What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated?


The modern jewelry market is very extensive and diverse. Connoisseurs of precious stones and noble metals will be able to choose all that only their souls. In addition, the professionalism of jewelers has now reached the highest degree of skill, which allows them to create decorations by individual order and take into account all the preferences of their client. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the buyer and his desire.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_2

White gold characteristic

Represented by the abundance of the choice of jewelry, always the question arises which gem metal is worth choosing. To know a clear answer to this question, it is necessary to expand your horizons slightly and form at least a general idea of ​​the form of metal that I would like to give preference.

If the choice and opportunity indicate one of the most expensive and luxurious types of metal, then you need to keep in mind that Gold, which is talking about, has several types of color: yellow, white and even red . Most often confused yellow and white gold. Let's try to deal with the differences and which of the two options it is better to choose. Let's start with the characteristics of white gold.

White gold - This is an alloy of precious metal, which in our time enjoys frantic popularity. This is quite simple - on external signs it is very easy to confuse with platinum, although the cost of platinum is significantly more expensive.

The win-win combination is the inlay of such a noble metal of white shades by natural pearls or diamonds.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_3

As additional elements for white gold can be used:

  • platinum;
  • palladium;
  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • nickel.

Platinum - The component of the component of the white gold of 750 samples, which does not have any comments, because it is hypoallergenic, has increased strength and dazzling gloss.

One substantial minus is the price, since platinum is a very expensive precious metal.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_4

Palladium - A safe element in the composition of white gold 585 samples, but it has less strength and is poorly polished.

In this case, the decorations are covered with a layer of rhodium.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_5

The cheaper and affordable majority of consumers is considered an alloy with the addition of nickel - an element that is not precious metal. However, it is considered a strong allergen, so prohibited in a number of countries. If still the choice falls on White Gold 375 Samples , as part of which nickel may be, it is better to consult with the seller on this.

During contact of this metal, irritations or rashes may appear with skin.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_6

Zinc It also does not apply to the precious metal, and therefore it is a product, which is present, is distinguished by a characteristic shade of gray flowers and an increased tendency to rapid oxidation.

The same effect can be obtained by 375 sample jewelry, which contains silver.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_7

White gold is rightfully belongs to a number of advantages, among which it is worth highlighting several.

  1. Raising status The owner of the decoration in the eyes of society, because many will think that it is made of real platinum.
  2. Uniqueness and uniqueness of the product. With this type of gold, it is possible to embody even the most intricate design ideas, and the originality of the forms will add charm and grace.
  3. Fashion peak . The representatives of the beautiful gender, which decided to purchase white gold, demonstrate their knowledge of fashion trends: Currently, this gold is in the greatest demand, and the products of white tones are considered one of the most fashionable decorations.
  4. Universal alloy color. White gold is better in harmony with all kinds of precious stones that it can be inlaid, and is also ideal for any dress.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_8

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_9

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_10

Features of yellow metal

Yellow Gold - Traditional noble metal in understanding most connoisseurs of jewelry. It can have both very light (closer to the lemon) shade and more rich yellow.

The basis of the yellow variant of the precious metal is gold 585 or 750 samples, and the remaining parts are filled with copper and silver.

Silver must prevail in a percentage of copper to muffle its shade of reddish tones.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_11

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_12

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_13

We list the main advantages that the gold of a yellow shade possesses.

  1. Color solution. Yellow shade is inherent only in real gold.
  2. Optimum option for any skin color . This metal perfectly harmonizes with any touch of the skin and becomes with its owner of a beautiful tandem.
  3. Variety variations. All jewels of yellow shades look great. Ideally look like simple products, focused on minimalism, and complex designer decorations, decorated with precious and semi-precious stones.
  4. Availability. As part of such a decoration (without additional inclusions and additions) there are no expensive elements, and therefore, anyone who wants to buy a yellow gold product, even without much financial opportunities.

Yellow gold having a light tint has a smaller percentage of gold, therefore it is considered to be more resistant to adverse effects on the part of the environment . His durability and "captures" many jewel lovers.

However, the product from such a "useful" feature is valued significantly lower.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_14

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_15

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_16

What is the difference?

White gold differs from yellow alloy composition Based on which various metals can be used. Additional elements are: palladium, zinc, manganese and others.

It is worth considering the fact that each view has its advantages and disadvantages.

  1. White gold, for example, now in fashion . The yellow is considered a more traditional and universal metal. They no longer surprise anyone.
  2. Yellow gold is cheaper, as it has no platinum impurities, which is very expensive. In addition, it is softer than white, so with time it can be very deformed. It is also easier to scratch it. On the contrary, white gold is distinguished by an increased level of strength (due to platinum, which is included in its composition).
  3. Each of these noble metals is beautiful and unique in its own way. And what better to choose - Solve only the buyer. Sometimes the choice, of course, depends not only on its own preferences, but in many respects from financial capabilities.

If it is difficult to make a choice in favor of any of two precious metals, it makes sense to come to a compromise and find a decoration where yellow and white gold will be together.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_17

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_18

Is it possible to remember yellow gold in white?

White gold has in its composition either palladium, or nickel, due to which the characteristic white shade appears.

Make yellow gold white quite possible . To do this, it is used very resistant to corrosion metal - rhodium. It covers the surface of yellow gold, which acquires the shade of white.

Only a jeweler in his workshop can carry out the professional processing of gold decoration of yellow in its workshop.

True, it will require additional cash. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees of successful transformation, as it is not known how long the rhodium on the surface of the product will be held, as well as how uniform and high quality it will cover the decoration. To implement this type of processing, you need to know exactly from which alloy is the convertible material. The success of the metallization process depends on this.

What is the difference between white gold from yellow? What is better to choose? What are their differences and can it be white from yellow? What is cheaper and more appreciated? 23652_19

About how to care for gold jewelry, you can find out in the following video.

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