Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose?


People who love large breeds of dogs, you want to have a strong and reliable defender. And one of the best options is the Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai. And many have a question, and how are these two breeds differ, how can I compare them? To answer questions, it will be necessary to figure out what the main characteristics of such dogs.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_2

Description of the Caucasian Shepherd

This name of this dog was given because it appeared in the Caucasus. This breed has formed due to the actions of the indigenous people. For a long time, shepherds guarded the house and property of the owners. And therefore the Caucasians have a beautiful hunting quality. They have a good intellect, and they are very decisive. But not all this breed is suitable.

The dog is strong and hardy, can live in any climatic conditions. The physique is powerful and muscular. The housing is a massive and wide housing, also the kennels note its exhaustion, but tend to believe that it is rather a lack. The neck of the middle length, the codes are pronounced brightly. Dogs are able to analyze what is happening and is not amenable to a panic. They have good vigilance, dogs are incredulously belong to other people's people.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_3

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_4

Positive traits:

  • Magnificent guard and defender;
  • incredulous attitude to strangers;
  • self-control;
  • developed intelligence;
  • love for the owner;
  • restraint;
  • Ability to analyze and evaluate the situation.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_5

Negative qualities:

  • very stubborn;
  • wayward;
  • The owner must have a hard character and great patience;
  • need careful wool care;
  • requires great effort to train;
  • It is impossible to make people with a mild character;
  • Cannot be kept in the apartment.

In the nature, such dogs are very calm, kept. Trust exclusively family members, and when there are strangers, they are very suspicious about them. And this distrust appeared, because the main goal of Caucasian dogs was guarded at home.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_6

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_7

Description Alabaya

This breed of dogs is called the Central Asian Shepherd. And she already exists more than 4 thousand years. Alabai originated from Tibet's dogs and passed hard natural selection due to harsh conditions and constant fight against the enemy. And it was precisely this influenced the character and appearance of the dog.

Positive traits:

  • developed intelligence;
  • calm;
  • does not need special care;
  • distrust in someone else's;
  • moderate appetite;
  • loves the owner;
  • Congenital security instinct.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_8

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_9

Negative qualities:

  • selfie;
  • demanding;
  • Dressing is hard;
  • prone to vagrancy;
  • It is impossible to make people with a soft character.

The dog is serious and confident. Also Alabai Owners, but this is manifested only on its territory, but at a party they do not show it.

And when other people's people are suitable for the house, males react very sharply and ready to immediately attack, but females in this regard are careful and attack only when strangers fit close.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_10


Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


The average

(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 2 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 5 out of 5)


Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Excellent security guard

(Rating 5 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the rock "Alabai" is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

Differences in appearance

There are several items for which you can determine which kind of breeds in front of you. It should be relying on the differences in the following parts of the body:

  • wool;
  • paws;
  • shape of the head and muzzle;
  • eyes;
  • tail.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_11

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_12

The Caucasian Shepherd Hair has a long, hard and thick undercoat, Alabaya on the contrary. In the spring, each of the rocks occurs molting. First you need to comb out every day or at least every other day so that the wool is not confused. Alabayev do not need to comb sharpness so often, and to avoid skin diseases, during molting it is necessary to do it more often.

Caucasians have a paw in short, but thicker. They also have more and head. Alabaev has a sharpness of the muzzle in the nose. They do not raise their eyes up, and therefore they do not coar. But the Caucasian Shepherds have small, deeply planted and coat.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_13

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_14

At the Central Asian Shepherd, the tail is short, because at birth they will stop it, and the Caucasians do not do this operation. The poet he has a long, fluffy and bent into the ring. But still, the relief is not necessary, it is carried out only at will.

And similar rocks with its large form. And since they have a great physique and thick undercoat, they can make a company to their owner in any business. Without problems transfer various difficulties, such as lack of water and food. Also, these breeds were initially guarded sheep, so they themselves can make decisions.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_15

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_16

Who is bigger?

The growth of the Caucasian Shepherd in the withers is approximately 60 cm, and it has 70 to 80 cm. In some cases, the Caucasian can reach 75 cm. Weight category can be from 45 to 75 kg, and an Asian from 45 to 80 kg. But still both breeds are very large, and they have a perfectly developed musculature. Usually the medium-media are much larger, but it all depends on feeding and physical exertion. Life expectancy is also different. Caucasians live 10-11 years old, Alabai 12-15.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_17

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_18

Who is stronger?

At both dogs, the power indicators are almost the same, but they lead a little differently. The Caucasian Shepherd comes fearlessly and can predict the subsequent actions of the enemy, when the Central Asian Shepherd Dog reacts quickly and acts on the go. Also, the first will act until the last. Caucasian wins the victory due to the power, and Alabai due to agility and tricks.

Comparison of breeds for other criteria

Since these breeds are also shepherds, they stand out among the others by their mind and ingenuity. Because security requires an adequate assessment of what is happening. These dogs are very bold and can act independently. Caucasians love freedom And that is why they will be hard to obey the owner, but Alabai will look forward to attention and approval. Central Asian Shepherd Schitra and Picture Also gets great to children and can become a "nanny" for them.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_19

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_20

Who is suitable for the street?

For any large breed, including the Caucasian Shepherd will be more comfortable in a private house with a large plot than in a small apartment. Since this dog loves freedom, it needs constant physical exertion. This breed is perfect for the role of the guard. But the loyalty and dedication of dogs should be deserved.

Central Asian Shepherds Some of the best guards, they will serve as a family faith and truth. Relationships should be built on respect. But since shepherds love freedom, they cannot sit on the chains, they evaluate it as humiliation, because they cannot move freely, and this adversely affects their moral state.

The best option will be spacious aviary with a house. Thanks to its wool, dogs can easily transfer any temperature modes.

And even when the animal dwells in the aviary, it is also necessary to walk, because he needs walks to develop muscles.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_21

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_22

How to feed?

Caucasian Shepherds can have anything. You can feed dogs dry and wet food. Adult dog must be fed with meat (up to 1 kg per day), boiled chicken, fish and vegetables. There should also be cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat and pasta. Animals are very useful to consume fruits and greens, but you can not give them in large quantities, they must be in the raw form.

Central Asian Shepherds are completely unpretentious in food, but since they may have problems with joints, it is simply necessary that in the diet there is an increased calcium content. This breed is necessary to feed meat (beef and veal), marine, low-fat fish, raw or boiled vegetables, porridge. The chicken should not contribute to the diet.

Both rocks are categorically forbidden to give: pork, bones, beets, potatoes, citrus fruits, legumes, various seasonings, smoked and canned food.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_23

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_24

Who still choose?

Of course, it is always difficult to make such a choice between these two breeds, since the difference between them is not very big. It will also depend on the nature of the owner, whether he will be able to establish relationships with the dog.

The main thing is not to forget that these breeds have different characters, and if a person is going to bring up a dog, then it is worth staying at the Caucasian Shepherd. For a large family, Alabai is suitable, who loves much attention.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_25

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_26

Alabaya and Caucasian Shepherd Machine

This process takes place exclusively at the amateur level. Therefore, the new breed will not be. Puppies are called marchs. The appearance of them gets from both parents. Puppies are large, very easily learned, guardian and security qualities are always transmitted. They, too, are very incredulously treat someone else's people and always protect their territory. Also very stubborn and always dominate. Not everyone can cope with the nature of such PSA and its leadership qualities.

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_27

Comparison of Alabaev and Caucasian Shepherders (28 photos): What is the difference between dogs in nature? Which of them is more? Who is better to choose? 23152_28

On the features of two data breeds, see the next video.

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