Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls


Japanese nicknames for favorite pets are not only original and unusually sounded, but also have a special meaning. The Japanese believe that the correctly chosen name can positively influence the fate and character of the dog. Japanese nicknames are perfectly suitable for both large and small breeds.

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Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_3

Features of choice

If earlier Japanese nicknames were used exclusively for individual species, today the original names can be chosen for pets of any breed. Among the wide variety of Japanese nicknames for pets are options not only for small, but also for large dogs.

Japanese nicknames sound very unusual, beautiful and melodious. Therefore, most of the happy dog ​​owners choose such exotic options, refusing traditional balls and tuziks. Another plus of Japanese nicknames is that They are soniced and short. Thanks to this, the pets and the owners themselves easily remember the chosen name.

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In addition, each nick has its own special meaning, which is very favorably reflected on the nature of the pet. Breeders and kennels converge that the correctly chosen name can really have a positive effect on the temper, behavior and even the fate of the pet. For aggressive and hyperactive dogs choose calm and gentle names. For excessively calm and few lazy pets, you can choose a bright and active nickname.

Therefore, before you choose your choice on a particular nickname, be sure to find out how it is translated.

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Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_6

Choose a suitable nickname for your cute puppy is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Choosing a nickname Be sure to consider the features of the breed and dimensions of the dog. For example, if the puppy grows and turn into a large part, the name that is translated as a baby is not suitable for him.

Also, when choosing a name, you should consider the color of your pet, characteristic features, its temper and even taste preferences. Having stopped at a specific version, try repeatedly repeat it out loud in the presence of a puppy. Be sure to follow his reaction to understand, I like the name you chose or not.

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Remember that Pet nickname should not be complex and long . If you are with difficulty, you will pronounce the name of the dog, then in the end, the pet will not remember it and will not respond.

Try to choose the lungs in pronunciation names consisting of two, maximum three syllables. You should not pick up nicknames that sound aggressively and rudely.

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Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_9

For girls of various breeds, you need to choose beautiful, unusual and gentle names. Be sure to recognize the value of the selected click, because it is not always translated, it sounds noble and beautiful. As a rule, nicknames for girls puppies sound more gently and melodious. Also for a cute small puppy you can choose not just a sonorous, but also a fun name.

If you plan to choose a nickname, focusing on the color and characteristic external features of the dog, then we recommend considering the following options: the girl of the so-called peach shade can be called Momo What is translated into Russian as a "peach", and a white or beige dog - Jin, Yukiko or TSU, What does "silver", "Snow Child" and "Rosa".

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Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_11

Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_12

For active and energetic favorite, you can choose an original and sonorous name, for example: Cho or Kioko. In Russian, they sound like a "butterfly" and "happy." If you want to choose a gentle name with a special value, then pay attention to such options as Chibi, Yume and Tens . Translated, they sound like "Baby", "Dream" and "Angel".

For a proud and easily girl of any breed, you can choose one of the following options: Leoko or Kami. Translated, they sound like "arrogant" and "goddess".

In the event that you want a favorite dog not just obedient and friendly, but there was a complete understanding between you, then you should call it Vakari. What does "mutual understanding" mean.

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Many owners choose truly royal and unusual names for their favorite. In this case, the girl can be called Dike, Dzhedam, Yesay, Renry or Hime . If you translate the names from Japanese, they will sound as follows: "Your Majesty", "Beautiful", "Fairy", "Love for life" and "Princess".

You can call the girl any breed with a beautiful "floral" name, for example: Ranga, Rank what "lotus" and "flower bud", or Oka translated as a "cherry flower". Also suitable Sakura.

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You can choose a sonorous nickname, focusing on your personal gastronomic addictions, for example: Coco, Teko, Cocoa or Moka. You can translate them as "coconut", "chocolate", "cocoa" and "mocha". You can also choose the names of traditional Japanese dishes as original nicknames for girls, for example: Sushi, Hedza, Motion, Takoyaki, Sob, Yakitor or Request. There are such names very unusual and original.

You can choose the name of one of the islands of the country of the rising sun, for example: Tesima, Codisima, Hekura, Misima, Iki, Hasima and Mikura.

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Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_16

Clicks for boys

Bright, sonorous and funny nicknames are better to choose for small breed males. And for representatives of large breeds, noble and unusual dog names are needed.

Try not to choose nicknames that consist of several words, as they are very complex for pronunciation.

Dai, Rao and Ru - These nicknames are ideal for large breeds. They mean: "Big", "Leo" and "Dragon". For the baby, who was born into one of the autumn months, the sonor name is perfect Aki. What means "Child of Autumn". It is also suitable for such an option as a kayna, which means "Maple Sheet". And if the baby was born in summer or in spring, then it can be called Natsuko or Haru, What is translated as a "summer child" and "born in spring".

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For dogs of the dark color, the following nicknames are perfect: Smoke, churo or tec meaning "chestnut", "black" and "chocolate". For pets with light wool you can choose such a name as China, Toshi or Yuki. You can translate names as "north", "reflection" and "snow". Also perfectly suitable for males names Aka or mikan. which translated as "red" and "orange".

For small breeds, you can choose such cute names like Fuku, Tamaa, Machiko, Ricky or Kadan . Names are translated as follows: "Happiness", "bell", "lucky", "power" and "companion".

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Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_19

Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_20

Dog nickname can have a deeper meaning. If you want to choose something unusual for a puppy, then consider the following options:

  • For cute and naive kid, the nickname of Arata is suitable, which is translated as "naive";
  • If this is your first pet in the house, you can call it biso, which sounds like "first in the family";
  • For the present and faithful friend, such names like the Vaticaru, Ditan, Sai or Taiga are suitable, they sound like "Friendly", "Umbrella", "Dar" and "Main Principle".

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Quite as a sonorous and original nickname for your favorite, you can choose the name of some Japanese city, for example: Seto, Heekkan, Fuckers, Iysai, Fukutsu or Nemuro.

If you are an amateur and connoisseur of Japanese cuisine, you can choose the name of your favorite dish as an unusual nickname. For example, for the boy is suitable such as Pan, Tonkatsu, Tencin, Odango, Udon or even Sake.

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Japanese pits for dogs: beautiful and funny names for boys and girls 23215_23

Once again, I wanted to remind you that the choice of clicks for a puppy is a very important stage in which you need to be guided by the features of the dog itself. About other important nuances of choosing a name later.

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