Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies


Labrador is a rather calm and kind dog, despite its very impressive sizes. Many owners and just passersby can wonder if you should wear a muzzle on Labrador, will not be dangerous to walk without it and how much the character of this dog is unpredictable. Let's deal with.

Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_2


According to the kennels, teach a dog to a muzzle stands from the very old age.

A small and cute Labrador puppy in a muzzle looks very funny, but in fact it is very serious. At an early age, importance is not to protect the dog surrounding from teeth, but in the habit of your pet to the so necessary accessory. Agree, it will be much more difficult to put this design on the mouth of an adult who formed a dog - it will certainly be objected.

That is why it is necessary to use this device almost from birth, to teach the PSA to the rule of wearing forever. In addition, the protective element on the dog's face relies by law.

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Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_4

How to choose?

Like any individual accessory, muzzles are presented in a huge number of executions. It is necessary to make a choice so that everything fit exclusively for a dog that you have. When you buy your pet this auxiliary element, you need to pay attention to several important factors:

  • First of all it is necessary to remember that males and females of Labrador, as in any breed of dogs, the structure of the skull, and, accordingly, the muzzle is different;
  • The material from which the muzzle is made is very important (various models are suitable for different tasks - the best option is usually not here);
  • The sizes of the muzzle are different, even the form sometimes varies.

The ideal option is to come to the store along with your favorite and choose an accessory in size, because everything is purely individually. When choosing a muzzle, it is important to take into account even the animal floor: for the boy it is worth a stronger option, because these individuals are physically greater and stronger than girls.

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Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_6

Materials from which the product can be performed is also a huge set. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • There are metal options, they are strong and quite comfortable, but are not suitable for the cold season;
  • Leather views are also comfortable, but not so strong;
  • Muzzles from textiles may simply not fit and injure the animal;
  • Plastic option and one of the most impractical, albeit a petty pet.

The purchase of such a product will have to be carried out more than once, the pet is growing, the sizes of its muzzle are changing.

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Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_8

Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_9

There are muzzles that are attached directly to the collar, and those that are combined directly with the leash, therefore it is very important and the right choice of these components.

Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_10

Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_11

Collar and leash

It is not worth saving on accessories. So that the dog does not rub, did not give and prevented the product, put on the neck, Choose high-quality materials and adjustable size. If you choose everything right, it will not even have to be changed when your puppy becomes an adult dog.

At first, the trainer is best suited. It is harmless even in the case of sharp jerks and help control your pet, holding it next to him.

Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_12

Do you need a labrador muzzle? Dimensions of muzzles for adult dogs and puppies 22936_13

There are a variety of leashes on the market, they can be beautiful, and light, but in this case it is worth preferring a reliable option, that is, durable. The safer material, be it nylon, leather or tarpaulin, the safer will be both you and a dog.

Video with collar seats see below.

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