Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer


It is always unpleasant when you buy expensive perfume, and they turn out to be absolutely unstable. Few people know, but not always the resistance of the perfume depends on the quality of its components - the sound of the scented composition is affected by a huge number of factors. But if you want to purchase a truly persistent fragrance - use our recommendations.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_2

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_3

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_4

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_5

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_6

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_7

What does durability depend on?

Stability - one of the key factors when choosing perfumery. It is the low resistance of fragrant compositions that is the most common claim to perfume products. Users want to be purchased by them perfumerated water kept on the body as long as possible. However, too, the stable smell comes with time, it begins to tire, annoy and causes a lot of desire to quit it. Many factors affect the resistance of perfume compositions. Not all of them are associated with the specifics of the flavor itself. However, some data will still make an approximate conclusion about the resistance of a particular product.

Concentration of active ingredients. Everything is simple here than it is higher - the more stable and saturated will smell. In different perfumes, the concentration of active ingredients differs. For spirits, the average resistance is 7-11 hours, for a perfumed liquid, this time corresponds to 4-5 hours, and the toilet water sounds no more than 2.5-4 hours.

If sprinkling in the morning toilet water, you no longer feel the smell of your beloved perfume on your skin, is a normal phenomenon, just update your smell and enjoy the rest of the day.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_8

Complaints of people who are waiting for toilet water that it will stay from morning to evening, look at least ridiculous. And if you want the aromatic notes to sound for you for a long time without updating - buy perfume with a greater concentration. The resistance of aromas primarily depends on the nature of the composition, it is no coincidence that the masters divide the entire perfume to the "light" and "heavy". "Light" are actively opening, but rather quickly disappear. "Heavy" lie a little longer, and reveal very slowly and smoothly. A high-alignment role in the stability of the composition is played by loop notes.

Jasmine, sandalwood, as well as musk and amber - that is why spicy oriental perfumes hold on the skin longer on the skin, they can feel up to 10 hours. The sound of citrus notes is usually preserved for 4-5 hours, and the floral is revealed 6-7 hours. The same perfume in a single concentration behaves differently in various natural conditions. For example, in a stern perfumery evaporates more actively than in the cold time. Therefore, all spirits that warm and envelop their warmth in frosty days, in summer they can cause nausea and migraine. A light perfume water, optimal for the summer period, is lost in winter and becomes small.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_9

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_10

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_11

The resistance of perfumery is dependent on the degree of humidifier - with elevated indicators, even the most heavy flavors sound more restrained than in dry air. Perfume behavior, including its resistance, directly depend on the characteristics of the physiology. So, on the hair, the fragrance is delayed much longer than on skin cover. And finally, the stability of fragrant water affects the subtleties of individual perception. If you stop feeling your fragrance - this does not mean that he evaporated. Often, the loss of olfactory sensitivity can be caused by conventional runny nose, hormonal changes and many other reasons. An important factor is addictive. The smell is a feeling as possible with the oldest instincts.

At the dawn of the origin of mankind, sharp nuh helped people survive, warned them about the approach of the predatory animals and the enemy. This led to the fact that The human brain over time ceased to react to the usual smells with which he faces constantly, while acutely perceives any unfamiliar flavors.

If for a long time used perfume and unexpectedly stopped feeling your favorite notes - leave it for a short time. Surely after a small break, you will be able to enjoy fragrant chords again.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_12

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_13

Rating of the most persistent perfumes

And now we offer from the theory to go to practice and get acquainted with popular perfume compositions, which are included in the top of the most persistent and do not apply under any circumstances.

Versace Crystal Noir.

This is an attractive composition that manifests itself from the very first notes. Brief, air, but at the same time sensual, erotic and passionate - she does not leave anyone indifferent. The perfume refers to the family of oriental floral flavors and is characterized as refined, elegant and exquisite. Melody Versace Crystal Noir is revealed by colorful chords, Gardenia comes to the fore.

It is distinguished by the refined smell, he seems to envelop his owner of a light haze. The perfume embodies energy and freshness, causes a sense of confidence in herself, is positive and makes you fall in love again. In the loop, classic amber notes are highlighted. It is they who give the smell some aristocracy, make it seductive and mad. This smell is felt at least 12 hours.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_14

Chanel Coco Mademoiselle

Women's perfume water from the category of intense, according to user estimates, she has no equal in resistance. The creator of water was inspired by the disrupted and free modern women, it is no coincidence that the smell is distinguished by piercing and deep sound. The composition is disclosed by bergamot and jasmine, in heart chords, the sound of luxurious roses flowers is distinguishable. And the resistance of the loop is provided by vetiver and patchouli, which are present here in a truly crazy concentration.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_15


CHLOE fashionable brand products is one of the most persistent in the world. It has long been in progress for a synonym for exceptional quality and is recognized by users with one of the leaders in mortar and resistance. The first chords sound with a pink peony, freesia and an exotic lychee fruit. To replace them, they comes a pleasant fragrance of the valley lilies, wondering magnolia and rose. At end, powdered notes are revealed in combination with musk and amber.

The saturated and bright train of this smell is felt throughout the day, and on hair and clothing can hold on to several days.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_16


The flower oriental composition was represented by the public in 2011. Perfume was created specifically for stylish and self-confident women. It opens with belligent, bright and colorful chords that attract the attention of others from the very first minutes. It is sweet, but at the same time a gentle smell. Some, it may seem too saturated, so only a sandalwoman is suitable.

Citrus notes are highlighted in the composition, they dilute sweetness and give elusive freshness. From the first chords, lemon, fruit and yuz are distinguished, an orange with jasmine is revealed in the heart. Loop notes consist of a combination of vanilla, patchouli, sandalwood and virgin cedar. On clothing, such a smell can feel a few days.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_17

Lancome La Nuit Tresor

Aroma of 2005, it is distinguished by an oriental gurman smell, seasoned with floral and fruit chords. The very first notes are a pear, Bergamot and Tangerine, the vanilla and orchid rose are clearly distinguished in the heart in combination with strawberries and maracuy. The cable in the melody is a combination of the most exquisite fragrances of lychee, vanilla, patchouli, coffee, papyrus, licorice, caramel, praline, and incense. This fragrance is felt throughout the day.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_18

Calvin Klein CK IN2U HER

East floral perfume from the elite segment. The fragrance is suitable for young girls, from the first notes, it is revealed by saturated bergamot, black currant and pink grapefruit. Cactus and orchid sound in the heart, and the substrate is made up of vanilla, amber and cedar music. Just a few drops of this perfume will be enough to feel the exquisite smell throughout the day. And on clothes it will be felt for several days.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_19

Features of choice

It is important to keep in mind that the duration of the sound of one or another perfume composition is largely affected by the concentration of active components. Depending on this, three types of flavors are distinguished.


This is the most concentrated and resistant variety of perfume products. Aromatic substances here are 20-30%. In perfume, basic chords are most brightly sound, which are responsible for the perception of loop notes.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_20

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_21

Toilet water

Toilet water can not be called rack. Aromatic components here are only 8-10%. Such a perfume is characterized by the maximum disclosure of the upper notes, and the train is not strong enough.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_22

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_23

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_24

Perfumey water

This type of flavors is something between the toilet water and spirits. The concentration of aromatic components here is 12-20%. Parfum water is easier than perfume, but at the same time the heart and basic notes are best revealed in it. The choice of perfume should be done on the basis of this classification. If in priority the resistance of the smell and the severity of the loop sound - preference is better to give to perfumed water and spirits, in this case you do not have to update your fragrance every few hours. Before purchasing one or another perfume composition, specify the composition of the active ingredients from which it is composed.

Some notes have a property quickly disperse, while others are felt much longer. Thus, the group of sustainable flavors includes musky, woody and chip chords - moss, sandalwood, amber, as well as patchouli, cedar and vetiver. Bergamot is best manifold from citrus, and lavender and rose are considered the most persistent fragrances. Unstable attributes most of the fruit and flower aromas - violet, peony, jasmine, as well as grapefruit, peach and strawberry. Of course, they possess an incredibly attractive sound, but they will not call them resistant.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_25

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_26

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_27

When choosing a perfume, be sure to consider the features of your skin. The same smell on different people may sound differently, we are talking about the bouquet in general and about its stability. When contacting with skin, chemical reactions are launched, because the fragrance is quite multifaceted. For example, on the oily skin, the perfume sounds intensively, but it is felt quite short. At the owner of dry skin, the situation is absolutely opposite - the smell is barely felt, but the skin's skin hold the fragrant components for a long time.

Perfumes allocate "cold", as well as "hot" skin. On the hot skin, the aromas are revealed rather quickly, but after a few hours fully fit. The fragrance almost immediately goes into loop notes, so you feel quite difficult first and heart chords.

Choose a persistent perfume with such people is not easy - it is best for them to fit floral flavors and perfume with honey and vanilla notes.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_28

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_29

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_30

On the cold skin, the perfume does not open immediately, because the first time it may seem persistent. This skin can be distinguished by subtlety and pallor, it is badly tanning. The owners of thin skin are better to stop on citrus, as well as floral and aldehyde odors. But sweet and tart notes may not come up. Keep in mind that you can not determine the resistance of the perfume.

The sense of man quickly gets used to smells, so after a while they cease to be perceived. If you do not feel the fragrance, it does not mean that others do not hear it too. If you want to choose the smell - apply a few drops to the wrist area and for the ush, and after 4-5 hours, check with others, whether they feel it.

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_31

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_32

Resistant perfume: female perfume and toilet water, rating of the most persistent flavors, popular perfume, which keeps longer 23390_33

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