Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary?


Playful and cute Labradors are known to many people - not to pay attention to them on the street is simply impossible. A kind view of this dog and her friendly character made a very popular breed. If you decide to have such a friend yourself, you should know how to care for him. And we will answer most of the issues of the content of Labrador.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_2

Features of breed

Labrador is a dog-friend, companion dog. The breed is universal, because these dogs can be used as guisters, helpers in the hunt, and even nannies. It is surprising that the characteristic of these dogs is so diverse and includes so many dog ​​"professions."

Labradors are very friendly and obedient dogs with a stable psyche. Good devastable for training.

Ideal for living in a big family with children. They perfectly spend time in the company of people and love everyone without parsing. So, perhaps, the only minus, which can be found in the description of the breed, is their inability to distinguish the enemy from each other. As a guard, Labradors will not suit, except that they will lie to the death of the submissive robber.

These dogs love to swim. Nature awarded them with a special structure of the paw. They have a membrane, which allows the PSAs to move in water faster than ducks and do not get tired long during a swim. Their tail is similar to the tail of the otter. Labradors twist them in water and thereby change the direction of movement. Wool dogs are also adapted to water procedures - it is thick and multi-layered, and the lower layer is covered with fat.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_3

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_4

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_5

The rear of the body of Labradors has a strengthened muscle corset, which allows them to high and far away. A fixed record of Labrador's jump is 8 meters long. However, such an advantage is overshadowed by possible problems with joints to the old-age dog.

Carrying something in the mouth, Labradors do not damage it, squeezing teeth. Such a dog feature is called "soft mouth." This is very important for future owners with young children. Labradors are characterized by rather strong health, the cold is not afraid. They have excellent memory, quickly leaving training and try to take the leading position in the owner's family.

Conditions for content

Many owners of private houses concerns the question of where Labrador can contain. Unpleasant if the dog will glue in winter or suffer from heat in the summer. In fact, such a breed of dogs feels well in the house, and on the street, if we provide the necessary comfortable conditions.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_6

In the House

In a private house or apartment, an active dog can cause serious mess, despicable everything on his way fluffy and restless tail. Prevent regular trips can Only good upbringing and training.

In the closed room, the dog must necessarily have a corner where it lies her litter and a couple of toys. The place to rest needs to be away from batteries and drafts so that Labrador is comfortable and warm, but not hot.

For adult dogs, several layers of tissue wrapped with plaid, a piece of thick carpet or a flat pillow can be used as a litter. If there will be a removable case on the litter, then the owner will become much more convenient to contain this place in purity. It is necessary to clean up for a dog every day, dropping off wool. Once a week it is necessary to wipe floors without using aggressive detergents.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_7

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_8

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_9


Accommodation in a private courtyard can be a real pleasure for the dog, if you give it a space for games and a comfortable place to relax. Equipped Wolter will help the cops actively, which means that Labrador will not be bored. Ideally, if the aviary is located on a lawn with grass, and no more than half of this place will be lit in the summer time with a bright sun.

In the aviary, it is necessary to leave a bowl with clean water, since a constantly frozen dog should be sinking his thirst at any time. Food is better to bring according to the selected mode.

Equipped booth will help protect the dog from the sun and rain, and will also warm the cold nights. Inside the booth should be a warm upholstery, and the location of the house should be thought out in advance: a permanent shadow or scorching rays of the Sun is not the best option.

Preference for building booths should be given to natural materials, such as wood. Then the house will not be too hot in the summer and not cold in winter.

And at the time of harsh cold, it is better to give Labrador Overnight inside the host room.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_10

How to care?

Labradors are pretty unpretentious dogs. Special care needs to be made only after the puppy, since it is subject to various diseases and problems. Dogs of this breed are very clean, so care for them is not at home. Consider how it is how to properly care for Labrador.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_11

Walking mode

Labradors are very active dogs . They need to be loosen somewhere their energy, so the walks are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle of these pieces. To satisfy their needs, you need to walk with them, at least twice a day at the hour.

A leisurely walk on a leash in the park is not something that needs Labradors. They need to allow playing and run without a leash. The optimal option will be the search for a friend for his dog, the same breed or similar behavior. Then Labrador will receive the necessary positive emotions and activity.

If there is no opportunities for walking in the company there is no other dog, then the owner himself must take on the role of an active companion. Games in "bring stick", fishing of a flying plate or a ball perfectly suitable for a good-natured dog. But the best entertainment for Labrador will swim in the nearest reservoir, which best practices on his health and the nervous system.

The owner is important to remember that the reservoir, according to Labrador, is any puddle or a ditch with mud. That's why You need to be ready for sudden and not too pleasant water procedures for your pet, And then - to his gratitude in the form of hot and dirty hugs.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_12

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_13

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_14


Separate article on the care of this wonderful pet - Hygiene Labrador. Do not let the status of a dog on a self-shot, so that Labrador remains healthy and active all his life.

The wool in this breed is pretty thick, so It is necessary to calculate it at least every other day. Puppies should do it every day. It should not be bathed too often a dog with shampoos. As it is contaminated, it must be cleaned, but if the dirt is not so much, it is better to remove it with a wet cloth.

Claws need to cut regularly, since too long nail plates can cause a dog discomfort.

For the first time, it is better to make a clawing procedure from a veterinarian to see how to do it right and safely. Labrador needs to brush the teeth about once a week with a special dog toothbrush. Ears are a weak point of Labradors, so they need to be regularly wiped with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution with a cotton swab.

Special care should be made for puppies . Their paws before walk must be rubbed wax, as they are still very gentle and tend to appear injuries. Baby eyes also require additional daily cleaning. Wipe them with a cotton swab moistened in a special fluid.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_15


Labrador is a rather large dog, so feeding such a pet will fly into a penny. To give a pet everything is necessary for life, it is necessary to include all components in its correct proportions in its diet. Namely: proteins - 15 g per 1 kg of weight, carbohydrates - 5 g per kg of weight, and fat - 2 grams. The optimal composition of BJO is the guarantee of the health of your PSA, and it is especially important to comply with the correct diet for puppies.

That's what products are ideal for every day to feed Labrador.

  • Meat. Non-fat varieties are suitable: chicken, beef, turkey. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to give offal: liver, udder, scar. Sometimes breeders give meat in raw form, but to eliminate infections and parasites, it is better to cook it.
  • A fish . An indispensable product, and is suitable as a source of easily durable protein and fatty acids. It is necessary to give only sea fish without bones and suck it well before feeding.
  • Crup. The dog's body should flow complex carbohydrates in the form of a porridge. Optimal croups for Labrador will be buckwheat and rice, as allergic may occur on oatmeal. In addition to these products, crackers from rye bread can be used as a source of carbohydrates.
  • Dairy products and eggs. Labradors every day give chicken yolk, which is mixed with porridge and meat. From dairy products it is better to give preference to kefir, cottage cheese, cheese and sour cream.
  • Vegetables . As a vitamin additive to the diet, it is necessary to give various vegetables. They improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Ideal suites, bubbles, pumpkin, carrots and cabbage. They are boiled, crushed and produce with a spoon of vegetable oil or sour cream.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_16

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_17

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_18

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_19

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_20

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_21

Labradors also give and Full dry food. It needs to choose from species Premium class Since only such feed can provide all the needs of the body of the active dog.

The number and size of portions must correspond to the age and weight of the dog, and it is necessary to feed, based on the recommendations on the pack.

It is useful to give Labradoram Special vitamin supplements, Which are sold in veterinary shops and pharmacies.

These dogs love to have a snack and eat everything they will be offered. However, it is necessary to limit the consumption of the PCS of such products: flour and sweet products, fried oily food, smoked, spices, bones and fallen products.

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_22

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_23

Caring for Labrador: How to care for a puppy at home? Dog content on the street and in a private house. Is it possible to contain a dog in winter in the aviary? 22941_24

Expert advice will help the owners of Labradors to avoid bugs in the content of dogs.

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