Clicks for dogs of large breeds: Beautiful and funny names for large boys and girls dogs


Nickname for the dog is the same as the name for a person. Therefore, it is necessary to fit thoroughly. This is especially important when a large breed puppy appeared in the house. If in childhood a diminutive nickname will still be to the place, then it may not go to the adult dog at all. The material of this article will help the reader to decide on the best options, and also understand what you need to be based, choosing a nickname for a large breed dog.

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How best not to call?

Looking through the pages of information portals, you can huddle on rather strange nicknames offered for dogs of different breeds. At the same time, most of these nicknames, to put it mildly, inappropriate for pets at all. Some of them are frankly offensive (moron, irregular, psych, shelma, akin), others are racist character (Niger, Negro, black), and the third is just stupid (bubble, chmar, half a liter). Other nicknames hint on the limitations of the owners with a fantasy (evavation, saunk, jumper, chizhik).

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Some Mountain-dogs lowered the status of a noble dog (Ball, Polcan, Bug, Zhulka). Considering that the dog is a nickname is given a puppy for a lifetime, you should not give a pet. For example, you do not need to call a large dog in the following nicknames:

  • Angel or demon;
  • Parasis or tass;
  • Eunuch or geisha;
  • Blizzard or tsunami;
  • Bunny or chakki;
  • Nyasha or kasya;
  • Ray or nut;
  • Lask or fairy tale.

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Do not give dogs of large breeds nicknames by the name of stones (Ometic, Granat, Yashma, FEONIT, Diamond, Aquamarine) either berries (Watermelon, Blueberry) And sweets. Agree that clicks in the spirit of Iriska, Snickers, Bonfetti, Chiorio, Kinder, Jumka, maneuver, pops are not consistent as dog names. It also sounds strangely options such as nasturtium, glocility, dolphinium and other nicknames by color names.

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Do not give a dog nickname named relative or family member. In addition to the fact that such a nickname is inappropriate, it will disorient the PSA in cases of appeal to a person.

Among other options, it is worth noting the inactivity of kilometer names consisting of several words. In addition, unrelated and names, complex in pronunciation, overloaded by nearby consonants (for example, Mkrtchyan, Strong). If I want the name to sound well and consisted of several words, you can learn from the Koreans, whose names and surnames consist of only three or four, and often two letters (let's say, John, Pak-ho).

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Not all names seemingly sounding are suitable for dogs of large breeds. For example, Zeus, Yermak, Trump, Obama, Sultan, Arrow, Zlata, Pug, Prism and Pixi will not be transferred to a properly sound of a big dog. In addition, you should not present your pet and such a nickname that sounds too gently, almost feline (for example, Lexus, Marselo, Mars, gun). The name should sound beautifully, because it will fit into a pedigree.

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It should have a certain meaning, it is possible to point to the color or the character line of the puppy.

You can call a big breed dog without problems, it is only worth looking around. For example, Beautiful and quite harmonious options will be nicknames borrowed at the brands of cars: Porsch, Mazda, Cruiser, Audi, Boomer, Cherry, Daewoo, Ford, Grateuol, Honda, Kia, Landerman, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, Skoda, Subaru, Suzuki, Volvo. Agree that these names are quite suitable as dog nicknames for pets of large breeds.

They sound powerfully, do not have a feline subtext, allocated from the general list of different nicknames for dogs. In addition, they comply with the requirements of some owners to uniqueness. Rarely which second animal living nearby may have a similar nickname.

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And this means that the dog will be his only owner, and in the pedigree, such names will sound quite well.

Among the names formed from names, such popular options can be noted:

  • Arnold (Eagle Power);
  • Aslan (mighty lion);
  • Joy (joy);
  • Karl, Charles (man);
  • Syril, Kir (Vladyka, Lord);
  • Kurt (wolf, hardy);
  • Mark, Marcus (dedicated to God - Mars);
  • Norman (resident of the North);
  • Ralph (wolf);
  • Robert (light, nice);
  • Frederick, FED (security, peace).

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Here are more examples of nicknames, quite worthy of attention: Tyler, Taylor, Bruno, Gaspar, Zack, Cliff, Mike, Lucas, Oscar, Raymond, Pablo, Richard. Among the names for dogs-girls, you can mention these nicknames:

  • Agate (good attitude);
  • Adele (noble);
  • Amanda (pleasant);
  • Berta (light);
  • Brand (queen);
  • Vita (Life);
  • Grace (Grace);
  • Jennifer (white shadow);
  • Ingrid (generous beauty);
  • Nicole (female version from Nicholas);
  • Linda (tender).

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In addition to these names, such nicknames for dogs may become options: Sandra, Greta, Dana, Deborah, Jane, Evelin, Charlin, Ursula, Tiffany, Stephanie, Miranda, Ruby. And the bitch can be called Kerry, Rachel, Emma.

Often the names of the purebred aristocrats awaiting the owners in professional nurseries are already chosen by breeders. Therefore, a puppy before the purchase can have a specific name, for example, Archibald, Barbara, Gertruda. This allows the owner to choose an option in the form of a consonant and shorter nickname for his pet. Let's say, the same Archibald can be called Archi, Gertruda - Gerti.

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Choose nicknames for different breeds

When choosing a nickname, a lot depends on the breed of a particular dog. For example, if a young Tibetan mastiff settled in the house, you should not give him the name of the boy or the baby, junior. And also when choosing a nickname, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the dog, because in general, dog nicknames are not universal. Some of them are better suited for service pieces, others - for hunting.

Names for dogs-companions are usually softer sound. For driving and shepherd breeds, they can be easier, for fighter usually short and sharp. However, regardless of whether it is a rescue dog or companion, the name must correspond to the status of the animal and its size.

  • Breeding dog breed Dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Mastiff, Doberman can be presented with the name Rich, Dick, Caesar, Orion. The bitch can be called Irma, Alboy, Laura, Era or Soyma.
  • A service and watchdog pets, the list of which includes shepherds of all the masters, Senbernara, Newfoundland and Rottweilers, can be called proud nicknames in the spirit of Sheriff, Anchar, Zaire, Alba, Ruby, Kiara, Daisy.
  • A hunting dog from the number of legal, rapes, hounds, as well as Kurzhaaari, depending on the floor, can be called Ralph, the fight, glow, lane, adel, or a nile.
  • Riding beauties, who include husky, self-called and Malamuts, you can give with nicknames like Kai, Norda, Balto, Norman, Hurt, Nora, Utah, Skye, Gina.
  • Shepherd dogs, among whose collie, Akita Inu, Terriers and Welsh Corgi, can get from the owners such novels like Jacks, Kairat, Leon, Vesta, Lisa, Shelby, Adel.
  • Fight animals (Pitbuli, Bulldogs, Staffords) need short nicknames. For example, a dog can be called KUY, Tyson, Shard, Sean, Bruce, Hank. Bitch can be given the nickname Sarah, Daima, Hannah, Sheron.
  • Companions dogs, such as Labradors and Retrivers, can proudly wear Henry, Frank, Bruno, Jess, Martha, Agatha, Margo.

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When choosing one or another option, it is worth considering the following: The larger the dog, the one must be the name. Regardless of the type of rock, the nickname must be approached by a particular animal, to be a small and relevant country of origin of the breed. For example, if a nickname is still suitable for the nickname, the Ralph or Frederick options are not suitable for it at all. So with aristocrats - let's say, the nicknames of Polkash, Arkady, Bonya, Mosia, Venya, Ermosha and similar names are not suitable for the German breed.

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As for the choice of cool options, the feelings of taste and humor should be appropriate to a particular animal. Otherwise, the risk of achieving universal ridicule of their animal and the relationship corresponding to it is great. For example, it is not necessary to call the PSA glitch, Belyash or bitch, and bitch bould, vivishka, zayu, zuzya. If I want the nickname to be a funny, you can call the animal Google or Twitty, Schwarz or Madeira, Barist, Lilu, Page, Flems, Chrome, Vaiber, Zorg. Agree, these options are much more harmonious than the cross, Lush, Button, Zy, Kefir, Prince.

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If you want to choose a pet certainly, the Russian nickname is worth choosing the best options. For example, a dog can be granted a nickname baron, Volt, Count, Klim, Fog, Amur, Stavr, bitch - Yule, Final, Dara, Lada. However, it is not worth falling in extremes: the options "Brother Ivanushka", "Ilya Muromets", "Vasilisa lovely" dogs and are not close, even if the owners are confident in the opposite.

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The name of the animal must be small - so the dog understands it better, gets used faster and does not confuse his owner with long team tiras.

Options for different floors

Browsing the list of possible nicknames for puppies of large breeds, it is necessary to take into account that the name of the animal must be approached not only by the status, but also the floor.

For boys

Undoubtedly, each name not only sounds in its own way, but also has its own character. It happens that one look at the pet is enough to understand whether the selected option is suitable for him. However, if it is difficult to determine, it is possible to look at the best nicknames, which, according to breeders, are suitable for kids of large breed dogs. These include the following dog nicknames:

  • Duncan, Katran, Hugo;
  • Jabbo, DEFL, Jager;
  • Avero, Quest, Hasera;
  • Claude, Adar, Borea;
  • Nord, Hooper, Bryce;
  • Breil, Talento, CARGO;
  • Broot, camp, beta;
  • Akira, Ollard, Central Bank;
  • Cryd, Buch, Albert;
  • Three, anchor, zero;
  • Shake, Argo; Chase;
  • Paj; Sean, Edgar;
  • Hector; Wright, Richard;
  • Finch, Romulus, Roy;
  • Ernest; Ray, Invar;
  • Simon, Frank, Fresh.

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For girls

The sound of the nickname is of particular importance for females of dogs. If the house was a female puppy, he could be one of the names in the list:

  • Iza, Iyr, Africa;
  • Amanda, Bayra, BEFFI;
  • Waida, Gabby; Vesta;
  • Jess, Gloria, Elsa;
  • Josi, Zalta, Irma;
  • Zenna, Kira, Kair;
  • Bark, crysta; Kyar;
  • Lacy; Maya; Maddy;
  • Nora, find, Naomi;
  • Nanni, Pandora; PET;
  • Rough, Rune, Rudy;
  • Silva, States, Terry;
  • Side, Tara, Umi;
  • Frida, Hannah, Haley;
  • Fejdi, Chloe, Heidi;
  • Chelsea, Cerri, Yumi.

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Recommendations for choosing

The name for a big or even a huge dog is easy to choose. However, if the choice seems to be a problem, with a selection of one or another option, you can be guided by various principles of the selection. Given that at an early stage it is difficult to understand the traits of the nature of the animal, this direction can not be taken as the basis. However, N. The evapoha idea will be the selection of a nickname nicknamed any character from a cult film.

It will be quite good to sound the nickname Stark, Tony (from the Iron Man), CEP (from Captain America), String (by the name of the famous Doctor). The list can be continued, and therefore the nickname can be added a lot (Puma, Blade, Wolverine, Riddick, Hulk, Gamer, Snek, Nao, Croft, Storm, Magnetto, Cable).

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When choosing, you need to pay attention to the length and degree of complexity of pronunciation. Clean the nickname should be easily, besides, it must be memorized.

It is desirable that there were no more than two or three syllables as part of the name. This is quite enough to memorize the dog, a short name is more convenient in everyday life, as well as the commands served by the pet. Preference (especially when selecting options for males) It is worth paying the names beginning with the consonant letter. According to experts, words starting with a consonant letter, dogs understand faster. Hearing the beginning of the word, the animal immediately fasses and listens.

If you do not want the dog to be too common, but a cool name, you need to select an option from the discharge of creative (for example, it can be the same google or viber, line or avatar). A special name will exclude the situation when two dogs react to the name uttered by a person. In addition, when selecting the desired option, you can connect to the question of all households.

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The more opinions, the wider the list of names. Perhaps it is in such a situation that the best option will appear, which will arrange the owner and will approach a specific puppy.

In search of the choice of the best name for a large breed dog, you must not forget that the name is not clothing. It should not be changed in the future, because you would not like it yourself if you were called from time to time to completely different names. The dog cannot be arcasha today, and tomorrow Spiridon, she quickly understands his name, and in teaching it can create certain difficulties. In addition, the replacement of the nickname animal can understand how to change the rules installed in the house. And this means that she can afford to change the framework of behavior.

As for the best option, he must inspire respect and to the owner of the dog. For example, If you approach the choice thoroughly, the nickname may have several variations . Let's say Lorcher translated from German means "Larisa". After the Pitomian will understand his main name, it can be cut, but at the same time the first part will be almost unchanged: Lorcher, Laura, Lara. A gentle dog can call the Lorusik, Lorochka.

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An interesting option can be the name obtained as a result of the merger of the names of the puppy's parents. Often it is given breeders of professional nurseries. This allows you to create unique items inherently. Also interesting is an option in which the name is selected based on the pedigree. At the same time, the nickname can begin on the first letter of the name of the mother or father. The maximum number of letters in the nickname of a pedigree usually does not exceed 40 characters, the household name is shorter.

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For the most popular nicknames for big breed dogs, see the next video.

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