English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers?


Miniature dogs today are represented by different rocks, among which there are animals with a centuries-old history. To such four-legged human comrades should include the English Toy Terrier. The dog is popular all over the world, but today it is believed to extinct species.

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_2

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_3

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_4

History of origin

The progenitors of the dogs of this breed are taken to be a black and tired terrier, as well as a larger representative of the world of four-legged pets - Manchester Terrier. Some facts indicate the presence in the pedigree of modern English supplies of blood tolets and Whippet. Animals with a similar exterior can be found pictured on the canvases dating from the XVI century. But the maximum full description of such dogs appeared only two centuries later. At that time, miniature pets were used as hunters on rats, badgers and other small animals, they also participated in various competitions.

The British island state considers the British Island State Toy Terrier. In a special honor, such dogs were among the aristocratic ladies. In 1826, animals took part in the exhibition, after which their popularity increased significantly. Later dogs began to contain in France and America.

In 1962, the standard was established for animals, as well as the breed was officially enshrined the name - English Toy Terrier. Today, dogs are classified as a small, disappearing mind.

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_5

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_6

Description of breed

According to the requirements for the exterior, the dogs of this breed must be dry in its constitution, elegant and proportionally folded. Animal growth in the withers varies within 30 centimeters with a mass of about 4 kilograms.

Skull Toya is a wedged with an extended and narrow muzzle. Stop is expressed in average values, without sharp corners. The bite of dogs will be scissor-shaped with a dense adjacent to the upper and lower jaws to each other. The nose was painted in black. Medium-sized eyes should have a almond shape, a small delay rate is allowed. The iris is painted in the dark.

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_7

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_8

Ears at the TEev triangular with acute ends are planted high, are in a standing position. The inner side of the ear shell looks straight. The neck is extended, with a smooth transition in the torso, there is a minimal tilt back. Chest in an animal deep, back with bend.

The tail is low, in its size should not reach more than before the thrill joints, a little narrowed to the tip. English Toy Terrier belongs to short-haired dogs, but the woolen cover of animals is highlighted by their dense and gloss. A permissible variant of the color for dogs of this breed is black and tangible, bright markings relate to deviations from standards. In the light of the fact that wool sufficiently cannot protect the animal from frost or heat, Dogs may suffer from supercooling or overheating.

The owner of Toy-Terriers should be additionally worried about the additional protection of it from frosts in the form of special clothing, as well as avoid long-lasting pets in the heat.

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_9

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_10

Toi, despite its fragile physique, they are characterized by good health. However, pets may be inclined to the next ailments:

  • diseases of the organs of vision - cataract, glaucoma;
  • hypoteriosis;
  • Peters disease.

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_11


These little dogs are distinguished by a living temperament, which is inherent in almost all terriers. At the same time, the animal is endowed with congenital courage, the dog has a well-developed intelligence, favorably configured to all surrounding without excessive aggression. An English tool is distinguished by attachment to his breeder, remains faithful to him until the oldest.

Pets are sociable, prefer to be in the company, always try to be in the center of events.

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_12

English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_13

    With strangers, the dog on contact comes with reluctance. A small four-legged companion has not lost its congenital hunting instincts, so if there are pets in the form of small rodents, it can identify them as mining. With dogs of other breeds, the TOE will be able to coexist safely, but same-sex animals in one dwelling are still not recommended. With children, the animal gets well, but if there is a small child in the family, injuries in an animal due to the careless handle with him are not excluded.

    The dog takes loneliness and long-term separation with the owner, so it is recommended to leave one house as much as possible. The breed is inherent excessive sensitivity, so the dog can be offended for quite a long time on his breeder.

    Toy terriers are beautiful defenders, so they will guard their owner if you feel danger.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_14

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_15

    Life expectancy

    Dogs of this breed can not be attributed to long-livers. On average, the life expectancy of the pet is from 10 to 13 years. However, among Ties, you can also meet the pets who lived to 15 or 20 years. In each case Everything will depend on the pedigree and genetics of the animal, an important factor is the power supply and conditions of detention.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_16

    Comparison with Russian Toy Terrier

    Despite the fact that these two breeds have the same name, the dogs are still different from each other. If you compare the sizes of pets, the English TODIs will be larger than Russian representatives of miniature pets. The difference in withers can reach 5 centimeters.

    Comparing two breeds, you can find differences not only in size, but also in animal habits, Since the British dog has not yet lost its hunting deposits, which cannot be said about the Russian toilet. The latter became a completely domesticated breed, when a larger subspecies often become a member of various competitions and hunting rodents.

    In the light of such a feature, the English TOIs will have a more developed muscular corset, a flat skull, as well as outstanding muzzle and strong jaws. In addition, the behavior of dogs of two breeds is somewhat different, primarily it concerns more balanced and stress-resistant English dogs, when Russian miniature representatives can demonstrate nervousness, disruptions of mood and behavior.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_17

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_18

    The differences between animals are traced in the form and structure of the oars. So, in the Russian, the ears will be similar to an equilibried triangle when the British type is inherent in the structure having a similarity with a form of a flame from a candle. Animals differ in the type of wool, if a domestic representative of the terriers allowed a short-haired and long-haired type, then English dogs should be exclusively smooth.

    Russian Toy Terriers can have several variations of the color, the second breed is allowed only one color of the wool.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_19

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_20

    How to keep?

    Taking into account the peculiarities of woolen cover and physiology of the animal, breeding and content of this breed implies exclusively homely conditions - an apartment or a private house. In general, such a pet in terms of care will deliver his breeder at least the hassle. Wool does not require daily comb. Use the brush for smooth-haired TOE is recommended 2-3 times a week.

    An alternative brush will be a rigid mitten designed to care for short-haired animals. Battle of the Englishman only in case of extreme necessity. Usually, water hygienic procedures are carried out twice a year. The limbs are subject to washing after each walk on the street.

    Separate attention from the breeder will require ears and eyes of the dog, they should be viewed as often as possible. If you detect any mud or secretions to clean them with a wet tampon. Claws are to be shortened once every 3-4 weeks, however, a miniature dog puppy, they will grow much faster, so it will have to trim the claws every 2 weeks.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_21

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_22

    Important from the youngest age to teach a pet to mandatory cleaning of the oral cavity . Usually such a procedure is carried out twice a week. Dogs should carry out degelminting and processing from outdoor parasites at least once every 3 months. In the bad weather, the animal should be protected from the cold using special unproduced and waterproof clothing.

    Timely vaccination is an important condition that avoids many diseases in the dog. Typically, the terriers are vaccinated from chumki, hepatitis, influenza, parvovirus, rabies.

    In the dwelling, it takes very little space, For a comfortable existence, it will need a comfortable bed, located in a quiet place, as well as several toys. If there is no possibility to regularly remove the dog into the street for helping needs, this breed will be able to teach to the tray or diaper. Ideally, the terriers are walked in the morning and in the evening. During walks, it is not necessary to over-load pets, you should also avoid animal drops from a height, even insignificant, and shock.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_23

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_24

    In the insulation of animals of this breed is not recommended, they need to receive new emotions, get acquainted with the world around the world and people. Therefore, it should not be avoided at all. You can remove the puppy on fresh air after the second planned vaccination. To teach him to the street is recommended gradually, the first time of the walk should be about half an hour. With adult animals, it is possible to go to the morning or evening jog. Some pets take part in sports competitions for dogs, for example, freestyle or adjust.

    In terms of diet, animals do not have any definite limitations. The main thing is that the dog's menu is the most nutritious and helpful. English Toy Terrier can be fed by the feeds of industrial production or natural food.

    If the preference will be finished products, then It should be no lower premium . Due to the small portions needed for the dog, many breeders note the convenience of using precisely dry or wet dogs for dogs. In addition, their composition will already include all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, important for a small animal. Dry food must be selected with small crockets, which will be more comfortable when chewing.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_25

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_26

    If the breeder will feed the to-terrier of natural food, the following products must prevail in the animal menu:

    • meat - rabbit, bird, beef;
    • vegetables in raw form;
    • fruits;
    • greens;
    • sea ​​fish;
    • Dairy and fermented milk products.

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_27

    English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_28

      The dog is forbidden to feed or sink from the human table. It is impossible to treat the animal by bakery products, pickles and smokers, fried and greasy dishes. It is not recommended to introduce sugar, pork, potatoes, citrus and legumes into the diet.

      As vitamin bait, beer yeast should be considered, special complexes recommended for dogs of small rocks, crushed egg shell.

      English Toy Terrier puppies is important to teach a certain portion of food . As a rule, it will be enough 300-400 grams of feed per day. The number of food intakes will depend on the age of the dog - up to 4 months there must be 4-5, closer to half the feed can be cut to 3 times, after a year, the animal must be fed twice a day - in the morning and evening.

      English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_29

      English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_30

      Decorative that will require a breeder not only early socialization, but also competent learning, otherwise the dog will demonstrate negative traits of character - waybirth, laziness, disobedience. In the process of training is prohibited to apply physical strength. The dog should clearly understand and execute the teams "Fu", "Sitting", "Near". To achieve positive results when learning will be able if:

      • give commands a dog with a calm voice;
      • Do not show aggression during classes;
      • Repeat the commands until the animal is performed.

      English Toy Terrier (31 photos): Description of the breed, the character of the puppies of the terriers. What do dogs differ from Russian to-terriers? 23082_31

      Look even more information about the terrier in the following video.

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