Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend?


Each woman at least once in his life experienced envy on the side of the girlfriends. Some of the weak floor representatives, felt a threatening on time, immediately interrupted all contacts with bad people. These actions they saved themselves and their surroundings from very unpleasant consequences. Others, on the contrary, trusted hidden opponents and fell into unpleasant stories.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_2


Envy is a factor that unites various forms of social behavior into one. It is usually directed from one person to another. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that one person has such advantages that are not available to another person. Therefore, one side does not apply to the other side and is experiencing a hostile feeling. It must be said that all people have envy. However, some can fight this feeling, and others - no. In the modern world, the problem is envy only intensified due to increased competition in interpersonal relationships.

Usually, the environment is thoroughly hides this manifestation and, in spite of everything, trying to support friendships. Therefore, sometimes a woman who is jealous is difficult to understand that it is in danger. However, it is still possible to recognize this by certain factors. Envy envy in copying your life. For example, your girlfriend suddenly begins to dress as you dress up, or she imitates your behavior and speech. Usually envious people act blindly, as they do not think about their behavior. Therefore, absurdness in actions and subsequent actions you will easily notice.

It is possible to determine the envy on the gossip that your friend dissolves. If you heard impartial reviews to yourself, then try to figure out who is to blame. Rail the chain, and it will lead you to the truth.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_3

Find out that you can have a bad and envious person by certain actions.

  • It constantly reduces and annuls your achievements and successes. For example, girlfriend all the time rises your behavior or clothing. It should be understood that the normal and kind woman (girl) will not be done in any case. At best, she quietly hints at something wrong with you are not in order (with clothes or with behavior), and help it fix it.
  • All envious are becoming very joyful if failures occur in your life. For example, you lost the place of work, and your friend from such news has fun and even trying to joke. Only from her jokes it becomes not funny, but it's a shame.
  • Conversely, your progress affect the mood of the girlfriend negatively. After your next triumph, it becomes irritable and all the time you are rude.
  • Girlfriend puts forward the accusations that you all the time find yourself in the best position, unlike her. Note that usually such things envious people are not pronounced out loud, but you feel them on the mental level.
  • If there is a person who is very jealous of you, then you gradually plunge into a vacuum. As a result, even those people who respected you very much did not want to communicate with you.
  • You feel that they are constantly subjected to some negative impact on the part of your friend. Sometimes it seems to you that from her gaze you "in the veins will be bored." If this happens, then you should not ignore these feelings. It is possible that your intuition does not deceive you.
  • Envy girlfriend constantly advises you some kind of nonsense. For example, she invites you to quarrel with a partner only because he did not give an expensive ring. You understand that its requirements are ridiculous, and do not want any quarrels.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_4

Main reasons

All people in the subconscious are desire to be always and everywhere first. This is especially true for women. If men can keep their feelings under control, then women always act emotionally. With the appearance of a bright and successful rival, some individuals begin to behave inadequately and even aggressively. Often, a fair sex can envy for any little things, but in most cases there are special causes for this. Consider all options in more detail.

  • School envy is often found. Throchnitsa envies his classmate for her knowledge and good grades.
  • The girl with an ordinary appearance often envies his beautiful girlfriend. She cannot accept the fact that it looks much better and like the opposite sex.
  • Other people envy their lost girlfriend. The new appearance of a friend does not give rest especially to representatives of the beautiful floor, which are long sitting on a diet.
  • There are women who cause envy with their luck in their personal life. For example, they do not refuse themselves, as they live well. Enviousness about such people say: she has a rich husband, a new apartment, it does not work after marriage.
  • It also happens that both women relate to a sympathy to the same man. In this case, one of the rivals, which remains aside, is capable of very impartial actions. Sometimes it comes to such a boiling point, which leads to the tragedy.
  • If one girlfriend married and got pregnant earlier, the other, not very decent friend, certainly begins to envy her pregnancy and relationship with her husband.

Therefore, you should not talk to some features that you are pregnant. Otherwise, envy can bring to bad consequences.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_5

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_6


Any inadequate and negative actions against you will always put on you and make life unbearable. You can not even imagine how your life change, if you are subjected to black envy. Envy is the worst impact on a person who can be. Consider this question in more detail.

  • Your finances can quickly exhaust. It will happen not by chance. Money loves peace and pure aura. If your aura is broken, the flow of well-being will dry up.
  • Luck, which was on your side, will also quickly leave. The black energy of a hate person is simply destroyed and this favorable stream.
  • If you are full of love energy, then this channel will cease to exist because of the impact on him a bad person. Envyful features just lure your luck in love to your side.
  • Health will also decline. It's no secret that a person has a certain energy. If the person will connect to this energy, which is angry with you, then it will be the will or unilietes take your healthy energy. Therefore, you should not be surprised if you feel the decline of the forces and even suddenly get sick.
  • So, as a result of friendship with an envious girlfriend, you can lose everything: work, family health. And even if the evil person cannot influence you in the energy plan, he will be able to harm you quite tangible physical actions.

For example, talk about you all sorts of unprecedented, and this will affect your work. Subsequently, colleagues or business partners may turn away from you.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_7

What to do with envy?

With envy, which comes from any person, in no case cannot be put up. It is necessary to immediately interrupt communication and switch their attention to other, more decent people.

If jealous of the girlfriend

First you need to make sure that. How to do it? Board a new dress or inform her news that is pleasant only for you. If you feel chill and inadequate reaction from your girlfriend, then maybe she envies you. Note: Envious attitude to yourself can not be confused with any other manifestations. After the situation clears a little, remember some moments: it is possible that your friend also treated it unfairly, only you did not want to notice this.

Next, everything should weigh and think: what will you lose if you stop communicating with the special that dislike you? It is possible that friendship with this man has long been thrust you. Then this friendship must be urgently interrupted. If you continue to pretend that you do not notice anything, then soon the situation can only worsen. The envy of your girlfriend is not going anywhere, but will only grow.

As a result, diverse negative actions on the part of a friend, as a powerful village stream, will destroy your life. The man who wishes you evil will sow it around you at every case. Therefore, do not be surprised if you first have health problems. Then the actions of the girlfriend will affect the family and at work. As a result, you can lose everything you were so expensive. As a result, false supplies will only be delighted by your grief. So, if you suspect a non-carry, take action immediately. To start to the maximum, reduce contacts with toxic special and deal with your personal affairs.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_8

If you envy you

Everyone knows that envy is a bad feeling with which you need to fight. What if it does not work badly? It is necessary to get rid of such a negative manifestation. And here it all depends on you.

  • The self-analysis of his personality and their advantages will stop envy. It is possible that you are much more successful and prettier than your girlfriend. You just do not want to notice it, and they suffer from that.
  • You can overcome envy with the help of the "order" to your "I". As soon as bad thoughts begin to cope in your head, try to redirect them to the other side. For example: Think about the fact that you too can achieve certain heights in a particular matter.
  • Love yourself as you are: with all the shortcomings. Remember that any drawbacks are easily turned into advantage, if you make an effort. For example: you think that ugly. Well, let. The main thing is not beauty, but personal happiness. Then put the goal and find yourself such a partner who will not be so attracted outwardly, but it will be handsome soul. Believe that over time, the external beauty is fading, and the inner, on the contrary, comes out.
  • If you can not cope with the desire to become the same successful as your friend, then send all your energy to fulfill the desire. Stop envying successful person, and start learning from her.

Remember that many talented disciples over time surpassed their teachers. It would be for this desire and strong desire. And you will not achieve anything bad actions, but just hurt yourself.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_9

Tips for psychologist

If you have problems, then in most cases you yourself are to blame for what they appeared. Therefore, it will have to correct difficult situations. If you are an unkoughtful person and live your mind, then you may probably see in your surroundings of the one who you at least a little, but envy. It is possible that the envy of this person is fleeting and does not have a soil. Then you should not focus on this attention and spoil relations.

If you notice a black envy on the part of the girlfriend, then you need to be alerted here. First of all, stop trusting a person who belongs to you badly. Keep all the secrets with you and do not tell the details about your personal life. Otherwise, your words can turn against you. Try at least a little, but be closed. In the unfamiliar company, it is necessary to behave naturally and speak only on trifle topics. Thus, you will prevent overpowers and become uninteresting for envious girlfriends.

Always smile and be friendly. Nevertheless, keep at the distance of those people you consider unreliable. For example, you went to a cafe with friendliers. In the company of unfamiliar women, lead themselves at ease and have fun. And let's immediately understand everything that you are far from gossip.

Remember that gossip and envious envious are in the end, they get what they sowed themselves. Often, it is precisely such specials that become a negative attitude towards themselves.

Envy girlfriends: why do they envy you? Signs and consequences. How to understand and what to do? How to get rid of envy to your beautiful best friend? 23506_10

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