Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews


How often we decide to start a pet and do not know anything about the characteristic features of the selected breed. It is very important to realize that by bringing home puppy, you are fully responsible for his health and life. The four-legged friend will love you and be devotees, and you can not let it. There are some breeds that have their own behavior features that are unusual to other dogs. In this article, we consider in more detail the requirements for the content of the one-poodle, we will find out an interesting story of its origin, and also get acquainted with the reviews of the owners.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_2

History of origin

The Poodle itself is a very old breed of dogs, reliable data about its origin not found, but there are references to them in medieval chronicles dated to the VIII century of our era. For the first time, dogs begin to depict in the XV century. At this time, the Padel was enjoyed in great demand in England, France and Germany.

Cynologists believe that the breed occurred as a result of crossing several co-smoked dogs of small dogs which eventually evolved over time. It can be assumed that these rocks were: spaniels, barbets, retrievers, legal and greyhound. By nature, Padel - hunting dogs, they were used to hunt for ducks and search for truffles, due to their coaching wool they are less injuries, but it greatly made it difficult to move. And so the breed began to cut.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_3

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_4



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 1 out of 5)


The average

(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very clever

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Need care

Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Cost of content

Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very easy

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Short periods

(Rating 2 out of 5)

Security qualities

Bad guard

(Rating 2 out of 5)

* Characteristics of the Poodle breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

The name of the breed of the Poodle Dog received in the XVI century, when the French monarch Heinrich IV scored several dogs for his guard. After watching the monarch, the close setting also wanted such dogs, and even more often such dogs could be found on the balas, and not swamps. Due to the lifestyle of the poodle and received a "Royal" prefix in his breed.

In the XVII-XIX century, the first dogs for dogs appear. Naturally, standards, fashion and haircuts dictates France.

The homeland poodles, the International Film Organization recognized France. In the 20th century, the breed began to actively export over the ocean, the range spread to the USA, including.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_5

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_6

Description and nature

The poodle has a high intelligence and a fullentic character for a complex dresser, a very large four-legged friend, tireless. No less important advantage is an impressive appearance. The prefix "that" is translated as a toy (and though, a dog is similar to her).

Despite its short-range existence, this breed was officially confirmed from the international organization of cinears about its breed.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_7

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_8

There is a standard of that-poodle for exhibitions.

  • The head of the dog is a bit elongated. The forehead is narrow, closed wool. The nose is large and dark, the eyes of the almond color, which are close to each other.
  • The ears of the book expand, slightly rounded on the ends, flat and hanging. Throughout the area covered with coacher wool.
  • As for the tail, he will be stopped in early childhood. Those who are against such a procedure leaves it, even its natural length is allowed.
  • The torso is proportional, with strong not very high legs, with well-developed muscles. An important gait and a proud rack is provided by a good posture of such a breed with a high head fit. The paws are collected in a lump and with neat pads, in themselves small.
  • The weight of dogs varies from 2.5 to 3 kg, most often closer to the minimum indicator. The weight difference is due to the fact that 4 hybrids are combined in the breed.
  • The growth of four-legged also depends on the breed and type of mixed hybrids, usually it is from 45 to 60 cm in the withers. Little individuals from 24 to 28 cm.
  • Padel color can be diverse, but it is considered only 5 colors. Pots of different colors differ outwardly on the exterior of each other

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_9

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_10

Options Color

Official colors can only be five options.

  • Brown wool. Related accepted in relation to black. This type is quite complicated in the breeding due to the increased influence of many other genes. For example, the gene G will eventually flash brown to red or coffee.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_11

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_12

  • Silver. This is the same black color, but clarified by genes and an early satellite. A puppy is born black, and to two years already becomes silver.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_13

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_14

  • Apricot (peach). In it, as in the previous two colors, there is a black color, it can be understood on black color on the nose.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_15

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_16

  • Red. The newborn looks like dark gray with a red, but very lesames the chimney of clarification and retreats in the form of white spots on the chest and body.

This color is relatively new, and the breeder needs to be very much for the development of puppies.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_17

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_18

  • Spotted color harlequin. Such a color is obtained when crossing white dogs with "truffle" skin and with a black genius. This color was recognized in 2008.

Most often occurs in dwarf rocks, because the British dwarf poodle is taken as the basis when crossing.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_19

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_20

Dwarf poodle

It differs from its relatives with its small size, at the expense of what makes himself in priority to choose a pet for housing in the apartment. By nature, they are very large and friendly, so they will become part of the family without much effort. These dogs for buyers are attractive to the fact that they are non-conflict and very well get along with children, gentle and patient. The house will not have this bright smell of the dog, since the wool does not smell this four-legged friends (of course, if they bathe them in time). Often it is called a micro or mini-poodle.

He does not differ in its characteristics much from the one-poodle, because it is his direct relative.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_21

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_22

Pluses and minuses of breed

When choosing a dog, the responsible hosts always calculate the pros and cons of rocks for its maximum comfort and comfort of the inhabitants of the apartment when coexistence with them.

Dogs of this breed will make a company in hunting for ducks, but it is worth considering that the hunter out of it (due to historical features) is not the best, so there is no sense to wait for some fantastic results (this can be attributed to the negative parties of the Pensik).

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_23

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_24

Often the minuses of the breed can cause doubts from the hosts when choosing a pet and even scare away, but you need to know about them so that they do not even become an unpleasant surprise.

  1. The poodle is often a cowardly, very large, does not see danger in extraneous, so there is no sense to start it as a security guard. Scare a puppy, and an adult individual, may not only a big dog, but also any loud sounds and sharp movements of both foreign people and owners.
  2. With insufficient education, the dog can be dangerous for children.
  3. Very often observed for animals of Lai in situations where there are no threats.
  4. Increased ability to damage something, despite its proportionality of the structure, the bones in the fluffy are very fragile.
  5. High care requirements: Balance of food, frequent shower, regular circumcision of claws, washing the ears and eyes, preventing various diseases, timely haircut and, in the end, warm clothing.
  6. The dog is very mobile, you need to often walk with it often, and it can not much like the owners with a sedentary way of life, because in addition to walking on the street, with a dog at home, too, you need to constantly play.
  7. Dog soreness can also be attributed to the negative parties. The dog is in the risk area of ​​diseases such as sugar diabetes, leading hemolytic anemia. It is genetically laid so that the joints of the PSA are very fragile, and osteochondrosis can develop up to the paralysis of the dog. Pets are also subject to such a dangerous disease as epilepsy (observed in many individuals of this breed), problems with the VDP, leading to the trachea collapse. The high probability of the fallout of teeth and wool (baldness) in old age is increasingly there is a worsening of vision and hearing closer to the completion of the century.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_25

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_26

Given all the cons, we can conclude that with decent education, the poodle will become a true friend and the most devoted pet for the owners and family.

The best feature of this pet is the focus on interaction with a person, and they are absolutely not interested in their relatives of other breeds.

Dwarf poodles have a lot of positive parties, thanks to which they are happy to have them as domestic pets:

  • Wool completely without a typical odor for dogs;
  • Pets are perfectly suitable for people with wool allergies;
  • Due to its features, hunting dogs are easy to train and upbringing;
  • They are betrayed by their owners, and they love them very much.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_27

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_28

How many dogs do you live?

The lifespan of the one-poodle depends on the care and nutrition during life, and may vary from 15 to 25 years. With the right diet and frequent walks, the risk of disease becomes less, and the chance for the longevity of the pet is higher. Of course, the life expectancy is influenced by the presence of all vaccinations.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_29

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_30

Carefully follow the physical and emotional health of the pet.

  • To deduct the pet is needed every day, given its feature of high hairstyles, it is very important. For deduction, use a massage brush, and after the procedure, wipe the wool with a wet warm towel in order to relax pores.
  • In order not to appear an unpleasant smell of PSA at home, the poodle must be bathed more often than other breeds - from 6 to 8 times a month. Be sure to use a special shampoo with a complex of vitamins and herbs. As mentioned above, they are subject to baldness, to ensure strong wool bulbs, you need to make procedures for strengthening them.
  • After a walk, it is necessary to wash the legs and belly of the pet, so that bacteria does not start, to bathe, as needed, but if he was bought in dust, then be sure to buy.
  • From a small age, temper the peel. To do this, you need to walk the puppy in any weather and play with him. But follow the body temperature of the pet, it is not necessary to transfer or overheating a pet. It can negatively affect the vessels of the pet.
  • It is impossible to swim in the rivers, revenge on their own pegs for 4 months it is impossible to let go, because the paws and joints and joints have not yet fully formed, it can simply not resist on the water.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_31

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_32

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_33

  • Pet cutting should be made at least 1 time per month, and if this is summer, it is better more often that the pet is not overheated.
  • Trimming nails should, like haircut, be no less than once a month (and watch in circumstances). Follow the procedure is necessary for special tools: the grother in the form of pliers is more reliable than scissor-like.
  • To teach the dog to the walking still from the very appearance of a pet in the family. It is necessary to walk with it every 2-3 hours so that he understands that the need must be coped only on the street. It is also necessary for the proper metabolism in order not to cause obesity by the PSA.
  • A mandatory event should be visiting the veterinarian once every six months, checking the teeth for stones, checking wool on the growth structure. Before the moment you do not do all vaccinations, it will be undesirable to bring a dog to the street. To preserve the health of the pet, it will be possible to bring a puppy on the street after a complete quarantine period. And at this time, teach a puppy to the tray. It is worth remembering that the tray is useful to you and rainy weather. In no case cannot withdraw the PSA to the street in rainy weather, then the risk of picking up the disease is several times higher.

At the age of one and a half months, a walk should not exceed a limit of 10 minutes.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_34

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_35

Soreness in this breed is higher than any other dog. This is due to historical factors, since the dogs of this breed are always "Sysyukali", they were not lighted, they were injured, here are their immunity and not adapted to the hunt (as laid by nature). Very often there are diseases of joints, teeth, diabetes mellitus and an increased glycemic index.

Problems with breathing tracks (tracheal disease, such as Collapse, leading to the death of a pet), an increased risk of such a dangerous disease as epilepsy. And in old age dogs pursue such problems as the loss of teeth and wool, blindness (cataract) and deafness. Some dogs are already born with hearing problems.

If you follow the health of your pet throughout your life, a sufficient amount of time spend on the street , do all vaccinations, organize proper nutrition, then you can not worry about the state of the pebble body in old age. The living conditions of the poodle in the apartment will directly affect the emotional state of the puppy and on his health and self-confidence. As well as on the duration of life.

Therefore, these moments can not be neglected.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_36

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_37

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_38


Consider Basic requirements for the content of the pet.

  • The temperature in the room should be no lower than +16 degrees Celsius, so as not to cause the hugging of the body of the dog - it threatens with serious diseases, in addition to a cold, it can cause inflammation of the lungs or swelling of the auricle, which also negatively affects the state of the peel.
  • It is necessary to highlight the place for the dog, so that she felt like a part of the family. It is desirable that the dog's place to give the dog to the place and hit the straight rays of the sun, preferably near the battery. The place must be equipped with warm blankets or special "beds" for dogs.
  • Sleep-to-sleep dog needs to be removed so that it is clean, it is unacceptable that the place was dirty or non-heavy, then the dog will be sad, will suffer its emotional health.
  • The feeder should always be in one place, there should always be fresh and clean water in it so that the pet know, if necessary, knew where to go.
  • In winter, it is necessary to wear a pet for a walk, because the cold of his body is very hard for him. It is worth remembering that the clothes should be comfortable for walking and to protect the needs of Peschik.
  • As for the leash and collar. It is very important that in this he looked worthily, it is an important aspect of the well-being of PSA. The more he will like himself in the collar, the more confident he will feel.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_39

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_40

What to feed?

The state of the teeth and wool depends on the balance of the pet's nutrition. The owner has the right to choose for feeding dry food, but then you need to feed the ps once a day and only for the night, calculating the required portion (25 g of dry feed per 1 kg of weight). You can feed the pet with wet and wet feed, on the same principle, only consider it is necessary that the feed of the premium and super premium feed is needed, they are most contained in vitamins, and the percentage of meat is higher than in other feeds.

You can set a balanced dog's balanced nutrition. For this, you will need eggs, porridge, meat (boiled chicken or pork meat) and fruit. But with fruit you need to be careful, choose only those that will not cause fermentation in the body, for example, do not feed the dog with grapes or orange. You can add a grated apple to porridge or a pressure cherry.

It is worth remembering that the health of the puppy has depends on the proper balanced nutrition throughout the life and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

It is better, of course, feed the puppy with natural food, but if it is not possible to constantly cook for him, then read the composition of the feed that you choose.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_41

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_42

As soon as the pet appeared in your house, in its diet it is necessary to include fresh greens and fish, boiled and without bones, little to mix in food fishes - it is very useful for the growing body and helps to strengthen bones, which the poodle is very fragile.

The puppy must be fed with vitamins, but just give it a pill is not crowned with success, so they need to be mixed in food. In the diet, it is necessary to add vitamins such as B, A, D, about the dosage, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, as well as consult from corners, vitamins of which manufacturers and what class is better.

In no case can not feed the poodle from the hands, it should be accustomed to the trough. If you choose to feed the feed of a super premium class, then such mixtures are already balanced by a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats for healthy pets.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_43

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_44

Ownership reviews

The opinions of the owners were divided: some believe that this is a very cute and useful animal, not very demanding. Easily adjusts to family members, even under a lazy family. The dog is very emotional, likes to be in the center of attention, she needs to be constantly "in a flock." Very jealous breed, many notice the loyalty to the owners and devotion to the family. If the pet has a personal place in the house, then his mood and state is clearly better.

It is worth paying attention to the arrangement of a pet pet. He can sleep with you on a sofa or chair, but his territory should have - it is the key to His confidence.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_45

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_46

The other owners believe that the poodle in old age is very difficult to care and is already more like a punishment. On the slope of the years, the dog may have such symptoms: the infection of the ears and eyes, he sees well and hears a bad orientation in space. Epilepsy becomes more dangerous. If the street is cold (less than zero degrees), then walking the dog is meaningless, she will cry and does not want to go. In the toilet begins to walk where he fell to old age. The poodle is young, beautiful, playful, but then it can change everything.

On the basis of this information, you need to seriously think if you can afford the content of such a capricious animal like a poodle. In addition to the cost before buying a pet (place to equip, feeder), the pet content is also quite expensive in the course of life (vaccinations, vitamins, balanced nutrition and so on). As well as buying toys for moving games, both on the street and at home, special shampoos and brushes for deducting.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_47

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_48

But it is worth remembering that in return you will get a very responsive friend and devoted to you and your family who is able to give joy to his presence in your life. Although they say that a person chooses a dog, but in fact this pet chooses the owner. Any pet-poodle pet is able to fall in love with family members almost immediately. It is worth only to afford to love the four-legged friend.

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_49

Toy-Padel (50 photos): Description of red, black and other wool puppies. Pros and minuses of the breed. Dog sizes. Ownership reviews 22852_50

About how to cut the same poodle, you can find out, look at the video below.

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