White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content


Among the many different breeds of dogs, Akita-Inu white color is distinguished by majestic and elegacity. Pets of such color are also popular, as well as representatives of traditional red color.

Many dog ​​breeders believe that snow-white Akita-Inu is reminiscent of northern bears.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_2


Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)


Below the average

(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 2 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Excellent security guard

(Rating 5 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the Akita Inu rock is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

Representatives of the Japanese breed have their own individual characteristics, which will be discussed below


Specialists say that the Akita-Ina breed is considered one of the most ancient. Homeland Amazing and Smart Dogs is the Japanese island Honshu. This species appeared in the province of Akita, in the era of the second millennium BC. For many centuries, the appearance of dogs has practically not changed.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_3

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_4

In those distant times, the main task of representatives of this species was guarded and hunting, and this is despite the fact that the first representatives of the breed were less. Dogs were used for hunting for wild animals like bears, boys. Also, Akita Inu was excellent fishing companions - they helped the owners to drive the fish.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_5

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_6

The breed has become associated with a high status after she attracted the attention of aristocracy. As a result, the dog moved from the huts to the palaces and houses of representatives of the highest society.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_7

Collars for dogs were decorated with precious metals and stones.

Features Color

According to experts, white wool color with proper pigmentation is the standard is not a broken marriage.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_8

Snow white puppies attract the attention of high aesthetic data and are in great demand among dog breeders.

Such a dog will become not only a reliable friend, but also emphasizes the owner's status.

Pets of this breed are remarkably folded. In addition to musculatures, dogs can boast of reality and intelligence.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_9

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_10

It is worth noting that Hold your pet at home is easy, as the main thing in this business is to comply with the peculiarities of the content and paying this sufficient amount of attention.

The benefits of the breed should include the positions indicated below.

  • The breed is characterized by excellent security instincts, due to which excellent guards are obtained.
  • Despite the breeding and value, they are unpretentious in care. Even if a person does not have personal experience in handling pets, with the content of Akita-Inu he will cope.
  • Thanks to the thick and lush wool, the dogs are withstanding cold.
  • Dogs are clean and do not have an unpleasant smell.
  • Akita-Ina is rarely nailed, because of what they do not create inconveniences for neighbors.
  • Representatives of the Japanese breed are very obedient and friendly. They are remarkably apply not only to the owner, but also to other residents of the house.
  • These are smart, intelligent and clever dogs that love fun time.

Among the disadvantages, the items presented below can be allocated.

  • Despite the friendly and good attitude towards people, the Japanese breed dogs may be evil and aggressive with other animals, including dogs.
  • They are not suitable for allergies for the reason that they lose a lot of wool in the molting process.
  • The period of mature of the dog is considered long - the pet remains a puppy to 2.5 years.
  • For pets, they make a special diet, which necessarily includes natural products and feed of premium-class. The basis of the natural menu is fish, not meat.
  • Bad tolerability heat.
  • Dogs of this breed often have a touchy. When raising small puppies, you need to be affectionate and at the same time solid.
  • Due to the curiosity of the pets, they need to closely follow.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_11

The breed is characterized by some distinctive features.

We will talk about them below.

  • Rough dog. The males reach about 67 cm in the withers, and females - 61 centimeters.
  • The weight varies from 40 to 50 kg.
  • Body shape A little stretched.
  • Strong and muscular frame.
  • Head sizes Proportional to the body. The width of the plated forehead is moderate.
  • Eyes Small and diagonal, deeply planted. Such an external feature gives dogs asian appearance. Eyes have a rich brown color.
  • Lips and eyelids Pet decorates black edging.
  • For breed characterized by powerful and strong jaw.
  • Dense and thick three-layer wool, Pleasant to the touch.
  • Pronounced withers.
  • Developed, wide chest. Muscular and sturdy neck. Paws have the same characteristics.
  • Tail covers dense wool. The right tail should not be too long and thin.

White Akita-Ina is noticeably stand out against the background of other rocks expressive appearance.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_12

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_13

They look majestically and noble. Their characteristic feature is a high landing of the head, as well as the right posture.


It is worth noting that, in addition to the traditional white dogs, Akita-Inu with short wool, such a color can be found among the long-haired pets.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_14

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_15

To date, snow-white wool has been released with black and brown pigmentation.


  • Experts note that representatives of this breed can feel great to feel both in apartments and in private houses with riddled areas.
  • To preserve an attractive appearance of a dog, it is necessary to regularly comb wool: at least 2 times a week. During molting, it is desirable to use a special brush and combing her pet every day. Also, the brush for dogs is easier to collect wool.
  • Water procedures must be carried out only 2-3 times a year - frequent bathing negatively affects the state of the wool and can cause skin diseases.
  • As they grow, it is necessary to trim the claws. Adult dogs this procedure is held once a month, and puppies are cut into claws twice a month.
  • Using a toothpaste for dogs, a pet oily cavity hygiene should be supported. Cleaning is necessary once a week.
  • You also need to clean the auditory passes using cotton wands. The procedure should be carried out very carefully, so as not to harm the pet.


If it was decided to become the owner of Akita Inu, then it should be competently select food and use only fresh and high quality food.

The first and basic rule - you can not feed the dog of food that the owner eats. Some products from the table can make serious damage to the pet and cause diseases.

There are several ways to make a proper and useful menu for the dog.

Also next to food should be sure to stand a bowl with drinking water. Water must be changed once every two days.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_16

Dry food

Ready dry feed are considered the best option. Experts declare that only high-quality higher-quality products should be used. Such food has in the composition of all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the full development of the animal.

You can find food calculated specifically for a specific breed. When choosing them, it is recommended to refer to the veterinarian.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_17

Combined menu

If necessary, natural products can be included in the diet of dry feed. You can treat a dog with vegetables or dairy products, such as cottage cheese or kefir.

Several times a week it is recommended to feed the dog with vegetable or meat broth (it must be cooked on white meat), replacing standard dry food.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_18

Natural products

You can include the following food in the pet menu:
  • unsalted grades of solid cheese;
  • porridge;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Sea fish;
  • by-products;
  • Some vegetable oils;
  • dairy products;
  • Wild animal meat.
  • Create the right diet, having calculated the correct amount of each product, a professional veterinarian is capable.


Separately, it is worth talking about the nature of this amazing breed. Akita-Ina's temper unites many positive qualities.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_19

The playful and kind nature of pets is noticeable from an early age.

Slowing bursts of anger and aggression are not characteristic of representatives of this breed.

Despite the mischievous and playful character, dogs have a balanced temperament and behave intelligently in various situations.

If the pet is going to protect the owner, he will first carefully assess the situation and only after that will begin to act.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_20

Developed mental abilities also influenced the formation of the nature of the animal. The dog will become an excellent friend and adults, and children.

For example, you can leave a child alone with a dog, not experiencing about negative consequences.

Some experts believe that as negative characteristics of the nature, an animal's desire to be aware of all events can be noted.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_21

Curiosity causes dogs to learn every meter at home.

Noticing something or having heard a foreign sound, the dog will immediately run to explore the situation. Many dog ​​breeders note their excessive activity (especially at an early age). Experts assure that such a feature will disappear with age.


If it is planned to engage in raising a pet yourself, then you should be patient. Also, the owner will need a lot of free time, since this process is quite long and complex.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_22

In the process of training, the host will necessarily encounter perseverance and waybirth. The dog will demonstrate character and disobedience. If a person is a newcomer in dog breeding, then Akita Inu's dressing may seem to him impossible.

It must be remembered that The process of raising a dog should pass consistently.

In addition to perseverance and perseverance, you need to demonstrate affection and care.

Rough attitude and excessive pressure can lead to the fact that the pet will be closed.

Starting the process of learning a dog should almost immediately, as the animal fell into the house.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_23

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_24

The longer the owner will postpone the work in a long box, the harder will cope with training. Be sure to instill a new tenant respect for all family members and establish a leadership attitude.


Dogs of the above breed live from 11 to 15 years. Akita Inu has good health with proper care and feeding.

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_25

White Akita-Inu (26 photos): features of the color of the Japanese rock puppies, the character of white dogs. Conditions for their content 22914_26

    Despite the wonderful well-being and increased endurance to the cold, dogs have a predisposition to the following ailments:

    • stomach problems;
    • eye diseases, including twist of age;
    • Skin diseases;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • Erythrocyte anomalies.

    It is necessary to closely monitor changes in the well-being and behavior of the pet. Even with minor deviations, it is necessary to urgently turn to the veterinarian.

    Watch the visor video about the Akita-Inin breed is below.

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