How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it?


Many people have homemade pets - cats, dogs, parrots, etc. However, it should not be forgotten that the life of our smaller brothers is much shorter than human, it is worth learn how long she will last so that it does not shock, especially for kids. This article describes the spaniels, features and varieties of rock, the average duration of their life, as well as tips on optimal care and content of such dogs.

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_2

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_3

Features of breed

The spaniel family includes more than a dozen breeds, the most famous of which are:

  • English Cocker;
  • English Springer;
  • American Cocker;
  • Russian Spaniel;
  • club;
  • Field;
  • German Spaniel (Waithend);
  • sussex;
  • King Charles;
  • Kavalier King Charles.

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_4

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_5

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_6

The last two breeds are assigned to a group of decorative dogs, the rest relate to the groups of legal and retriever. Each breed has its own distinctive features. But the following characteristic signs are common to all spaniels: long wool, often wavy, big drop-down ears, harmonious physique. The highest representative of this dog family is the Irish Water - in the withers they reach 60 cm. The smallest - King Charles, the growth of the dog of this breed is approximately 23-28 cm.

Spaniels are very beautiful and friendly creatures. Character more often playful, non-aggressive . He loves and needs an active holiday, because Spaniel is a hunting dog (excluding some decorative representatives). The ideal place of living will be Country house, especially for Russian, phylds and Irish pietes.

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_7

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_8

The history of this family deserves a separate mention. The preserved written evidence suggests that Spaniel was known in the distant XVI century. If we talk about homeland, then it is considered to be such a Spain, but there is still no absolute accuracy in this matter. The palm of the championship in popularity of the breed for a long time held in the hands of the United Kingdom, and now these cute dogs are known and loved in many countries of the world - both indoor and hunting subspecies. They are used as legal and hounds on the hunt, as companions for children, domestic lovers, etc.

Almost all representatives of the family Perfectly float, possess sharp scent, very smart and easily trained in a new one. These are devotees of man friends, energetic and playful. Many of them have incarnations of empathy, finely feeling the mood of the owner.

Sometimes, thanks to these qualities, dogs are used to treat children suffering from autism (in not too hard form).

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_9

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_10

average life expectancy

The Russian Spaniel is considered to be the Russian Spaniel: the average life of representatives of this breed is 14-15 years old, there are cases when Russian spaniels have lived to 20 years old - deep dog old age. The second line is occupied by American Cocker Spaniels: they live on average 13-15 years old, record - 17 years. English cookers at home can live for 15 years, but the average duration of their life is only 10-12 years.

What factors can affect how long your pet will be next to you? The most important of them are listed here.

  • Absence / availability of genetic disorders and predisposition to various diseases - For this you need a pedigree of your spaniel and the health of his ancestors.
  • Dog's own health. To control the state of the spaniel at least 2 times a year, we assign the dog to the vet to the inspection, it is especially important to do this at the achievement of the 7 years of age. The older the dog, the greater the risk of developing obesity or the occurrence of problems with the kidney or liver.
  • Right content and care for pet. It is necessary to provide a dog a comfortable place, walking several times a day and preferably 1-2 hours, spaniels - inborn hunters, active vacation in the fresh air are vital.
  • Balanced power supply. The dog should not be overeating, however, the lack of food will also negatively affect it. From a puppy age, make sure that the dog gets all the necessary minerals and vitamins with food. The optimal option will be the use of ready-made dog feeds (both dry and wet) premium class.
  • Force Majeure. Spaniel love to rush to break their heads, and sometimes it leaves them sideways. Various injuries, from superficial to internal, can affect the health and life expectancy of the dog. Of course, it is unrealistic, but the main thing in such a situation is to act quickly and clearly. Immediately call the vet or take a dog to it. After all, you will most likely be diagnosed, for example, internal bleeding.

And this means that a specialist is needed, and time in case of injury plays a big role. The rather help, the greater the chances of saving the pet and do without complications.

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_11

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_12

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_13

How to extend the life of your favorite?

If you love your pet and want him to have a long time next to you, try to abide by some simple recommendations.

  • Pay him attention, play with him, walk more often. Let him run around the yard, if you have the opportunity, leave for the weekend with him on nature.
  • Watch out for your favorite diet. Dog food must be useful and saturated with biologically active substances needed by spaniel. Compelate with the veterinarian and calculate the portion standards for each food intake to prevent malnutrition or obesity.
  • Place a sleeping place for spaniel - With this calculation so that it is protected from drafts.
  • Check the health of the dog regularly. A very important role in spaniel health is played by integrated vaccinations. Do not forget every year with the next inspection of the veterinarian to vaccinate your favorite. Unfortunately, constant mutations are currently observed in the direction of strengthening pathogens of various diseases, and vaccinations are almost the only way to protect their dog.

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_14

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_15

How many spaniel live? The average life expectancy of Cocker Spaniel at home. How to extend it? 22899_16

Of course, even compliance with these conditions does not guarantee a long life. But this is not a reason refers to the Soviets negligible.

Love your dog, watch for health - and in response it will delight you with your presence for many years.

About how to properly care for the English Cocker Spaniel, see the next video.

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