Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental


Estimation of centuries Jewelry was considered a sign of wealth or even luxury. A competently selected accessory pointed out the taste of its owner. Nowadays, gold jewelry are a wonderful gift for young girls and adult women. Do not forget about the luxurious presents for men. To give the yellow metal of an expressive appearance, specialists use special coatings.

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_2

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_3

What it is?

At the peak of popularity there are decorations, in the manufacture of which the technology of gold is used. During the execution of this procedure, a coating from another metal is applied to the product - rhodium.

Ringing is used when working with decorations of various samples, including 585 samples, which is a standard for most jewelry.

As a result of processing, the yellow material acquires a light shade and becomes similar to white gold.

Rhodium refers to precious metals and enters the metals of the platinum group. It has all the necessary physical and chemical properties. It is a solid and inert element, which is part of a periodic table of Mendeleev. In addition, experts noted the high reflectivity of the rhodium, thanks to which the decorations acquire expressive shine and radiance.

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_4

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_5

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_6

The substance used for processing jewelry was opened in 1803. Due to a minor number of deposits of this metal, its value is constantly increasing.

A light and shining coating performs not only visual, but also practical purpose. Do not forget that gold is although a beautiful metal, but soft on nature.

With a slight load, it deforms, other defects appear on it.

Ringing makes the product stronger, removes excessive plasticity.

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_7

The coating with rhodium is used for the following purposes:

  • changes in the color shade of the product;
  • decoration shading;
  • strengthening clasp;
  • Processing places intended for inlaying products by stones.

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_8

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_9

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_10

Advantages and disadvantages

Rhodium coating has its advantages and disadvantages that were marked by connoisseurs of jewelry and professional jewelers.

This procedure has a number of positive characteristics.

  • Metal processing from platinum group gives products a unique appearance. Rhodium-covered jewelry becomes more shining, expressive and noble. In addition, such an appearance is maintained even with intensive operation of jewelry.
  • If you want to maintain an old product from a noble metal, it is recommended to give it to the jewelry workshop by ordering the parent service. Such processing will change the chemical features of the metal, and due to this, the service life will significantly last.
  • A layer of noble and light metal makes items less vulnerable to a negative environmental impact, for example, to temperatures and various reagents. Processed products are not afraid of alkali, acids, chlorine and other aggressive components. This factor is important for those who wear jewelry almost always.
  • With the help of rhodium, experts change the standard color of gold. In most cases, when using a platinum metal metal, a white glossy shade of the surface of the gold jewelry is achieved. However, with the help of additional chemical elements, you can give the product and another unusual shade.
  • Due to the processing, you can refresh the old decoration, giving them a modern appearance. This is a small service service that is affordable to the pocket of each wishes.

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_11

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_12

Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_13

    The main advantages relating to the use of rhodium in the jewelry sphere are listed. In fact, the advantages of such treatment are much more. Despite numerous advantages, this procedure also has its drawbacks.

    Cons concluded in the following points.

    • Changing the appearance of the product is simultaneously considered both the advantage and disadvantage. The fact is that due to the rhodium it is difficult to visually determine the metal from which the decoration is made. Some buyers who pay special attention to jewelry, can define gold sample. But this is where all users know how. In order not to become a victim of scams, spending money for a fake, you need to buy a purchase in a proven store. It is also recommended to check the documentation that is attached to each decoration.
    • The following drawback is to erase the coverage. Despite the strength and wear resistance of the rhodium, when processing products, a thin layer is applied, which is erased over time. In this case, it will have to constantly update the coating, and these are additional financial expenses.

    Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_14

    Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_15

      The visual effect of processing and its service life depends on the wizard performing the work, and other factors.

      The rhodium layer may have different thickness, which varies from 0.1 to 0.25 millimeters.

      From this parameter, wear resistance, practicality and stability of an additional layer to external influence depends.

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_16

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_17


      Now specialists working in the jewelry area use several technology of parental. During the execution of this process, electrolysis is used.

      This is a special physicochemical process that requires special skills and skills.

      Before parenting, it is necessary to prepare jewelry. They are thoroughly clean with special solutions and polish. Then they degrease the alkali and washed - sequentially in hot and cold water. In the final preparation, the product is kept for a few seconds in a solution of sulfuric acid. This is done in order to increase adhesion riding with the surface of gold.

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_18

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_19

      At the same time, a liquid solution from the rhodium salts is prepared. The products are immersed in a bath with a liquid through which the electric current is passed. In the process of performing the processing of the molecule of this platinum metal form a smooth and smooth layer.

      The maximum coating thickness number 25 micrometers. This indicator is 4 times less than the thickness of the human hair.

      White gold coating

      When using the birth to process products from white metals, an additional layer is applied over the entire surface of the product. This is due to the fact that the base alloy coincides with the color with a protective coating. Even when erasing or damage to the top layer, the difference will not be noticeable. In some cases, when working with light precious metals, parental is used for protective purposes.

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_20

      Treatment of yellow and red gold

      In this case, the masters adhere to the same technology and when working with white gold. The main difference concludes in partial application of rhodium on the surface of the product. The fact is that over time the main metal will begin to gradually come across an additional layer. As a result, the appearance of the decoration will deteriorate, aesthetics will break.

      When working with colored dragainst metals, we give birth to only lodge for stones, increasing their reflective ability. After processing, the brightness of the radiance increases significantly.

      Ringing is very similar to the gilding process. In both cases, a thin layer of metal is applied on the product, which changes the appearance of the product and acts as protection. The main difference is that the layer of birth gives white color, and the gilding is yellow.

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_21

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_22

      Processing varieties

      Coating with rhodium is used for several purposes. There are several types of coating that are used by professionals not one decade.

      Standard processing is used in most cases. With its help, the product acquire a cold shine and a silver shade. The coating is saved for a long time, extending the service life.

      This coating option is used when working with gold, silver and even jewelry.

      Black Parisions

      In this case, the usual protective properties of the metal layer are preserved, and the items receive a noble and refined black. With this processing, the product acquire an antique look. The master can adjust the saturation of the coating: from light gray to a saturated black color. This processing option is wonderful for the product with black stones or pearls. The original effect is achieved at the expense of a special chemical composition.

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_23

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_24

      Care for decorations

      Food products need careful and regular care. And although rhodium increases the strength and wear resistance of jewelry, but still it is a thin coating layer, which is erased over time.

      So that the products processed by rhodium looked presented, the coating should be updated periodically.

      The basic rules with processed products are concluded at several points.

      • Store jewelry is needed in a separate box or case.
      • Despite the resistance of the birth to chemical compositions, it is desirable to protect the decorations from contact with reagents.
      • Before bedtime, cleaning, drawing cosmetics and the use of household chemicals, it is necessary to remove.
      • Rings are especially susceptible to erasure. As soon as they lose a presentable appearance, they should be passed to the jewelry workshop.
      • It is recommended to periodically clean the products. Work should be performed without the use of aggressive or abrasive substances. You can use a soft cloth or brushes.

      Riding Gold: What it is, 585 and other samples, technology of white and red rhodium coverage, pros and cons of parental 23642_25

      For the benefits of the parenting, see the following video.

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