What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description


Due to its attractive appearance and friendliness of the Breed of Japanese dogs, Siba Inu and Akita-Inu, like almost all pets of pets. Only at first glance they seem the same, but it is deep delusion.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_2

Of course, they are similar, but each other are distinguished by traits character, physique, origin, sizes, and, of course, vocation.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_3

This article provides a detailed description of each breed and the comparison is given.

Breed features

Siba Ina

Dogs of this breed are unpretentious in food and do not require special conditions of content. They are quite flexible and always act differently depending on the conditions. Different with a quick response and well-developed instinct of self-preservation.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_4

Pretty curious. This is due to the fact that they always need to explore the surrounding people and animals to feel safe.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_5

However, they are friendly and friendly.

Have a high intelligence and are able to feel an extensive range of emotions.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_6

Distinctive features of appearance:

  • Wide head with a pointed tip, resembles a fox;
  • The eyes of the dark color of the almond form;
  • Thick and powerful neck with withers;
  • same wide and strong back;
  • The maximum growth of individuals reaches 42 cm;
  • The small ears of the triangular shape, leaning down;
  • The maximum weight is 14 kg, the average weight is 10 kg.

Akita In.

Puppies are individuals up to two years. This is exactly the breed of dogs that requires special attention, full-fledged education and training from birth - only if you have this pet, the pet will grow up with a faithful companion.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_7


Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)


Below the average

(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 2 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Excellent security guard

(Rating 5 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the Akita Inu rock is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

Adult individuals behave quietly, restrained, sometimes some caution is traced in their behavior, but with a closest acquaintance with the dog immediately becomes clear its friendly character.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_8

Since childhood, these dogs differ foul and playfulness - They rarely enter the state of aggression. The exceptions are situations where their owner is threatened with an obvious danger.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_9

Dogs can be independent in making their decisions. The representative of this breed was filmed in the famous film "Hachiko: the most faithful friend."

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_10

The appearance of the dog can be described in the following features:

  1. A big head similar to a stupid triangle;
  2. Small rumped ears;
  3. Pretty wide skull, the bone between the ears is flat, forming a beggar between the eyes;
  4. Neck muscles are well developed, the neck is short and thick;
  5. Wide breasts;
  6. The average wool length - 5 cm, on the tail of the hairs is longer;
  7. The growth of the male can reach 71 cm, and females - 61 cm, while the average weight of the representatives is about 35 kg.

Comparison of characters

These two wonderful dog breeds are so similar to each other that there are several criteria for professional breeders, according to which they can be distinguished.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_11

The main ones are differences in temperament.

  1. Disciplinary factor. Akita Inu needs it less than Siba Inu. The first are tied to the owner due to their susceptibility and affection. For the second, a substantial part of affection can be discipline.
  2. Behavior in a conflict situation. If this occurs (for dogs it is quite frequent), Siba-Ina is limited to a growing lever and threatening position. The likelihood that Akita Inu is rushed into a fight is quite large.
  3. Dominance. Among the Akita-Ina breed more dominant individuals than among Siba-Inu. The latter are more willing to concessions and compromises.
  4. Relationships with children. Since Akita Inu is always trying to dominate, the representative of this breed will try to do this and in relationships with children. These dogs can be bad with children under 8 years old. The behavior of the dog can be corrected only with the help of persistent workouts. In addition, they can be vindictive towards children - they can remember the careless kick or the bite of the baby. Later, they will certainly be aggression towards the baby. A good "nanny" and a faithful friend of the child can be Siba Inu. Such dogs always try to adapt to the nature and habits of households. But with them you need to conduct training, taking them to the frequent manifestations of caress and bodily contact.
  5. Criterion of affection. The Akita-Inu Breed is more attached to the owner than Siba Inu, it depends on it. Sib-Inu's attitude is more like affection and maintain a comfortable "constancy" in relation to the owner.
  6. Home content. Akita Inu is a more relaxed and dotted dog under the condition of good training. It can live in a aviary or in a reserved corner with a cushion. Siba Inu can "hooligan", it is prone to shoots. Such a dog does not tolerate life on the chain, becomes aggressive. It requires a daily physical activity, otherwise it will gnaw all furniture items at home. Keep it on the chain or in the aviary you can only with sufficient communication with the owner and physical fatigue.
  7. Habits. Akita Inu is greatly expressed by hunting instinct. For this reason (if you do not compensate for such facts with workouts) the dog can become more aggressive. Siba-Ina more has a satellite habits. It is less aggressive, and the training is needed more to maintain discipline, as mentioned above. Due to its relatively supplied and playful character, the participant of various contests and exhibitions is a member.
  8. Endurance criterion. Professional breeders have noticed that the breed of Siba-Ina's dogs is rushing than Akita Inu.
  9. Relationships with other domestic pets. Siba-Inu badly gets around with cats, birds and rodents. Akita Inu is much democratic in relation to other pets.

But these breeds have dogs and similar habits.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_12

For example, both breeds poorly tolerate heavy and fatty foods, since initially they lived only on the territory of Japan, and their ordinary diet included seafood, rice and even vegetables. Some calorie products can cause them allergies, but in food they are not picky.

Differences in appearance

Most often both breeds are described almost the same, but it is not entirely correct. Professional breeders and some dog lovers can immediately distinguish these two breeds from each other.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_13

The very first difference, striking - this is the difference in the size of the representatives of these two breeds.

Akita Inu is higher than the growth and larger Siba-Inu.

It is worth considering those who choose which of the two breeds to have. If Siba-Ina can live in a small place, then Akita Inu will feel more comfortable in a private house with a large territory. This is due to the fact that the larger dog requires greater habitat.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_14

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_15

Woolen cover. The breed of Akita-Ina wool is distinguished by a dense, and there is an additional fluffy cover. Sib-Ina wool is not so thick.

If for the first breed it is necessary to comb all once a week for the second, then for the second it should be done almost daily and with the help of special combustion, which has a push in its design.

There are noticeable differences between the two rocks and in the color.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_16

Akita-Inu is white, red with white spots on the chest and paws or white-red with a tiger tint, and Siba-Inu is red, sesame, sesame and even black.

Who is better to choose?

For families with children, as already mentioned above, it is best to choose the Siba-Ina breed.

Akita Inu can be a good companion for people of active, loving daily work.

Their perseverance is perfectly combined with the need for daily trains of this breed.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_17

At least once a week, it is necessary to give a dog to walk without a collar. Ordinary walks must be performed in the morning and in the evening duration of 1 hour.

If the owner is a cat, but still decided to buy a dog, it is better to choose the breed of Siba-Inu.

This dog is affectionate, clean and friendly. In general, its character is similar to the behavior of most cats. Despite its foulness and zeal, these dogs are quite clean.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_18

Akita Inu is suitable for leaders - a weak person, a representative of this breed will not obey. Sometimes it happens that of all family members, the dog itself chooses the owner.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_19

Siba-Inu loves active walks in the fresh air and games. For this reason, for a person who loves to walk, this breed will become the best.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_20

The Akita-Inu Breed should have a person who has enough free time in order to fully and carefully care for her, as such a dog requires a lot of attention.

In general, breeders note the fact that Siba-Inu is heavier to train more than Akita Inu.

It is worth noting that both breeds are poorly carrying a hot climate and prefer cool weather.

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_21

What is the difference between Siba Inu and Akita-Inu? 22 photo differences in character, differences in appearance. Breed description 22916_22

In conclusion, I would like to mention that the correct full nutrition and training for both breeds are the basis of their mental health. For this reason, the main criterion remains high-quality pet care.

About dogs of Siba-Inu breed and Akita-Inu can be found in the video below.

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