Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content


To date, quite a lot of people have different animals. However, dogs are considered the most popular. The breed each chooses at its discretion, and many prefer French bulldogs, which are differently called Franchi. Such dogs have quite a lot of admirers among breeders - they can tell you about their pets for a whole clock.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_2


If we talk about their origin, today there are two versions of the appearance of the breed. In one of them it says that bulldogs occurred from Staroangali dogs, which were used for fighting. At the beginning of the XIX century, London officials were forbidden to use dogs for dog battles. Since that time, the breed of real English dogs began. However, only 100 years later, they began to look in modern.

During the industrial revolution, they, together with many migratory workers, hit France, where they immediately won great popularity. And since such animals were rather rare, they were often demonstrated in the Paris Zoo.

If you follow the second version, the French Bulldogs appeared as a result of crossing English bulldogs with Spanish. They were officially recognized by the World Federation of Film. The blue color was not distinguished by every puppy, it appeared periodically for those puppies that had a special gene D. For a very long time, this color was considered a manifestation of signs of some kind of diseases. And only at the end of the twentieth century, it was recognized as Chinese and American cynologists.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_3

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_4

But in Russia such dogs are considered completely unsuitable for breeding.


Blue French Bulldog is a completely small dog with a strong and pretty muscular physique. The wool in animals is thick and smooth, and at the same time very short. Bulldogs weigh no more than 12-13 kilograms with growth up to 34 centimeters.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_5

Their head is rather wide and massive, almost everywhere covered with folds. But the ears are completely small and standing. Those they become 60 days later. If this does not happen, then after 120 days they are tied to the heads with bandages or plaster. Such a bandage is not removed within two weeks. Nose ride a little up. Bulldog's eyes have a low landing, besides that, they are slightly convex.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_6

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_7

The tail in dogs of such a breed is quite short.

However, if at birth, the puppies appear with a longer tail, it will immediately stop it - it happens on 3 or 4th day after birth.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_8

There are several colors of French bulldogs. Almost all of them are allowed to standards. But gray or blue color, as well as the tricolor colors do not apply to them. But despite this, many are striving to get such non-standard animals, do not regret this money. In addition, such bulldogs have very beautiful light blue eyes that make it look like husky.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_9


These animals are quite sociable and friendly. They are very poorly tolerant, but if a person is not in the mood, the Bulldog will not impose its own society.

In addition, they absolutely not against playing or run with their masters, but because of their physical features, they limit their impulses. If we speak as a whole, then They are well suited for content in urban conditions.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_10

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_11

By character, they are pretty wayward and always want to be the main. If they are wrong to raise, they will become quite capricious. At the same time, they can easily blame with children and are quite quickly tied to them. Besides, They are distinguished by a huge devotion to their masters, and if necessary, be able to be in their defense.

What to feed?

Most often, the owners begin to gradually feed puppies already two weeks after their birth. Literally one month later they can eat already themselves. It is possible to use natural feed for feeding, and industrial dry.

First of all, when buying a puppy, you must definitely clarify than it felt before. This is necessary in order for the adaptation process occurred as easier as possible.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_12

Todders up to three months must be fed 4-5 times a day, as they grow rapidly and have a good appetite. When feeding, dry foods need to take into account the rules indicated on the package. But it is necessary to give a lot of water. When preference is given to natural feed, then you only need fresh foods.

  • Meat - both raw and boiled. It may be beef, and chicken, and rabbit. It should be up to 50 percent of the total daily diet.
  • Zlakovy Must be up to 25 percent of the daily diet. It can be rice, and buckwheat, and oatmeal. The dog will eat porridge better if you add some vegetable oil into it.
  • Up to 20 percent of the diet should be fermented dairy products. It can be both cottage cheese and kefir.
  • Once a week you need to give your pets A couple of raw eggs.
  • Up to 5 percent constitute vegetables , You can give and raw, and boiled.

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_13

Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_14

    In addition, you should not give any union from the table, as well as overproofing your pets.

    It is forbidden to include smoked fuel bulldog menu on the menu, fried or salted products, as well as sweet or a lot of flour. After all, they are prone to completeness. Adult Bulldog need to be translated into 2-meals. If the nutrition is correct, it will extend the years of the dog's life.

    How to care?

    Caring for French Blue Bulldogs is not as complicated. It is important to provide a place for the dog for overnight stay, equip the toilet. In addition, care for its wool. She is rather short, but it is still necessary to comb her. It is necessary to do it at least once a day. But during the period, it is necessary to do it much more often. You can use a special massage brush or a mittens.

    Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_15

    Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_16

    It is necessary to bathe your pets 2-4 times a year so that the protective fatty film is increasing. Otherwise, the immune system of the dog decreases, which will cause skin irritation. Do not forget about the claws of dogs. They must be cut 3-4 times a month. Once a week you need to clean the teeth bulldog. Ears can be cleaned with the help of swabs moistened in a special lotion. The same applies to the folds on the face of Bulldog. You need to remove dirt.

    Education and training

    Railing bulldogs should be started from the first day of his appearance in the house. To begin with, it must be introduced to all family members, as well as a house or apartment. Next, you need to give it a little get used to everything, and then learn everything.

    French bulldogs are very quickly trained in various teams, as they possess not only the mind, but also some reality. It is best to conduct training in a game form. First you need to teach him to respond to your name. Next to the simplest teams, such as "lying" or "sit", as well as "place".

    Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_17

    To make the dog better remember the commands, you need to confirm them with appropriate actions.

    So, to remember the "place" command, the puppy can be simply transferred to it. But for the team "To me", it is enough to use a bowl with food. It must be touched a little from the puppy and repeat the words. When he fulfills her, you need to praise Bulldog, or just give him a favorite delicacy.

    Besides, Be sure to teach the dog to the Forbidden teams . This is primarily relevant when the puppy shits not in the toilet, but elsewhere. Best of all such teams repeat a strict voice.

    Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_18

    But when the dog will understand their meaning, it must be praised.

    Using the training of a puppy can be studied from all harmful. For example, if he bites, it is not necessary to immediately punish it. When this happens during the game, you must stop it and wait until he calms down. After that, he needs to give a toy so that he realized that it was necessary to bite her, not the owner.

    Summing up, we can say that Blue French Bulldogs fit perfectly for keeping in apartments and in private houses . After all, care for them does not take away from the owners a lot of time, and the dog also will become an excellent and devoted friend for them.

    Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_19

    Blue French Bulldog (20 photos): Description of gray color puppies with blue eyes, their content 23128_20

    About the features of the breed, see the next video.

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