Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs


Curne Terrier is a charming miniature dog, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. Sometime, these active creatures took part in the hunt. Today they become funny companions and loyal friends of dog breeders. We will get acquainted closer with this breed and find out what the pros and cons of the content of its representatives.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_2


Breed Kern Terrier appeared a long time ago. Specialists refer to her ancestors of Scottish hunting dogs. In those days, animals took part in the hunt for the Norns. Foxes and other small wild animals were then dwelling in the mountains, stone duties. "Kern" just means "stone".

Dogs did not have a common type, they were combined only by hunting skills, agility and speed of movements. However, gradually 4 main types were stolen among them. To one of them was funny core terriers. The official name of the breed was received in 1910. In 1912 she was registered in the club of dog breeders. This contributed to an increase in the fame and popularity of cores around the world.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_3

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_4

Today, such pets will settle in private houses, and in urban apartments. They do not occupy a lot of space, suitable families with children. Animals are smart, unpretentious, sociable. The main thing is to allow these energetic agents to show physical activity in sufficient amounts.


Although initially the working qualities of dogs of this breed were the main, their appearance is very charming. The appearance of small shaggy creatures with a friendly look greatly reflects their restlessness and positive character. The height in the withers in boys is about 25 cm. Girls reach 23 cm . A deviation is allowed within 5 cm. The big difference is considered to be withdrawn, such individuals are not considered purebred. The weight of cores varies from 6 to 7.5 kg.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_5

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_6

Consider in more detail the characteristics of the breed according to the standard.

  • Head . Skull of small size, slightly narrowed by the muzzle. On the head wool is more dense and soft to the touch. The eyes of Brown, expressive, are framed by lush eyebrows. View of naughty, curious. Mussels are strong, with large teeth.
  • Bite - "Full Scissors". Nose black, movable. The ears are small, have the form of the right triangles. High ears setting provides animals with excellent hearing.
  • Frame. The physique is harmonious, strong, but not massive. Neck short, wide. The withers are poorly expressed. The back is straight, slightly elongated. The stomach in moderation is tightened.
  • The tail is short, sown, "looks up" up. According to the standard, the tail is not fed.
  • Limbs. Legs are strong, medium length. The front paws are slightly larger than the rear. This is due to the fact that earlier such dogs ringed holes.

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Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_8

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_9

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_10

Wool from core terriers is thick, tough, slightly disheveled. According to the standard, a small waviness is allowed. At the same time there is always a short soft undercoat. Since animals do not lose, coarse hairs need to regularly cut forward.

Do it not only for the purpose of the aesthetic transformation of the pet. This allows you to maintain its health and well-being.

As for the color, it is diverse. It is allowed to wool sand, red, light and dark gray shades and their combinations. Usually, a darker tone stands out the muzzle, sometimes paws. Not recognized by purebred individuals of completely white and black colors.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_11

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_12


Puppies of this breed are very playful. Adults are preserved in the character of fun and badges. At the same time, the dogs are very benevolent. Permanent contact with man is important for them, they love attention, seek to take part in any events. Fluffy is perfectly soldered with children, but they will not suffer careless attitude towards themselves. Therefore, if a small child is trying to pull the dog behind the tail or causes him discomfort by other actions, It is better not to leave it alone with a pet.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_13

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_14

In Karnakh, always lives the spirit of adventure. They adore walk, travel. The energy of pieces requires daily physical exertion, exciting games and classes.

The socialization of the animal is important to start from the small years. It is worth introducing it with outsiders, led to walks in various places. Traveling in transport is also a useful impression. So the pet will grow balanced, gaining behavior skills in various situations. Despite the small size and funny cute appearance, the cores consider themselves defenders at home. Excellent flair, acute hearing and nuh allow them to feel the approach of other people's people in advance. They inform the owners loud lame. True, on this security qualities of pets end.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_15

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_16

In general, representatives of the breed are non-aggressive. Animals are friendly belonging to people. But the relationship with other animals in dogs do not always develop. With itself, the cores usually find a common language, but sometimes conflict situations occur. Surprisingly, bold kids can stand up for themselves, they never run from a fight. But cats, hamsters, ferrets and other small animals of dogs are considered as prey. Due to this You should not start such pets if you already live a little hunter. Also, you should not let go from a leash while walking in lively places.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_17

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_18

Advantages and disadvantages

Curne Terriers become excellent companions. They are devotees, affectionate. The activity and playfulness of animals can be attributed to their advantages.

  • At first Even in the replenish age of dogs retain good mobility, which has a positive effect on their health.
  • Secondly, Such a pet is able to raise the mood of anyone. He will constantly call the owner in search of adventures, will be happy to accompany him in hikes and any trips.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_19

On the other hand, it can be regarded as a flaw. The dog requires attention to his person, it needs to walk daily for a long time, entertain, engage with him. If the pet leave the pet for a long time, it is bored and starts to hooligan.

Curb, spoiled furniture - this is not the entire list of harm, which can cause a little chaloon. Curious breed does not give it to representatives to sit still. Animal is wonderful, but this behavior may seem obsessive and too fussy. If you are a calm person who prefers a quiet rest, it is better to choose a dog of another breed.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_20

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_21

Speaking about the pros and cons, it is worth reminding that the core games with young children may not be too safe because of the careless actions of a small family member. If the child is already aware of his actions, he will undoubtedly be delighted with a fluffy four-legged friend. By the way, oddly enough, the core boys are considered more affectionate than girls.

It is important to remember that For people, representatives of this breed are better than another animal. Therefore, if you still want to keep at the same time with such a dog or another dog, you need to acquaint the pet from the very appearance of the core in the house. Only so you can form a patient attitude to another four-side inhabitant at home. As for the guinea pigs and other rodents, it is better not to risk at all.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_22

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_23

Judging by the reviews of the owners, Kern-Terriers are quite intelligent and is well amenable to trains. However, even obedient animals love to pull out pits, it happens at the level of instincts. This moment should be taken into account if you are going to keep a pet in a country house and let him go to the garden. Finally, the compactness of animals can be attributed to the pluses of the rock. They eat a little, take up little place in the house.

However, this does not reduce some complexity of the dog's care. The fact is that Pet needs regular trimming, Moreover, this procedure is obligatory, even if you are not going to take part in exhibitions. On the other side, You can seek help to professionals that can do it quickly and efficiently.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_24

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_25

Life expectancy

Core terriers can be attributed to long-livers. Usually dogs live about 15 years. Animals are characterized by good health. However, do not forget about timely vaccination. It is also desirable to regularly led the peel on prophylactic inspections in the veterinary clinic. With timely detection of some deviations to cure the animal much easier.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_26

Content and care

Representatives of this breed are very movable. Therefore, they need to withdraw as much as possible to the street. Of course, the best place for such an energetic pet It will be a country house with a fenced spacious territory. But in the city's house, the dog will feel pretty comfortable, if he is often walking it for a long time, take up games and run. In the case of accommodation in a separate house Holding a dog in a booth on the street.

At the local area, it will be happy to frolic and run during the day, but a cozy place to sleep should be equipped in a warm room. In addition, it is important not to forget about the sociability of the pet. Do not stand for a long time to leave it alone. Grooming pets are needed. Many people think that this is the name of the professional haircut of the animal, but this concept is more extensive. It includes a whole range of car care procedures.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_27

Commitable are clawing, cleaning of teeth and ears. Periodically, water procedures are held. It is also recommended periodic processing of PSA from parasites. Core wool should comb once a week. It has a waterproof coating, so the dirty animal is rare. He is enough to quit the "fur coat" cleared.

The cores do not smell and do not lose . It is believed that the breed is hypoallergenne. However, the absence of a pet's ability to get rid of extra hairs naturally leads to the need to help him in this. Trimming - process replacing dog mol . Thanks to it there is a wool update. Memorial excess hairs are easily removed (pluck). Subsequently, they are replaced with new ones.

Changing this process can not be replaced. Little of, Cores cannot be cut. After shortening with scissors, the wool becomes thinner and weak. Healthy shine is lost, the protection of the body of the PSA from the cold, wind disappears. The hairs start sliding, an unpleasant smell appears. This not only causes inconvenience to the animal himself and looks ugly, but also complicates the future trimming process.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_28

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_29

Crouching wool can only be in the field of tail and on the fingers of the front paws. The rest of the "fur coat" do not touch scissors. Then plucking happens easily and painlessly. The same who neglects this rule and is trying to save, completely cutting the dog between rare campaigns to the master, complicates the situation. The procedure for extinction of a short furious wool is a long, complex for the wizard and painful for the animal.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_30

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_31

George is visited several times a year. The procedure is carried out manually. Masters know all the nuances of technology. In addition, they are familiar with the standards of the breed and give pets in exactly the type that meets the requirements of judges at exhibitions.

If you are not going to take part in such events, you can learn the technique of trimming and implement the procedure yourself. The scheme is quite simple.

  • To find out if it is time to conduct a procedure, you need to evaluate the state of the dog's wool. You should capture your fingers a large bunch of hairs and rolling out. If the wool remained in hand, then the time has come.
  • First of all, it is necessary to carefully comb the terrier with a special brush, and then the ridge. Start trimming you need from ears. They should be clearly visible. The outer side is as a result should be similar to the feelings on the velvet. Not everyone is removed on the inside of the hair.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_32

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_33

In the process of the procedure, keep the ear with large and index fingers. Pull the hairs need a hand.

  • Then go to the head. You should make a sample between the ears. So it will be immediately visible where new wool grows. Exhibition individuals remove 40% of long hairs.
  • As for the eyebrows, they pluck most of the hair that fall on the eyes. But at the same time leave some wool to protect. In general, trimming is carried out so that it turns out to be rounded the shape of the head. The transition from the ear to cheeks should be smooth.
  • In order they give the neck, and then the rest of the pet body. The appearance of the dog should be neat, but natural.

What to feed?

Korna feed 2 times a day. Representatives of the breed are not too picky in food. The main thing is that the power is to measure the calorie and useful. In the ration necessarily include low-fat meat in raw form. Also dogs useful oatmeal. Good sources of vitamins - vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary to give a pet fish oil, beer yeast. You can make a choice in favor of industrial dry feed.

It should be chosen based on the age of the animal and the composition of the product. Preferred premium and super premium graams with a minimum amount of extraneous additives.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_34

Pay attention to the protein content (it should be high). If possible, it is better to feed the pet feeding one company throughout life. Without serious reasons, it is better not to change the diet. Regardless of the type of feeding, the dog should always have access to drinking water. You can not pour water from under the tap in a bowl, if you do not live in an eco-friendly area. The liquid should be spring or filtered.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_35

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_36

It is also worth remembering that core terriers are prone to a weight gain. Therefore, it is impossible to overflow a four-legged friend. If the optimal portion size is difficult to determine, it is necessary to periodically evaluate the condition of the animal itself. If you can not try the ribs, then the dog weighs more laid. If, on the contrary, the edges of the PSA are sticking out, the volume of servings is better to increase.


Curne Terriers are pretty smart. They can and need to raise, putting them the rules of behavior, developing hunting instincts (if necessary), teaching simple teams. Training should be consistent and regular. Socialization of the animal is very important. Otherwise, it can become uncontrollable, damage to things, exercise aggression towards other animals.

Therefore, it is important since childhood to occupy a pet with fun games, show him his love, to acquaint with other living beings, not allowing conflicts. Inquisitiveness and good memory allow the terriers well to absorb teams. Considering the emotional susceptibility of dogs, they should be taught calmly, without loud screams and punishments. It is important to show hardness and patience, be sure to praise for progress. The program must be gradually complicated. The pet should develop not only physically, but also mentally.

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Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_38

Cleanchard dogs usually give short and easily pronounced. You can call a pet based on the color of its wool or associations that it causes you. And you can simply come up with an interesting nickname that seems pleasant and suitable for you. For example, core girls are suitable for such cute nicknames as Fifi, Pinki, Bonya, Trixie, Bakki, Jessie, Zhuzh, Carrie, Foxy, Sherry and so on. The boy can be called one of the following names: Lucky, Larry, Archi, Jerry, Jean, Oscar, Chris, Peach, Ricci, Fox, Freddie.

Curne Terrier (39 photos): Description of the breed, the character of puppies. Trimming scheme. White and other dogs 23081_39

If the puppy is taken from the nursery, it can be already named. However, the nicknames of thoroughbred individuals are often long, and sometimes even include several words. In this case, you can come up with an alternative name for the same letter or cut what is written in a dog passport to a pair of syllables.

About how to bring up Cern-Terrier correctly, see the next video.

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