West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews


Many in the world are known rocks, species, subspecies, varieties of dogs. Each has its pros and cons. But the answer to the question why a person makes one or another dog, too different. The more interesting to find out how and what and what the West Highland White Terrier appeared is a snow-white dog in the mountains of North-West Scotland.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_2

History of origin

To tell about the appearance of the West Highland White Terrier, you need to remember the history of dog breeding until the XI century, it was then that the mention of terriers appeared for the first time. "Terra" is translated as "earth", that is, literally terriers are earthen dogs. These are hunters who sworn in the ground, Norah, looking for a badger, fox, wipe. And when they find, drive out or drive into the corner and are waiting for the owner - hunter. So such small, active dogs that pursued prey on shrubs and rocky clefts were described in the XI century.

In 1576, John Cayus, the Caudenist of the Queen of England Elizabeth I, mentioned in his narration "about English dogs" that terriers are perfectly coped with rodents, and in the normal hunting are good. In 1830, John Leslie wrote colorfully in his book about how the earthen dogs "plunge badgers and foxes."

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_3

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_4

I must say that there are already a lot of different types of terriers at this time. They differed over the color, the structure of woolen cover (pinsing), shape and putting the ears. In addition, they were divided into short-leg and long-legged. For the most part, the breed is the result of crossing. The same applies to the West Highland White Terriers. There are two assumptions about their appearance: either the ancestor of him was a core terrier, or a scotch terrier. But it was in Scotland that appeared in the litter whites Kityatat, who tried to destroy, in order not to spoil the breed (they were confident that the puppies of light suit were physically weaker, more sick).

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_5

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_6

At the end of the XIX century, the Colonel Donald Malcolm from the town of Paltallok County Argaylshire on the hunt shot his beloved red terrier, confusing him with a fox. This case made him remember the white tolds of terriers. But they would be clearly visible both in the mountains, on the rocks and in the fields. This was the point of reference for selection work on the elimination of white terriers. Then they called Poltallok terriers.

At the junction of centuries, Malcolm presented his white earthy dogs, calling their West Highland White Terrier. In almost 10 years old, a club appeared, which represented the interests of a new type of terriers. After another 3 years, they took part in the exhibition of rocks, after which they quickly began to gain popularity, and not only in hunters. In 1908, the American Kennel Club dog breeding club registered the first representatives of the breed in their registry. It became a real victory of white weta from Mountain Scotland.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_7

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_8

Thanks to Donaldu Malcolm, Duke Argilla from Rosnita, Dr. Flaksman from Faifshire, Maj Eging breeder, We now see the West Highland White Terriers as they are.

But breeding work continued. In 1924, breeders were forbidden to set dogs - compound with other rocks of the terrier group. So the unique exterior was formed precisely the White Terriers. And only at the end of 1954, the West Highland White Terrier was registered by international canine society as an independent breed.

In the late 90s of the 20th century, residents of the Soviet Union were able to acquire Vesta to their homes. It was still used for fox or a barzuchea hunt, but gradually the dog began to start both in the role of a companion, since it was very good to the knob, and the appearance is unusual.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_9

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_10

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_11


Today, Westhalinlands are defined by the standard of the International Cynological Federation FCI No. 85, where all the characteristics are clearly spelled out, For which the West Highland White Terrier belongs to 2 sections 3 groups (small terriers).

  • The thoroughbred part is distinguished by a firmly folded body, endowed with a smooth line of the back, a strong crop, housing limbs under a wide breast. Vesta has a movable temperament (if they talked about a person, they would say that he is a Sanguine). Brave, active, strong. For restlessness hid dignity and stubbornness. Moreover, White Terrier seems carefree, but alert, he is friendly, but will come out for the owner without thinking.
  • On the head a dense pinsin, the skull is parallel to the ground and perpendicular to the cervical vertebrae. The distance between the population and eye depressions is a bit more than the length of the muzzle. Black, not outstanding nose. The head becomes already from the eyes to the nose. Thanks to widespread fangs in strong smooth jaws, it seems that West slyly smiles. The top row of large teeth is tightly covered.
  • The eyes of the middle size, slightly elongated, dark, widely distinguished from the nose. In Westhelandland, a smart look penetrating from under the hanging eyebrows inclined. Light eyes are considered to be withdrawal.
  • The ears are pointed, small, easily stand straight, planted on the head very proportionally. The ears are covered with short and soft, velvety wool, according to standards, it is impossible to coordinate it. There are no fringe on the ears. According to the standard, the dog should not be rounded, large, thick ears. Also the retreat is considered a large number of hairs on the ears.
  • The neck due to its length provides the correct position of the head. The neck smoothly goes into the showrooms, thickening to the base.
  • The housing is dense, compressed, with a straight back, a powerful crushing and a wide chest.
  • The tail is not particularly long - 12.5-15 cm (the relief is not allowed), with a rigid ping, without a fringe. It should be located almost parallel to the earth or climb a little higher, do not fold on the back.
  • The limbs are strong, housing, short, straight. They are covered by a thick short rigid pins. Hips are very muscular. Paws are strong, front more rear. Toll pads protected by short rigid wool. According to the standard, it is desirable that the cushions with claws were black.
  • Sitting flying, free. Thanks to the well-flexing joints, West can pushed forward while jumping.
  • Two-layer pinsing: undercoat with short, soft, dense wool, and the outer layer, 5-centimeter length, hard. Curls according to the standard should not be like non-touching wool.
  • The color is white, because of external factors is sufficiently unstable, so a yellowish tint may occur.
  • The size determined by the height of the withers is about 28 cm. Experts explain that bitches can reach 23-28 cm, and males - 25-30 cm in the withers.
  • The standards are not determined by the weight of the West Highland-White Terrier, but the bitches can reach 6-7 kg, and the males - 7-10 kg.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_12

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_13

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_14

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_15

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_16

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_17

The difference between the pioneer dog from the designer is that if the breed does not comply with standards, then breeders will at least not receive documents for such a particular. If you acquire a dog, hoping for further participation in exhibitions, then you need to know that the exhibition assessment will be reduced by wavy or curly wool, non-standard ears, neotypical length, incorrect limb. But If the dog exhibits unless aggression and cowardice or it has too obvious physiological and behavioral defects, it will not be allowed to competition.

If the future owner is not interested in documents, he should know that because of his small sizes, the dog is quite suitable for living in the apartment, but she has so much energy that it takes a lot to walk with it, to give an active load. She compensates for naughty and ragged things in the house.

This terrier has a very thin scent, which helps a lot of rescuers in finding people, especially in narrow hard-to-reach places. But this means that at home should not be used by sharp odors, in order to protect the nose of the hunting dog.

The level of intelligence in the host is high enough. This quality in aggregate with smart eyes will convince anyone that your pet understands you from half off. But for this you need to raise and become a friend.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_18

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_19

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_20

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_21

Answering the question, whether the guard and the watchman Highland, you need to say - no. Natural curiosity, good nature, the absence of aggression does not contribute to the rank of bodyguard. But as a sound alarm button is quite a suitable breed.

Character features

Not only thanks to external data, but also his own character of the host earned a good name to himself. He is a real actor, who loves the director of the full-length, documentary film and commercials. This suggests that the dog has a high level of intelligence. At the same time, pets are very curious and restless, at any age remain young adventurers. The main negative habit is the desire to "get to the truth", and it will be digging both on the street and at home.

Causes of such behavior in inexhaustible energy. To cope with this problem, Vesta needs to be brought up from an early age. And here, the main thing is to have to face the owner, - natural stubbornness, prescribed in the standard.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_22

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_23

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_24

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_25

Only when you manage to conquer the confidence of your companion, the dog recognizes the leader in you. The more you will put it on it, the more unmanaged it will be.

If the dog is brought up, then it is quite peaceful, sociable, ready for travel. In relation to other animals, caution should be exercised: the host is enough jealous. If there is a possibility to make sure that animals get along with each other, it is better to introduce them in advance. Otherwise, in the rustling of jealousy, it can rush both on a hamster, and for Alala. But with the children they are quite capable of coexist, if children over 10 years old and see a friend in the dog.

And do not forget, Vesta needs movement: dog sports, walk, hunting. This creature clearly realizes that the movement is life. Especially since at this moment the dog is not alone, but for him it is important. These terriers do not like loneliness, although they are able to be without owners for a while. Whatever the big family, the owner of the dog will be alone, he will educate and feed. All other family members are neighbors with whom the lack will be friendly.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_26

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_27

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_28

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_29

Pluses and minuses of breed

Vesta is called a restless and cheerful dog, which just need attention. Call, but not a nasty voice, help learn about the arrival of guests. He loves to bark, but most likes to dig - hunting genes affect. Accommodation in a private house, in the country can turn around the loss of beds and flower. To avoid this, you need to highlight the extension the territory on which a bunch (sand, foliage, old safe things, toys) will be shredded. Here it is not bad to equip the playground for training. The more the dog is busy, the less problems you have.

If we talk about leaving, then the main plus and at the same time minus is white beautiful wool. After all, temperamental ps on the street is difficult to stay white, and this is an additional care for owners - wash, dry, comb. And so after each walk.

Another minus is the desire to win the place near the owner: Jealousy makes him joke both with rodents and large animals. At the same time, for the owner, he is ready on a lot, very tied to him. And the naughty nature and appearance of the soft toys make it a universal favorite.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_30

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_31

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_32

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_33

Life expectancy

Like all pets, the life expectancy of the West Highland White terrier depends on the conditions of content. Due to the character, not only the number of square meters, quality nutrition, veterinary care, but also communication with family members is important here. Alone, the dog will wander and will not live for a long time. With good care, the hosts live up to 13-15 years.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_34


Westheland himself is a type of terriers. There is no subspecies in the breed. But there is a classification to participate in dog competitions, starting from 3 months of age. There are also class differences. Professional breeders easily determine how little terrier belongs to what class.

  • Show- and Top class. These are the best puppies in litter, in the future there may be the winners of the exhibitions. Physiologically, they are 100% compliant with the requirements of FCI NO 85. Minimal flaws are possible, but breed defects are not allowed. Usually such puppies are born by parents-champions. This is the standard of rock determined by the highest price. But it is almost impossible to buy such a baby - breeders will certainly leave him for subsequent breeding.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_35

  • Breed class - A category that includes healthy White terriers with excellent pedigree and good data to reproduce offspring. For this class it is important to correctly pick up a couple. If this is done correctly, you can get the offspring of the show class. Most often, the border class is counted, and males with very close characteristics refer to a lower PET class. Bridge has an exhibition temperature.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_36

  • Pet class - These are discarded puppies that have inconsistencies with breed standards: the wrong color, wool marriage, breed patterns (the dog's life is not threatened, but they may well reflect on the offspring). Animals of this class cannot participate not only in exhibitions, but also breeding. This fact is indicated in the accompanying documents. Also, the PET class includes unscheduled mating puppies.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_37

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_38

How to choose a puppy?

The decision to start a puppy for many rests on the question of what is purchased for: if for breeding, exhibitions, then the purchase criteria will be very different from those when you acquire a companion or a hunting dog. By making a decision, it is worth paying attention to certain aspects.

  • Regardless of the country, choose nurseries that are registered in the canine federations. Take advantage of the prompts of the familiar owners of West Highland White Terriers, reviews about the nursery. In good places, almost all the viscans are planned, it means that the baby will be with the documents.
  • Do not hurry to buy a puppy from a first acquaintance. It is better to take several litters, from different parents. Each dog has its own character, habits, external data.
  • Specialists have the term "breeders", and there are "breeders". Breeders will help you with consultations throughout the time of the adults of the puppy. The task of dilutes is to sell goods. Before buying it is worth asking whether the nursery has consulting services and under what conditions.
  • The conditions in which puppies and their parents are contained in the nursery will tell you much. Antisanitaria in cells can be aware of your pet acquired in the first days of the life of diseases. If dogs have a fairly large territory, according to which they are freely moving, cleanliness in the pens, then the place of sale of puppies and trust increases.
  • It is believed that girls are more trained, but the host has something wrong: the dogs are trained faster. On the character and intellectual abilities, the floor of the puppy practically does not affect.
  • At the time of choosing a pet, try to estimate its physical condition: the puppy should not be sluggish, but must confidently hold onto the paws. Experienced dog breeders recommend paying attention not to the largest in litter, but the smarter itself. Pass the navel area: there should not be swelling and protrusion of the abdomen - these are signs of violation of health. The eyes of the baby must be clean, without selection. Nose pure and wet, pink ears. Under the tail, the puppy should not be traces of a liquid chair.
  • Perhaps, like all breeds, Vesta can have genetic diseases. Before viscating parents test. Do not be lazy to ask the breeder test results. This is not a 100 percent guarantee that your baby has no problems with this, but the lack of diseases of the parents abruptly reduces the risk of a disease in a puppy.
  • The show-class representative costs about 40,000 rubles. But if you take a puppy only for the soul, and not for exhibitions and competitions, you can look for a dog much cheaper, without documents. But to be sure that buying Vesta, go to the exhibitions, get acquainted with breeders and take advantage of their advice in choosing a pet.
  • Visiting exhibitions before purchase will also give you a large amount of information on how to care, feed and educate a puppy. If there are children in the house, it is very useful to take them to such events.
  • Experts recommend paying attention to the bite of the dog: the upper jaw finds on the lower, from below, there should be 6 cutters and 2 fangs.
  • With documents, or without them you take a dog, it should already have a veterinary passport, which is affixed by the vaccinations made. With this passport you will continue to visit your veterinarian to continue vaccination.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_39

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_40

Content and care

Before the baby falls into your home, he needs to cook space for sleep and games for meals and toilet. And if at first these zones can be located next to each other, then, the older the puppy, the faster it needs to be accustomed to the functionality of each zone.

  • For sleep and games, it is advisable to purchase a basket or warm bedding with a dog. The puppy should have toys: rubber, silicone or wooden. Carefully monitor the quality and individual elements of toys: they should not have a strong chemical smell and small details - everything as in children. If there are no more fluffy animals in the house, with whom the puppy would have expressed a desire to sleep, then buy him a soft toy under the side.
  • For food, you will need 2-3 bowls: for dry feed, for natural food, for water. Bowls are better to immediately put there, where the dog will always eat. They should not interfere with you under your feet. And be prepared for the fact that there will always be a little bit around them, but dirty: do not forget after each dog feeding to make order in this place, as well as wipe the terrier stuffer with a wet cloth. If this is not done, then the remnants of food are stuck in wool and gradually will be painted it into different colors.
  • To protect natural needs, at first, the cuite will need a diaper - stool. Most likely, at first she will be near a sleeping place, but gradually you will move it to the place where the tray will stand. If you have acquired enough adult puppy, who was taught to the toilet, then the breeder will tell you how to teach a puppy to the place-toilet in your home.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_41

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_42

After the puppy is bred in the house, you will have to teach it to swim, haircut, walking, combing. If you are preparing the exhibition PSA, you will have to often visit the cargo. If not, then the names are produced with certain frequency.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_43


For our active dog, this is important after eating and sleep. From 3 to 6 months, the host is carried out (not output) for a walk 5 - 6 times a day to teach to cope on the street. You can do this only after holding planned vaccines and weekly quarantine. Those who have no opportunity to go out with a dog to walk so often, waterproof diapers will help. The required at least walks for an adult dog - twice a day for half an hour, despite the snow and heat, making the owner and other problems.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_44

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_45

But West is ready to walk much longer if it is a sports field or, as it was said earlier, artificially created a bunch of autumn leaves, toys, etc. Shine walking on Schleik next to the elderly is not what Vesta needs. But as soon as the dog was descended from the leash, she chared from abundance of odors and the opportunity to rummage in all sorts of piles and becomes unmanageable. If there is a sports town or a hall for dogs nearby, then West will be happy to adorganize to Agility and freestyle.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_46

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_47

For a walk, some owners dress West Highland White Terrier in the sponctions, overalls and other bright clothes. There are two reasons: to demonstrate your handsome, protect against dirt. In any case, the dog does not need insulation. Even in winter, during the walk, she will not freeze, because it is constantly in motion.

General hygiene

Vesti's teeth must be cleaned twice a week. To maintain them in due state in the diet, there should be solid products - abrasives, and you can also buy bones-toothpicks. Eyes need to be inspected daily. The presence of brown flops under the eyes is considered a sign of allergies - you should immediately contact the veterinarian. Once a week, the host should be brushed, pluck long hair inside the ear shell.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_48

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_49

Claws with intensive street loads can be emitted, if this does not happen or the dog is exhibition, then claws should be cut. Lape pad after each walk you need to wash. If it's cold on the street, and the paths are also sprinkled with reagents, then after walking and washing the paw pads are lubricated with a nutrient cream. So that the wool does not interfere with the dog, as well as to comply with hygiene, around the anus and genital organs will coherertain the hair cover.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_50

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_51


Opponents of frequent bathing of dogs are recommended to wash them every 6 months, in order not to wash off the body and wool a protective fat layer. With regard to Vesta, it is hardly possible - white wool needs to be washed at least once a month, and after the street - if necessary. For washing, zooshampuny, whitening shampoos (not for puppies!), As a last resort, children's shampoos. In general, they need detergents for rigid-haired dogs.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_52

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_53


West lines a bit, but during the period of molting it is necessary to make it daily, the rest of the time - every 2-3 days. Very good for this procedure fits a furminator. It is recommended to use a metal brush with rare cloths so as not to break the fur. The procedure for the dog is pleasant, as it removes dead hairs, pieces of dirt, barbs with a street walk. Soft wool is recommended to be combed more often to avoid chatins.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_54

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_55

Additional coat care

To preserve the color of the fur and remove the yellowness, it is recommended to be cleaned with a mixture of crowded chalk and boric acid. The remedy is rubbed into a slightly wet wool, and then combed with a conventional brush.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_56

A haircut

If you want to cut the dog briefly, then you can do it yourself on your own machine. A good haircut of your dog will make a groomer. Grooming is obligatory for exhibition dogs. But the professionals argue that the White Terrier due to the hardness of the hair is needed not a haircut, but trimming. The accumulation procedure of dead hairs is more useful, as they interfere with the dog, stuck among living hair.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_57

With a haircut, dead wool remains on the body of the dog, does not give rise to new hairs. Over time, the quality of the pinsing deteriorates, it becomes thinner, falls off, fade. The home dog is recommended to trimming every 2 months, exhibitions - once a month.

What to feed?

The owner can choose for its vest food with dry food, natural products or both. But that's what a dog chooses, you can only find out with time. Therefore, when entering a new dish, you should not use several new products at once, otherwise it is not clear what I liked it or did not like Vesta.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_58

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_59

When buying a dry food, it is worth choosing a super premium and premium feed. They will be salvation for dogs with allergies and diabetes. In kind of nutrition, the following products are recommended:

  • non-fat boiled meat, except chicken (pork wester do not feed), offal, cartilage;
  • non-fat sea fish;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal (millet porridge, flour - under the ban);
  • cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream;
  • Vegetables (except potatoes and onions) and fruits.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_60

The amount of feeding depends on the age of Vesta:

  • up to 3 months - up to 6 times a day / portion size - 150 ml;
  • 3-4 months. - up to 4 times / by 200-250 ml;
  • 4-6 months - up to 3 times / 500 ml;
  • 6-8 months - 2-3 times / at 750-1000 ml;
  • Older 8 months - 2 times / 1.5 liters.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_61

In physical feeding in the diet, vitamins must be present. Forbidden products include smoked meals, sharp dishes, bird bones, pastries, nuts, sweets, food from the table.


The education process begins from the moment the puppy appears in the house. A very little newly newly needed to teach to the diaper, older - to the tray or to the time he was asked to the street. How to do it, tells our video. Little is always sorry, and the owners try to take a puppy more often on the sofa, on their own bed.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_62

Do not forget that in this way you are forming a habit of the beast. So when you won't be at home, it will take place in your bed. If it is undesirable, it is not worth it and take it to yourself while he is small.

Being a smart dog, West clearly feels the power and weakness of the owner. For the dog to fulfill your teams, you must achieve his respect, be morally stronger than him. This is manifested in confidence, sequence of actions, perseverance. During the dresser, it is desirable to stay one on one with the dog, so you will understand who the owner is in the house, and concentrate the attention of the beast. About three months of age during the game puppy, you can teach the teams "to me", "Aport". From the 6-7 months of the age of dogs teach more complex teams: "lie", "sit", "Fu", "Voice", "Let Lap", "Near". To do this, you can contact the club of dog breeders or try to train yourself. The dog is interesting to deal with the owner. If you see that the pet is distracted, switch attention to another team, just later return to the initial one.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_63

Teams are served clearly, calm. With older dogs talking more stricter, but without a scream. Any proper execution of the team is necessarily encouraged by intonation, stroking, yummy. Punishment is a change in intonation, but categorically not a manual attribution. Since Vesta is very opposed creatures, it is impossible to suck and indulge with them: caressing should always be coherent with rigor.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_64

For training you need to use:

  • favorite toy, ball;
  • delicacies (dry food);
  • train or soft collar;
  • Long and short leashes.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_65

For training hunting skills, Vesta take a pair with adult dogs, imitation of relatives is the best way of learning.

Ownership reviews

According to numerous reviews that are found on the Internet, it can be concluded that the West Highland White Terrier is a real friend for loving owners. They characterize Vesta as a good and affectionate dog that eats almost everything. The negative points of the content include wool care, unwillingness to cooperate with young children, as well as those who encroaches the owner's love. Hunters praise Vesta for courage, strength, endurance, energy. But they warn you need to deal with the dog regularly to overcome her stubbornness.

West Highland White Terrier (66 photos): description of white dogs, pluses and minuses of the breed. How to choose puppies? Nutrition and character. Ownership reviews 23058_66

All about the breed of dogs West-Highland-White Terrier, see the next video.

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