Toy Fox Territory: Breed Description American Toy Fox Terrier, Black and Brown Terriers


The foxterier is a breed of dogs that has several names. Among them is Tyu-Fox, Amerta. Also, the animal is often called the American Toy Fox Terrier. Representatives of this breed are rather small according to its size, therefore are considered decorative pets.

Initially, the fox terriers were derived for catching various pest rodents (for example, rats or mice).

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Toy Fox Territory: Breed Description American Toy Fox Terrier, Black and Brown Terriers 23067_3

History of origin

The rock, which became the original for the American Toy Fox Terrier, is a smooth-haired fox terrier. These animals back in the distant XVI century, the British were used as companions in the process of hunting. The dogs possessed such valuable qualities as agility and energy, and therefore they coped well with their hunting duties and were highly valued by breeders. Due to the fact that smooth-haired focterers were an inhomogeneous rock (among the animals they met both small and larger individuals), it was decided to form a variety of several species.

In order to fasten the small size of smooth-haired dogs at the genetic level, which were registered by the organization called United Kennel Club, animals crossed with various miniature rocks. So, foxteries with smooth wool began to happen to Pinchers, Chihuahua, Manchester Terriers and Rights. As a result of such selection work in 1936, the breed was officially registered entitled Toy Fox Terrier (Toy Fox Terrier).

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If you think about the acquisition as a pet American to-focister, then you should familiarize yourself with the description of this breed. Moreover, both with the physiological features of the PSA and with its mental characteristics.


American terriers are homemade four-legged pets of small size. A distinctive feature of animals is a sports physique and rather strong bones. Ameralia's movements are graceful and noble, which is provided by flexible physique, as well as developed muscle mass. According to officially registered standards, An animal height is about 25 centimeters, and the weight does not exceed 3 kilograms.

Generally speaking, the anatomical structure of the dog's body is rather proportional. The crangy box of the focister box has a rounded shape, and the facial part has wedge-shaped outlines. Amertoy nose was usually painted in black, but there are exceptions. So, if the overall color of the animal is brown, then the pole can be painted in such a shade. It is worth noting that the bite of the animal is correct. The eyes of the PSA in their form are rounded and convex, ears standing.

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Toy Fox Territory: Breed Description American Toy Fox Terrier, Black and Brown Terriers 23067_8

An animal torso in its outlines resembles a square, respectively, its length is almost equal to height. The structure of females may be more elongated and rectangular. The breast of the American Toy-Foxcrier has a bend and is deep. The tail is planted sufficiently. Paws (both front and rear) are reprehensible and arranged in parallel to each other.

Animal hair short in length and soft to the touch. Wool has a good structure and shines in light. The length of the hairproke varies: for example, around her neck is longer. In total, there are 4 recognized color of the fox terriers.

In each of the 4 cases, the base tint is white, but it may include several shades: brown, redhead, black and tangible.

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The most pronounced feature of the character of Ameralo - energy. Throughout his life, the dogs lead an active lifestyle. Such traits such as courage and fearlessness, dedication and loyalty, developed intellectual abilities, pride, vigilance are distinguished.

In the family in which the animal lives, the dog behaves friendly. She is good for contact with all the households, including school-age children (with children who younger, animals can enter conflicts). Despite such behavior with family members, With unfamiliar people, the animal may behave in danger and wary.

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It should be noted that the article describes the versatile character traits and the most characteristic features. However, different dogs depending on mental features and education can differ significantly in nature and behavior. The four-legged pet needs actively pastime and frequent walks. But if you will meet other dogs on your way, you should be particularly attentive, because conflicts may arise between animals.

Toy-focterers need constant attention and care, so If your lifestyle is saturated, and you often disappear at work, we are on business trips, then you should not start the dog of this breed.

If amerto does not give a sufficient amount of attention, it can get sick.

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Toy Fox Territory: Breed Description American Toy Fox Terrier, Black and Brown Terriers 23067_13


Amerta is a breed of dogs that can be called omnivorous. An animal is completely non-compliant with respect to food, and therefore is prone to overeating, a set of excess weight and even obesity. That is why it is very important to make a proper diet for the focister, and also make a power schedule and control the portions. All this will allow you to keep health and extend the life of your pet.

At the choice of the owner, you can feed the-focterer with finished feeds (dry or wet) or genuine food.

  • If you prefer the first option, then with special care, you should consider purchasing feed. Choose food formulations from high-quality and having a good reputation of manufacturers. Carefully read the packaging and buy only that products that corresponds to the breed, age and physiological features of the animal.
  • If you decide to feed your amerala with natural products, then take care that they were fresh. Do not feed the animal with embroidery from your table. Observe the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also include in the diet of vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Periodically, your four-legged friend can be acquired by various delicacies that offers the range of modern zoological stores. Do not forget to observe the water balance of the animal.

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Toy Fox Territory: Breed Description American Toy Fox Terrier, Black and Brown Terriers 23067_15


In general, it is worth noting that the content of the animal breed of the Fox Terrier will not cause any difficulties with you. All care activities are quite simple in performance.

  • It is primarily important to remember that the animal needs regular comb. This procedure should be carried out using special combs and brushes.
  • It is also important to bathe a dog - water procedures are carried out as needed. And in the warm season, the dog should be bathed more often than in winter. Amertoy can be broken only in warm water and using detergents that are designed specifically for animals. Shampoos, gels for the shower and soap that people enjoy can have a negative impact on the skin and animal wool.
  • Once a week, dogs need to be cleaned ears. This should be done using ordinary cotton sticks, if necessary, they can be mixed with water or vegetable oil (liquids will help to cope with particularly intensive contaminants).
  • In the process of care, it is important to pay attention to the claws. This procedure should be carried out at least than 1 time per month. Strike claws should be very careful not to touch soft fabrics and do not cause discomfort to your pet.
  • Also in the process of content do not forget to monitor the state of the oral cavity and teeth of the focister. In order to preserve the health of animal fangs, you need to perform regular cleaning using a special brush and paste.
  • Due to the fact that the dog has rather short wool and does not possess the undercoat, it does not tolerate low air temperatures. That is why it is important to take care of buying special clothes for dogs. Also as additional devices should be purchased by a leash (the most convenient view is the leash - roulette). Also, the animal needs a comfortable collar.
  • Do not forget that the dog should have their own place. Due to the fact that the Fox Terrier is a small dog in its dimensions, an animal can be contained even in small-sized apartments in the conditions of the urban environment. It is important that the dog had their own bowls for food and water, as well as Lena (it can be made from an old blanket).
  • Carefully follow the animal behavior. Loss may indicate the progressive disease. If you have noticed such behavior, you should definitely show an animal doctor. In addition, do not forget about mandatory prophylactic campaigns to the veterinarian at least 1 time in 6 months. In no case cannot be engaged in self-medication, as it can apply even greater harm to your four-legged friend.
  • It should also be taken care of the timely vaccination of your pet and its processing from various parasites (worms, fleas, etc.).

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Education and training

As mentioned above, representatives of the breed of the Foxterier are rather developed in intellectual terms. That is why they are well served training and upbringing. However, learning should be starting as early as possible, because natural stubbornness is present in the nature of animals, which will be difficult to overcome if not to care for the animal training. It is very important to take care of the socialization of the dog - it should be brought to walk, acquaint with new places and animals, people.

In the learning process, it is very important to try to turn training in the game, as monotonous classes are boring for that focterers. Animals can refuse to execute teams and tricks. That is why it is necessary Find the right approach to animal training . If possible, entrust this task to professional focus.

It is also worth noting the fact that properly trained amerto can take part in competitions and exhibitions, occupy prizes and receive rewards.

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Animals belonging to the breed of the Fox Terrier have a tendency to a row of various diseases. Among them you can select the following:

  • hypoteriosis;
  • dislocation;
  • pathology of the blood system;
  • allergies of different nature;
  • Demodecosis, etc.

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The level of predisposition to these diseases cannot be predicted in advance. However, to a more complete study of the health status of the Fox Terrier can be implemented Special genetic tests. In addition to these genetic diseases, animals may be subject to other ailments. However, they are most often associated with improper departure and non-compliance with the recommendations of specialists. But if you follow all the instructions, then your four-legged friend will be able to live to 13 years.

Thus, we familiarized yourself with the general description, as well as the distinguishing features of the dogs of the breed of the Fox Terrier. As you could ensure, the animal can be kept almost in any conditions and climate.

However, all the recommendations of specialists should be followed to maintain the health of your pet.

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In the next video you are waiting for interesting facts about the breed of the Fox Terrier.

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