Clicks for Pekingese boys: a list of original and funny names for dogs of small breeds


You need to choose a name for your pet for all the rules, taking into account the breed, the color and the nature of the pet. For example, there is a category of nicknames that are well suited for large dogs. And there are cute and rare names that are ideal for small breeds. You still do not know how to call your puppy? In our material you are waiting for advice and recommendations for choosing a nickname for Pekingese boys.

What is important to consider?

Each host has its own definite criteria for which he chooses the most appropriate nickname for his pet. Someone simply listens to its inner voice and gives such a name that is best associated with the appearance of a pet. Others are suitable for this issue more professionally and choose names, focusing on the advice of astrologers. After all, the sign of the zodiac affects not only the nature and fate of the person, but also on some features of the nature of pets.

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(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)

Need care

Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Good guard

(Rating 4 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the Pekingese breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

In the event that you became the owner of the beautiful kid of Pekingese breed and took it from the nursery, then it certainly already has its name. As a rule, such sonic names are used only at official events, for example, at exhibitions. But for the house, many prefer to choose less pathetic and simple nicknames. It is important that the name is soniced, beautiful and easily uttered.

It is very important when choosing a name to consider the features of this breed. Everyone knows that Pekingese is pretty calm and peace-loving pets. Dogs of this breed are accustomed to living in comfortable and even luxurious conditions. Pekingese love when the owners pay a lot of attention. They do not like them at all when they scream or swear in their presence.

Therefore, the nickname should not be terrible and pronounced with aggression. For example, Pekingese can never get used to such a nickname as Rex. For these cute dogs, it is better to choose something more sonorous, beautiful and unusual. For such a breed, such nobilities are perfectly suitable, which are pronounced gently and smoothly.

Before you finally select one name for your pet, carefully examine the entire list. After choose a few nicknames that you liked most.

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Try several times in a row to pronounce them in the presence of your baby and watch it for his reaction. Pet will help you make the right choice.

Cute and funny

These nicknames are very popular that best can reflect the character or appearance of a beloved pet. Each dog has its own unique character, there are some kind of habits, focusing on which you can easily pick up a cute and even fun name for your pet.

If your baby has a special color, which is often called "apricot" and really resembles a bright sun or overseas fruit, then name it Apricot. As a rule, such a name is perfectly suitable for sociable PSAs, which are characterized by a cheerful temper and love entertainment. Such a Pekingese boy will be happy to play, especially with children. In addition, the nickname is suitable for the faithful and devoted friend.

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In the event that a snow-white pet appeared in your house, which has become a true friend for your children, then you should choose a simple and cute name. For example, it may be Pushok . As a rule, pets with such names love to play and adore when they caress them.

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When a pet appears in the house, then joy and positive are added. For this reason, it is perfect for a cute pebble such a nick Joy. This means the name "joy" or "enjoyment". The perfect solution for your favorite pet, which has become a source of joy for all family members.

Many of the owners of Pekingese celebrate the fact that their pets are very loved to eat various fresh fruits and vegetables. In this case, you can call the dog an unusual and very cute name. For example, Fresh, Which means "fresh" or fruit, which is consonant with the word fruit. Snoope - Perfect nick for a cute and curious baby.

Translated from English this means "curious." Excellent option for curious peel.

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Original and rare

Choosing a dog of such an unusual breed, like Pekingese, many owners immediately try to abandon simple names. They do not want their pet to become the owner of a simple nick, such as, for example, Ryzhik or something like that. Therefore, they choose rare and beautiful names that are of their particular importance. Such a nick Agga Perfectly suitable for Little Pekingese. Translated from Hebrew, this means "festive." The nickname is perfect for fun and cheerful peel, which brings many joy to its owners.

Each pet is a favorite of his owners. If you have another puppy in your house, which you surround caress and care, then name it AKO. This is a common nickname among Japanese lovers. You can translate a name as a "faithful friend" or "Child of Love". Perfect option for your favorite dog. Original and unusual nick Jul Suitable for pioneering and active dog. Translated from English this name means "precious stone". Perfect for Benezes of an unusual color.

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Most Pekingese boys have a calm character. They love to spend time in the owners, sitting with them on the couch or chair. If your pet gets under this description, you can call it Noah. Very unusual nickname, which means "peace".

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Does your baby exhibit an impatient and is a restless puppy? Then he is perfect for a nickname Balli What can be translated from English as "fidget". And for a cute and obedient puppy, you can choose a name that is translated as "happy." That is Varnishes.

In the event that you love modern technologies, actively keep your page on social networks and plan to share photos of your favorite pet, then you should choose an unusual and modern name for him. For example, Pixel. Sounds very modern.

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List of chicks for dogs is given in the following video.

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