Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance


Pug and French Bulldog are similar to the dogs that are often confused. Most people do not know which breed they will be more suitable, are lost in choosing. To decide, you need to study the characteristics of the nature and care of each of the dogs.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_3

Breed features

Some people believe that Pug and French Bulldog are dogs with the same origin and they have a lot of similar. Some can even confuse animals, especially if they possess the same color. Despite the similarity, these are different animals and everyone's story has its own characteristics.

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For the first time about this breed mentioned in ancient China. Pet records were found in the manuscripts of the XIII-XIV centuries. They were described as square peels with a short face. In those days, long-haired and short-haired animals lived at the noble. The last type was very popular and there was a well-known Pug from him. They were loved for folding on the forehead, which were like hieroglyphs. And the pug was called a dog, on the head of which there is an imperial sign. Only a rich man could afford such a dog.

In the XV century, animals fell into France, where the breed began to gain rapid popularity, they became known throughout Europe. The rulers of different states started their pugs, and even in Russia, the princes of Golitsyna lived such a breed.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_6

Pug, which is currently known, was formed for twenty years. Like most other breeds, they were at the peak of popularity, they were located on the verge of extinction. However, connoisseurs of such pets have always been, so they exist until the current moment.

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Not aggressive

(Rating 1 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 1 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 3 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 3 out of 5)


Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Does not tolerate

(Rating 1 out of 5)

Security qualities

Good guard

(Rating 4 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the POPS breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog occurred from the English Bulldog, which was used as a fighter in the arena with bulls. The Frenchman is a miniature copy of English, before they were also used for fighting. But the battles were banned, so the breed was redone in the rat. Although the name of the dogs is French, she appeared in England, from where they arrived with the emigrants to France. The dogs were quickly popular, only very wealthy people could buy them.

Animal registration occurred in France, she also got its name. Dogs brought to Russia in the XIX century and presented at the exhibition in St. Petersburg. According to journalists, it became known that in those days the breed instantly gained popularity, its representatives lived in many famous people: Mayakovsky, Kustodiev, Shalyapin.

Due to hostilities, the breed almost disappeared, only one dog remained in Moscow - the flask. After some time he was brcessed from Hungary, thanks to which the breed began to progress again.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_9

Differences in appearance

Since Pug with French Bulldog is similar to external characteristics, many people cannot decide what kind of breed to buy. Despite the fact that at first glance, inexperienced people can confuse two dogs, the differences between them are a large amount.

Pugs have a large, square head. The head of the bitter is less than the males. The upper part of the skull (if you look at it from above) should be flat between the ears. From the side view of the forehead flat. If the dog has rounded outlines - this is a reason for disqualification. There should be noticeable folds with sufficient depth. The lower jaw has a sufficient width with the selected chin.

The jaw is powerful and heavy. It is falling in front, at the expense of which the dog seems severe. The folds on the jaw also have and most distinct serves as the separation of the abnormal arc. This fold should not pass on the forehead. The muzzle is short, its length is half the width of the forehead. In the whole face there are folds. A narrow or low-raced jaw is considered a vice.

The French has symmetry in the folds on the face. The muzzle must be rumped, wide and short. The muzzle of a real French bulldog in length is 1/6 of the head.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_11


Pug eyes are dark and round, large. Looking at them, you might think that the animal is sad. They have a bright gloss. Dull eyes symbolize the presence of some disease. Pucheglasie is a serious vice, as well as the degree with the visibility of the protein.

Bulldogs also have round, big and possessed dark brown color. Landing the eye is low and wide. The view is always endowed with the liveliness and good nature. Dark eyelids are a prerequisite.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_13


Pug has two types of ears: roses and buttons. In the first case, the hall is located in the middle, the ears themselves are reached back. In the second case, the ear shell is completely hidden. In two versions, the ears are distinguished by a small size, they must be tightly tightened to the head. The French Bulldog ears differ in the middle size and are always directed forward. High landing with long-range location from each other is a prerequisite. The shape is triangular with a wide base, the tip is rounded.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_15

Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_16


The pug neck is a strong, long with a patch behind the rear of the cranial box. Bulldogs, on the contrary, possess a short neck with severe muscles. The dog should not have a ligament under the throat.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_18


For pug, a powerful and dense body is characterized. The upper part is smooth, the back must be smooth, the breast is wide. Bulldog the backbone is strong, the body itself looks compact and neatly. The back also has muscles and sufficient width. The top of the body is curved and smoothly rises to the lower back, after which it is sharply reduced to the tail. Belly with the groove region taut, the sides are rounded.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_20


The extremities of the pug are not very short, straight, have muscles and parallel. On the legs there are soft and thick pads with separated fingers. French fines are short and strong. Fingers must be closed with small legs that are slightly turned out. The hind limbs possess a greater length. Hips strong, endowed with muscles.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_22


At the pug, the tail is located in a tight curl. Two turns are a valuable sign that suggests that the purebred dog. Landing should be high and lying on the side with pressed to the thigh. Bulldog has a short tail that has a wide base, and the end starts to narrow, landing is low. From birth, it can be noded or dismissed, which indicates that the dog is purebred. The tail of some individuals turns into a ring, but this sign does not apply to the number of mandatory.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_24


For pug, a short wool is characterized, which fits tightly to the body. It differs on the touch with soft, externally brilliant. Bulldog, on the contrary, has a short and thick wool, which has no pronounced undercoat. Unlike pug, the Frenchman does not eat so much and does not smell a psycho.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_26


Pug is allowed several colors: silver, yellow-failing and black. The French bulldogs are white, white with stains, white-tiger, white-fawn, and a tiger, fawn one is allowed. With any color, the presence of black eyelids is a prerequisite.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_28

Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_29

Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_30

Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_31

Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_32

Dimensions and weight

The bitch of pugs reaches 8 kilograms with a rise of 25-30 cm. A male can grow to 30-35 cm with a weight category 6-10 kg. The bits of the French Bulldog weigh 9-12 kilograms with a height of 28-35 cm. For a dog, we assume an increase of 30-38 cm with a weight category of 10-15 kg.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_34

Comparison of characters

The character of pug and French Bulldog is very different. The first breed is distinguished by the readiness, loyal attitude towards man and other pets. They get well with children and will be a good friend even for a cat. Pug is a sensitive and gentle animal for which obedience, love for caressing and the need for the owner. These dogs are very well for training and quickly master new teams.

The dog is not suitable for active sports, it is also not worth performing the execution of complex teams.

The owner can teach his pet basic teams, but for the work of the breed is not suitable. According to its nature, Pug will be proclaimed, not inclined to the manifestation of aggression. The pet will quickly adapt to new conditions. He is always good where his owner is. Dogs do not need long walks and will be happy to spend the evening with the owner of the evening.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_36

The French Bulldog can not boast of pug's mindability, as they are distinguished by stubbornness and independence. For the French, the normal situation when he ignores the teams of his master. However, they are also affectionate and devotees, they get well with children and other households. Bulldog is able to stand in defense of its owner, if the danger threatens. He can even enter the battle with another dog. The breed is distinguished by energetic and mobility. For a walk, follow your pet, as he can break through the cat or just dare to study new surroundings.

And the dogs of this breed do not show aggression, although they are alertness to sneakers. However, he loves households very much. Bulldog is easy to train and you can run with him, participate in Agility. The difference in character says that Pug will suit a person who is accustomed to a relaxing time. You can leisurely walk with him, take with you to the cottage or kebabs. French fans will feel good next to the active people who like to train.

However, both dogs will be good pets in the family and real friends for the child.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_38

Whom to choose?

Puppies of two breeds look charming and will not leave anyone indifferent. But it is necessary to understand that the dogs are not suitable for everyone, should take into account the features of each animal. And Pug, and French Bulldog is decorative dogs. Pug will not show activity and participate in active games. They refer to categories of calm and balanced dogs. The considerable part of their life they are on the couch, watching what is happening from the outside. These are dogs for people who love most of the time to spend at home and receive guests.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_40

Pugs better than Bulldog gives me a dresser and gladly mastering the basic teams. For a person who rarely is at home, but dreams of a dog, it is better to pay attention to pug. However, it is not necessary to forget that the dog is also a living creature that needs attention and communication. If it is long to be alone, it will be sad and can fall into depression.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_42

French Bulldog is a kind and cheerful dog, but it is also not suitable for wanting to get an energetic satellite for sports. They have weak joints that are not aimed at active loads. Since the respiratory system is also imperfect, the protracted runs are not for them. Both breeds can boast a long lifespan, which is about 12 years.

Since both dogs are Brachicephali (animals with a short face), so they often have problems with the respiratory system. Both breeds with difficulty cope with hot or very cold weather and often fall into colds.

It should also be noted that Pug and French Bulldog rather snoring in a dream.

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When choosing, you need to take into account the tendency to disease. Large eyes are often injured, as well as the owners may face the fallout of the third century, glaucoma, along with the cornea and cataract injury. Often Pug suffers from epilepsy, dermatitis and allergies. French Bulldog Drops Dispathy, stenosis of the nasal passage. Bitch often can't solve themselves, you have to resort to the help of a veterinary doctor.

In terms of care, the dog has the same needs. Be sure to remember the following rules:

  • need to follow the nutrition of his animal; Both breeds are inclined to obesity, which is undesirable for them;
  • When the cold season comes, it is necessary to wear a pet in warm clothes; Because of the tendency to colds, it is impossible to percade;
  • In bathing and combing, animals do not need;
  • can be engaged in water procedures once every three months or if the dog was swollen, it should be used by special shampoos that are sold in the pet store;
  • Heat - enemy of both breeds; You must not forget the pieces in the car, and in warm weather you should walk early in the morning or in the evening.

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Pug and French Bulldog (45 photos): Who is better to choose? What do they differ from each other? Comparison of character and appearance 23127_45

Look below, see the video discs on what the Pug and French Bulldog are different.

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