Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds


To bring a new breed, breeders cross the families related to each other. As a result, a puppy appears on the light, which has signs of breeds involved in viscosity.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_2

What are the metats?

Alabai - Central Asian Shepherd. The appearance of methots depends on which breed it occurred. Excellent external and physical data inherent Alabai Mix with Caucasian Shepherd. This is a strong dog that inherited the power from Caucasian, its dense and beautiful wool. In the area of ​​Neck, it is so thick that the head seems very big and round like a ball. From another progenitor, the beast got gracefulness.

Paws in such an animal strong. Some owners will stop the tail puppies. If you leave it, then in an adult dog it will be fluffy and long. As for the color of the wool, it can vary from white to dark brown. At the same time, the darker shade will be present on the back, the top of the head, tail and paws.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_3

Prepagate the appearance of an allab, crossed with the German Shepherd, is impossible. It all depends on which gene will take the top and become the predominant. You do not even need to be an experienced filmologist, so as not to understand which rocks participated in mating. The features of the "German" and "Central Asian" are noticeable enough. An adult person is distinguished by impressive sizes. On the back there may be a dark band, the muzzle is also dark.

Thanks to thick wool, such animals can be successfully kept on the street. Separate ears and tail do not stop.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_4

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_5

If the Metisov Alabaya and Kane Corso is the predominant of the Central Asian Shepherd gene, then the offspring grows large with a thick wool. The massive square muzzle is a distinctive feature of individuals. Ears and tail are bought in puppy age. Color is mostly dark.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_6

Puppies Alala and Eastern European Shepherd - These are very fluffy kids with duty ducts. Mortification, dogs are becoming more like an Eastern European part. The color of the wool on the face, ears and along the spine is darker than the main one. The tips of the paws can be white.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_7

Tibetan mastiff crossed with the Central Asian Shepherd, grows by a large part. Powerful torso, large paws, dense wool, hanging ears - characteristic features of the penetration. Color can be the most diverse: from black with white breast to red. It happens that the muzzle, bridge and forehead (in the middle) have a white color.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_8

Machine with Moscow watchman - Graceful dog with powerful and strong paws, wide breasts and dense undercoat. The tail in such individuals is fed. Ears triangular, hanging. The inner side of the paws, the abdomen and breast can be absolutely white.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_9

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_10

Metis Alabaya and Rottweiler It has quite large forms. His weight can reach 70 kg. This is a very beautiful dog, with thick long wool and semi-free ears. The tail is fixed at the request of the owner. The individuals of red-colored are very impressive, in which the upper part of the body (spin, sides and neck) is covered with ferrous coat.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_11

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_12

Machine with husky inherits from alabaya major body. The color of the wool, blue eyes, standing triangular ears - this is a manifestation of the Husky gene. The wool in such a pet is dense.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_13

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_14

The Central Asian Shepherd, crossed with Labrador, gives good offspring. Adults have several less impressive sizes than Alabai. Dogs are inherent playfulness and active lifestyle. Welded fawn wool color.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_15

Sharpey gives Alabai into the inheritance original color and courageous character. This is an excellent watchdog with powerful wide breasts and massive paws.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_16

And here Machine with a mongrel - this is a completely unpredictable option , concerning both the appearance and the nature of the animal. The likelihood that the migrant gene will be predominant is quite large.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_17

What character possesses?

The feature of any methives is the unpredictability of the character. Different breeds are cross, each of them is its temperament. Whose gene will be predominant, it will become clear after it takes a little time.

"Central Asian" is a balanced and devoted dog, a magnificent and courageous guard, negatively related to outsiders. As a result of crossing with the German Shepherd, a person who has activity is born. She is smart and focused on their owner.

With such a dog, it is not scary to walk in the dark, as it can protect the owner from the attempt of intruders.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_18

If the top will take the genes of the Caucasian Shepherd, then for such a dog is characteristic of disobedience and audacity. A long-term educational process will be required. The owner needs to be patient, will, so that the animal saw the leader in it. The beast will obey only the owner.

Especially unpredictable methuses Alala and Husky. The nature of the latter of them is the wayward. If something is interested in something in something, the curiosity will take the top, and the dog will forget about the owner's orders at some point.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_19

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_20

Features of care

Metisi have thick and dense wool, which needs constant care. Purchase a pet comb in a specialized store to regularly comb the beast. The procedure is especially necessary when a molk comes in an animal. Combination of wool prevents the formation of plowing lumps. The dog will not only have a beautiful appearance, but also feel comfortable. Twice a month bathe pet.

For washing, use shampoo created for dogs. It will not cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_21

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_22

Metis Alabaya requires physical activity. Games in the fresh air are needed to maintain itself in excellent physical form. During walks, the animal can easily expose parasite attack: flea, ticks. Protect the pet from insects will help a special collar. If you do not have this, handle the dog with anti-slip drops.

So that the dog has not formed a tooth stone, buy special bones. Such prevention is necessarily necessary to your pet.

Metis Alabaya is usually a major beast, so it is not very convenient to keep it in the apartment. The perfect option is a country or private house.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_23

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_24


So that the dog felt good and was healthy, she needs the right diet. If you prefer dry feeds, do not take cheap options. Premium-class products have a truly balanced and natural composition enriched with vitamins and microelements. Cheap analogs are capable only to harm the animal.

It is impossible to feed the dog sweet, flour, bold and canned. Bones are needed, but nicknamed. In this respect, the perfect beefs. You can also give offal. The basis of natural nutrition is meat.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_25

Education and training

Metisov Central Asian Shepherd has excellent reputation. This is a faithful family friend, a courageous defender and an excellent guard of property. However, all this is possible only under the condition of regular training and conducting educational classes. Metisms need more time and attention (in comparison with purebred alabay) by the owner. Otherwise, the puppy will grow either extremely aggressive and naughty, or cowardly and non-understanding teams. If you do not have a sufficient level of knowledge for training and raising a pet, refer to the services of professional film engines.

You need to do with the puppy immediately as soon as he got into your home. It is impossible to postpone "for later" and wait for some convenient case. Otherwise, you just miss the time, and the further process will be accompanied by difficulties. Puppy age is characterized by activity. It is impossible to leave alone for a long time. Spoiled things and shoes, traces of teeth on the furniture - all this expects the owner who has long been absent at home. The dog just asked her day, playing with everything that fell to the tooth.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_26

Gradually, form the kid's understanding of the prohibitions. They must have a good basis and not be excessive. Use the promotion method when the puppy performed what was required of it. So you will quickly give him to understand what is allowed, and what is not. The dog in no way should be afraid of you and understand that the owner is a leader.

Do not indulge the dog: it will be disobedient and unmanaged. The process of re-education such a PSA is extremely complex. Checologists are recommended to take a 2-month-old puppy family. This period, when the attachment of the baby is formed to the owner.

To workout damage daily for about an hour. Orders give to confident tone so that the baby knows that a person is a leader.

Metis Alabaya (27 photos): Alabai Mix features with German and Caucasian Shepherds, with Husky and Labrador, with a mongrel and other breeds 23148_27

Do not shout on the dog. It can perceive it as aggressive behavior, which will attack. Please note that friendly embraces are not always understandable to the animal. If your meeting with a friend is accompanied by such turbulent manifestations of emotions, the animal will think that this is an attack, and will start protecting the owner. In connection with this, the first teams should be: "Fu", "not", "place".

It is important to remember that bad dogs do not happen. What a pet grows, almost completely depends on you. Patience, sequence, lack of misses and, of course, a good attitude towards your pet - that's all that is required from the owner.

About how Metis Alabaya and Malamute looks like, you will learn from the video below.

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