Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch


The cello belongs to the string scam music tools of the violin family, so the basic principles of the game and technically possible receptions in these tools are similar, with the exception of some nuances. We will find out whether it is difficult to learn how to play a cello from scratch, what is the basic difficulties and how to overcome them a novice cellist.


The first lessons of the future cellist are no different from the initial practices of other musicians: the teacher prepares a beginner to the immediate game of the instrument. Since the cello is a rather major musical instrument, having about 1.2 m in length and about 0.5 m in the widest - the bottom - part of the case, then you need to sit. Therefore, at the first lessons, the student is taught properly landing with a tool.

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_2

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_3

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_4

In addition, on the same lessons, the cello size is selected for the student.

The choice of tools is based on the age and features of the general physical development of a young musician, as well as on some of its anatomical data (growth, length of hands and fingers).

Summing up, in the first lessons learners find out:

  • Cello design;
  • What and how to sit with a tool when playing;
  • How to keep cello right.

In addition, he begins to study the tight literacy, the foundations of the rhythm and meter.

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_5

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_6

And a couple of lessons are allocated to teach the legis and right hands. The left hand must learn how to properly cover the neck of the grid and move around the neck up and down. The right hand will be preserved with the hold of a bow. True, this is a difficult task even for adults, not to mention the children. It is good that for children the bow is not as huge as adult musicians (1/4 or 1/2).

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_7

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_8

But in these lessons continues to study a note letter. The student already knows the range to the major and the name of the twist of the cello, starting with the tolstoy itself: to and a large octave salt, re and la with small octaves.

Having learned the first lessons, you can go to practice - start learning to play a tool.

How to learn to play?

In terms of technology, a cello game due to its large sizes is more difficult than on the violin. In addition, due to the large corps and the bow, some technical strokes available for violinist are limited here. But still The technique of playing the cello is distinguished by the grace and gloss, which sometimes falls for several years of regular classes.

And learn to play for homemovitsa is not rebored to anyone - a game of cello delivers to playing real pleasure, since each string on it only has its own unique sound. The cello is played not only as part of the orchestras, but also solo: at home, away, on holidays.

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_9

The first exercises with gamma can not like it: With unaccustomed, the bow slides from the strings, the sounds are rooted (sometimes terrible) and non-strokes, hands dry out, shoulders a hatch. But with experience gained by bona fide sessions, the feeling of fatigue fatigue disappears, sounds are aligned, the bow is firmly held in hand. Other feelings appear - confidence and calm, as well as satisfaction from the result of their work.

The left hand with the game of Gamm is mastering the position on the grief of the tool. First, one-minute gamma is studied to major in the first position, then it is expanded to a two-oxide.

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_10

In parallel with it, you can begin to learn the range of La Minor in the same order: in one octave, then the two-octave.

To be more interesting to learn, it would be nice to learn not only gamma, but also beautiful simple melodies from classic works, folk and even modern music.

Possible difficulties

Cello Many professionals call a perfect musical instrument:

  • A cellist occupies a convenient position for a full and long-lasting game;
  • The tool is also located profitable: convenient for access to strings as left and right hand;
  • Both hands in the game occupy a natural position (there are no prerequisites for their fatigue, plugness, loss of sensitivity and so on);
  • Good overview of the strings on the jig and in the area of ​​the bow;
  • There are no full physical exertion on the cellist;
  • One hundred percent opportunity to uncover a virtuoso.

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_11

The main difficulties for training for cello are consisting in such moments:

  • expensive tool that may not be allowed to afford;
  • The large sizes of the cello limit move with it;
  • unpopular tool among young people;
  • repertoire, limited mainly by classics;
  • Long term of learning to this skill;
  • Large expenditures of physical work when performing virtuoso strokes.

Tips for beginners

For those beginners of cellists who appreciate and love this tool, you can give several tips for successful learning.

  • Regardless of the purpose of learning (the game for yourself or more serious tasks) for the first lessons is needed by an experienced cellist teacher.
  • You need to do every day.
  • Daily warm-up should include exercises for the independence of the fingertips of the left hand, various bow of the bow, gamut.
  • Watch concerts and video tutorials of masters.
  • Correct your mistakes in the technique of the game immediately, not allowing them to root into the habit.

If learn for yourself, try to arrange the concerts for loved ones. This is very motivating on the development of skill.

Cello game: How to learn to play? Difficult learning? How to keep cello? Classes for beginners from scratch 23565_12

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