Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home?


Human acquaintance with silver consists of millennium: noble metal mined and used in states that existed before N. NS. And today, silver is widely used in industry, medicine, for the manufacture of jewelry. Products made of silver metal look elegantly and exquisitely. Unfortunately, They can be covered with an ugly yellow raid.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_2

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_3

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_4

Main reasons

Silver belongs to the group of noble metals, which are known for the fact that they practically do not react with other elements of the Mendeleev table. However, this is the most unstable metal of precious. Interacting with the environment, in contact with the human body and various objects, Silver is exposed to individual chemical elements and, as a result, darkens. This process is slow, which is somewhat accelerated in conditions of high humidity, at high temperatures, under the influence of light.

Without reacting to hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, metal is quite sensitive to volatile sulfur compounds, for example, to hydrogen sulfide.

In the conditions of perfectly clean air with silver would not have happened. But in reality in the air there are always many compounds and substances. Sulfur is no exception.

One of its sources is human activity. For example, sulfur dioxide is formed when coal burning, in the process of industrial enterprises. The element is widely used as part of fertilizers, in medical preparations. In addition, it is present in many food products, in animals and vegetable organisms, in the household item around us. And this means that a small concentration of the element connections is always present, and we cannot exclude the interaction of substances. As a result, silver turns yellow.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_5

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_6

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_7

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the sulfur for the vital activity of the human body . Especially it is a lot of muscle tissue, in the skin. And it is also known that there are a lot of sweat glands on the human body, allocations through which constantly occur. Among other products, along with then sulfur compounds are displayed. Therefore, it is not to be surprised that after a long wearing on the finger, the ring has become copper color, and the decorations that come into contact with the body (chains, earrings, pendants, bracelets) begin to yellow. The process is accelerating if there is a contact of jewelry with aggressive to silver means of household chemicals and cosmetics.

Silver yellow and under the influence of bromine or iodine. These elements are also present in many products, medical preparations. Bromine is used in the production of dyes for fabrics. There is another unpleasant reason, due to which the products can ship: you have acquired a fake from cheap metals, outwardly similar to silver. Such metals are quite quickly oxidized and change color. Or the product is silver plated, the thin layer of precious metal has thinned and erased in the socks process. In this case, yellowish spots will appear on the decoration.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_8

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_9

Methods cleaning

Of course, if you have a fake decoration, no way of cleaning will give the product silver color. Even if you manage to remove the layer of oxide film, the yellow will return very quickly again. Ways to combat an annoying problem in silver exist. First of all, you can contact the jewelry workshop, where the master will perform the procedure professionally.

This is especially true of expensive things, decorations with inserts from precious and semi-precious stones.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_10

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_11

Clean the product from yellowness can be at home . Best do it with special means . Their in a considerable amount offers the modern industry. The compositions are purposefully designed to clean products from precious metals.

Among them are both universal solutions and designed specifically for silver products. Popular products are popular Talisman, "Alladin", "Adamas", Shine Coins, German Pasta Silberpflege Centralin and many others. They help not only clean from yellowness, but also returned to silver things glitter. It is only important not to exceed the time of exposure of things in solution. Detailed instructions are usually located on a package or product label.

Funds are not suitable for products in which there are inserts from organic stones: amber, pearls, turquoise, corals. You can not use products for black or bought silver, for products with enamel. Warning This is also contained on the label.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_12

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_13

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_14

If for some reason it did not work out to purchase a ready-made means Remove the flare you can try with the help of fools . For example, in each house there are soda, a cheap product is easy to purchase at any grocery store. From Soda and water It is necessary to cook Cashitz, and then rub it product. And can also be done in a small capacity hot solution of 1-2 tablespoons of soda and 500 ml of water, to put foil onto the bottom of the tank and lower the water Product for a few minutes. The product extracted from the soda solution was washed in warm water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_15

Another affordable product - Toothpaste or powder. They are applied to a soft toothbrush and neatly clean silver things. The products are then rinsed in running water and wipe dry.

However, this method must be used carefully, since products can be abrasive. Such cleaning is not suitable for products with rhodium coating, black, enamel.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_16

For clarifying highly particulate surfaces, you can use ammonia. Two tablespoons are bred in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution omit the product and withstand about 15 minutes. Then the product is removed and removed the darkening with a paper napkin.

The procedure does not require subsequent washing with water. The method is suitable for products without stones.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_17

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_18

Care rules

The natural desire of any owner of silver products is that they maintain a presentable look as longer. To do this, they need to properly care for them and not ignore the advice of specialists. First of all, things need Suitable . It is necessary to choose a darkened dry place. Usually, caskets are used for jewelry. It is desirable that they are made of lacquer-covered wood. Caskets should be closed tightly, and their bottom should be covered with cotton or linen fabric. If there are no separate compartments in the tank, pack the decorations in plastic or velvet case cases.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_19

If long-term storage is assumed, it is necessary to apply Polyethylene fastening bags. For an additional exclusion of air access to products, they can be wrapped in special paper, previously cleaned. The product used follows periodically wash warm water with soap, And then thoroughly wipe dry with a soft cloth. For better cleansing, you can take a brush, The bristles of which should not be tough to avoid the appearance of scratches.

Before performing any homework, it is recommended to remove to eliminate the impact of cleaning agents. And also decorations should be removed before visiting the gym, baths or saunas. In addition, avoid sinking cosmetic products.

Silver yellowed: what does it turn yellow on the body and how to clean the silver from yellowness at home? 23588_20

About how to clean silver at home, see the next video.

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