Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day


Despite his miniature size, Chihuahua loves to eat tightly and often to eat, and all because of rapid metabolism. And here their owners face a problem - what feeds their pets to not harm them, but, on the contrary, bring only benefits. About what feed to choose and how to give it to his dog, we will talk in this article.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_2

Features of feeding

Chihuahua belong to those breeds of dogs that need to be fed by specialized feeds. Natural nutrition is quite difficult for them and not every owner will be able to prepare it correctly.

It is important and you need to properly feed these animals, only so you can be confident that the life expectancy of the beloved pet will not decrease, and all the necessary substances will flow into its body. To do this, you can use both dry and wet food.

It is important to select only such a product that is intended for dogs of this particular breed.

In it, food pieces have the perfect size, and the composition is suitable for these small, shock and active pets.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_3

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the fat content in the selected products Not less than 6%, and protein - at least 20%. According to veterinarians, only such food will be able to fully satisfy all the needs of the organism of the animal. The volume of portion and its calorie content directly depend on the age of chihuahua. So, for dogs under seven years, this indicator is calculated on the basis of 85 kokalorias per 1 kg of weight per day. The daily rate for pets over 7 years is calculated as follows: 68 kilocalories per 1 kg of weight.

Puppies are fed up to 4 times a day, adult dogs - twice. The first feeding should have to be 7-9 in the morning, the second is 19-21 hours.

Never feed the pet directly before his departure to sleep.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_4


Food for dogs of this breed, as well as for all others, Must include in its composition such substances as:

  • trace elements;
  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_5

That is why the following ingredients must be included in the feed for Chihuahua:

  • Meat or Bird: Usually used beef, veal, turkey or rabbit;
  • Vegetables: zucchini, eggplants, carrots, cabbage, etc.;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes: Using ready-made special mixtures in strictly defined proportions;
  • As carbohydrates use rice or corn flour, as well as some types of croup.

In some types of feed, natural flavors and preservatives may also be present. All of them are completely approved by veterinarians.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_6


Today, several varieties of nutrition for pets of this breed are available. Each option has its own characteristics.

Dry food

Often it is chosen due to the fact that it helps a timely removal of the dog's dented stone and does not allow manifestation of strong inflammation. In addition, special additives included in such nutrition help not only increase immunity and improve the intestinal operation, but also significantly reduce the unpleasant odor of the chair. It is important to choose dry food, intended for chihuahua, since in it the granules have the most optimal size.

It is important to remember that the puppies before changing the milk fangs dry food is pre-slightly discharged in warm water.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_7

Wet food enjoys high popularity

Its consistency is as close as possible to the natural nutrition of dogs. It contains all the necessary trace elements and proteins. The soft feed is also chosen because it helps to normalize the water balance in the body of the animal and does not allow its dehydration.

But as the prevention of the dental stone it will not work. It is important to understand that not all kinds of wet finished nutrition are suitable for daily feeding Chihuahua.

What kind of feed is to choose - each owner decides on their own. But before buying, it is still better to consult with the veterinarian.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_8

Rating of the best manufacturers

In order to facilitate the choice and not mistaken, we offer you a list of manufacturers of various types of dog feeds. The quality of their products is confirmed not only by experts, but also with reviews of ordinary buyers.

  • Royal Canin Mini Adult - Best dry food for small breeds, intended for animals aged from 10 months to 7 years. It has a completely natural and safe composition. Its particles are optimal for chihuahua, so pets do not have any problems during its absorption. The composition of this feed is completely balanced, it includes cereals, meat and vitamin complexes. Feed refers to the premium segment.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_9

  • Acana. Products of this manufacturer are not inferior to the one that has been described above. Food is saturated with fish oil, useful fatty acids and balanced by the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It helps to fight the dental stone, improves digestion in animals and the appearance of their wool. The ruler presents feed for dogs of all ages. This product refers to the class of holistic.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_10

  • BOSCH MINI ADULT LAMB & RICE - This is already a super premium food from Germany. It has the perfect ratio of fats and proteins, vitamin additives and minerals. Such food was specially designed for dogs of dwarf rocks, including Chihuahua. A big plus is that the assortment has food intended for different age categories of pets.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_11

  • GRANDORF NATURAL & HEALTHY - The best wet food for dogs. There are no natural or artificial dyes, flavors. Such wet food is not only never causes allergies, but also favorably affects the intestinal microflora, and also helps strengthen bone tissue and thickening cartilage.

The disadvantage of such nutrition is one - it is practically no on the shelves, so it is better to acquire food directly from the manufacturer.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_12

  • Hill's Prescription Diet L / D Canine Hepatic Health Canned - Another wet feed of excellent quality with therapeutic effect. Such nutrition not only helps to avoid the appearance of allergies, but does not allow to develop urolithiasis. It is this feed that veterinarians for dogs after various operations are recommended. But he is perfect for healthy pets.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_13

  • Belcando - This is a feed that does not contain grain crops, so it does not cause allergies. Balanced composition, pleasant aroma, lack of harmful additives and as a result is a healthy and active pet. That is what the owners of Chihuahua, who chose the products of this brand.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_14

Some of the samples described above have a high cost. However, it completely pays off in economical flow rate and its high quality. This also applies to dry and wet nutrition.

Choice rules

Before you purchase any of the above-signed feed, it is necessary to study some of the recommendations of specialists. They will help make a really right and safe choice for a pet.

  • For neutered chihuahua, food should be purchased only specialized. Nutrition intended for ordinary dogs, this animal is not suitable.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_15

  • Feed the pet should only be wet or only dry food of one brand.

In exceptional cases, they can be combined, but only after consulting with a specialist.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_16

  • For Chihuahua in a very young age, as well as dogs over 9 years old, it is better to choose hypoallergenic food. The digestive system of such dogs is too vulnerable and should not be once again experiencing the endurance of the body.

Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_17

    • It is impossible to independently change feed on any other. Power replacement is possible only on the recommendation of the specialist. He will help you choose the best replacement option.

    According to breeders, it is preferable to choose a specific feed and its appearance after accessing the vet. And you should learn in advance from the former owner than he fed his puppy, it is possible that the power replacement will not be needed.

    Food for Chihuahua: What is better to choose for puppies? Super Premium Class feed rating and other species. Dry and wet feed for dogs per day 22876_18

    With a review of feeds for dogs, you can get acquainted in the next video.

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