Pekingese Breed Dog Clicking: a list of the best names that can be called a girl's puppy


As soon as a new pet appears in the house, the first thing that needs to be done is to name a puppy with a beautiful name. Someone instantly comes up with a nickname for her new pet, and someone cannot decide on the choice. What hands do the most for dogs of Pekingese breed? We made a small list in which soniced and unusual names for the girl were included.

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What is important to consider when choosing?

The little and cute dog Pekingese is very popular among lovers of unusual breeds. In China itself, with great reverence and respect relate to these cute creatures. After all, once the breed was taken specifically for the imperial yard. Often Pekingese are called indoor lions, and all because externally they really look like the king of animals.

Sometimes they can be a little capricious, to demand increased attention and care from the owners. These cute dogs love to live in a comfortable environment and just adore all attention. When choosing a name for Pekingese-Girls, it is necessary to take into account all these factors. As you understand, a simple nickname for such a dog will not suit.

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(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


Below the average

(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)

Need care

Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Good guard

(Rating 4 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the Pekingese breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

Dogs of such a breed are purchased from professional breeders or in nurseries, where they immediately give a name. As a rule, the name consists of the first two letters name of the puppy's parents. But not all owners can like these nicknames, and already at home they make a decision to call their pet for another name.

Choosing a nickname for your pet, it is important to consider the breed and character characteristics. Not all nicknames are suitable for dogs such a small breed as Pekingese.

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You can also select the name that will correspond to its external data. For example, a fluffy tail of the dog sometimes resembles a squirrel tail, so squirrel or balal nicknames may well come up.

People who are professionally engaged in training and raising dogs from year to year, do not recommend choosing nicknames on the letter "P" for active and aggressive dogs. Such names are suitable for calm and quiet pets.

In addition, you can call the favorite with an unusual name, which is of particular importance. You can choose European names, and you can stop your choice on Chinese chicks for dogs.

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We picked up the most interesting and original options for your pet.

Cute names

Pekingese girl is an unusual dog. From the very first days you will understand that you are in front of you a little princess that loves comfort, care and attention. Many representatives of this breed are distinguished by wayward and capricious character. Looking at such dogs, a desire arises to choose the original and cute name. For example, the favorite can be called in honor of the popular singer or actress that you like most. For a dog of such a breed, like Pekingese, the name of Lolita, Angelina, Monroe or Linda is perfectly suitable.

All pets, like people, have their taste addictions. Pekingese are no exception to the rules. It is quite possible to choose a nickname for a dog that will be associated with her beloved delicacy. For example, many Pekingese love sweets. Of course, to feed them with conventional candies is strictly prohibited, so many owners acquire special delicacies for dogs for them.

If your girl is not indifferent to sweet, then you can call her sacrament, sweetie, marshmallow, iris or caramel.

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Each owner is confident that his girl is the most beautiful and beautiful. Therefore, Bonith's name is quite suitable for your pet. This nickname is translated as "beautiful" and is great for Girl-Pekingese. By the way, you can choose an unusual option that is consonant with a simple nickname of Iriska, for example, is Iris.

Select a cute name for the favorite can Focusing on its color and external features. For example, if your dog has light wool, then why not call her alba, which can be translated as "white" or "bright". It will also be perfectly suitable for such an option as Ivori, which means "ivory color".

If your favorite wool is bright and unusual, then you can call it a chanterelle.

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Pekingese Breed Dog Clicking: a list of the best names that can be called a girl's puppy 22846_8

An elegant and beautiful dog that delivers you every day a lot of joy and happiness, quite deserves such a sonorous name as Rada. In addition, it is possible to call it Darlein. Such a nickname sounds very unusual and can be translated as "dear" or "beloved."

In the event that your favorite has already managed to be strongly attached to you and is not lagging behind you, then she is perfectly suitable for such a nickname as Emma. This name can be translated as "reliable" or "faithful".

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Unusual options

For such an unusual breed, like Pekingese, perfectly fit Chinese, Japanese or English names . In the event that you want an unusual nickname for your favorite, then carefully learn our recommendations.

Let's start with sonorous and unusual Japanese nicknames. The Japanese give their pets beautiful names with meaning and believe that the name can positively influence the character of the dog. It is perfect for Pekingese Kick Akina, which can be translated as "spring flower".

The perfect option for the girl, which appeared in the spring. Also for the Spring Girl, it will be perfectly suitable such as Sakura.

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Kami is another popular nickname, which is great for dogs of small breeds. The name is translated as "Deity". If your favorite loves her affection very much and always demands increased attention, she is perfectly suitable for Narico name, which can be translated as "affectionate crumb."

For a real sweet tooth, you can also choose the original name among popular Japanese nicknames. For example, Satu is translated as "sweetness" and sounds very beautiful, unusual.

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If your favorite reminds you with a sun and is of a cheerful character, then Nicko's name is perfectly suitable for her. This nickname is translated as "solar". For proud beauty, too, there is an ideal option - leiko. Translated, this name sounds like "proud" or "proud". For a cute baby, loving cleanliness and care, such a nickname is perfectly suitable, like Sumi - "neat" or "clean."

In the event that it seems to you that Japanese names sound too unusual and are difficult to pronounce, then you can choose something from English options. For example, for pretty and small dogs, girls are greatly suitable such names as cookies, mini or cherry. The experts of English are perfectly known that such names are translated as "cookies", "Baby" and "Cherry".

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Pekingese Breed Dog Clicking: a list of the best names that can be called a girl's puppy 22846_13

Many owners prefer to call their pets Unusual "floral" names. In this case, it is perfectly suitable for such an option as Daisy, which can be translated as "daisy". Or Lily, which is translated as "Lily".

Some Pekingese owners adhere to the opinion that Chinese room dogs are best called Chinese names in which a deep meaning is hidden.

If you want to choose something unusual for a pet, then stop your choice on Chinese nickname.

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For the girl, the name of An, which can be translated as the "world" is perfect. For a beautiful and cute dog, you can choose the nickname of Gia, which is translated as "beautiful."

Very often, the Chinese give their pets such nobys which denote certain natural stones. For example, Biya, which is translated as "Jasper" or ki, that translated as "beautiful jade". And there are more original and sonorous names - Male. This means "jade plums".

The excellent option for Girl-Pekingese is a pair of, which can be translated as "delighted by the Rainbow". And you can simply be called, which is translated as a "girl."

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About the peculiarities of Pekingese breed, see the video below.

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