Balon dress: Knitted and knitted, style for full (47 photos)


The dress-cylinder has such an unusual and memorable form that it cannot be confused by another fashion. What is this model? "Chip" dresses-cylinder is a volumetric, as if an inflated skirt, because of which the outfit and got its name. The volume can start from the waist line or the chest, but the skirt will definitely narrow the book.

White Waist Cylinder Dress

Black breast balloon

Cylinder dress with a masterpiece

Such a style appeared in the middle of the last century, when the female figure was considered the female figure with lush hips, breasts and a thin waist - the so-called "hourglass".

The dress balloon made it brings the proportions of the shape to the desired standard. The richness of the skirt was achieved in several ways. Most often for this purpose, the lining was shortened and the hem dresses were laid. To create volume, also made a set of plotters or folds on the skirt.

Last St Centu Shot

Who comes up?

Despite the fact that the style of the dress-balloon is quite specific, wearing such an outfit can girls with different figures. Ladies asthenic physique with small breasts, narrow hips and waist unexpressed dress balloon help generate volumes in the right places.

Dress-cylinder for slim

Calon dress for full

Dress-balloon for thin

For a form of type "Apple" is also characterized by the absence of a pronounced waist, because it is the same volume as breasts and hips. It is possible to correct the position with a dresses-cylinder intercepted on the stomach with a wide strap or belt.

Dress-cylinder for full women with a figure

The owner of the pear-shaped figure can boast of lush hips. This category of girls is perhaps the only one to avoid dresses with bulk skirts, as they make the lower part of the body too heavy.

Dress-balloon for girls with a pear figure

Dress-cylinder for women with a pear figure

Types of skirt

  • The dress-cylinder with an arched skirt looks not quite usually, but in the XX century, such an outfit was very popular. The volume is created simultaneously due to the shortened lining and a large number of folds collected on the waist.
  • Dresses with a tulip skirt occurs quite often. Especially well it looks at the owners of a thin waist, narrow hips and slender legs. As a rule, the tulip skirt is sufficient - short, its length is rarely lowered below the knee. On the skirt necessarily there is a wide coquette and several longitudinal folds.
  • The skirt-cylinder, assembled from the bottom on the gum, looks quite extravagant, so such an outfit usually choose bold, self-confident specials. The dress-cylinder with such an unusual skirt is often deprived of a waistline, the skirt begins to gain volume from the chest and sharply narrows below the knees.

Dress-cylinder with an arched skirt

Dress-cylinder with tulip skirt

Dress-balloon on the rubber band below


To create cylinder dresses, a variety of materials are used - if only they correlate with the time of the year and the style of the outfit. The basic requirement that is presented to fabric is the ability to preserve the form, so the materials are usually used sufficiently dense.

Calcule Cleaver

Cylinder silk dress

Cylinder chiffon dress

Print Balloon Dress

Satin dress-balloon

Often, a knitwear is chosen to sewing a dress-cylinder, as it is perfectly draped. For the cold season, you can choose a woolen fabric - then you can recreate the image of fashionista from the last century.

Knitted balloon dress

Dresses-cylinders can be a festive or even wedding outfit. In this case, the preference is given to light, air tissue, such as taffeta or organze. The volumetric skirt from translucent material looks like a real light cloud.

Festive Silk Cylinder

Jersey Elegant Shot

Balance Busty Dress

Short wedding dress-balloon

Wedding dress-balloon with skirt tulip


The dress-cylinder associated with yarn is an excellent option for the winter, because even in frosty days we want to stay feminine. Warm clothes, of course, can be beautiful. A bright example is a variety of knitted dresses and skirts. They look very cute and cozy, and besides, well warmed.

Short knitted balloon

Warm dress-cylinder with dieline below the knee

Knitted black dress-balloon

Knitted slim gray yarn cylinder

Preference should be given to models associated with threads, as part of which is present as much natural wool and minimum of polyester or acrylic. Such a dress will delight you not one season, while artificial materials will lose their kind after a few socks.

Knitted striped balloon

Calon dress for full

The dress-balloon looks great on the full girls, first of all, because it successfully hides the volume. The only thing that should not be done is to wear such a dress with a shortened skirt if you have a little growth and full legs. In all other cases, you can safely experiment with this model.

Calon dress for full

A monophonic dress-balloon on the belt for full

Velvet dress-cylinder for full

If you have problem areas, avoid the jet of decorative elements in these places. For example, full hands and shoulders should not emphasize short, bulk sleeves like "wings" or "lanterns". If you have already magnificent hips, avoid dresses-cylinders with false pockets on the skirt.

Dress-balloon with three-quarter sleeves for full

  • In the upcoming fashion season, the dresses of lace or with lace inserts will be particularly popular. If you do not like the translucent skirts, but I don't want to lag behind the fashion, look at cylinders with a lace bodice.
  • Multilayer dresses and skirts will be clogged by this summer at all avid fashionable. Be sure to purchase a balloon dress with a skirt, stitched from several layers of thin fabric. In such a dress you will resemble an exotic gentle flower.
  • Dresses with a V-neckline have an incredibly useful property: they emphasize the chest and swelling the neck. Triangular neckline is one of the main trends of the new fashion season. The dress-cylinder with an attractive neckline will make you catch admiring views of others.

Combined dress-balloon with lace top and satin skirt

Multilayer balloon dress

Dress-cylinder with V-neck

What to wear?

A balloon, like any other dress from your wardrobe, needs properly accompanied. The main task here is to balance the volume that is created at the bottom of the body and do not overload all that below the waist line with massive parts.

On top of the dress-cylinder, you can wear a shortened jacket or bolery. If the skirt is not very long, a classic straight or fitted trench is suitable.

Cylinder dress with jacket

With tight knitting cylinders or other warm tissues, colorful tights or leggings can be worn. If the outfit is alternating, try to wear patterned tights to it - you will have a mischievous, playful image.

Summer dress-balloon in a combination with a hat


The dress-cylinder is the brightest element of your image, so everything else should not attract a lot of attention. Shoes should be chosen as simple as possible, but elegant, since the bottom of the dress itself is sufficiently massive.

Elegant shoes for dress-cylinder

Therefore, set aside the boots with a wide balance and shoes on the colon platform. Something less catchy is suitable for a cylinder dress: shoes, sandals with thin straps, elegant shoes on high heels. From shoes on a flat sole should be abandoned, because the dress with such an unusual skirt requires the heel - to keep the proportions of the shape.

Shoes and boats

Sandals for a dress-cylinder

Varnish shoes for satin dress-cylinder


Accessories are no less important part of the image than shoes or dress, so you need to choose them in such a way that they are well harmonized with the outfit. Stylists say that the dress-balloon (only if it is not a wedding option) the classic decorations made of gold, silver and gems are elegant necklace and openwork earrings.

It is better to choose something easier to choose something, but, nevertheless, original. Look at high-quality jewelry - an unusual ring shape, earrings and necklaces will look great with a dress-cylinder. You can choose and sufficiently massive decorations - so that they equilibrate the heavy bottom of the dress.

Accessories and decorations for dress-cylinder

Decoration to dress-cylinder

Dress-balloon in a combination with large jewelry

Accessories for dress-cylinder

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