry with inserts from precious or semi-precious stones, you need to remember that in the case of too coarse and non-accurate cleaning of inclusion, it can break away from the base. You can get rid of dirty particles accumulated on pebbles using conventional cotton sticks pre-dipped in alcohol.
    8. If the decoration is supplemented with diamonds, it cannot be soaked in the composition described above and even in ordinary water. This is due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of precious stones are simply glued on the gold base and can fall off.
    9. Today, gold jewelry with a matte surface are very popular and fashionable. They also need to carefully care for them so that they do not lose pristine beauty. It is impossible to use any abrasive compounds, too hard towels or toothbrushes - the listed means can leave a lot of damage on the matte surface.
    10. To clean the matte gold jewelry, the win-win solution will be their immersion in 25% ammonia solution. No more than 12 hours should be spent on soching. After this temporary interval, the jewelry must be rinsed well under running water, and then dry.

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_36

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_37

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_38

    Gold 585 samples (39 photos): What is it? Is the best sample? Composition in percent and density, melting point 23657_39

    In the next video, some features of the 585 sample are considered.

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