Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics


Black Shepherd, like white variation, is sometimes perceived for a separate breed of German dogs. Is it really so, and because of which the animal wool has acquired a black color - consider in this material.

The article describes in detail about the peculiarities of the breed, its origin, differences in the care of the pet, contained on the street and in the apartment. The issues of the right choice of a puppy and much more are considered.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_2

History of origin

Most people believe that black German Shepherd is a separate breed. Not really. This is an ordinary shepherd of the zonar color, it is because of him she got its name. In general, the zonar color is gray, but completely black puppies can be born in a pair of zonar and turtle color. Such kids are more expensive than their "standard" fellow. Black German shepherds differ in size, animals are not so large, but more active.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_3

The history of the German breed began in the XIX century. Shepherds were displayed in the role of labor - the dogs watched herds of sheep, goats, guarded pastures from predators. Over time, animals took a job in the security service. However, there was a period of time when the dogs were left not in cases, and the breed was close to oblivion.

In World War II, German shepherds were used by German troops as combat seats, as well as animals dragged the connection cables. When the war ended, the breed of German shepherds began to distribute beyond the limits of Germany. Pots were delivered to the territory of the rest of Europe, the USSR.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_4

However, nurseries were few to deliver the desired number of pets, and the purchase of German dogs was expensive. It was decided to withdraw their own analogue of the "Germans", which was called the "Eastern European Shepherd". Therefore, these two breeds perceive for one.

Now the black German shepherd has a fairly common breed. An animal attracts with its qualities: mind, devotion, fearlessness, external beauty.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_5

Features of dogs

In terms of its characteristics, the black German Shepherd does not differ from the German breed. As mentioned above, the dog received its name from the zonar color, respectively, the color of the wool can only be black. Pets who have spots, rim or other shades on wool, are selected.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_6

Description of the exterior of breed

  • Medium-sized head. The muzzle is narrow, elongated. The ears are large, triangular shape, highly planted. Bill scissor-shaped. Almond-shaped eyes, iris color dark car and golden-kary. Eyelids, nose, lips have dark pigmentation, close to black color.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_7

  • The housing is elongated, the spin is smooth, to the croup goes under the slope . The pelvis in the shepherd is always below the shoulder line. Limbs straight, parallel to the set. The neck is strong, short. The thoracic department is rounded, the belly is drawn. Sabloid tail, long, tip reaches floor. Musculatory is clearly visible under the wool. Pasta fingers are collected in dense brushes.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_8

Animals whose bite defects, blue eyes, heterochromia, improper eye location or their absorption, albinism, are not allowed to further breed.

Character and behavior

The black German shepherd is a working breed of dogs, so it is necessary to immediately prepare for what you have to spend a lot of time on the upbringing and training of a pet. Pots are very curious, active, energetic, playful. The puppy will constantly try things tooth. So that the kid does not eat home slippers, it is worth purchasing many dog ​​toys.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_9

With other animals, black shepherds behave friendly, quickly get along. Pots do not attack cats. If the house contains a small kitten and a puppy, the latter will be in every way to come to contact, so any conflicts between pets are excluded.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_10

Shepherd is capable of being careful, with children behaves neatly, whatever age they are. It is recommended to acquire this kind of dogs to married couples. The shepherd wrestling comes about 3 years of life, so that time it will behave like a puppy, even if it reached 60 cm in height and weight of 50 kg.

The dog needs training, but it will be enough to learn simple commands . If you need a security guard or watchman, then you should use the help of a cynological club.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_11

How to choose a puppy?

Put a black German shepherd puppy is quite problematic. When choosing a pet, you can not immediately say with which type of woolen cover you will get a dog. Standard species of the breed will manifest themselves closer to the year of the pet's life.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_12

It is undesirable to buy puppies from hand or on street markets. It is better to contact the nursery or to the breeder, good in Russia, the CIS is enough. It is worth asking a pedigree, in the column "ancestors" should not stand downtiles. The breeder must provide a puppy metric, a veterinary passport.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_13

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_14

Before buying, you must live live on the baby and his parents. Spend at least time . It is worth paying attention to how the baby behaves. Puppies must be active, inquisitive, sociable. Find out the seller, what food he feeds parents and puppies, ask for guidance recommendations or let them make up the menu. The seller is obliged to talk about how to care for animals, about his diseases.

If the breeder is trying to hide information from you, reluctantly communicates, then you should find a new seller. Before buying an animal, a contract of sale is compiled in obligatory.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_15

Another way to buy a pet is to take a puppy for a teenager. This method is practiced in the nurseries of power structures. For example, you can come to the nursery of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ask for a puppy to teen. You will be given two kids, followed by which you will take care of at home until they are 6 months old. In such cooperation, veterinary centers are paid in half. The attending physician is appointed from the nursery, and a cynologist can come to you.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_16

When the puppies reach a semi-annual age, a pet is met. One puppy takes the kennel to himself (the dog goes to the service), and the second baby remains with you. There is a issuance of documents for the dog.

As for the price of animals, then Black German Shepherd is more expensive than its German fellow. On average, the price of one individual fluctuates around 400-800 $.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_17

Conditions for content

Let's consider in more detail the conditions for the detention of a shepherd in the house and on the street. What is the difference between the care.


If the pet will live in the open sky, then it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for its existence. The dog needs a aviary, a booth. PSA's house should be positioned so that one part of it is always in the shade, and the other was lit. The dwelling floor is covered by non-slip material, it is permissible to use sand, pebbles, rubble, pre-tumped material.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_18

Necessarily presence of water drain . The booth is made of wood, the bottom of the house is resolved with straw or wood chips. In cold raw weather, the flooring is left clean, that is, remove the coating material. In the winter period, the walls of the booth and the roof are insulating straw, snow.

The size of the booth must exceed the sizes of the PSA so that the animal can easily move on it, stand, lie in a convenient position. To maintain heat, the entrance to the dwelling is made of medium size. The roof of the booth is better covered with tiles, slate or any other waterproof material.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_19

The entire territory of the PSA needs cleaning and periodic disinfection. Little puppies should not be alone all the time. The dog should be walking in the site and beyond. The dog should receive sufficient physical exertion that cannot be ensured by walking in the aviary.

After the guys, the pet belongs to the paws. Any dirt is removed, stuck grass.

Do not sprinkle the area of ​​the salt. Salt can cause irritation on the pillows of the dog's paws, causing bleeding wounds.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_20

In the apartment

Pet care in the apartment is reduced to the organization of the Sleep Places of PSA, feeding zones. For the animal it is worth buying a large bed, toys. A bowl for food is best to put on a pedestal or holder so that the dog is convenient to eat. Capacity with clean water is located apart from the zone with food. The liquid in the bowl is always replaced with a new one, even if a piece of food got into it.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_21

A puppy from a small years teach to a leash, a muzzle. Cutting PSA is recommended twice a day, walking with him at least half an hour. The older the dog becomes, the longer the walk. It is desirable that the pet can run freely, to carry items, climbing the projectiles.

After the walk, proceed to care for wool, eyes of a dog. Next Read more with the rules of care.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_22

How to care?

Wash shepherd is recommended no more than 2 times a year. The animal molting occurs once every six months, in the spring and autumn season. During molting, PSA wool is combed by a furminator, while the animal does not bathe. It is allowed to use a spray to pasture wool.

PSA itself is held before the performance in competitions or in case of severe pollution of wool. The dog was washed with special shampoos for shepherd. Then dried animal wool with a hair dryer. After drying, the wool is combed with a ridge or a mackeeper. If the dog was bought in the reservoir, then the PSA wool is whipped with warm running water.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_23

  • Ears. The most vulnerable zone. The wool on the ears can grow deep into the ear, which leads to a violation of the selection of ear sulfur. In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out a regular haircut of the problem area. The ears themselves are not cleared.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_24

  • Eyes. After the walk, it is recommended to clean the eye zone with a special lotion or warm water. The selected means is applied to the cotton disk, after which it is pressed. Wet material by missing movements is cleaned with an animal eye from dust and dirt.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_25

  • Claws . With a sedentary lifestyle of claws, the PSA do not have time to arrange. To enhance or remove excessive length, apply a cunning guillotine. Particular attention should be paid to the fifth finger, which can do the muscles, causing the dog's painful sensations.

Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_26

    Once a season or half a year, the animal must be disconnected to the veterinary clinic. Also, the physician is carried out by the procedure of hygienic cleaning of teeth. Remove the dented stone, caries. It is monitored by the heating of dental enamel. PSA teeth are in a young age of snow-white, with visible tubercles.

    The older the animal becomes, the more yellow shade begins to take teeth, the tubercles disappear.

    In old age, the PSA may fall out, in this case, open areas must be treated with invalurating drugs. Food in the wound can lead to inflammatory oral processes.

    Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_27


    Too hot and cold food can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to death. Diseases of the digestive system are developing for a long time and asymptomatic. The same applies to bones in food. It is impossible to give a gnawing bone - their fragments injure the stomach, can be stuck in the throat, gums.

    Puppies at the age of 2 months should receive small portions of calf cartilage, bone flour, boiled or raw vegetables. The organism of some dogs is not able to digest raw potatoes. Before feeding, it is worth making sure that the pet has no allergies and other reactions to the selected product.

    Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_28

    Nutrition Puhnkov

    The first six months of life puppy need high-calorie food. Upon reaching a one-year-old age, the number of food consumed increases, but the frequency of food intake is reduced.

    A poorly balanced diet leads to poor bone development, the dog slowly grows, often sick.

    Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_29

    Pet feeding rules

    • It is forbidden to feed the PSA only with one meat.
    • Balance of vitamins, trace elements should be observed. Food should not be abounded by vitamin D, A.
    • The diet is 30% -70% consists of protein food.
    • You can not flip pet or give little food. The dog should not suffer obesity, lack of weight.
    • It is forbidden to give dogs sweets, flour products, pickled, smoked products, sausage, sharp food.
    • Food Dogs always takes at the same time. It is not allowed to feed a pet between meals, free snacks.

    Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_30

    Power frequency:

    • Small individuals eating 6 times a day for up to two months;
    • from 3 to 6 months - up to 4 times a day;
    • Since six months of life - 2 or 3 times a day;
    • After a year and to old age - 2 times a day.

    Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_31

      When you brought a puppy home from the nursery, the first 2 weeks of life in the kid's apartment should eat food compiled on the recommendation of the breeder. Changing the diet occurs smoothly, since sharp changes lead to a break of intestines, joining or complete food failure.

      At night, pets do not feed. The first feeding starts early in the morning when the owner rises, and the latter falls at the evening, approximately 22 hours. It is advisable to give the peel meat products in the evening.

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_32

      Composition of products

      The base of the diet should be protein food. Fits low-fat pork meat, bird, beef. The product is fed in the cheese or boiled form, chopped on medium slices. It is desirable not to change the meat into the mince, since such a product consistency is not fully digested.

      Sea boiled fish can be given to puppies who have reached 4 months of age. Be sure to remove the scales, bones from the product. Fish puppy eats once a week. Excess fish products in the diet leads to a delay in growth, disorder of digestion and other ailments.

      River fish should not be given, as it can be infected with gloves.

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_33

      Chicken eggs are fed in boiled form. You can give the baby only yolk. The diet also includes low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, grain porridge with a small amount of salt, Adygei cheese, extractable cheese, Prostokvasha. As a dietary supplement, beer yeast can be used, as well as the drug to normalize the intestinal microflora, which is called "bifitrilac".

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_34

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_35

      Fat puppy gets from sunflower and other vegetable oil. Carbohydrates - from grain porridge, sugar, bran, potatoes, black bread, vegetables and fruits. Puppy is allowed to rummage with small portions of honey.

      Bean cultures are practically not included in the diet of the dog. These products are poorly digested, due to which the nutrients are practically not absorbed. Fruits before serving should be washed, remove bones, cut into portions, also some fruits can be pulled in porridge.

      Allowed by PSAs eat raspberries, apples, watermelons, strawberries, cherries.

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_36

      Education and training

      The upbringing and training of the puppy begins to achieve 3 months of age. Any teams and instructions small pet remembers easily and fast. If the puppy does not understand what they require from it, should not shout on the baby or apply physical punishment. It is necessary to clearly show how the team is executed, or push the puppy to its execution - help him sit down or lie down, give a voice.

      Any correctly performed action should be supported by the delicacy so that the dog has developed a reflex.

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_37

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_38

      Little dogs love to jump on unfamiliar people or members of their family. Sheepdogs need to be taught. The easiest way is to ignore the pet at the moment when he jumped.

      It is important to teach the baby to the nickname, the dog should always respond to his name. If there is no time for training or it does not work badly, together with the puppy it is worth visiting the school of film engines.

      Professionals will help you bring up a puppy correctly, as well as if it is necessary, will teach it to be a guard or bodyguard.

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_39

      Black German Shepherd - Universal Breed. Cheerfulness, kindness, devotion, curiosity, sharp mind and scent, fast learning - all these qualities make animals indispensable in security services. It is shepherders who choose people working in the police, Ministry of Emergency Situations to the partners.

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_40

      You still have to get acquainted with Shepherdka, even if you prefer other watchdog dogs. These cunning eyes, the Miloid face, balanced by the first time be bodied by the first time. There is no more devoted friend than the German Shepherd.

      Black German Shepherd (41 photos): Description of the dark color breed, care for black puppies at the age of 2 months, dog characteristics 22978_41

      What to feed the German Shepherd puppy, look in the following video.

      Read more