Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors


One of the most intelligent and sought-after dog breeds around the globe is a shepherd. These animals are also distinguished by a special devotion to the owner. They love children, and their children. And this, despite the fact that they are fighting ps. We are accustomed to see the most popular among the shepherd - German. Yes, and hearing the word "Shepherd", the beauty of the black and brown color immediately seems. But this is not the only possible color of the wool - there are other, more unusual. About them and will be discussed in our article.

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Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_3


Genes and alleys - not to the end of the studied theme. Sometimes it is unclear why dog ​​has exactly this color. The pigment responsible for the color of the wool is melanin. In turn, it is already divided into two pigments that are responsible for dark and reddish colors. Among the variants of reddish shades can also be shown yellow. We will try not to deepen into the nature of genes, but we still consider a little.

There are two types of genes: dominant and suppressed. Dominant - the main one. Accordingly, most of the PSA will be affected by this gene. The suppressed gene is secondary. Thanks to him, spots, lines, drawing.

But in most cases, the presence of two types of types indicates that only the dominant gene will manifest itself, but the suppressible will remain unnoticed.

The location of the genes is the chromosome department. Departments of such only 12, and gene variations in each department from 2 to 6. It is not necessary in each department all these genes will be.

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_4

German shepherds are divided into several types - the so-called lines. Each line is the location of this breed. Total lines about 10. Each line is different from each other by its location and its drawing. Color options are a huge set.

The most popular line is West Germany, or rather high. There are work lines. Belgian and Danish German shepherds belong to them.

Eastern German line, Czech, American and even old-American are common. Among unusual lines, Panda is especially allocated. This dog has an incredible black and white color, resembling a panda coloring. There are varieties without a mask. Such shepherds do not have the usual drawing on the face.

And it becomes clearer, you should consider all the main types of the colors of German shepherd.

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Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_6

Basic Types of Color

German shepherd wool color is most often approximately the same. But sometimes it is not possible to immediately understand that before you it is shepherd, and not some other breed of a dog. The difference may be in the length and stiffness of the wool, as well as in the picture.


Under the unusual name is hidden black wool on the back. Belly, neck and paws can be several colors options: from gray to redhead. On the face as if I wonder the mask in the tone back.

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The form of color not recognized in the world community is infrequently found, but also does not apply to the rare color.

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_8

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_9

Wolf (or zonar)

It is clear from the name that the colors are like wolf. A different color is called zonar. Color on wool covers is located on rings. Each hair has a black color at the end, then the yellow color is going, again black, and it closes this ring lighter shade. Standing ears and an elongated muzzle - all this is combined in a shepherd of this species.

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_10

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_11


We are accustomed to such shepherds most. In this case, there is a combination of dark brown with light yellow-orange.

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_12


Pretty rare species. It can manifest itself from parents of standard colors, while not considered a collection of genetics. Dark brown and long wool have a rich combination.

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_13

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_14

Black and Side

This type of wool in nature is quite common. It can be both weakened and darkened, saturated. Most often, the black and tangible color is considered to be a coloring option - a black dog with brown stains. Such a suit is very reminding the colors of Doberman.

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Rare options

Among all the colors there are always exceptions - the rarest colors that nature use to give an unusual type of German shepherd. We will get acquainted with them.


Elite and exclusive color - black. Such a dog is very difficult to find, because all over the world there are less than 4%. The color looks very noble, at first glance and you will not say that it is the German Shepherd. Such a color in the aggregate with the priesthood character and the easiest accuracy represents one of the favorite combinations of dog breeders.

Black German shepherds have become a rarity gradually, since they knit them with relatives of a freak shade. Thus, black-haired pieces became very small.

The most interesting thing is that At the birth of a puppy, it is impossible to determine what color it will be in the future, as a constant change of shade occurs. Clear color becomes only when the dog turns up top wool. There are exceptions when color from childhood puppy remains the same for life.

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Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_17


This color is found in the nature of the shepherd even less often. Moreover, this is the appearance of an additional gene contributing to simply weakening the black pigment. At breeders, such a dog is considered defective. Externally, on the contrary, the dog looks very cute and unusual. In addition, these pieces have blue eyes.

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Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_19


Very beautiful color, which looks great on the dog. Such a color is also rejected. Sometimes it has a red shade or simply goes red, which is also the norm and the standard is not. But the pepper color with the linations of the redhead is very welcome.

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Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_21


Perhaps the most controversial kind of color. He is recognized only in the United States and Canada. There specifically withdrawn a separate white breed. All over the world, this color is also marriage.

Such a dog can not be called albino, that is, white color is not a mutation or deflection in health. The dog's eyes are necessarily dark, like nose and mouth. All shepherds are very peaceful to their masters and young children, but with caustic and distrust relate to strangers. The white shepherds are more relaxed towards unfamiliar people, and in the dressure approach to upbringing requires more loyal than to relatives.

Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_22

When do shepherds change the color of the wool?

Like a change of teeth, the very first molting is very important to the animal, including the German Shepherd. During this period, the smooth wool is replaced by the rigid wool of an adult individual. The beginning of the molt can be observed at about 3.5-4 months. By 7 months, you can see clearly outlined cheprak. By 10 months heights growth in the withers, but at the same time the animal is not yet considered an adult dog.

Finally, it becomes adult to one year. From this point on, the color will not change anymore.

Puppies are born very cute, plump. The amount in one litter can reach twelve! And all, most likely, will look about the same. Only with age, each puppy will show their unique color. And from the very birth and about three weeks of age, they all have about one species - a pointed face, a large black nose and a short shiny wool.

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Starting from the first week, a special care is required for wool. Be sure to swim 2-3 times a week, as well as combing after it. During periods of molting dogs, demands increase: combing must be every day. You can apply for this or a furminator, which is very convenient for animals with different lengths, or a metal comb. The second is comfortable less, but perhaps it is optimal for you - each of us is individual.

So that after the first molting wool looked healthy, glared, and her colors were saturated, You need to properly feed the puppy from the first days of life. Initially, in the first two weeks, the puppy feeds on the mother's milk. Later begins to enter the lure. Pay special attention to meat composition. It should be in the diet of at least 60%.

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Shave of German Shepherd (26 photos): description of puppies of gray and red, blue and other colors 23009_25

German Shepherd - one of the smartest breeds of dogs. It has a stable psyche and perfectly leaving any training, and can also be perfectly adapted to any living conditions. The German Shepherd can become an excellent friend and excellent defender of your family. But thanks to the care and proper care, pets will become also the subject of pride and beauty.

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Details about the color of the German Shepherd see below.

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