Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume "Lily Silver" and female imported Polish perfume, other popular flavors of the USSR


From representatives of the older generation, we often hear the dividing phrase that earlier, they were better. In fact, it was not better before, but in the adulthood we will be considered exactly the same - just because the person is inclined to nostalgia, he likes to remember the times of carefree youth. In the meantime, the smell that young girl relied, going on the first date, is able to make any mature lady make it difficult to disperse. Many now living women still remember the spirits of Soviet times - they are invited to go in short.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Features of Soviet perfumery

For young people, which may not be aware, we note that the Soviet Union loved to share the world on "his" and "strangers", and with "strangers" it was taken to be taken at all of the minimum - there was no special trading with them. In view of the French perfumery, at all times considered exemplary, could only remain a dream for domestic beauties - from Paris perfume in those days was impossible to get. Such a situation concerned almost any Western products - if it penetrated the territory of the USSR, then only episodic, for a while and in small parties.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

In addition, in the first years of the country's existence, even with female perfumes was a huge strain - a typical proletarian was not yet accustomed to their use, they were considered the subject of luxury, which, as is known, the communist regime was not to face. V The country existed, of course, their perfumery factories, producing products from pre-revolutionary times, but against the background of the rupture of trade connections with foreign suppliers, many necessary ingredients were simply not, so the assortment was very much declined, she significantly struck in quality. Later, of course, the situation with imports of such personal homing goods has become slightly improved, but then the imports were quite peculiar - today few people know about Polish or Syrian spirits, and then they were chic at least due to their uniqueness.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

With all the love of individual citizens to the epoch, they hardly disagree that modern French toilet waters are much more applying to the title of the best, but youth is youth. In addition, the old perfumes of the sample of the 80s had a certain well-established recipe, in which the missing components could be replaced. In a word, with an insufficiently strong loop and a relatively small choice of fragrances of the perfume of the period still can become much more valuable gift than the brand France.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Some names of the spirits of that time forced the Soviet women just dream about getting a treasured vial, because many popular sample cost is not so expensive, but simply do not occur in ordinary shops and considered a scarce commodity. Now, even decades after the peak of their popularity, to get these perfumes is much easier, because for anyone who would like to plunge into the nostalgia, briefly review those odors.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

"Red Moscow"

Some of the most recognizable Soviet spirits known at least by the fact that the French were originally - even before the revolution they have come up with perfumers of the company, once founded by the Frenchman Henri Brocard, he moved to Moscow. First original composition called "favorite bouquet Empress", which, of course, offsetting all the chances of such products produced under the communist regime. They say that "Red Moscow" - is the same flavor or more recycled due to the fact that some components have ceased to produce.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Factory "New Dawn", which is a direct descendant of brokarovskoy company releases its main product under the old brand to the present day, although now present consumers complain, supposedly modern version does not correspond to the Soviet. Full pyramid kept secret, but bright citrus and clove, bergamot and jasmine, coriander and vanilla felt very clearly. At one time it was a chic level of pop stars - if you pick up the appropriate image will be irresistible!

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

"Lily of the valley silvery"

This is another top-level Soviet classics, produced in Leningrad factory "Northern Lights". Curiously, the fragrance has become a hit not only due to limited choice in the Soviet market - if the spirits of the USSR appeared in 1954, a total of two years provided in France itself Christian Dior after a similar composition, which, as we know, was one of the creators of femininity the modern sense.

If you are from the Soviet era adore the smell of lily of the valley, but, smelling the flowers, you do not feel the same indescribable flavor - so you still remember my mother's spirits with the corresponding dominant note. In the Soviet Union perfumers usually not pursued a full-fledged three-tier pyramid - most of their products was a one-component. Here it should be noted that over the years the manufacturer more simplified formulation in pursuit of increased production, because even the late Soviet "Lily of the valley silvery" may be criticized by experts.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

"Scythian Gold"

There are flavors that do not need to simply invent, but also to give them ripen. "Scythian Gold" first appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores in 1958 and since then ... about twenty years remained almost unnoticed. Honestly, it is even strange - this is where experts have tried, building a full-fledged three-tier pyramid. However, only in the 1980s, this fragrance, which can really be called elegant in every sense of the word, suddenly began to enjoy wide demand.

Today, this perfume would criticize how pretty heavy - it is still appropriate for evening exit, but in no case throughout the day, and even in the heat.

The top tone is asked for a juicy bergamot and fresh greens, the "heart" consists of an apphairly-stressed ylang-ylang of an apple-peach combination, and the sandalwood with a vanilla and patchouli with moss are hidden.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

"May be"

This smell was named after a jazz song, which Trubach Eddie Rinner, the Polish Jew, who became famous and in the USSR, wrote for a vocalist of his insanely popular orchestra. Arriving on tour to Krakow, she fascinated local perfumes so much that in honor of the musical creation fulfilled by her, they decided to name the new Spirits byc Moze.

As in the case of many other Soviet flavors, the notes here are not so much - only common chip-flower tones are well felt. Miraculum - a company that produces such a perfume - exists today, and its goods still can be bought, but new samples, according to eyewitnesses, no longer those.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume


In fact, this is not some spirits, but at once three versions from one brand, which in the USSR has become quite popular in the 70s. The creators apparently were actively interested in antique mythology - at least, according to the official legend, Aroma No. 1 was addressed to the goddess of love Venus, No. 2 - Aphrodite (in the same position), and No. 3 - Spartan King Menel.

Venus, according to perfumers, should smell chiprovo, with sheet music, roses and jasmine, as well as with unscrews of wood, leather and greens. Aphrodite is also chip, but with severe spring notes due to the sandal and patchouli, Lrangee and Jasmine. Meneli as a whole smells the same components, but here it is more likely to be on spices and greens.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

"Riga Lilac"

In Soviet times, the Baltic States have always been a kind of window to Europe, and Riga was often compared with Paris. Such an analogy was due not only to the architectural appearance of the Latvian capital, but also by its perfumery industry, which before the Second World War developed in the context of a capitalist country that has not yet included in the Soviet Union.

Dzintars was engaged in the production of fragrance, which issued the first bottles in the 60s of the last century.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

To date, such a toilet water is considered a monorahomat due to the fact that the lilac made in the name interrupts almost all other notes, but upon closer, it turns out that in fact there was a place for Lrangess, vanilla, heliotrop, cinnamon in the composition, Muskus and amber.

At one time, these spirits were considered the perfect addition to the image of the tender and romantic lady, were very spring and enlighted a beautiful life.

The key difference from the modern version was that in the old days the fragrance was natural, there was no obvious sense of synthetics, which is today.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

"Peak lady"

Another old hit from the New Zarya factory, which before it managed to become famous for the famous "Red Moscow". The perfume is not in vain is called the same as one of the most famous works of Alexander Pushkin: the fragrance was released in 1949, specifically timed to his shocking at the birth of a brilliant poet. The authors considered that their creation is also the same mystical and mysterious, resembling a complex and unpredictable card game.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

The composition really can not be considered simple - it is a cunning weave of pink, daffodil and iris notes. To dilute the flower composition was solved by notes of patchouli, moss and bergamot, and someone also heard tobacco with a carnation. Spicy and sweet at the same time, this toilet water since its release quickly became quite popular, but technological progress did not spare her: since the 60s of the last century, the Soviet perfume industry began to actively use synthetic fragrances, and the recipe lost its original charm.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume


The Soviet perfumery described above was not limited to the Soviet perfumery - there were other names, which, without possessing insane popularity, they still found their consumer. Consider some more sought-after options.

  • "Nocturne". The orange-pink-jasmine fragrance appeared relatively late, only in 1981, and immediately fascinated the potential consumers unprecedented with aristocraticness in the USSR. It was the perfect smell for each romantic nature.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

  • "Red poppy" . Another creation of the New Zarya factory with a century of history - this perfume appeared in 1926. The fragrance was named after the classic ballet, the emphasis was placed on the pyramid from pink, musky, citrus music and amber.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

  • "Klima" . This smell was one of the few truly French, who still broke through to the Soviet Union, remaining a huge rarity and the limit of dreams. The brainchild Lancome smells first with a rich set of floral palette options, then flows into tubers and rosemary, and at the end pleases the surrounding sandals, bamboo and musk. In the 70s, Klima was on top of popularity.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

  • "March 8". This fragrance has never had a binding to a specific factory, because the appearance of the vial and packaging has changed regularly. That never changed since the invention in the distant 30s, so these are floral notes: hyacinth, violet, jasmine and lily.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Can I buy the Spirits of the USSR now?

The answer to this question largely depends on how the fate of the manufacturer and the patent for the formulation has developed. In many cases, the aromas, the description of which is given above, there are also today - the same "new dawn", which produces "Red Moscow", is still functions and earns in many ways precisely on nostalgia of citizens in old times. Such a fate touched on many other items, and in some places the old manufacturer is no longer no, but another company came to replace it, which revised the recipe, and even expanded the original ruler. For example, the Baltic "Mystery of Riga", which at one time was considered comparable in quality with the best imported perfumes, is also produced so far.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

Here, however, it should be recognized that this vintage seems to be much more interesting and enjoyable, rather than modern copies.

Such complaints are most often received regarding the perfumery, which is currently produced in Russia. Theoretically, you can find the original - the original - the vials, but they, firstly, are expensive, secondly, it can easily be fake.

Spirits of the USSR (33 photos): Soviet perfume

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