Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs


Dogs - one of the oldest friends of man. Currently, there is a great variety of different dog breeds. This article describes the Greek sheepdogs, their features and rules of caring for them.

Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_2

Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_3

Description of breed

Shepherd Greek - an ancient breed of herding dogs, bred specifically to guard flocks of sheep. Is considered the birthplace of North Greece (as evidenced by the name of the breed), the most probable ancestors are Turkish ak-bashi. Official recognition of the breed has not yet been received, but it does not prevent its use as a guard dog.

Shepherd-Greek - high enough dog: males can grow up to 75 cm at the shoulder (the average height - 65-73 cm), and females - 80 cm (average height - 60-78 cm). The average body weight of males - 45-50 kg, females - 40-42 kg. Build powerful, broad chest, torso normal, covered with hair of medium length, thick and long tail. Certain exterior color with respect to not coat color varies from white to black, with speckled coloring - one of the most common. Eye color is usually brown, but other colors also occur.

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Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_5

In appearance rather fierce dog - this is not surprising in such a powerfully built, but it is very obedient and can instantly "turn off the attacking regime." Not tolerate the heat and the big cities. This dog was created for the service in nature, where her strength, endurance and agility are always in demand. She was scary even large natural predators such as wolf, fox or bear.

Life expectancy varies from 8 to 16 years - all depends on the conditions, diet and health of the dog. Purebred Greek Shepherd are quite rare, you'll find most of their crossbreed with other herding breeds.

There is even a community formed for the purpose of preserving the purity of her blood.

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Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_7

Features of content

Ideal for a Greek shepherd dogs - a country house with farmstead, and the relative freedom of movement, whether it is a spacious aviary, a long chain or even a full yard at its disposal - it depends on how you want to trust your dog. This breed very much needed fresh air, the sky overhead and the space in the city it will wither or become embittered.

From a very early age accustom to a Greek community of other animals, especially dogs, otherwise you risk getting suspicious, aggressive and unsociable being. Of course, the security guard even these qualities are welcome, but this development has its drawbacks: she did not get along with anyone, the weaker will be the bully and so on. d.

Much time is spent raising a puppy - it has to be tough, but not cruel. The puppy should to voluntarily recognize you by the leader, and the use of physical punishment only takes it away and configures against you - Greek shepherd has a very good memory. The thick wool of the pet protects it from the weather whims, including frost, but requires increased attention, especially during the molting period, and it takes the Greek shepherd every six months. When the dog lins, use the furminator to care for wool.

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Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_9

This dog does not like water very much, but it does not refuse. Therefore, conduct water procedures as necessary, some experts believe that it is enough in three or four months. In order for the dog to be healthy and beautiful, do not save on food - at least a dog and unpretentious in food, better balanced and full nutrition of premium-class than unbrutches from the table. Puppies need to be brewed three times a day, adult dogs have enough two meals: breakfast and dinner.

Immunity from the Greek Shepherd is strong, but still better not to risk - make a puppy all recommended vaccinations and do not forget about the inspections of the veterinarian (at least once a year or at the first signs of malaise).

Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_10

Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_11

Tips for dilution

If you decide to start the Greek Shepherd, take some small tips.

  • This dog can not be kept in the apartment, next to the children - it is a wonderful watchman, but the high level of aggressiveness makes it dangerous.
  • To improve security qualities (hearing, sensitivity), puppies usually stop one ear.
  • It is always better to take little puppies, and not adult dogs - this is true and in relation to the Greeks. If you are able to correctly extend the puppy, you will not have a devotea of ​​the guard.
  • Never passion on the dog - Greek women are coarse and hot-tempered, in raising it is better to adhere to good-natured rigor. It is not worth pamping either, yet this is the future watchman.
  • Provide a pet opportunity to actively move - games with a stick, a tin plate is perfect for the development of a small shepherd.
  • Competent with the veterinarian about the diet of your puppy - for harmonious development, it should receive all the biologically active substances they need together with food. The ideal option is the Kholisttic Class feed, but they are rather deficit and roads, so discuss alternatives to the specialist. As mentioned above, the Greek is unpretentious, but still health problems in dogs often begin due to improper nutrition.

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Greek shepherd (13 photos): description of the breed. Features of the maintenance and breeding of dogs 22981_13

In the next video, the release of the program "Planet Dogs" is waiting for the Greek Shepherde.

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