How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it?


Welsh Corgi is very beautiful, bright and amazing dogs. If these cute animals will live in a big family, which leads an active lifestyle, they will be happy.

This breed of dogs differ in mind, intelligence and dedication.

Such a pet will immediately love the whole family. . And in a loving family, the life expectancy for them will last. Welsh Corgi assigned the name of the miniature shepherd. Its growth is not above 30 cm. And also Cuga is the oldest shepherd breed, but today they have become real pets.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_2

These dogs can really smile. And everyone who has walked Corgi will be immensely happy.

How to determine the age of the dog?

In order to determine more precisely the age of the dog, you should pay attention to some external signs.


In Corge, in the first 2 years, the teeth take a pointed shape, becoming similar to the shaded. Have a snow-white color and a smooth surface. Starting from two years, the hillocks on the teeth begin to erase, but the color remains the same. And already for the four years from the tubercles, almost nothing remains, and the color of the teeth will fade, and acquires a grayish tint. And from five years old, the teeth begin to shut up, and they are blunting. From 6 to 8 years, the fangs are still stronger, become stupid, and the shape is concave.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_3

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_4

And during this period there may be a dental stone that looks like a hardened flaw. From 8 to 10 years old, the teeth become yellow or even brown. And they are already stepping to the end, become shorter and oval form. And from the age of 12, they begin to crumble and fall out, and because of this a bite can change.

This method of determining the age is pretty accurate, but it is worth remembering that there may be small errors.

Since the erasure of teeth depends not only from age, but also from food that your pet consumes, and also the hereditary state of dental enamel.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_5

Loss of teeth can be not only in old age, but also with any injuries that led to such an outcome.


The young representatives of the breed Cherg wool shiny and soft. And with age, it becomes more coarse, breaking and loses his shine.

In old dogs, the wool has a heterogeneous structure and quickly becomes dirty. Approximately 6 years old on the muzzle appears the first gray, and after 8 - goes to the head. But some dogs can be seen before.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_6

This can occur even at 3 years old, but this is due to features such as metabolic disorders.


With eyes almost all the same as with wool. At the young age, they shine, clean, they see life and joy in them. And in adult dogs they are dull, slightly sad.

And the cataract or glaucoma may appear.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_7

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_8


Young dogs lead a very active lifestyle, constantly playing and running. And with age, they go to step, much less playing, they begin to sleep more.

Muscle state

In his youth, they are very strong and elastic, with age they lose all this, weaken and become loose.

And due to the fact that dogs stop moving a lot and constantly sleep, obesity may occur.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_9

The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi

Modern Cuggs are a decorative dog breed. And their life expectancy ranges from 12 years. But almost all representatives live up to 16 years.

What does life depend on?

The life expectancy of this breed depends on:

  • diet and power mode;
  • content conditions;
  • Care.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_10

How can I extend it?

First of all, to extend the life of your favorite, it will be necessary to send all the forces to prevent obesity. If you protect your pet from this ailment, you can avoid a number of diseases.

Therefore, it is necessary that the dog led an active lifestyle, as well as constant physical exertion.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_11

And while the corgi is still young, you can deal with special sports with him.


Since the main problem of this breed is obesity, then carefully monitor the diet of the pet.

And it is strictly forbidden to overpay the dog.

If you feed the animal dry, finished feed, then Strictly follow the recommendations of the specialist.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_12

And if you prefer to feed your favorite with natural products, then approximately 30% of its diet should be meat and offal, but it is forbidden to give kidneys, lungs and liver. The best meat options will be: turkey, rabbit and lamb.

Pork feed, in general, it is impossible, and the chicken should be given very neatly, because it can cause allergies.

The rest of the diet should consist of rice, buckwheat, as well as fermented milk products and fresh, finely chopped greenery.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_13

And during pregnancy, the dogs need to follow the instructions of a veterinary doctor, and to add vitamins and minerals to the diet.

Content and care

The most suitable conditions for the residence of this breed will be an apartment or a private sector, but not a booth or aviary.

Since Velsh Corgi is very sociable, they should always be surrounded by people.

And if this is not, then all this will negatively affect their mental state, and may also significantly reduce life.

Care for Corgi is not difficult.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_14

Wool must comb 1-3 times in 7 days, during molting it will have to do every day.

In rare cases, a haircut is necessary.

Eyes and ears to handle only when necessary. Claws cut periodically But you should not allow them to start spinning . If the dog eats solid food, then the teeth do not need special care.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_15

It is worth conducting water procedures as necessary, and it is necessary to dry the dog after washing.

How to care for an elderly dog?

The process of care for older animals is almost the same as for young. And it is distinguished by the fact that claws will need to cut a little more often, as the pet will move less.

How many corgs live? The average life expectancy of Welsh Corgi. What does life depend on? How can I extend it? 23191_16

It is very important to occur periodically from a specialist so that he tracks the state of health.

If you notice any changes, then urgently should be sent to the veterinary clinic.

And also do not forget that human attention is very important to this breed. These dogs want to know and understand that they are still needed and loved. Therefore, be sure to pay as much time as possible to your pets.

About the breed of dogs Corgai can be found from the following video.

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