Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners


Among the many species of dogs found in different regions of the planet, Maremmo-Abruzzky Shepherds stand out by a number of features. They are not the most well-known, but they deserve a thorough consideration.

History of origin

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherdka is one of the dogs of Italian origin. In the international canine classification, this breed hit in 1956. Maremma (this is exactly what its everyday name) was removed in the regions of Maremma and Abruzzo. At least exactly the dominant version. She was nominated by Professor at the University of Florence Giuseppe Solaro in the middle of the 1860s.

The earliest reliable mention of this breed is dated i century n. NS. Maremma in all their long history was not subject to change in appearance and behavior. Even today, these dogs meet the most stringent requirements in the protection of grazing herds. A characteristic feature is white wool color - it appeared not by chance. Such animals are easiest to find in night darkness.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_2

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_3

In the old days, when the shepherds constantly risked to face numerous dangerous predators, they could randomly hit the faithful watchman. Therefore, selected for breeding dogs with white color. This made it possible to accurately recognize them for counting seconds even with a tense battle. Another important factor in the selection was naturally endurance shepherd.

Modern farmers highly appreciate their predecessors: there is a positive experience of the protection of herd even from Grizzly bears.

There is a legend, according to which the Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd was brought to the limits of modern Italy fugitives from the troy storm. Professionals will indicate such an assumption completely. They have reliable facts that allow you to associate a modern shepherd dog with Asian ancestors, which were bred in Tibetan foothills. In the second half of the XIX century, the Maremmo-Abruzza breed began to be exported to foreign countries. The standard of rock (at the club level, but without official registration) is valid since 1924.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_4

Description of dogs

The height of adult animals depending on the floor ranges from 0.65 to 0.73 and from 0.6-0.68 m. The mass will be 30-40 and 35-45 kg respectively. Important breed characteristics are its strength and endurance. It is not surprising, because initially shepherds were used for shepherd needs. The only allowable coloring is white, while can occur in addition to it light redhead, lemon and pale beige shades.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_5

A large muzzle of this breed is externally the same as a small bear. An important feature of the Maremmo-Abruzza breed is a flat structure of the head. It ends low, similar in shape on the dome, forehead. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead takes place under a stupid angle. The description of this dog also mentions dark almond-shaped eyes; Teeth and the rest of the mouth are securely covered with thin dry lips. Both lips and nose, and eyelids in the shepherd should have an exceptionally black color - Any other tone is recognized by the deviation from the purity of the breed.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_6

She needs her teeth big and strong with scissor bite. A characteristic feature of the standard of Italian shepherd dog is large drowned ears in the form of a Latin letter V.

The ears move well, have sharp tips. These organs are widely spaced exactly at the level of cheek. Only a few individuals designed to guard property.

The withers looks impressive and strongly protrudes above the level of the back. Back straight and muscular. In the lumbar region noticeable a slight ledge. It is characterized by a large width of the bulk sternum, which can reach the bottom of the front paws. Paws are characterized by a rounded configuration and massiveness. Fingers as if going to the bundle. Behind the paw closer in form to oval. Hips of dogs are distinguished by a pronounced relief of strong muscles.

White's tail is thick and comes with a very low. When shepherd moves or shows any emotions, its end is located just above the back circuit. Woolen cover in Maremmo has an average elasticity.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_7

Maremo knows how to recognize subtleties and nuances in what is happening. She will take into account everything that will see from his owner and around him. If the owners simply talk to certain people, then shepherd may not remind himself. But it is worth noting to notice something suspicious or potentially dangerous, the reaction will follow immediately. You can not doubt that aggressive people will be allocated even from a large crowd.

The puppies of this breed are characterized by excellent socialization and contact with other animals without problems. They live quietly even in the courtyards of houses.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_8

Any marema is covered with thick wool, and the undercoat is also distinguished by density. Thick durable wool makes no frost, nor strong heat. It will reliably protect animals from precipitation and permeating wind. In the summer months, Maremma often rests under high shady trees.

The wool is slightly shorter on the ears, from the bottom on the limbs and on the head. For the rest of the body, it reaches 0.1-0.11 m in length. On the shoulders and on the withers, the wool creates a lush collar. The hair cover of the animal allows him to comfortably exist at -45, and at + 45 °.

On the wool, this shepherd has a special fatty layer, providing dry self-cleaning (contact with water does not need).

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_9

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_10

Character and behavior

Maremmo behaves with a person emphasized independently. For this breed, the perception of owners is characterized as an equal to themselves, and not dominant in the hierarchy. Not a single example, when such a shepherd turned into a simple puppet. Such features are organically connected precisely using breed for security purposes . There are simply no clear performers needed, animals are required to show a reasonable initiative.

For the Maremmo-Abruzza breed, it is typical and a difference in behavior at different times of the day.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_11

In the afternoon, the animal will ignore all the movement of households and family friends, regular visitors at home by the territory adjacent to it. But after the occurrence of darkness, it is guaranteed to make up without consequences, only the owner can be guaranteed. The point is not in some exceptional aggressiveness, but, quite the opposite, in an extremely developed in the standards of dogs, intelligence.

Abruzzky shepherds project the same relation that is characteristic of their owners.

Good permanent familiar may not be afraid of any aggression or flaw. Otherwise, it happens if someone appears in the field of view of the guard for the first time. In this case, it immediately appears alertness, and permanent accuracy is underway for the new guest. Security behavioral installations are required, if those who come are trying to pass "somewhere not there."

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_12

Attitude towards children patient and good-natured, their dog clearly separates from adults. Shepherd makes little baby to play with them in tamers, doctors or film engines. At the same time, a rare patience and composure is manifested. But still the dog will constantly monitor what is happening around.

The optimal organization of training is of great importance in the development of proper behavior.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_13

Powerful security properties do not cause any doubt. Both the owner and all his relatives are perceived as deserving permanent protection members of the pack. The dog will continuously control everything that happens around them. Even a minute loosening of the vigilance in the presence of the host is excluded. If Maremo detects the slightest danger, then without any oscillations will do everything possible to save the owners.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_14

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_15

Differences from the Pyrenean Mountain Breed

These 2 varieties of dogs were displayed to solve the same circle of tasks. According to external parameters and behavior they are pretty similar. The difference consists in the shape of a head and case. Even the Pyrenean Wolfhounds detect the specific expression of the muzzle. No other breed looks at the world around the world just like a pyresh. For more accurate recognition, you need to keep in mind that:

  • Maremma's ears are planted higher than that of the Pyrenean breed;
  • Spanish variety is slightly more aggressive in relation to unfamiliar people than Italian;
  • Pyrenees are worse and more prone to keep wild forms of behavior.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_16

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_17

Content and care

Attractive features of the rocks contained in various descriptions make it very popular among many people. But it is important to understand that a serious dog means no less serious responsibility. The best place for her habitat is aviary. Every day you have to walk with Maremma especially in the period of active growth. For adults, systematic motor activity is not so important.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_18

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_19

Despite the ability of the wool to clean themselves, yet it will have to be periodically laundered and combed. For combing, you will need to use hard brushes made of metal. Softer materials are unable to clean the durable wool. When the dog returns from a walk to snow or rainy weather, she will have to immediately wipe on a towel. But even in a nice sunny day, it is necessary to carefully control the state of the pets.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_20

In the summer, Maremmo-Abruzzky Shepherds must be more often in the shade. Important: At this time, it is necessary to ensure constant access to clean water. Due to the powerful undercoat and thick wool, quite serious problems may arise with a strong heat.

In cold weather, the dog is not needed additional protection. There is no special threat of diseases, almost excluded the emergence of hereditary ailments.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_21

Combing wool is required at least 1 time in 7 days. When the mink time comes, combing the dog will have more often. Forced swimming is inappropriate, because water can damage the unique film on fur hairs. Even more such a danger in the active use of means for washing. It turns out to replace water procedures on washing with dry shampoos.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_22

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_23

We will have to regularly check the ears of the shepherd. All sorts of pollution accumulate. Given the constant activity of the breed, from the additional trimming of claws refuse. They are without themselves at contact with the Earth or with solid coatings. Increased activity makes an inappropriate content of Maremmo in urban apartments, regardless of the available area.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_24

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_25

These pets will be pretty happy and healthy only in a large country house with a significant house territory. Wolter put there, where direct sun rays will not fall. Even if there is an extensive yard, Preferably 1 or 2 times a day go to long walks with pet. This imposes strict limitations on the schedule of the owners. If they cannot adhere to such requirements, it is better to look for a less definitive breed.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_26

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_27


To feed Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd is not too difficult. We will only have to check the entry into the diet of the full composition of the necessary vitamins and minerals. Special attention should be paid to the receipt Sufficient calcium. After all, the dog should actively move, and without the normal operation of the bone system, it will not be able to do this. Not necessarily, however, add calcium directly to the feed, Not bad results also gives the use of tableted drugs.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_28

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_29

It is allowed and dry, and natural food. But when choosing made at the factory, feeds must be carefully checked so that they are high quality. Not all manufacturers really make feeds, saturated shepherd organism required substances in full. From natural foods can be useful:

  • non-fat meat;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • various vegetables;
  • Porridge cooked on meat broths.

Meat should be given in raw or boiled form. His share should accounted for 50% of the one-time issuance of food. Beef bones with cartilage and meat residues can be given, but only episodically. The disadvantage of the natural diet is that it is necessary to additionally lay in calcium bowls and vitamin preparations. Even the most careful selection of natural food does not allow to bypass this requirement.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_30

In the first 24 weeks of life, Maremo puppies need to feed 5 or 6 times a day. Further, their systematic (without sharp jumps) is transferred to 3-time feeding. Adults need to be fed twice a day in the same clock to customize the body to rhythmic work. It is categorically impossible to mix natural products and dry food. And also for the ban on all kinds of smoked and fried food, products with a significant proportion of sugar and salt.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_31

Education and training

This topic deserves special attention. Maremmo-Abruzzky shepherds are characterized by the rigor of the gear and even rigidity of behavior. Once the laid stereotypes are extremely hard to change or even more so redo the opposite behavioral settings.

Only very solid, persistent and purposeful people will be able to raise such a dog correctly.

The slightest error or inconsistency, small insecurity or inconsistency in the dresswork is recognized as gifted animals very quickly. They immediately take advantage of it, and then no subsequent efforts will be quite effective. Italian shepherds can be demonstratively non-radical and even stubborn. Attempts to work out the sake of self-affirmation aggressiveness and angry give a very bad and for pets, and for their hosts results.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_32

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_33

The first step in the process of training should be the development of trust and respect. If a person does not prove the pet his leadership characteristics, there are no chance of success. Already at the age of 2 months you can train a puppy to "sit!", "To me!", "Lying!", "You can not!". All orders need to give a calm even voice without screaming. Teams are learned on one. Having waited when one order is firmly absorbed, you have to move on.

All successfully executed orders should be rewarded with praise and delicious food. It is strictly impossible to allow shepherd dawn from execution of commands. If necessary, they are repeated up to complete success. If this is not done, already small puppies will quickly understand that the will of the owners are not necessary. At the same time, it is categorically impossible to apply coarse physical impacts: they are just annoying dogs and cause them anger.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_34

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_35


The novice owners of Maremmo-Abruzzky Shepherdok are very rare in our country. Nevertheless, the fee for 1 puppy, depending on the nursery and tribal class, is only 30-80 thousand rubles. Those who are not going to actively attend exhibitions will suit puppies with certain defects in the exterior.

Breeders and kennels converge in that You will have to train such dogs as soon as possible, otherwise it is impossible to work out the sufficient authority of the owners and to instill with pets discipline. Of the negative properties of the breed, the stubbornness is most often called, very imperative training.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_36

External weightlessness should not be misleading. Italian shepherds are distinguished by agility and high mobility. It is not much difficult for them to run a lot of kilometers or climb cool cliffs. Adults are distinguished by balance and composure. At an early age, the dogs are inclined to active many hours, which is especially important when breeding in the family.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_37

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_38

Shepherd's attitude to other pets calm, no harm for them. Even cats or other dogs living in the same house feel safe . There is no slightest risk for randomly lighted cats, for chickens or rabbits. The dog does not suit the hunt for them. A part of the film still does not recommend to start this breed as pets when the family has small children.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_39

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_40

However, in practice, this opinion is challenged by many. The experience of most people testifies that we can safely leave the child under the control of the Abruzza Shepherd. She will not subjunate, and prevents the self-alignment departure of children from the courtyard. But we must take into account that Shepherd dawn is friendly only for the children of the owners. Neighborhood or other kids may well be perceived as a threat or source of irritation.

Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the Italian breed of dogs, puppies characteristic, distinguishing from the Pyrenean rock, reviews of owners 22988_41

In the next video you will be able to familiarize yourself with the unique abilities of the Maremmo-Abruzza Shepherd in Dresser.

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