Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed


Grünendal is one of the varieties of the Belgian Shepherd breed. She is known not only in the homeland, but also deserved recognition all over the world. Such dogs in Europe are especially popular, and this is not surprising, because they have excellent qualities and characteristics. Such dogs have an attractive appearance, good-natured temper, are very attached to the owner and need it. More about the peculiarities of the breed will tell in our article.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_3

History of origin

This breed was originally considered shepherd and originates in the middle of the XVII century. At that time, Grünendali differed from their fellow. The owners noted the devotion of their pets, their fearlessness and amazing endurance. Coma of that dogs are very smart and independent.

Several varieties of Belgian shepherders were presented at the exhibition in the XIX century. Of these, a little more than 30 individuals were selected - those who, according to the jury, were ideal external data. Shepherds were divided into 4 main types.

The founder of this breed is Nicholas Roous. He was the owner of restaurants and called a pet in honor of one of them. According to compatriots, Grünendals, Rous loved very much. It was he who contained the first of their representative - a wonderful PSA, who later participated in breeding.

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The descendants of Grünendal were excellent service dogs. They were used to help people in wartime and these dogs won universal recognition and respect.

In subsequent years, people tried to bring the breed to perfection, improving its appearance and performance. This desire gave good results, and today its representatives are valued all over the world.

There are 4 main types of Belgians. They are very similar in nature and features. The main difference is in the length of the wool and its color. Almost all over the world, with the exception of the USA, as well as the American club of dog breeding, they are relating to one breed. Substorms are Grünendal, Malinau, Lacken and Tervure. Tell in more detail in their description.

Grünendal is distinguished long, shiny and soft wool. Its color is exceptionally black. The thermage is also a long-haired dog, but there is no black in his colors, on the contrary.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_6

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_7

Mostly representatives of this species have a very bright red-colored color.

Lakenua - rigid dogs. They have a pale color. On the face and tail there are small sections with black wool. Sometimes white tones on breast and paws are manifested. The raspberries are distinguished by a short fur, yellow shades are dominated in color. On the head there is a black mask.

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After Grünendali began to be considered a separate breed, they began to use them for a wide variety of purposes. Its representatives can often be found in the service in the police, Ministry of Emergency Situations or Customs. However, over time, people reviewed the invaluable qualities of such dogs as faithful friends and excellent companions. Nevertheless, the American dog club counted Grünendals by dogs of the working group.

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_9

An important factor is the moment that genetics and kennels took part in the elimination of such dogs.

Breeders were selected by representatives depending on how enduring they were and what working qualities had. The appearance into the attention was practically not accepted. This is due to the fact that, first of all, Grünendal is considered a service dog, so there is no need to pay special attention to its exterior.

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_10

Characteristics of dogs

As for standards, the Belgians have medium sizes and a square type of physique. They are folded very proportionally. Dogs are distinguished by direct and attentive glances, capable of focusing at one point for a long time. They are very active, well understand the instructions of them and quickly execute them.

The head of dogs has a slightly extended shape with a neat transition from the forehead to the face. Visually, the occipital born is not striking. Nose for the standard must have an exceptionally black color.

Almond-shaped eyes have a sufficiently dark brown hue. Triangular standing ears are highly planted on the head, from the inside are covered with soft wool.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_12

The housing is very powerful, with a well-developed bone and strong muscles. The croup has a small slope.

As for the paw, they are direct and proportional to body sizes. They are crowned in black claws. Hips wide and powerful. Sablevoid tail and not too long, has a narrowing closer towards an end.

Deviations from breed standards can be critical for Grunendal. Such representatives are chosen, do not allow for breeding. They can also not take part in exhibitions and shows.

As for growth, completely minor deviations are allowed. . In a smaller side, they cannot be more than 3 centimeters, and in a large - more than 4. On average, male representatives should be from 60 to 66 centimeters in height. Their weight ranges from 25 to 30 kilograms. The bits in size are slightly less, from 52 to 60 centimeters and from 20 to 26 kilograms, respectively.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_14

On the head there is a shorter than on other parts of the body, wool. Representatives of the breed are different collars. It is formed from particularly thick and long wool, which is located around the neck and at the bottom of the chest. As mentioned above, Grünendali have only homogeneous black color without inclusion of other shades.

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Character and behavior

These dogs are just amazing, they found connoisseurs worldwide. They have a direct belonging to hunters, they say about it to become and appearance. In addition, they are able to perfectly perform guard functions. Such pesters will become wonderful friends and companions for a person.

Specialists are recommended Carefully consider this breed if the future owner needs a dog for the family. Grünendali is independent, they can show a tendency to dominate, but aggression is absolutely not characteristic. They are excellent defenders, defend their interests, as well as fairly wanted to unauthorized people.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_17

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_18

For a family in which there are small children, the dogs of this breed will become an excellent option.

They are very friendly towards the kids, hardy and are able to endure and take part in games, they will never show aggression in response to any actions. At the same time, the dogs are able to protect small owners and stand on their protection if necessary.

It is impossible not to note the emotional stability of such dogs. They are very stressful, but are tied to the owner. If a person is missing for a long time, they will bored and wander on it. Grünendali possess excellent intuition. This is expressed in the ability to understand the owner even without words, focusing exclusively on emotions.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_20

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_21

They are very worried about members of their family, while feeling danger attracts attention to a loud voice.

These dogs have excellent hearing and very sensitive sleep, due to which they are considered excellent guards. They will prevent the territory confused by him and things. As a shepherd breed, can be used to monitor pets and, if necessary, collect them in flocks. He has a supraciability, heavily experiences long sentences. In most cases, it will try to please man and show your feelings, as completely dependent on it in the emotional plan.

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_22

How to choose a puppy?

For lovers of this breed, the choice of the future pet does not represent special difficulties. A puppy that meets the main characteristics is easy, the main thing is to determine the place of purchase and trust the previous owner. It should also be considered, for what purposes the dog is purchased.

If it is planned to represent it at exhibitions or breeding, It will be appropriate to contact the purchase of specialized nurseries. Yes, perhaps the price in them will be slightly higher than when buying from hands, but with this certain warranties are provided. In such institutions honestly report the pedigree and the state of the health of the kid. On average, the cost of Grünendal's puppy ranges from 35 to 50 thousand rubles. Representatives of the show class will cost more, their price begins from 50 thousand rubles.

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As for the purchase of ads, this event is considered quite risky. Naturally, the price will be lower and possibly noticeable. In this case, there is no guarantee that the thoroughbred representative of the breed will be purchased. There is also a risk of buying a pet having health problems and congenital pathologies. It may have a non-compliance with certain standards.

Whatever it was, in any case, the first thing you want to do - Carefully check the necessary documents, watch Puppy Parent Passports. It is also very important to get acquainted with Mom and her cubs. If it is possible, you can show the baby to a veterinary doctor who will appreciate his health condition and other indicators.

The owner of Grünendal must take into account that this dog will need to pay a lot of attention and strength.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_25

For the dog to be brought up and smart, they need to be engaged in a gentle age. This also applies to training, its absence threatens the emergence of problems in the future.

If the breeder is not too conscientious, he can ignore the moment, making a bet exclusively on a good pedigree. It threatens the fact that the teenage puppy will be an uncompatible and even a little dyed, which will require long-term rehabilitation.

However, the elimination of some problems will not even help work with a competent filmologist. That's why It is very important to purchase a future pet in a safe place having a good reputation. Such kennels, as a rule, do not leave the owners of their dogs alone with emerging issues and are ready to give professional advice in the future.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_27

Content and care

Since Grünendali is, in fact, the shepherd breed, gentle conditions of content and careful departure were not originally spoiled. However, we must not forget that they relate to long-haired dogs, which imposes certain obligations. The appearance predominantly depends on how correctly the diet of the PSA is compiled, we will talk about it more.

As for the care, One of its most important aspects is combing. This item cannot be bypassed. Dogs such a breed is quite long wool, which, without timely combing, will acquire a completely non-unknown appearance, rolled and decorate with chopans. It is dangerous in that the dirt will accumulate in the hairs, which, in turn, can lead to serious problems with the skin.

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_28

Washing Grünendals is often not required, enough of several water procedures per year.

Such dogs are best feeling in a private house. As for the content in the apartment, it is also quite real, provided that the active animal will have enough free space. It is necessary to acquire and periodically change the dog toys, otherwise they will perform such things as the remote control from the TV, slippers and much more. You should not blame the dog in that case, since it is entirely the result of a lack of attention.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that Grünendali love to walk very much, and they will also need active physical exertion.

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The sofa content in this case is unacceptable, so it is recommended to make dogs of such a breed to people who move a lot and do not sit in one place. Such dogs are distinguished Excellent health, with proper care, they are practically not subject to diseases of various plan. However, this does not cancel mandatory vaccination. In addition, it will be necessary to carry out some hygienic procedures on time, for example, haircut claws, cleaning the ears and eyes, as well as monitor the state of the teeth and the gums of the pet.

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So that the wool was healthy and perfectly looked, it is necessary to take care of the right and diverse nutrition of a pet. In the absence of a competently composed diet, no hygienic and cosmetic procedures will help. The main thing is that fresh foods are present in food. Food additives capable of giving the body the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins will be alike.

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_31

Feed an adult pet is required twice a day. The size of the portions should be selected on the basis of the size of the animal, its age category and activity.

In kind of nutrition, it is necessary to monitor the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, plant and animal fats. The diet of the dogs should be Meat products, Sea fish, Eggs and greens, Vegetables, cereals and dairy products . Also always in access to the dog should be Fresh and clean water.

Such dogs can not give chicken bones. They are perfectly replaced by the store bone from lived. Sickles and sweets, smoked and sharp products are also not recommended. It should be refrained from things provoking an allergic reaction. Vitamins sold in a pharmacy will be required.

As for puppies, they need to give food 5 times a day. At first, it will consist of porridge, which is boiled on the water.

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Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_33

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_34

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_35

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_36

A little later, boiled meat, vegetables are added. When Grünendal reaches the age of 3 months, you can pamper it with fruit.

Representatives of this breed are not recommended to give dry food. However, if the decision was made in his favor, it should be verified for its quality. It should be borne in mind that good feed has a sufficiently high price, so you can mix such nutrition with natural. However, a competent approach is important here. In this case, one feeding is carried out using dry feed, the second - natural products. It is impossible to give everything at the same time, it will lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Education and training

Dogs of such a breed are very energetic and curious. They are quite intelligent, training usually does not cause problems. Well tolerate exercise, perfectly copble with the search for objects, very much like difficult tasks.

Grunendal loves to walk without a leash. In general, such dogs love to spend time on the street. They can easily take with them on jogging, hunting, fishing and camping. They are happy to travel by car.

Grünendal (39 photos): Puppies of Belgian Shepherd, description and nature of dog breed 22952_38

Socialize the dog needs as early as possible. She should know what a leash and collar is and not oppose them to putting on.

Railing puppies can be started upon reaching 2 months of age. After vaccination, they should be displayed in crowded and noisy places, it will help to socialize faster. It is better to run the pieces to go on soft surfaces, concrete and asphalt - not the most suitable options for this.

Training begins gradually, as the kids get tired very quickly. At the very beginning, one team should not leave for more than 15 minutes. Dogs need praise and delicacy for successful execution . Merry, active games will be required.

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When the baby reaches the age of 4 months, on his training and training should leave for at least an hour per day. From six months it will take 2 lessons every day for 40 minutes each.

Intellectual abilities of such dogs are not subject to question. However, at the same time, the owner must take into account that Grünendals cannot be scared, beat and scold too much. The most important thing is to establish confidential contact . In addition, Grünendali is very sensitive and adore praise, so always try to serve the owner. If necessary, we should use rigor and perseverance, but not aggression and physical strength. In this case, the pet will be educated and affectionate in relation to its owner.

About Belgian Shepherd Grunendal See below.

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