What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle


Poodle is one of the most fun and popular dogs in the world. In order for the animal to retain cheerlery, fully increased and developed, it is very important to provide a balanced diet, containing all the vitamins, micro and macroelements important for it, and the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_2

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_3

General Rules Feeding Puppy

Before making an optimal diet for your poodle, you should learn about Several important factors.

  • The process of digestion in dogs is very different from the human. For example, the appearance and color of the product does not matter for animals, but the smell - yes, in it the dogs have the ability to allocate a huge set of faces.
  • The organism of the poodle digested all the eaten foods much faster than the human, even though the feed in the stomach comes almost untreated.
  • Animal bubble does not highlight enzymes that contribute to the splitting of lactose and starch.

It is very important to provide a dog with a sufficient nutrient nutrient. For every kilogram of the mass of the pet, you need to:

  • proteins - 4-5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 13-15

In addition, vitamins must be included in the daily diet (vitamins of groups B, as well as E, A and C) and microelements (Padel at any age are required to be potassium, magnesium, zinc, necessarily selenium, as well as phosphorus).

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_4

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_5

Proteins are the main building material of organs and cells, from the animal food of the carriage digest them in full, which cannot be said about vegetable - the dog's body can absorb not more than half of the proteins. Improbated particles of products have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract, cause strong colic, increased gas formation, severe inflammation, diarrhea and gastritis. In addition, a medium is created in which the acidity of the gastric segment is reduced, in these conditions, the animals become especially vulnerable to hotels with helminths.

The share of meat products should be about 70%, the following types are permitted.

  • Meat - It is best to use beef, veal or chicken, usually give them in a fresh form, it is advisable to pre-marvel a product. For poodles, meat cut into small pieces or grinding on a meat grinder.
  • Sub-products - For dogs, liver, heart, spleen, lungs and stomach are useful. These products contain few proteins, but they are rich in connective tissue, which in small quantities is important to the body of dogs. Products are given only by boiled, adding to the main meat stern.

Once a week you can replace meat on the fish, it is desirable to use a marine, innocent - heck, halibut or cod. It can be boiled, firing or giving raw.

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_6

In addition, the following ingredients should include in the poodle menu.

  • Dairy products - kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Eggs - necessarily welded screwed, since the crude protein often causes allergies in dogs.
  • Vegetable products Also important for dogs of any breeds, and the poodles are no exception. Such food is a full-fledged source of vitamins and the necessary carbohydrates.
  • All the necessary energy of the dog is obtained from croup, It is best to enter the buckwheat and brown rice in the menu. If you have the opportunity to feed the pet only by conventional rice, then before cooking you need to rinse several times to transparent water to completely get rid of starch, because in the body of the dog it is not digested. Crops are boiled to the crumbly state.
  • The source of vitamins and vegetable fiber are vegetables, Therefore, it is desirable to add grinding zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cucumber and bell pepper to meat and cereals. Dogs with a big hunting use an apple with a gooseberry, and it will also be less introduced in their diet dill, parsley, lettuce leaves and spinach.
  • Poodle feed should be added vegetable oil - Sunflower or olive, in small quantities are useful to pumpkin or linen.
  • It is very important to ensure poodle constant access to clean water, Preferably filtered or bottled - adult dog requires about 2 liters of fluid per day.
  • When feeding natural food The diet should additionally introduce vitamin and mineral complexes.

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_7

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_8

Diet of adult dogs

Until monthly, young puppies eat mostly maternal milk, however, after 1.5-2 weeks you can begin to feed the young poodle, the cow's milk is suitable for this with the addition of a chicken egg yolk. On the 3rd week they begin to give meat minced meat, and on the 4th, cereals and vegetables are introduced, while begin with small doses and gradually increase the share of these products in the pet menu. In 2 months, puppies finally take from maternal milk, by this moment they can already eat independently.

Until the achievement of three-month animals, animals are fed five times a day, until six months - four times, to eight months, food is offered three times and gradually reduce the amount of feedings up to two times a day.

Breeders should know that the poodles are dogs that do not have a predisposition to gluttony, they are active and moving, but at the same time pets are quite arrogant in food. You should not go around them, for example, if the dog refuses to cottage cheese, you do not need to rush to cook porridge, just remove the plate, wait for the next meal and offer the same meal.

Food consumption standards for an adult poodle are:

  • For dogs, large breeds - 900-1000 g;
  • For small - 600-800 g;
  • For dwarf - 500-600 g;
  • For the one poodle - 300-400

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_9

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_10

For pregnant boring feeding standards Other:

  • In the second week, the volume of products increase 1.5 times;
  • from 3 to 6 week - 2 times;
  • By the end of the navigation - again 1.5 times.

During feeding in the first 10 days, the volume of servings are increased by 2 times, and from 3 to 5 week - in 3. Padelihih feeding with balanced feeds with high liquid content (warm non-large soup, liquid porridge, sweet tea).

No need to feed an adult dog from a common table - this diet can be too heavy for the pet organism, as well as not enough to ensure the full receipt of useful micro and macroelements. This can most negatively affect the growth, as well as the development and physical condition of the poodle.

No need to forget that there are "loose" breeds of dogs that require a large body weight, they include Senbernar, Newfoundland and some other species. Poodle to such a category does not include, these are elegant animals along with their dogs and pinemers. In accordance with the existing standards, they should not have a sagging abdomen and too much weight.

The poodle of the standard set should have well-tested ribs, but it is not allowed so that the pet began to hurt from excessive thin.

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_11

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_12

If you notice that the dog's body weight has become increased, then the cereal products should be removed from the menu, once in 7-10 days you can arrange unloading days, at this time you should limit the ration with meat products with the addition of vegetables. As a delicacy, an animal can give any nuts: large dogs offer 2 things per day, small - 1, and dwarf - only half. Very helpful for kuraga animals, prunes, raisins and some other dried fruits.

Due to employment, some breeders prefer to use the store feed for their dog, in this case it is imperative to choose a proven manufacturer. It is desirable to give preference to the composition of premium or super premium class. The mixtures should be purchased in specialized stores or vetaptecs, be sure to be in closed packs. According to the reviews of breeders and the advice of veterinarians, the most balanced for animals is the products of Royal Canin, Pro Plan and other feed of this segment.

Of course, the cost of such a nutrition is high, but the feed is made in accordance with the recommended contents of the content of BPU, real meat products are used for production and the vitamin and mineral complexes are added, no preservatives are added. Cheaper products, for example, Chappi, undesirable for poodles - the fact is that when it is manufactured, the regulatory ratios of the ingredients do not always observe. Thus, the amount of a full-fledged animal protein may be lower than recommended.

In general, the finished feed becomes an excellent exit for breeders who are followed by the health of their poodle, since in this case there is no need to detect the calorie content of the products and add vitamin and mineral components to food.

All that is required from the breeder is to simply choose a suitable brand of products and in time to apply an animal in a bowl of the desired dose in accordance with its age and health status.

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_13

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_14

Prohibited products

When organizing feeding the poodle should be aware of the products that animals are contraindicated.

These include the following ingredients.

  • Pasta, bread and other bakery products - They cause the indentation of the stomach and lead to digestive disorders.
  • Any fried, acute, smoked and fatty food - It leads to gastritis and ulcerative states.
  • Tubular bones - Dogs cannot cast them with their teeth, so sharp edges are able to cause serious injury to the esophagus and the stomach of the animal.
  • Bean, as well as potatoes - cause reinforced gas formation at poodles.
  • Any sweets, including candy and chocolate. No nutritional value has these products, but with high probability will lead to problems with teeth, will cause a violation of the functions of the liver and can cause eye infection.
  • Milk - In the organism of dogs who have reached the two-month age, one-piece milk is not digested, so the inclusion of this product in the menu is justified only with respect to very young puppies.
  • Sausage, sausages and ham - We are talking about shopping products. As a rule, they contain preservatives and other synthetic additives that are harmful to the organism of the poodle.

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_15

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_16

Tips of veterinars

Regardless which food you decide to use for your poodle, there is Several rules that need to be adhere to when organizing pet feeding.

  • Poodles are distinguished by a pretty high withers and the yield of the sternum, which is why the animals of this breed is difficult to fed from a bowl standing on the floor, if, of course, your dog can not eat from the position lying. It will be best to put a saucer with a meal for a small stand or hang on the hook in such a way that it is located approximately at the chest level of the pet.
  • It is necessary to offer the animal food at the same time and strictly in a certain place.
  • If several pets live in the apartment, then each of them should certainly be their own saucer, otherwise conflicts will arise between them. It will be worth installing in the house "ritual" of feeding, for example, a certain sequence of dispensing of bowls and food.
  • All unnecessary feed remains should be immediately removed, and a bowl is thoroughly washed even if the dog is not completely eaten by a dog.
  • Feeding a poodle should not be combined with family meals with family members, it is also not worth noting the animal feed at the moment when you are preparing lunch for your loved ones.
  • In one feed, it is forbidden to combine milk and meat food - in this case, neither one nor another product is fully learned.

Teach your dog to discipline - the animal should not have a habit of begging.

What to feed the poodle? Putting a puppy at home. The best feed for feeding adult dog poodle 22858_17

On how to feed the poodle with natural meal, see the next video.

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