How many french bulldogs live? What is the lifespan of life? How to increase the number of years at home?


French bulldogs are truly amazing dogs who please the owners with their existence. And, it would seem that the pet is active, playful, movable and social, then everything is fine, but what should I do if his enthusiasm go somewhere, and he is all calmer and sad? It makes sense to think about how to strengthen health and extend the life to your favorite so that you please each other as long as possible.

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First of all, it is important to clarify that the French bulldogs of small sizes, they are not more than 30 centimeters in growth. But weight, even if it is very good to feed, there will be no more than 14 kilograms. Their muscles and echoes of fighters genetics imply frequent physical activity. That is because The dog is perfect for those people who are accustomed to spend a lot of time with their pet, and also not bother to walk and hiking.

In the nature of the PSA, attachment and willingness to protect the owner in case of danger. That's why With French bulldogs are not entirely scary, because these are real defenders. But in order for the dog always felt well and developed correctly, Detach a lot of time to walks and games. Thus, your dog will be healthy, because it will live in harmony with your body. It will not only strengthen health, but also will prolong the life of your pet.

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average life expectancy

If you remember what experts are talking about the life of the French Bulldog, then On average, it lives from 9 to 12 years. However, if you have a girl, then Life term can grow up to 15 years . But for such a result, proper care and content is needed.

If we talk about male individuals, then their life, unfortunately, is a little shorter, and does not exceed 12 years. However, this is not an axiom, since the main reason for such a term is the aggressiveness of boys. That is, they often come into overwater and fights with other dogs, get injuries and sick. Accordingly, there is a closed circle: a dog is eager for activity, wants a lot to walk and move. Therefore, it is necessary to limit it from unwanted communication with counterparts.

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How to extend?

The factors of the duration of living are different, can affect some owner, and others are not limited to him.

The owners cannot affect heredity, that is, if the French Bulldog disease was transferred from their parents. However, there are a number of things that we can still change.

  • If your dog is pregnant, be sure to follow the whole process, and help her with childbirth, better with the veterinarian. The birth of a plurality of puppies may have fatal consequences for the parent, therefore safer to make Cesarean.
  • If you have noticed something wrong in the health of the PSA or in addition you know that the dog is ill, do not allow the struggle with the ailment of only the power of immunity. There are a number of diseases where he does not cope in itself, the dog receives a chronic form of illness or dies at all. That is why at the first signs of health disorders, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Do not neglect the activity of this wonderful creation. No matter how much you wanted to have the houses of lazy and cute dogs, this is not about French Bulldog. Regularly take walks with your pet and watch it to hold weight within the normal range.

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In addition to these three most important solutions and aspects, there are also additional, but equally important actions that will make your dog healthy and happy.

  • Attending the veterinarian is important not only with explicit signs of ailments and with a unique decrease in activity, but simply regularly. Preventive inspection is always useful, it will allow to identify the disease in the earliest stages. In addition, a good specialist will always help advice how to improve your pet's life.
  • Emotional component. Everything is very simple - if you often scold a dog or beat it, then this is a stress for the psyche. And he, especially chronic, is often the cause of reducing life, because reduces immunity.
  • If you do not plan the breed reproduction, then it is better to sterilize the dog or castrate. In addition, it allows the hormonal background to remain stable, castration also reduces the aggression in males. But the females are still simpler: the body does not spend strength and resources for the hatching of puppies, which means that your girl will live longer. And it definitely eliminates the risk to die during childbirth.

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What to feed?

You can choose yourself than to feed your pet, whether it is dry food or ordinary food, to what a person used. In the case of dry foods, it will be quite simple - you only need to consult with the veterinarian and choose the correct power scheme. But with ordinary products, a diet is important.

  • If we talk about meat, then it should not be fat, it should be served in raw form, without exposing heat treatment, and daily.
  • So that the digestion worked perfectly, the dog needs to be fed by fermented with milk products, and it follows three times a day.
  • The PSA body needs a fiber, so dropping buckwheat or rice, and feed this bulldog every day at least once.
  • For the full flow of fiber and all vitamins, let's give a ps of fresh vegetables, also every day, but do not forget to throw them with boiling water.
  • Sub-products and bones in boiled form can be fed every two days.
  • Fish is a very important part of the diet of your dog. Serve it, too, in the raw form, but not too often. Twice ten days will be enough. If your dog eats fish willingly, you can please it with this delicacy three days old. Just be sure to remove all the bones before serving!
  • But with eggs should be careful - the Bulldog body does not really take those proteins that are contained in chicken egg. Therefore, serve this product in the amount of one thing no more than once a week, and without a yolk.

In addition, for the complete diet, the dog can eat fresh berries or fruits, but not too often - every ten days.

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Now a few words about dry stern. Of course, there are advantages here: this is the saving time, and the shelf life. But do not forget about the rules for choosing such feed, to accurately be confident in the fullness of the diet of the PSA.

Better refrain from the purchase of cheap feed Since they can not only do not meet the requirements, but also cause allergies in the animal.

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Home care

It is always necessary to comb your dogs on time, even despite the short wool. It is necessary to do this not only so that clothes, furniture and the whole apartment are in order, but also that the dog does not slip the lumps of his own wool.

Do not use chemical shampoos often - This will not bring the use of PSA's health, because they wash it once in the season. When washing, be sure to use a dog shampoo, and no more. In the rest of the time, use just warm water. These places that can be overcoiled by bacteria: folds on the face or on the tail, it is better to clean with antibacterial wipes. Thus, ulcers and the development of pathogenic microbes can be avoided. Watch that the genitals of dogs are not inflamed.

Once a couple of weeks, look at the mouth, and also worth visiting the dentist once a year. Eyes and ears can also be a problem. Therefore, immediately after a walk, check whether there is no tick bullyheads inside the ears. Behind the eyes it is worth careful times a week: wipe or rinse them with welding of tea, but weak and without sugar.

To properly clean the ears, you need to pre-order them with heated vegetable oil. Then wipe the hydrogen peroxide.

How many french bulldogs live? What is the lifespan of life? How to increase the number of years at home? 23133_9

How many french bulldogs live? What is the lifespan of life? How to increase the number of years at home? 23133_10

If the dog is elderly:

  • Make a silent space, it will help to save the muscles from the eats;
  • By appointment of a doctor, add vitamin and mineral additives to nutrition;
  • Load the load on the dog, do not force it to run a lot or make too fast jerks;
  • Do not dry the skin with a hairdryer, it becomes so thinner, better lubricate it with moisturizing cream;
  • If the dog has corn, then smear their sea buckthorn oil.

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About the features of the breed, see the next video.

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