Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose


Perfume with the smell of freesia is Flower duet with characteristic freshness, echoing with wood, citrus flavors. Thanks to the components of the part, it is considered good sleeping bags, helping to relax, release all negative thoughts. But this is what the features of this smell - learn from this article.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_2


The main feature of this flower in perfumery is considered incredible, exciting smell. Such a fragrance causes not only a joy of joy, attracts attention, but also able to heal. No wonder most of those who at least once in their lives acquired these spirits, assure familiar in the fact that this fragrance is able to drive depression, any negative states.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_3

Thus, another feature of the perfume with the fragrance of the freesia is the ability to run a person to a positive way.

Perfumes with the smell of freresia consist of a bouquet of flower notes, intertwined with sharp aromas. This is obtained due to the elevated content of linalol, which is the main component of all grades. It is he who transfers the basis of the fragrance depicting the smell of fresh wood with the addition of citrus. Nevertheless, the composition itself has clear boundaries between the smell components. Depending on the type of flower, fruit or wood, all notes differ in each other. For example:

  • White flowers are characterized by a strong aroma of the soul, at first, but dropped over time;
  • Green flowers append by notes of bevelled grass;
  • Yellow buds are crying like citrus
  • Blue and red are completely deprived of any odcent, are included in the dilution of existing odors.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_4

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_5

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_6

Modern perfumes with the smell of freesies are valued for the ability to save the train for a long time, refreshing the image of the carrier. At the same time, they are perfectly combined with other compositions, for example, with magnolia, valley, berries. Such a union makes the aroma of noble, suitable for exquisite persons.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_7

According to research, none of the existing flavors cannot find the smell of a real flower. The main element in the part of the perfume is Linalolol. Since it is the component of most plants around the globe, can give fresh day. Fleems notes in this case are only an addition to the main composition.

Thanks to her presence, perfume gives their supports with a noble loop, Freshness of which is saved for a long time. At the same time, recreate the real analogue of the flower in perfume for women is almost impossible. This can be achieved only by carefully mixing most of the existing components, among which are natural, synthetic.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_8

Toilet water Ofresia Diptyque, Antonias Flowers, Les Creations De Monsieur Dior Forever and Ever Christian Dior, Boss Jour Pour Femme Runway Edition Hugo Boss contains in its composition of white milling notes that are distinguished from the overall composition. It is believed that the flower has some kind of similarity with the tulip, as it is a component of the spring bouquet. Therefore, it is not necessary to guess its smell in an expensive perfume. It is enough to find a monoaromat to get the fullness of spring freshness, ease, attractiveness.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_9

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_10

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_11

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_12

How to choose?

Before buying a desired toilet water, several preparation procedures should be held. It is necessary to choose the most suitable smell, not covered with the nose by others. What do we have to do:

  • refresh the head by freeing from inspired promotional images;
  • Select mentally desired fragrance;
  • Get to the store in full solitude, so no one can affect your decision;
  • Concentrate on the desired perfume;
  • Allow yourself to try no more than 4 samples, so you do not confuse with the final choice in favor of one of them;
  • unfamiliar flavors are best evaluated through test blotters;
  • If the fragrance remembered unlike the rest, then apply a drip to one of the wrists;
  • take a shop with this aroma without stirring with others;
  • If the final option fell to taste, boldly acquire it.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_13

It is important to remember that regardless of the value of the vial, the content of aromatic elements, the perfume should not cause allergic reactions, dizziness, signs of nausea.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is present - try flushing toilet water from wrists, or throw the blotter with the smell. If the symptom is preserved, contact the doctor immediately. If the allergic reactions or other negative symptoms did not appear, you can safely acquire perfume, enjoying the freshness every day.

Perfume with freesia smell: perfume and dressing water with a flower aroma for women, how to choose 23406_14

But remember, it is worth using no more than two or three drops during the day, so as not to cause addiction, do not overdo the smell.

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