Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies


Alpine (Savoy) Shepherd - a dog created for work. Perhaps, with the word "shepherd", the majority arises the "German" association, but it is not. The varieties of sheepdresses are a great set, and even such a favorite Queen Elizabeth II charming short-sided breed of Cuga also belongs to the family of shepherd. Alpine shepherd dates towards another "direction".

She is a wonderful guard, watchman, defender. However, an inexperienced dog with such a strong and stroke dog simply not to cope, and now we will find out why.

Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_2

Breed history

The breed has appeared many centuries ago, representatives of it were excellent shepherds, could "lead" a big herd. Thanks to its huge strength, they coped even with a cattle without the assistance of the shepherd. But with the penetration into the Alpine Mountains other breeds of dogs began to mix with them and almost disappeared completely. Kolnologists believed that the net alpine shepherds did not remain in the world, however, several representatives were discovered in a deaf area.

In 1947, work began on the restoration of the breed, and now the Alpine Shepherds again exist in sufficient quantities. The standard of rocks amounted to in the 1960s, but in the FCI did not accept the breed. The dog has medium sizes, powerful and strong backbone. Color Assume any, but white is not possible, only spots. Most often, the color is two-color or black with subpassions.

The ears should hang, there are no standing ears in the breed. Paws are very powerful, strong, strong. 55 cm reached high, weighing from 20 to 30 kg. The tail is quite long, hanging down, does not lie on the back, does not twist in the "Kalachik".

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Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_4

Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_5


This breed has excellent character. They are easy to get along with each household, however, they are obeying only to the one who appointed the leader. They love children very much, even small, and wonderful about them care. They can belong even to the cat, but only with the one that lives with them in the house. Alpine Shepherd Do not teach people, however, unfamiliar or unfamiliar, she will meet suspiciously.

She is a wonderful watchman, but to educate and socialize it needs from the first months of life. It is only an experienced dog breeding.

Another distinctive feature of the animal is its lightning reaction. Alpine Shepherd Dog always shows vigilance, attentive, reacts to the change in the situation extremely quickly. Even in those moments, when the dog is allegedly relaxed and does not pay attention to what is happening, it is on the main and ready to react at any time.

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Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_7

How to educate?

The Savoy Shepherd - the dog is the wayward and a little overwhelmed. That is why, bringing it up, can not be weak. Only hardness and perseverance will help convince the dog in the fact that you are the main one. Neither shout, nor, it is impossible to punish it physically during education. This will lead to the bite of shepherd, insult to the owner. And it will not be obeying.

Beat the Alpine Shepherd - it means spoil it. The dog, which was subjected to physical punishments, will not protect any owner or his family.

If a puppy or adult dog has done something, quite slightly increase the voice and with the help of strict intonation and correctly selected words scorch it . You need to do it, but seriously, thoughtfully, otherwise, after a short time, the pet will repeat his Caverwe. Show perseverance, do not lose the presence of the spirit and be withstanding.

Puppies and the younger dogs love to foolish, like any kids. This does not mean that with their antics you need to accept, But even unnecessary to punish should not be punished.

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Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_9

Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_10

How to care and where to keep?

Careful for dogs is quite simple. Despite the presence of long wool, they are enough to comb. Bathing will be required about 2 times a year, no more often, except in cases where the dog is strongly stained.

In principle, the wool of the Savoy Shepherds is not polluted strongly, as the breed has occasionally lived in the fresh air and learned how to regulate the purity of woolen cover. Since the breed has retained its purity since ancient times, It is distinguished by excellent health, none genetic diseases are unusual.

Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_11

The purity of the ears and eye should be checked as needed. Claws are not necessary, the wool between the fingers is also. In general, Alpine Shepherds do not need a haircut of anything.

The content of the dog in the apartment is difficult, as alone and in a closed space, it begins to hooligan. It will be best for her in a private house with a fenced courtyard, where she will be able to run to run. The Savoy Shepherd is well tolerating the cold, which is why it can live in a warm and unproduced booth.

On the chain or in the aviary, it is impossible to keep it, it contradicts her freedom-loving nature. (This applies, in fact, all dogs). Representatives of the breed need a lot of movement.

Therefore, if it is not possible to provide it with independent walks and runs on the territory, it is better to make another breed.

Alpine Shepherd need not unhurried walks, And a full load.

Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_12

Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_13

Where to buy a puppy?

Since the nurseries of this shepherd breed in Russia and Europe are extremely small, finding the desired puppy will not be easy. It is best to contact the clubs of dog breeders, where you will be painful in search. Also a good option - visits to exhibitions. There, as a rule, dogs are protruding with a pedigree. Seeing the representative of the breed, you can approach the owner and find out if he has puppies (or maybe expected).

Search for a puppy via the Internet is a lottery . Unfortunately, not all owners are conscientious, and the purchase of "from the hands" is very dangerous.

Before you purchase a puppy (any breed), specify the information about the nursery or the breeder who is going to make a purchase, as far as he is conscientious, honest, which pedigree has his dogs.

The cost of the Savoy Shepherd puppy is 200-400 dollars. It is necessary to understand that the breed has not yet received the recognition of the world community of filmmologists, so it is not necessary to talk about the compliance of the breed standard or an excellent pedigree.

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Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_15

Alpine Shepherd (16 photos): Description of the breed of dogs, the content of puppies 22998_16

You can get acquainted closer and watch the work of the Alpine Shepherds can be in the following video.

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