How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store?


Perfumery products, like any other product, already on the fact of purchase can cause questions regarding the feasibility of acquisition. In such situations, even the average man in the street recalls its rights and the theoretical opportunity to return purchased within 14 days, but with a more attentive consideration of the issue may not be remembered that this is not all refundable, because the buyer could already use the same perfume. To understand whether there is a chance to cancel the purchase already made, consider such a probability from the point of view of current legislation.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_2

Refunds for the return or exchange of perfume

As is known, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, which implies a refund within two weeks from the moment of purchase, there are exceptions - the so-called non-returnable goods - those that cannot be returned for obvious reasons. The most obvious example is personal hygiene products that are not refundable or exchange even theoretically. Unfortunately, the perfumery and cosmetic products also concerns, it can not be handed over to him back, nor change - simply because the seller is not sure that the volume remained intact that you did not add anything or did not violate the conditions of proper storage.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_3

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_4

However, the protection of consumer rights in our country is still present, so the list of non-returnable goods has one important reservation - They cannot be returned only if everything is in order with them.

Summate to prove that with perfumes initially was something wrong - and the spirits can be returned, and the seller must exchange them or compensate for expenses!

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_5

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_6

Thus, if the toilet water simply did not like, you can not attempt to return to the store. However, in some cases, the consumer who knows his rights is waiting for success, and this is what it can be reasons for this:

  • The shelf life of the toilet water is an expired before it is purchased - the proofs will serve the packaging and check, the own inattention will not need to be proved;
  • The goods are not accompanied by mandatory information, such as the same shelf life or information about the manufacturer and method of application - at the same time, the elementary lack of Russian translation of relevant information may be due to the law, even if they are available in any other language;
  • Marriage in all kinds - may touch and directly the perfume itself, and the bottle;
  • The discrepancy between the sample - raises suspicions about the fact that you simply have sold the wrong product.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_7

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_8

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_9

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_10

There is an important reservation: if the seller proves that he warned you about the presence of some drawbacks and against the background of this even made a discount, it would not be possible to return anything. However, even this circumstance should not influence the usefulness of purchased spirits - if they have a little slot cover without losing the tightness of the ass, then this is one, and completely different if the liquid simply leaks out of the bottle.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_11

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_12

In case of detection by the consumer of obvious drawbacks of purchased toilet water or its packaging, the buyer has the right to demand satisfaction of its claims in one of the following options:

  • Replacing the goods - instead of a damaged or defective bottle, you are given exactly the same, the same brand, type and volume, but already high-quality, without any surcharge;
  • replacement with recalculation - the compensation is issued a product of another brand or volume, respectively, with a surcharge of the party, which would remain in an unlawful gain without its introduction;
  • Price reduction - if you are still ready to use the product, but it really does not meet adequate expectations, you can demand the return of the part of the paid money, since the buyer has been damaged;
  • Return of money - the consumer refuses any compensation from the seller, except for the return of the total amount of the purchase value, but it must necessarily return the purchased one.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_13

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_14

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_15


Come home and finding explicit inconsistencies, go back to the store, taking perfume in factory packaging, check and passport. In most cases, the seller does not need scandals and proceedings, especially if he sees that your complaint is actually valid. In such a situation, especially if the goods are not as expensive, in the store will meet and offer one of the above options: the bottle will be replaced, the full amount or part will be returned in the form of a discount for damage.

In small outlets, this option is also possible, in which there is no need for exchange, there is simply no, while the consumer suits only such a way to solve the problem.

Employees of any trading point are obliged to know at least approximate dates of the new receipt - then they can seize the willingness to make an exchange if you agree to wait for our part.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_16

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_17

It happens that such that The seller categorically does not want to recognize its wrongness - in some cases it does not even argue its reluctance to cooperate. In this situation, you will have to make a compilation of documentation, namely, a written claim, we will talk more detailed below. When challenging the contents of the contents of the label, the store can offer both an examination that will decide whether the perfume in your bottle or other. If the seller offers an examination by the trading network forces, you must provide a receipt that you have returned the goods for its research. If you should do the examination yourself, the claim is also written immediately.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_18

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_19

Terms of procedure

In most cases, the return of small goods does not represent a lot of work - the sellers themselves go to meet, not wanting to inflate the scandal in a flat place, and return money or change spirits without unnecessary documentation and long-lasting waiting. However, in the case of an expensive toilet water, even fully agrees with the essence of your appeal, it has the right to not satisfy its requirements immediately - this is permitted by law. This is how it happens.

  • Return of full cost or discount. Legislation gives the seller a period of 10 days from the date of claim. Please note that without documentary registration, the case can reach very long, and the cashiers themselves who agree with you in your discontent, you need a documentary explanation why they returned to you money. If the buyer immediately wrote a claim, and it was framed in all the rules, 10 days after the date specified in the document, it has the full right to take more decisive steps.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_20

  • Exchange. In this case, the law does not distinguish between a fully similar product for replacement or any other to which you agreed - the restoration of your rights should happen during the calendar week. At the same time, the legislation makes an entry for shops, realizing that some species of the absent available products simply cannot be put on such a term, so if you want a product that there is no warehouse, waiting will be legal for a month. In some cases, during the proceedings, even a longer waiting time can be recognized if the purchase was committed somewhere in a hard-to-reach or remote region.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_21

What to do with failure?

If the seller is not ready to solve the problem of lovedly and does not want to change the goods, nor return money nor send a purchase on an examination for his own expense, it will have to write a claim - it will be a documentary confirmation of the discrepancy between the store and the client. It is written according to the standard for most documents. Scheme: right at the top there is a hat with information about the addressee and the applicant, and under it - the essence of the claim and the preferred method of solving the problem. Even if you argue with you and undeservedly offended, set out what happened in the case, but without unnecessary emotions - the dry language of the documentation. Be sure to specify, with which sentence you treated which compensation you want - whether to replace the goods, or return the money, whether to get a discount. Be sure to impress the current number and your own signature.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_22

Paper is compiled in two copies, because one of them will leave the defendant - it may be needed for financial statements. If it came to draw up a claim, the consumer instance should contain a mark that the seller saw him. Ideally, it should be a stamp store, the date of receipt of the claim and any information about who exactly solved the question.

As mentioned above, the existing rules for solving the problem is provided for ten days - In the header, the buyer leaves its own contacts for which the store can report on its positive solution in favor of damages. However, the seller may consider your proliferation unreasonable and refuse to compensate or ignore the allotted deadline and "forget" about the dissatisfied client.

In this situation, the consumer who has a "overdue" copyright claim with a stamp and reception date, has the right to complain to Rospotrebnadzor or even go to court.

How to return perfume? What spirits are subject to return by law? How to pass back or exchange toilet water in the store? 23422_23

    The feasibility of such radical measures in a situation with perfume is sometimes doubtful, but if the total purchase amount turned out to be quite large, it will be useful to know that there is a trial option.

    How to return perfume, look in the video.

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