Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes


Many dog ​​owners prefer genuine food dry food for their pets. This is explained not only by the fact that the finished food saves time, but also its balanced composition. This, of course, is about high-quality products. For Labrador, indeed, such food can become an optimal diet, but for this you need to decide on the choice.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_2

Types and composition of feed

Dry industrial feed for Labrador are divided For 4 main groups:

  • traditional nutrition for puppies, young and adult animals;
  • Therapeutic compositions in health problems;
  • feed for pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • Products for older individuals.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_3

Such a large dog like Labrador, fit the universal types of finished nutrition, but a qualitative dry rock feed "Royal Kanin" is desirable, on which you can translate a puppy from 2 months.

This is important for animal health for several reasons:

  • In the composition of dry crockets there are prebiotics, normalizing digestion and a pet chair;
  • Food includes unsaturated fatty acids that improve the condition of the skin and wool;
  • The shape of the granules is designed for the fact that the puppy will turn them out for a long time, while not swallow air;
  • The food is fully balanced, contains everything necessary for the full development of the dog, the good condition of its internal organs and bones.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_4

It is worth saying that only premium high-quality products of well-known manufacturers are suitable for young and adult labradors. The composition of which, as a rule, includes:

  • dehydrated meat (chicken, beef, lamb);
  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • Fish fat (Omega fatty acids 3, 6);
  • hydralasting cartilage;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • cereal plants, cereals, including rice;
  • plant extracts as a source of gluten;
  • glucosamine in the form of hydrolyzate from crustacean shells;
  • Minerals, macro- and microelements, including iron, manganese, iodine, selenium;
  • cholecalciferol and retinol (vitamins D3, a).

The feed of such brands can be acceptable for Labrador as Royal Canin Labrador Retriever Adult, Advance Labrador Adult, Acana or Hill »S.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_5

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_6

Review manufacturers

Choosing food for its favorite, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the feed, the presence of useful ingredients in it, the high content of protein and minerals.

Only high-quality premium feeds can satisfy the established requirements.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_7

The list of the best powder manufacturers, based on the reviews of the owners, includes several.

  • Royal Canin for Labradors - This is a line of feed for animals of different ages, as well as for sterilized, suffering from sensitive digestion of individuals, dogs with urolithiasis. The advantages of the brand is the presence in the composition of substances that protect the joints and the dice of the pet, a variety of menus and accessibility. Cons - the presence of antioxidants capable of causeing allergies and problems with digestion.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_8

  • Hill 'S. - This is a series of medicinal feed, appreciated by veterinarians. The composition is enriched with a whole complex of vitamins, in it there is always a natural dehydrated meat, fatty amino acids, sodium and phosphorus, cereals. However, along with this, there are corn and wheat, which are capable of provoking allergic reactions.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_9

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_10

  • Super Premium Class Nutra Mix. - It is entirely natural nutrition in the absence of any unwanted additives, including preservatives and food dyes. Advantages - low calorie, fast and easy digestibility. From the disadvantages, the corn, wheat and glutene, which can negatively affect the digestion of the Labrador during its increased sensitivity.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_11

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_12

  • Exclusive products from the manufacturer Acana. Food is distinguished by high quality, high protein content, prophylactic effect with different diseases of dogs. The only drawback is recognized as high cost, but it is quite justified.

The output is unambiguous: if the price for the owner is considered acceptable, it is better to choose a dry battery of ACANA.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_13

How to choose?

To make a choice in favor of one or another nutrition, it is necessary to repel from the characteristics of the breed of animal and other factors. Main criteria:

  • matching the age of the dog;
  • Pet preferences;
  • Suitable cost and availability;
  • No contraindications.

Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_14

It should be borne in mind that, despite the strong physique and irrepressible energy, making Labrador extremely active and cheerful, the breed has hereditary features, more precisely, the predisposition to the development of some pathologies, and this fact forces to pick a special menu for its favorite.

    In case of excess weight and even obesity due to the tendency to overeating the pet, therapeutic and preventive feed are needed, preventing the appearance of excess body weight, and therapeutic nutrition. Among such products:

    • Opti Life (12.5 kg) DeGiStion Adult Maxi & Medium, Advance Maxi Light Adul - diet nutrition;
    • Hil's Prescription Diet Canine Metabolic (+ Mobility With Chicken Dry) to improve metabolic processes;
    • for excess weight prevention and susceptibility to allergies - Hypoallergenic Royal Canin Maxi Light WEIGHT CARE.

    Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_15

    Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_16

    Digestion disorders in dogs of this breed are associated with the fact that they have a disheveled appetite, and they are often illegible in food.

    Feed that will help avoid disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - Happy Dog Diet (for treatment), Bosch Soft Maxi (for sensitive animals), Barking Heads Tender Loving Care (Dietary Food). In order to prevent the joint diseases in Labrador, the veterinarians recommend production, which includes components such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate. In this case, the relevant feed Hil's Prescription Diet J / D Canine Mobility Dry, Royal Canin Maxi Joint Care.

    Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_17

    Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_18

    For pets with predisposition to allergic manifestations, special hypoallergenic compositions were created: Belcando Junior Lamb & Rice (for puppies), Purina Pro Plan Large Athletic Adult Canine Sensitive Skin Salmon with Rice Dry (with allergies with leather damage), Bosch Sensitive - food for dogs with a tendency to allergies and irritation of the digestive tract.

    Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_19

    Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_20

    Norms of feeding

    To feed the Labrador retriever puppies to a year is needed in accordance with a certain mode and in a strictly installed dosage.

    It is important to comply with the size of the portion so that the puppy does not move and at the same time did not feel hunger.

    To avoid errors, you need to follow the instructions. How many food is required to animal, indicated on the package of feed:

    • On average, 1-2 months Labrador eats no more than 350 g;
    • in three months - 400 g;
    • In 5 months, all portions per day are 450-500 g (at night the puppies do not feed).

    Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_21


    • At the age of 1-2 months, dogs are fed 5-6 times a day;
    • in 3 months - 4 times, and between feedings should take at least 3 hours, so that the food can digest;
    • In 4 months, a dog has 3 feeding;
    • In 6 months, the pet is starting to teach a two-time schedule, it is important that the last feeding takes place 2-3 hours before sleep.

      Starting from 12 months at a balanced temperament of the animal portion, they try not to increase.

      Make it only with high mobility of a teenager and its large dimensions, gradually increasing the dosage by 70-100. If the pet is not different, in the future, the dog can be used only 1 time per day. This does not concern sterilized animals for which the food becomes almost the meaning of life.

      Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_22

      Food rules puppies

      Mom Labrador can feed kids to 4 months, and the best menu for them is maternal milk, in which there are all components needed for them, allowing to develop and form strong immunity. But, as a rule, As Pets, puppies are selected about 2 months, and then responsibility for the health of the "child" falls on the owner.

      At this time, the digestive organs of the young animal continue to grow, and the dog requires a lot of energy to move, so the menu must be compiled correctly.

      Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_23

      When the puppy is growing up, it must be ensured by lure. Usually fit:

      • Calcinated cottage cheese;
      • Natural yoghurt without extraneous additives
      • finely chopped boiled poultry meat (turkey, chicken, mostly breast);
      • Such a food product, as a bifox, capable of stimulating the population of intestinal intestinal animal with useful bacteria.

      Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_24

      If the owner decided to make the main nutrition of a dog with dry food, then the baby can gradually give ready-made food in the granules. At first they are soaked in fermented drinks or yogurt, adding special extruded cottage cheese and vegetable oil to the dish (olive or flax).

      For little Labrador puppies, the high content of protein and fat in food is important for teenagers needed a moderate level of these components in the composition: protein in an amount of 24% and fat not higher than 14%.

      You can begin to roaming already after Labrador is fulfilled month and 1 week. Giving food a dog is needed in the same clock. If the kid ate not everything, it means that it is not hungry, and the bowl can be removed after 15-20 minutes. It is important that fresh water always contained in the reach zone.

      Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_25

      Diet for adult dogs

      Officially, Labrador is considered adults from 3 years old, because before that time it continues to grow, more massive becomes his head, chest, the proportions of the dog body and his psyche are formed. However, veterinarians recommend to translate puppies on a fully adult food in 10-18 months.

      Since the animal's body is characterized by slow metabolism, the feed for it is selected low-calorie, but nutritious, with the obligatory content of all the necessary elements and vitamins.

      Feed the dog twice a day: early in the morning at 7-8 hours and in the evening (from 19 to 20 hours). Depending on the body weight and health status, the pet must be given from 400 to 500 g of dry crockets per day. In this case, nursing and pregnant animals require increased, and the elderly is a reduced portion.

      Feed for Labrador: What kind of stern is better feeding puppies and adult dogs? Super Premium Class feed rating and other classes 22926_26

      In the next video, you will get acquainted with the Labrador puppy menu at the age of 2-4 months.

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