Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home?


For the owners of the dogs of the breed, the Beagle is an important point is to understand that they need to raise them from the very moment of appearance in the house. In this direction, regularity and perseverance are needed. Puppies are very intelligent, easily assimilate information and can immediately recognize exactly how to behave with the owner. Therefore, the obedient and intelligent dog is the result of painstaking work, permanent training and tireless education. We will talk about all the details in our article.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_2

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_3

Fundamental rules

If it comes to training, it is necessary to start it as early as possible. Otherwise, the time when he is not too difficult to influence the dog, it may be irrevocably missed. Naturally, first of all attention is drawn to the simplest rules and teams. Already by half the pets should be the most raised, later it becomes almost impossible to check.

The main principle that the owner must pursue is a sequence in training. It must be supported by all family members in which the Beagle lives. Formulate the teams should be clearly and clear, and the promotion of giving only when the dog does everything to the end.

New teams are studied only after complete consolidation and execution of old.

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You need to start training, paying this process for only half an hour per day. This is due to the fact that the beagles are very active, respectively, they cannot be concentrated long on the same thing.

If the baby is tired of doing, the training will be useless. It is necessary to create a relaxed atmosphere for classes, and it will also be necessary to fix the skills, constantly reminding the puppy about the studied teams. An animal should not have a negative emotion during training.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_5

Beagles love active games very much, they can have fun with balls, chewing toys and all kinds of bait. If the process is pleased to be pleasure, the dog will be willing to participate in it, so it is impossible to punish it for failure to fulfill the teams, it will not benefit, but, on the contrary, aggravate the situation.

The use of physical force is also unacceptable, it will lead to the absence of confidence between the owner and his pet. The most important motivation is encouraging, and it is expressed not only in delicacy, but also in simple praise, affectionately touches. Rooms initially need to be given for each command executed.

Later, when the process comes to automatism, it can be replaced with a praise.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_6

List of necessary basic teams

Train the boy or the Bigl breed girl should be starting with basic teams. It is their execution that creates the necessary level of obedience. You can do it yourself.

Training team "Sitting!"

This command can be called the main one. To begin with, the dog should go to the owner and see in his hands a treat. A treat can not be given immediately, but also to hide, so that the dog has lost interest to him, should not. A hand with a delicacy will start the head of the beagle and the team "Sitting!". The dog can sit on the inertia, watching the hand. In this case, the treat is given immediately. Then the procedure is repeated.

If this did not happen, it should be pressed on the croup of peel, holding a delicacy over his head. When the animal sees, you need to praise it and give a treat. In both cases, the team should be pronounced with a clear, calm voice. The dog should understand the relationship between words and actions.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_7

You should repeat the command at any convenient case. It may be feeding, going to walk, walk, landing into the car, when preparing for water procedures and so on. Thus, the Beagle will understand that the execution is necessary not only at home, but also in any other place, even when there are many distracting factors around. When the animal is completely littered, the issuance of delicacies should be discontinued and limited to the oral praise.

In this case, the dog will understand that to get a treat, it will need to make more effort.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_8

Training team "Place!"

The next list is the "location!" Command. Training begins when the previous one has already been worked out. After the animal village, it is necessary to say "place!", Extending your hand next to you. Beagle must Large in the same place at least short time. If it succeed, Pressure is given and the team is repeated, Only when the owner is already at another point of the apartment.

The main point is that the puppy remains to sit where it was left, and did not go on the placement for the owner. You need to give a team to a solid, calm voice.

The main thing is to ensure that the kid does not run for a treat, and waited for him at the main point.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_9

Teach team "To me!"

This is the third step in the training, most likely the easiest of the technique of execution. If the dog itself goes to the owner, he is enough to repeat "To me!", And when reaching goals praise and give delicacy pet . It is necessary to do it repeatedly that the connection of one with another in the animal in the brain is rooted. If the puppy is not too often suitable for the owner even at home, the delicacy will be the best bait.

The main thing is not to forget to repeat the team more often. It is necessary to praise a dog for success so that she understands what is doing everything right. Hurry in this case should not be as well as scolding a pet. After all, he can understand it so that the words "To me!" They are associated with punishment, respectively, to perform everything will refuse correctly.

It is best to show no reaction at all if something does not work something.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_10

Control of ukuusov

Both very small and adults, Beagles can begin to bite, appearing in a new house. Such attempts must be stopped initially. If this happens during the game, you should change the way of classes on a calmer or give a dog to bother a wand or a ball. The game itself needs to stop immediately.

If this happens regularly, the animal will understand that it was the bites that served as the cause of the cessation of the Games and stop biting. In general, the dog can bite for several reasons except active games. First of all it is a fright, as well as peculiar defense. The main thing for the owner is to understand that the bite can become a random phenomenon, not speaking about the aggression of the pet.

As for the beagles, the bites during the game they really happen. The dog can not scold and even more shouting at her. No effect should be applied. You just need to limit contact with animals for a while.

If this does not help, you need to contact a film or veterinary doctor. The cause of bites may be illness, and in adult dogs - poor upbringing.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_11

Teaching a dog to chisto

One of the main points is to teach the dog to the cleanliness on the territory of the joint residence and in other places. It follows this issue From the moment the puppy appears in the house. First of all, you need to designate the place that will initially serve to the toilet, put a tray there, and put a diaper in it. The baby will need to be taken there until he will do all his affairs in the right place. To secure the procedure, it is worth repeating several times.

The teaching to the cleanliness is an important factor in raising a beagle. If the baby is trying to hide need elsewhere, you need to persist in the tray, repeating the "Toilet!" Command. Over time, the puppy will understand what exactly is required.

Do not forget to praise the pet when he did everything right, it can be done both verbally and using treats.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_12

At first, it is better to highlight one room for the dog. After teaching to the toilet, which takes about 3 days, you can produce it to learn the entire apartment whole. When the necessary vaccination is performed, you can start walking. After the beagle goes into the toilet on the street, you need to praise it. This is done until all the natural needs of the kid will begin to cope outside the apartment.

To begin with, the walks should be as frequent, literally every half hour with the possibility. You can attribute a baby to the same place so that the conditional reflex has developed. With age, the number of walks decreases, shrinking to three, and later and twice a day. Praise should be most active, you can use delicacies, and stroking, and voice.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_13

With proper training of problems with the execution of commands, the Beagles should not be. They are very smart and smart. Usually, if you wish to go to the toilet, the dog behaves restless. She can start whining, move circles, sit at the door or sniffing the floor. These symptoms are a reason to bring the animal to the street. Even if there are doubts about the reasons for such behavior, it is better to be renewed.

The owner must understand that Little puppies can sometimes shit in the apartment. They do it not specifically, so it is impossible to swear and beat the beagle. However, in this case, a special cleaner will be required, otherwise the smell of urine will again attract the peel to the old place next time. Use household chemicals with ammonia and chlorine during harvesting stricter is prohibited.

Chlorine has toxicity, and ammonia due to a specific smell, on the contrary, can attract an animal.

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The power mode is also part of the upbringing, and it is important. It is from his implementation that the health of a pet is depends on, regularity is required. Small beagles should be fed 5-6 times a day. Teenagers are enough 3-4 times. Adult dog feeds on 2 times a day, in the morning and evening, therefore the delicacy is a great way to stimulate a pet.

The volume of portions is selected according to the weight and age of the dog, if this indicator is specified on the packs of dry feed. In the case of natural food, optimal will consult the veterinarian.

Training of beagle: how to train and raise a puppy at home? 23181_15

From how often the dog takes food, the frequency of the walks required by it is dependent. Therefore, with age, the frequency of feedings is reduced, and the duration of staying on the street, on the contrary, increases.

Masters need to take into account that Bursts to the toilet puppies are able to endure the number of hours equal to their age, for example, in 2 months this period is 2 hours. This moment is very important when planning the routine of the day. Adults Beagles can tolerate up to 8 hours, but it is categorically not recommended to exceed this figure.

For the training of beagle, look next.

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