How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street?


Shepherd is the most popular and diverse breed of dogs. All its species combine common and unchanged qualities: loyalty, loyalty to the owner, good nature and learningability. Whatever a variety you choose, you will find a reliable friend, defender and companion for the next 10-12 years, and perhaps more. All varieties of species of this breed leaves the roots in the distant past. Sheepdog's ancestors were dogs that helped the shepherds to drive the herds of livestock. These are freedom-loving animals, but their attachment to the owner amazes.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_2

When a dog appears in the house - this is definitely a reason for joy. Pleasant puppy care troubles, cheerful games and energy emanating from the dog give the owner positive emotions. And the thoughts that the lifespan of the shepherd is much less than ours, do not attend.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_3

Variety of breeds

Shepherds differ from each other not only by appearance, growth, weight and shade of wool, But also have a different life expectancy.

  • German. Her homeland is Germany, but it is common worldwide. Representatives of this breed are quite large - 60 cm in the withers and weighing up to 50 kg. Color color can be black and red, white, black. Lives for about 13 years.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_4

  • Eastern European. Service breed created in the USSR. Calm and hardy dog, growth of it - from 62 to 75 cm, and the weight is 30-50 kg. The color of the wool is varied, resembles a German shepherd. Life term - 12-14 years.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_5

  • Caucasian. Large breed of dogs derived in the mountains of the Caucasus. The weight of them reaches 100 kg with a rise of about 80 cm. Wool color is the most different: cream, white, gray, brown. Life expectancy is 11 years.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_6

  • Central Asian. This shepherd is like a genus of the oldest dogs of the nomadic peoples of Asia. With dimensions, it is slightly smaller, and the color is not particularly different from its Caucasian relatives. With good care and favorable conditions can live up to 15 years.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_7

  • Scottish. The dog, more known as collie, weighing only 25 kg and is about 60 cm. Its gorgeous long wool of redhead, a sable or underground shade requires careful care. Scottish Shepherd is able to live 17 years.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_8

  • Greek. Shepherd race from mountainous regions of Greece. Strong and muscular medium-sized dog. Its weight can reach 50 kg, and growth is just over 50 cm. The coat is white, black and gray shade. The average life expectancy is 12-14 years old.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_9

  • Swiss. Pretty young breed. Dog of small sizes: Having height 60 cm, it weighs about 30 kg. A distinctive feature of this shepherd is white wool color. She lives from 10 to 12 years.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_10

  • Catalan. Her homeland is the Pyrenean Mountains. These shepherds are independent and independent, like real Spaniards. Possess a kind of appearance, and their long and dense wool of light shades requires careful care. The size of the dogs is less than average: the weight of an adult individual is 18 kg, and the growth is 40 cm. Can live 11-14 years.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_11

Life expectancy of shepherds on the street

All species of sheepdresses are animals that love freedom that need permanent physical exertion. They simply need a long daily walking. This is definitely beautiful and faithful dogs. But, first of all, it must be remembered that these are reliable guards who can protect the owner and its territory. And the life of the animal is directly related to the habitat created by the owner.

Shepherds have thick wool with a dense undercoat, so quite comfortably feel outside at any time of the year. But this is not a reason to leave the dog to sleep right on the snow. So that the pet lived a long full life and pleased his owner, you need to take care of his place of residence.

Under the conditions of the street, shepherds live at least 12 years.

And with caring care, the absence of hereditary diseases and compliance with all the rules of education, the life of a pet will noticeably last.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_12

Arrangement of housing dog

The ideal solution will be a fenced aviary with a solid wooden booth. The room for the enclosure must be chosen so that the dog can find a sunny place in cold weather, and in the heat - to hide in the shadow. For German, Eastern European and other small breeds, sheepdresses will suffice from a fenced area of ​​10 square meters. M. Representatives of large breeds - Caucasian and Central Asian, will need more space - up to 20 square meters. m.

Boards for booths should be smoothly across, so that the dog does not accidentally hurt. The size of a dog dwelling must correspond to the dimensions of the PSA. The booth is considered optimal when the dog enters it without difficulty, unfolds and takes a convenient position. Excess space can lead to an animal overcooling.

Over the booth, at an altitude of three meters, you can build a canopy. In the summer, he will protect it from direct sunlight, and in the rain or snow dog will remain warm and dry.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_13

Content Features Outdoor

Booth and aviary must be cleaned regularly and disinfect. Very well, if the shepherd is accustomed to protect the need beyond. Dog living on the street, you need to check daily for the presence of insect bites, ticks, bypass and minor injuries.

With frequent walking claws, shepherds are independently stepping and do not cause discomfort with animal. If physical exertion is not enough, it provokes their excessive growth, which can lead to a paw injury. In this case, it is necessary to concentrate claws with special veterinary tongs.

The dog living in the aviary lines in spring and autumn. The task of the owner is to make and clean the molt in time, not allowing the formation of wool lumps. You can bathe a pet with dirty, but try to do it infrequently, and only in the warm season. Animal undercoat creates an air layer that retains the optimal body temperature, both in the cold and in the heat.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_14

How many years do you live at home?

If it is not possible to keep the dog on the street, it is not trouble. A representative of any type of breed of sheepdresses can adapt to life in the apartment. Animal accommodation will not prevent him from installing a record of longevity - 15 or 16 years.

When planning the purchase of a puppy, it must be borne in mind that a certain personal space is needed. Daily walks on the street in any weather, twice a day and a duration of at least an hour should not scare you. It is necessary to be ready for the fact that wool during molting will need to be removed several times a day in all corners of the apartment.

If compliance with these conditions is not a problem, and you are ready even to large "victims", then you can immediately go for a new family member.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_15

Finding into the apartment, the shepherd puppy must pass the adaptation period: to study all new items, to get acquainted with family members. For its safety, it is necessary to limit access to wires, shoes, clothing, children's toys.

A permanent place to sleep and rest shepherd should be away from heating devices and drafts. These factors can have a negative impact on the health of the pet, and, consequently, on the duration of his life.

If you need to isolate the dog from the surrounding and dimensions of the apartment for some time, you can buy a special room aviary.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_16

What factors affect the length of existence?

For a lifetime of shepherd, many circumstances affect. Each of these factors can noticeably shorten the age of the animal. In order for a dog that relates to the species of sheepdock breeds, has lived the maximum period, you need to pay special attention to:

  • health and physical development;
  • food quality;
  • accommodations;
  • heredity;
  • Mental state of the dog.

The length of the shepherd life may depend on its floor. It is noticed that the individuals of the female family live on average for 2 years more than males. Animal size also plays an important role.

Large dogs whose weight comes up to 100 kg, do not live long, due to the early wear of the bone system.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_17

Proper and rational nutrition of the pet has a positive effect on the duration of life. Be sure to alternate dry and liquid food and do not deprive the dog with meat. To maintain active activity, the protein part of the diet should be 70% of the shepherd feed.

Congenital deviations and diseases that can affect lifetime:

  • Too small growth and disproportionateness of the body;
  • deformation of the bones of the skull (long or short muzzle, narrow forehead);
  • violation of sexual function, cryptorchism;
  • Inspected wool or iris eye pigmentation.

However, it happens that in the premature death of the animal it is the owner. By virtue of its ignorance or inexperience, and sometimes intentionally, the owner can risk life and health of the dog. The maintenance of a shepherd in a close, hot room, lack of physical and mental loads, frequent mating for commercial purposes leave their negative trail.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_18

How to extend life with an animal?

For long and high-quality lifetime, shepherd needs not so much. Maintaining the physical shape of the dog will be the key to her health, and hence longevity. Staying a moving and cheerful animal will help the game and walks outside the city, in the park area or in special training venues.

Balanced and useful food - another factor that will extend the life of a shepherd . Overweight is the enemy number one. With its appearance, almost all of the body suffers: joints, spine, cardiovascular system. Upon reaching the dog of mature age, its menu is necessarily revised and adjusted.

Regular combing and bathing of a pet is not only the necessary elements of hygiene. During their conduct, an animal is inspected for the presence of wounds or tumors.

Their early detection allows much more successful to deal with them.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_19

Attending a veterinary clinic for a complete inspection and planned dog vaccination should be annually or at the first signs of the disease. Such signs are dry nose, darkened or dry mucous membranes.

It is noted that the sterilization of the dog can extend her life for several years. In the absence of sexual attraction, the animal has less chances of the development of genital oncology. The operation is carried out by individuals who have reached 5 years of age, and exclusively by a specialist.

To shepherd live a long and happy life, pleaseing the owner, you must sincerely love your dog. It is intuitively feels. And the fulfillment of all rules for care and content will be a guarantee of good pet health.

How many shepherds live? The duration of their life at home. How old is the dogs of this breed can live on the street? 22979_20

About how to care for the German Shepherd, you can find out by looking at the video below.

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