Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners


Training of dogs - a prerequisite for raising an animal adapted to live with a man. It is an integral part of the socialization process required for each pet. In addition to conventional training courses aimed at the production of obedience, the development of the basic principles of behavior at home and in the street, there are also special. They need hunting, herding, guard dogs, search dogs.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_3

Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_4

Inexperienced owner is always difficult to start with a pet. How to teach your puppy commands at home? Where to start and how to proceed in order to succeed? The list of commands and rules for beginners taming help you learn the basics. But before you start to practice, it is worth the most to get acquainted with the theory.

The more so not all breeds are equally well to training and the correct timing for the start of classes often depends on the speed of achieving a result.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_6

Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_7

What breed is easier to be trained?

Individual features of the character is not only in humans. Animals also have different aptitudes and abilities to the development of different skills. When choosing a breed should pay attention to such important aspects as communication skills, intelligence, manageability. Conflict-dog will be a good pet for a person with no experience.

Among the decorative rocks to the well-trained animals are Poodle, Maltese, welsh corgi, Pomeranian, Papillon, Sheltie. Quite easy to learn hunting breed knowledge: Spaniels - Cocker English, Russian, Springer, kurtshaar, Espanyol Breton, weimaraner, as well as Labradors and retrievers.

It is famous for high intelligence and the representatives of the group of herding dogs, but they are often quite capricious and training are guided only by their own preferences. Here, among the leaders in learning can be noted Border Collie, long-haired and short-haired collie.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_9

Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_10

Official breeds of dogs have a high level of intelligence, but their training is recommended to trust only an experienced dog handlers or owners Ready to show leadership qualities. In hard hand need German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren lakenua, Malinois). But their intelligence allows for rapid memorization of commands and maximizes the potential of the animal performing a variety of tasks.

Some dog breeds inherently bad trainable, and even for the development of the basic course teams spend a lot more time. On average, the production of one skill they go from 80 to 100 repetitions. To prepare for the difficulties is the future owners of Afghan Hounds, Basenji, Borzoi Russian, Bloodhound, Chow. And the problems are usually not associated with general intellectual abilities of the animal.

As a general rule, freedom-loving and are skittish animals, blood genotype closest to their wild ancestors.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_12

Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_13

At what age should start training?

Correct timing to start dog training is incredibly important for the overall success of the business. The first experience of training the puppy gets after getting into your house. It usually occurs between the ages of 1 to 3 months. From 12 weeks, the animal can proceed to the development of the first commands, memorize gestures. Up to this point the baby enough study nicknames, accustomed to the tray or the paddock, leash, collar.

Some breeds differ delayed maturation. They later comes puberty, and the animals themselves are generally longer retain the characteristic "puppy" carelessness. Here serious training begins with 6 months, but until then it is replaced with an active socialization. The dog was introduced to other animals and people are trained to remain calm when traveling in public transport, change of terrain or situation.

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Where to start to train a puppy?

The initial stage of training is always difficult for the owner and the dog. Professional dog breeders recommend at the outset to establish a strict order. Conduct training need on the court, isolated from outside interference, scary sounds, distractions. Even if the classes are held in a group with an instructor, this order does not change. It is useful for the owner will have additional equipment to teach the dog obedience various methods.

Among useful devices for such training can be noted.

  • Clicker. Subject to secure the conditioned reflex, used for training methods are not associated with rigid control and submission. In this case, the dog in the case of right action clicks the clicker and receives an award. The device has a simple mechanical design, not subject to wear, it has managed to prove their effectiveness in the education of a variety of animals.

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  • Whistle. The easiest subject, actively used in training hunting dogs and other breeds. The simplest command that can be mastered with the help of - "to me." Due to the fact that the whistle in a special audio range is spread much further than the voice, this method is suitable for dogs beckoning. Even at considerable distances pet will recognize the command and execute it.

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  • Bag for goodies on the belt. To quickly teach the animal to execute teams, most owners and trainers use delicious feeding. But it's not too comfortable to wear it in your pocket. Compact belt bag allows you to teach the animal of the base of training, not a pack of food pockets.

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  • Leash and collar. They should be in size a dog, take into account her age, body structure. Some breeds need to replace the collar on the train to not harm the growing body.

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  • Stack. It is applied in the courses of the guard-guard service, it is necessary to teach an animal to continue working even with physical effects. It should not use his owner.

It is prohibited to use the stack as an instrument of punishment or coercion, otherwise instead of education of courage in the pet, cowardice can be excited at the sight of an unpleasant accessory.

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  • Toys for training. Rubber dumbbells, frisbee and other apparent items allow us to make the process of mastering the teams more diverse, makes it possible to convey important information to an animal in an affordable game form.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_21

Starting the training of the puppy, it is very important to act gradually, avoid pressure and aggression. Among the simple rules that will help make interaction with a pet more productive, you can allocate:

  • clear and accurate setting of tasks;
  • search for an individual approach with the nature of the animal;
  • use of specific gestures and signals;
  • Mandatory promotion for the correctly performed action;
  • submission of information in non-followed gaming form;
  • Careful time calculation for classes - they should not be too tedious.

Masses and relationship with a puppy. He must perceive the owner as a friend, but to recognize his authority. Fear or aggression The dog will definitely remember and later experienced negative experience can create problems in training.

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Preparation: Learning obedience

The base preparation of the dog is the course of obedience, allowing you to master the minimum set of commands. A significant part of the skill acquired is the excerpt. The ability to stay on the site "Sitting" or "Lay" will allow you to continue the development of much more complex training programs. In addition, this skill will be useful when monitoring animals on the street.

As part of the basic training course, the dog should stepwise master the necessary minimum knowledge. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 60 minutes. During the preparation, it is important to determine the equipment and promotion of the animal.

The selected delicacy is convenient to take with it in an isolated waist bag. In the first months of training, the collar and leash will be a mandatory addition to working with animals.

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Careful selection of a venue for training is also very important. If free access is not equipped site, you can use any desert area, where there are no distractions or hazards (cars, large animals are aggressive). When you select a previously unknown animal space should first give the dog the opportunity to study a new territory.

In the hot season it is recommended to train in the morning or evening hours before feeding.

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List of commands and teaching methods

Among the most sought-after in the professional environment of teaching methods have identified a number.

  1. mechanical method . He is the passivation of the animal to participate in the process of training. To achieve the desired result simply reinforces the master necessary skills, creating the conditions for the compulsory execution of commands. This approach is considered to be effective, but only for pupils with high pliability to another's will - a wayward dogs simply will resist physical, psychological pressure.
  2. Operant method. In this case, the dog becomes not a passive performer, but an active participant in the process. Trainer works by the reinforcement of positive actions of an animal and ignores or tries to prevent unwanted actions. So the dog gets an opportunity not just to learn, but to think and act for themselves in need.
  3. Vkusopooschritelny. When the dog is not forced to action, and is prompted for it. Upon reaching the desired result the animal receives a treat. It is believed that the founder of the method was the famous trainer Durov. Today it is mainly used when working with puppies and dogs ornamental rocks.
  4. Contrast. When training is used as a food stimuli, and mechanical impact. If the animal does not perform tasks voluntarily, it is forced to do it.
  5. Imitative . Is built on the principle of "do as I do" is used in the service dog and game actually, when coaching young animals as an example of actions of senior comrades. Imitative method is built on the natural instincts - so puppies are repeated for the mother meal or participate in the games. But it is only suitable for fastening of resolving skills.

In operation, voice commanding methods can be used with animals, sound or manual'nye (a sign).

Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_25

simple commands

All kinds of simple commands, which can be taught in the home dog, puppy studied in the first months of life in the house. If properly encouraged the animal, you can easily teach your baby the basics of behavior in the house. Giving treats is necessary as part of securing the necessary skills.

If you regularly train the basic set of commands, you can properly prepare an animal to further socialization, teach a puppy with trust and obedience.

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"A place"

The team teachs the puppy to remain in the corner allocated to him on the litter in any circumstances, including in the extreme situation. At the age of half a year, it can be replaced by other prohibitive measures. If the animal demonstrates not good behavior, it is simply sent to the place, depriving the desired entertainment or the owner society.

In the future, this skill will be useful when mastering exposure skills.

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"It is forbidden"

A command-prohibition, suppressing unwanted actions. No matter how charming and nor was a pet, this team should accurately learn among the first aged from 1 to 3 months.

For decorative dogs, this skill may be one of the few elements of mandatory training.

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It will come in handy at the beginning of a pet walking on the street. This team allows you to instantly stop the unwanted action of the dog. For example, if the dog runs off the site or is trying to independently go through the road.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_30

Main teams

Training of the main commands is made on the basis of OKD or UGS courses. The first one is more complicated, allows you to prepare an animal to more complex training stages. For example, a cowardice check is a reaction to the shot, allows you to check the readiness of the PSA to the development of the protective guard service. The teeth show will be needed at the exhibition - in the ring the dog must demonstrate the jaw to everyone without the manifestation of aggression.

Wearing a muzzle also allows you to check the readiness of the animal to comply with the rules of life in the city.

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The team is being worked exclusively by coercion. It is associated with the obligatory suppression of unwanted action, is produced from an early age. It is seriously to require its execution to achieve the age of 6 months. Prior to this time, the operant method should be acting, not allowing the occurrence of situations in which the dog can come into contact with unwanted objects or objects.

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The dog should go with the left foot of the owner on a susceptible leash or without it. When executing a team An animal should not be given or run away. The tension of the leash is excluded.

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Mandatory command that establishes the status of the leader in the "stak" for the owner. Even the desired bone, a bowl with food, selected on the street animal waste must be given upon request.

If necessary, the method of coercion is used, in any case, the execution of the command will have to achieve.

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"To me"

One of the first teams reclaimed animals. But if your puppy is allowed to run to call the owner in good faith, an adult dog should strictly follow the requirements. The service dog is most often used a special gesture. Hunters and shepherds use whistles in order to summon the pet.

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Complex "sit / lie / stand"

These basic requirements are not useless. Practice skills to automaticity, it is possible to provide the animal to stop in case of adverse effects or is in any immoderate emotions. Teach them a dog you need step by step, 5-6 months, adding gestures to control voice commands.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_37


A team of service dog, migrated into the overall training. Using it as an interesting game, you can easily ensure the supply of virtually all subjects, and hunt game also towing on the water or in the field. Service dogs the command "Fetch" perform a search.

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unusual team

Unusual are stunt or special commands to encourage the dog to perform unusual for her actions. Sometimes a non-standard is just a name. For example, "Tubo" fed cops, preserved from the French language. And many tricks are named on a particular circus slang.

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This command is also known as the "Serve". Especially it is possible to small dogs that are easy to keep the balance in the sitting position, lifting his front paws. Training will take place easily, if the master arm with a favorite treat of the animal. Hand with food plant in the animal's head, encouraging her desire to reach out to encourage, not taking his rump on the ground.

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The team is to go through the animal exhibited a forward and bent at the knee leg master. Useful skill looks like a spectacular stunt. But agility ability to properly overcome the slalom is the key to the successful passage of a line.

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One of the easiest tricks. It is performed from a standing position, with the blades down subsidence. The first experience is obtained with a combination of mechanical action and goodies. Skill fixed quickly enough and the dog happy executes the command in the future.

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Trick implies acceptance of the dog lying position with its front paws, closing the face. It is very popular at the circus and is easy to learn the animals after a certain number of repetitions. With the help of a small piece of adhesive tape at the eyebrows can induce the animal to produce the desired movement.

Skill secured promotion and voice command.

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Special prohibiting command to give a setter dog during hunting time. Similar to the requirements of "can not", "Fu". It allows the animal to stop actions that could harm the action of the hunter.

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The classic trick, performed from the position lying. With a delicacy, the animal is translated into the side position, then on the back and makes a complete coup. With due diligence, the skill can be worked out with repeated repetition, having achieved a spectacular performance of the trick of the dog.

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The ability to walk on the hind legs possess mainly small and medium-sized dogs. After having studied the standing skills in place on the hind limbs, the pet can go to waltching or dancing. In the first case, the execution of the trick will be pair. "Dance" is fulfilled solo, the back of the dog remains in a strictly vertical position. At first, the animal should receive a delicacy after 3-5 seconds.

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Training of useful skills

There are a number of teams that are used in office dog breeding or refer to the category of additional, not included in the list of standard courses. Some of them are needed in everyday life.

"Looking for" or "Nyuhai"

These teams in service dog breeding are used to look for objects by smell, go along the trail. In ordinary life, a sensitive sense of smell must necessarily need hunting PSA and shepherd shepherds.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_48


Useful team, allowing to stop the manifestation of friendliness to an outside person. The more incrsive it is a pet to a stranger, the easier it will protect it from theft or train the basics of the protective guard service.

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Fundamentals of excerpts allow the dog to be in a given master position for a sufficient long time. In this case, the animal receives an additional command "Lying", "Sit" or "Stand". The leaving team is "Gulya" or a lifting to the owner, if it is in removal.

It is also useful to teach the animal on the "place" command to go to the point marked or another item and stay there before new orders.

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Useful in office dog breeding and adjustment team, providing moving the dog from the position lying without lifting paws. Thus, it is overcomed by obstacles that cannot be thrown over or leaving.

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The release team used mainly in official dog breeding. With its help, an animal performing the task is sent to relax. The rest of the time it is or is in place, or is located next to the owner.

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Required minimum for the exhibition

Purebred, which is planned to be used in breeding, requires mandatory participation in exhibitions. There are estimated his article provides opinions on the phenotype of the animal according to the established norms. But before you send your pet on the review, it is necessary to make sure that it has received the necessary training, learned the basic rules of behavior in such an event.

Among the mandatory requirements of the following points to be of any breed.

  1. Quiet, restrained behavior . The dog must not react to other dogs in the ring, to withstand the aggression without touching strangers.
  2. Ready for dental examination, checking ears, genitals (Males for cryptorchidism).
  3. The ability to be in the exhibition stand for a long time. During this period, the animal must remain possible winning position.
  4. Pass around and back and forth movement of the triangle with the given points. All of these skills are necessary to rehearse in advance.
  5. Ability to wear ringovki Without dragging and not weakening it too.

If you plan to use the services of hired ring handler, should find it in advance and to introduce the dog.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_54

Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_55

Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_56

How to learn to protect the owner?

For training guard dog animal must first undergo general training. You can then move on to the development team "FAS" - the main appeal for the attack. It is recommended to study in a special area, and under the guidance of an experienced instructor. In the work with the dog, a special suit or sleeve, which is guided and animal aggression. Teasing the animal, using a stack and other sources of discomfort, instructor achieves the desired reaction.

After the initial development of this skill can be practiced detention or immobilisation of the offender in action with the simulation of real attacks in conditions close to the natural environment. For raising animal, capable of carrying guard dog, it is necessary to limit the range of its communication.

The host should be only one, and family members are perceived as its flock. Only a cautious attitude should be encouraged to outsiders.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_58

Features of training different breeds

The desire to educate yourself pet is quite natural. But it is worth remembering that the taming of dogs of different breeds to be held by the rules. Among the important recommendations can be noted gentle attitude towards learning and dwarf ornamental animals. These types of dogs are usually trained and tested tricks abridged general course of training.

For a particularly unruly kids - Papillons, Pug, Shih Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier core team will be the "place". This is how to prevent any unwanted device operations. In addition, by sending to the place you can stem the flow of irrepressible energy a pet.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_60

Hunting dogs are in need of suppressing certain instincts in everyday life. Their training begins with 6 months. Since that time, the animal learns the basic principles of training. With 10 months of starting full-fledged development of hunting skills.

For service and working dogs in training are very important leadership qualities owner. His authority must remain unquestioned.

Especially important are these factors to work with representatives Molossians, fighting breeds.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_62

Common mistakes

In training it is impossible to do without errors. Every dog ​​is an individual, has a different level of mental stability and needs to be the right approach to it. Among the most common mistakes made by inexperienced owners and trainers can be noted such.

  1. Changing the sound commands. When training is completely unacceptable, because the animal simply does not understand what is expected of him. The team should be clear, understandable and the only true. Otherwise, the development of skills of obedience do not have to talk.
  2. Neglect, neglect of animals. The dog should not experience fear or other negative emotions during training. Otherwise, anyone applying to it the power, will be able to subdue other people's pet yourself if necessary.
  3. Self-doubt. Getting to training, it is necessary to pay attention to the tone and how to give commands. To achieve good results, you need a clear understanding of how it will operate dog. Teams do not have to contradict each other, or be given, 2-3 at a time.
  4. Failure to execute commands. If the training is not related to the achievement of mandatory results achieved it will be virtually impossible to obedience from the dog. Sends a command must be executed in its entirety.
  5. Punishment after the command. You can not call up to his dog to scold him. This will break the causal relationships, lead to the fact that the consolidation of skills will be difficult.
  6. Aggression, screaming, towards the puppy. Dogs perceive the actions of the person due to their physiology. If the animal's actions cause a backlash, it will figure out how to escape punishment in the next time. If your puppy eats his feces defiantly, most likely, he simply "destroying evidence of a crime." And the reason for it - the action master.
  7. The lack of clear rules of behavior. A dog that creates pieces from the table, should not receive them. If, having announced a ban, the owner himself violates him, talking about discipline in the house is quite difficult.
  8. Pet cleaning. No matter how smart dog was, it is dependent on a person and has a different thinking from him. Any training is not the result of persuasion and conversations with animals. It is built on the development of reflexes and it is connected with them.
  9. Incorrect encouragement. Approving the wrong behavior of the dog, it is difficult to achieve submission from it. Rules of encouragement and ignoring must be installed once and for all.
  10. Lack of patience. It is extremely important to bring the dog's workout to the end. With some breeds of dogs, training turns into a real contest in stubbornness. And it is very important to establish your right to lead in this fight.

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Dog Training (68 images): how to teach puppies teams at home? Dressuary list of commands and rules for beginners 23227_64

Useful recommendations

And an adult dog, and the puppy equally need to upbringing. Of course, a boring course of general training with multiple repetitions is unlikely to seem to someone a fascinating occupation. But before the tricks, interesting teams and sports disciplines will be mastered, you need to go exactly the basic stage. And here you can not do without the useful advice of specialists.

One of the main recommendations is the duration of classes. The optimal is the length of the length In 10 minutes with a repetition 2-3 times a day for a puppy, and 30-60 minutes in the morning and evening for an adult dog. Time selection is also very important.

Pet should not be too full or tired. Pre-dog should be walking, allowing her to empty the bladder and intestines.

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When working together, you need to alternate exercises, starting a lesson from the repetition of the material passed. Promotion of delicacy must be combined with games and other pleasures. Then the presence of food in the hand of the trainer in the future will not be the only decisive factor of obedience.

The older the dog is, the harder to instill her training skills. This is especially true of the basic principles of behavior and prohibitions. But even if the dog is mistaken, it is necessary to gently adjust its behavior, and not to scold.

It is possible to seek obedience with different methods. Select their pet should be individually.

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About how to properly teach a dog to "sit" team, you will learn from the video below.

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