Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women


Not everyone understands the difference between perfume and toilet water, the words are perceived as synonyms, and the buyer does not risk what he was going to buy. But even those who are aware of the differences of these products, often based on myths that have developed two different means. It makes sense to finally look into this "fragrant" issue.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_2

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_3

What it is?

Eau de parfum is considered light composition, flavor oils therein from 12 to 20%. Nevertheless, this product is considered to be quite persistent, able to compete with the spirits. It is believed that the water can be considered perfume perfume daily wear. "Daytime" spirits - it is almost always "heart" basis, that is in them to the front, absolutely dominant foreground heart bouquet, daisy chain the notes except a little, very discreetly set off basis. According to the water resistance pleases: 5-7 hours - quite a decent period, especially given the fact that the product is intended for daytime.

Some make the mistake of trying to apply the perfume water in a large amount, so trying to enhance its resistance to prolong the sound. This leads to the opposite effect: it will not sound long, but the flavor becomes sharper, it can turn into a repulsive.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_4

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_5

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_6

Perfume water surrounds a number of myths.

  • The concentration of flavor - that's the only difference between the perfume of water from the toilet. On the one hand, the technical differences and characterized. On the other, they differ feeling. Perfumery carrier seems softer, rounded, bright in the middle notes. Base, as already mentioned, it sounds brighter.
  • Eau de parfum is more resistant when compared with the toilet. Yes and no. Eau de parfum rather more intense, and it is still deeper. However, there are such examples of its resistance, which is significantly lower than the toilet water.
  • If the perfume caused water in the morning, the loop should remain until the evening, if not so, the product is of poor quality. And it's 100% myth. Zephyr - is the work of the base notes. The most stable base, meanwhile, possess a perfume. And if the perfume water plume 4:00, that's good, even excellent.
  • Just for good evening out this water. Myth surprisingly tenacious, though, it seems, everyone knows that the second name Eau de Parfum - "day spirits." And in the evening, and the day can be applied to this product, the sound is equally appropriate.

Female choice is always made up of listening for fashion, from his own understanding of sound flavor of the mood at a specific life span.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_7

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_8

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_9

You should start with the fact that any rating - is a compilation of products that are "shot", showed a stable position on the market, were valued by experts, that is, all kinds of people.

Top reviews narrows choice to become a reference point, but does not guarantee that the buyer will be the best for water, which was not on the list. Because to topam eyeing, but did not delete from the selection fields that were out of the ratings.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_10

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_11

And this water 10 perfume names that captivated more than one expert rating:

  • Miracle (Lancome). Floral perfume water market is not a beginner, it is the third decade, and positions are not going to give up. Top notes are presented lychee and freesia, pink pepper gives a piquant sharpness. Middle notes - a ginger, peony, Bourbon pepper, damask rose and magnolia. The base is composed of patchouli, musk, jasmine and amber. A very unusual flavor with a persistent train. But someone may seem a little cloying. Cost - 5000 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_12

  • J`Adore from Dior . Assign this product can be a floral garden, a luxurious, fragrant forever. At the heart of the water - plum, violet, tuberose, orchid and lily of the valley. The base represented by musk, blackberry, cedar and vanilla. The aroma is considered to be difficult, will delight shoppers and elegant design of a bottle. You can count on a loop lasting fragrance. The cost of the average - 5700 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_13

  • Velvet Orchid (Tom Ford). This water is not needlessly called intoxicating. In her heart of orchid, at the start - bright bergamot, mandarin, as well as honey and rum. And a floral heart with hyacinth, magnolia, jasmine, black orchid. The aroma of vanilla finale, frankincense, myrrh, suede. None of the composition of any sharp notes, the fragrance will be revealed gradually. Very water resistant, very memorable. Is an average of 5,900 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_14

  • Olimpea (Paco Rabanne) . This vanilla flavor combined with its expressive sweetness and sea salt. The aroma is considered to be very summer, it plays warmed sunlight wood, taste cakes and candies, flowers and herbs, green mandarin, jasmine, sandalwood and ambergris. The aroma can be accurately called neizbity. Resistance had terrific. But this water is suitable only for those who like a sweet perfume. The average cost of 3750 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_15

  • Prada Candy. However, the previous version can not be compared in sweetness with the present now - it is almost cloying, but he fall in love even those who previously could not tolerate such fragrances. Enveloping and comfortable, very enticing: it consists of notes of musk, caramel and Siamese benzoin. It's pretty impulsive flavor, very seductive. Stable and rich, breaking the myths about the sweet perfumes. Costs about 5,000 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_16

  • Black Opium (Yves Saint Laurent). Amateur oriental flavors know the price of this perfumery product: he is very elegant, he obliges to wear or evening dress, or a cool business suit. But not jeans and shirt. Here and vanilla, tobacco, and liquor, as well as jasmine and pink pepper. The fragrance is called "thoroughbred". The loop presents different notes during the day. It is considered a very successful aroma for the cold season. The average price is 5450 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_17

  • Pour Femme (Lacoste). This product is cheaper than all previous ones, but in popularity with them it is capable of moving. It, indeed, is very loved by women for his wood-musky basis, for tenderness and impulsivity. Here and incense, and suede, and sandals, and freesia, and Jamaican pepper. Many people like themselves at the expense of their unobtrusiveness, versatility. By the way, there is such a situation among perfumes: the aroma is adored women, and he seems to be "migrane". So, this water likes and men too. Price - 2700 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_18

  • Coco Mademoiselle (Chanel) . The fragrance appeared in 2001 and still does not want to leave the rankings of perfume water. In it and citrus, and mimosa, ylang-ylang, and Turkish rose, and patchouli, and white musk. The main characterizing this fragrance the word is noble. It is very resistant, just more suitable for adult women, for young lady, alas, heavy. The cost is high - from 7,500 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_19

  • Si Passione (Giorgio Armani). For those who like a fruit-berry cocktail, and this water is intended. In addition to grapefruit, currants, roses, jasmine, pineapple and vanilla, there are cedar, patchouli and woody amber. The composition is harmonious, with a beautiful loop. Cost - 4200 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_20

  • IN RED (Armand Basi) . Fragrance fresh and spicy, with bergamot, ginger, rose, valley, wood notes and violet. It sounds unobtrusively, but it is remembered. Suitable for those who do not endure heavy perfumes, preferring intimate flavors. Costs 2000 rubles.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_21

Child Nuances

It is believed that the optimal time for the choice of perfumes will be morning. The smell in the morning is particularly sensitive, but in the evening the receptors can and suspend, distort the perception. There are other recommendations for the choice of perfume water.

  • The composition is always disclosed in 3 stages: First, there is a strong basic smell, and only 20 minutes after entering the body, the real aroma is revealed, it will be the main one. Weakening by the end of the time (3-5 hours), water demonstrates residual fragrance. And if all these 3 moments liked, it means that the water is worth taking.
  • First, the perfume is applied to the paper blotter. No need to spray water through the air and all the more trying to breathe it out of the lid.
  • After blotter (if at this stage, I liked the fragrance), you can apply water on the wrist. On the "cold" skin it will not be so fast.
  • But from coffee beans, allegedly interrupted already annoying fragrances receptors, you can refuse . It is better to take ordinary water with you, make a few sips - it will help get rid of olfactory fatigue faster.
  • With the aroma you need to walk, that's why trips to the store can be somewhat . Water is revealed during the day, and the first impressions are not always true. Therefore, a hurry there is nothing.

Aroma - second outfit. Often it is associated with a person more than any other external signs. It is synchronized with the image, and therefore such a scrupulousness in the choice is completely explained.

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_22

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_23

Eau de parfum for women: the best rating of the most popular flavors. Features Perfume water for women 23320_24

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