Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes


Smooth-haired, or as it is also called short-haired, dachshund refers to hunting dogs. Its specific qualities is easy to notic even if she lives at home. Insight, dexterity and ability to quickly assimilate the teams allow it to be successfully adapted to any conditions. Today, many dachshunds are not for hunting, but just to find a faithful four-legged friend, because the character of the tax is rather friendly. They love to play both adults and with children, become excellent companions for them.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_2



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)


The average

(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 2 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Bad guard

(Rating 2 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Dachshund" breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

Breed history

Norny dogs were known to man for a long time. They took them on the hunt so that they were looking for, pursued, pulled out of the holes and helped a person to catch prey. The help of these dogs was simply invaluable in the preservation of a person to food. In historical finds, you can find the images of a taxtach, related to the XVI century.

The name of the breed completely sounds like Daxhouse, which means "Barcuchka Dog".

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_3

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_4

This breed is considered German by origin. According to one version of the taxes appeared in the process of mixing Pincher and French Basaltov, but there is another, according to which the dachshund appeared due to the mutation of hunting pits. Since the injection hunt has always been not cheap, she was fond of predominantly noble parties, but the normal hunt was quite accessible to lower classs: simple burears gladly started these excellent hunters and took them with them into the forest.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_5

The first standard of this breed was officially established in 1888, and today there is a standard for TAX from 2001. As a result of the export, this breed became in demand in other countries, while at home she retained popularity and inferior in this regard to only the German shepherd.

To date, there are 3 types of smooth-haired dachshunds: standard, miniature and rabbit. The latter is derived for rabbits, since their holes have small sizes, only small dogs can penetrate them.

Nowadays, when hunters have become much smaller, these little dogs have acquired a high decorative value.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_6

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_7

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_8


The head of the dachshund of the smooth-haired has an extended shape, which smoothly narrows to the tip of the nose. The nose was painted in black or brown, depending on the colors of the animal, the jaw is quite powerful. Brown eyes, slightly diagonal. Hanging ears reach almost the level of the nose.

The body is long, but powerful, with a protruding thoracic chest, spin smooth, the loin slightly protrudes. Belly touched, to the tail body slightly beveled. The front paws are stronger and more rear. The tail is smoothly narrowed to the tip, is usually in a horizontal position.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_9

Coloring of smooth-haired dachshunds may be different.

  • Monochrome - From yellow to red. Deer or sobular color, which implies the inclusion of hairs with a dark tip;
  • Two-color - Black, brown, gray with bright areas. Color, harlequin, marble, where the main color is white, red or other bright shades with dark spots.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_10

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_11

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_12

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_13

In the withers, the growth of males varies from 22 to 27 cm, in females - from 20 to 25 cm. In dwarf individuals, this parameter is within 16-21 cm in males and 14-19 cm in females, a rabbit variety of 12-15 cm and 10-13 cm, respectively.

The most important feature of a smooth-haired breed - folds on short legs. You should not worry if the puppy looks like her mother, with age, his nose will acquire a more acute form, and the wool will become lighter.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_14


Dachshunds are not just energetic and playful dogs, they show a peculiar sense of humor. With all his modest dimensions, the dachshund considers himself a powerful beast and if someone is trying to doubt this, she can show teeth.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_15

These animals particularly slightly catch smells and hear barely distinguishable sounds. Because of this, they can actively sniff out passersby. If the owner still did not have time to teach the dog to behave correctly, then it is worth walking it on a leash. Sometimes a dachshund may seem naughty, all because of her habit of independently make decisions. When the dog agrees with the opinion of a person, she immediately fulfills the team, otherwise the owner has to insist on its own.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_16

When it comes to persecution, this breed is very excite. Even the high fence will not be an obstacle to her - the dog will simply make a subpoint and run on. To the animal did not throw on the interested people in her or animals, you need to learn commands from puppy age.

When these active kids have no opportunity to go hunting, they splash their energy to master the tricks and are happy to participate in sports events for dogs.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_17

What to feed?

Adult tachum is made to feed twice a day, that is, in the morning and in the evening, at one time, as a rule, after a walk. Cups for food and water is better to put so that they are in the area of ​​the dog's shoulder line. Every day she drinks about 1.5 liters of water. New products are introduced into the diet puppy gradually and one by one. In case of problems with digestion or allergies, this will help install its source.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_18

It is recommended that there were products with proteins, fats and proteins on the table. Meat or guts are either given in raw form, or boiled up to 10 minutes, while you can use the calculation: 15-20 grams per 1 kilogram of the dog weight. Keep in mind that If the dog ate a bone with meat, then it's not worth feeding it on this day. This food is digested for a long time, and the digestive system of the animal will work for a long time, so that the portion of the next day needs to be slightly reduced.

Take care that within the reach of the puppy there was no poisonous plants, such as ivy, carnation.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_19

Experts recommend more often give dachshund products with calcium and vitamins, You can clarify the dosages and types of drugs at the veterinarian. Also in the dog menu, it is good to introduce fermented dairy products, eggs, fruits, vegetables and meat of non-fat varieties: beef, veal, bird, horseback, allowed and some lamb. Sometimes the dog can be treated with boiled sea fish, pre-pulling out big bones from it.

Dry food can be combined with wet, but then do not forget to give a pet enough water. From the oversupply of food, the dachshunds are easily gaining extra weight, especially in the absence of good physical activity, and this leads to the development of numerous diseases.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_20

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_21

Features of care

In order for the wool of your favorite is always glitter, you don't need to paint thirst for her, it is enough to brush it with a rigid vice with a brush. There are also special mittens that make a massage and perfectly combat the fur coat. Furminator helps to get rid of drop-down hairs. In the period of molting, the dog intensively loses her undercoat, then the animal must be combed daily.

It is often not to wash the dachum - just once every 3-4 months. If the dog herself wants to swim in a natural reservoir, you can allow her to do it as often as she wants.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_22

For hunting breeds, health care is important. Special attention is paid to the teeth of the pet. Get rid of the fly helps both the usual cleaning of teeth with brush and special food - these are bones of pet stores. Partly with this task can also cope with dry food. If some kind of teeth were damaged, then it must be cured.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_23

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_24

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_25

Caring for animal claws must be regular. The haircut is made every 2 weeks, it is also necessary to direct the chips as necessary. Eyes and ears are cleaned when contamination. Walking on the street is recommended as much as possible - it is good as a tax as to strengthening physical health and for the development of communicability. If possible, go with it in the morning after sleep, 20 minutes after all feedings, and at night. The number of walks should be at least 3 per day, recommended duration - from 20 minutes before half an hour.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_26

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_27

Do not let the puppy get up on the hind legs, if he wants to stand by the column. It is harmful to his rapid spine and can lead to deformation. Also contraindicated active games with jumps, especially from the height. The smoothness of the little dog on the head, you should not smooth too smoking, so that they do not lose their beautiful shape and have not saved.

While the puppy does not make all the necessary vaccinations, it is not worth walking to him even on a leash.

Dachshunds fall into the risk group by the diseases of the spine. They may appear hernia that require treatment, and without veterinary intervention, the animal can seriously get sick. To avoid damage to the back, do not let the beast jump from the height, do not allow strong shake. Steep steps can also harm the health of the back of the dog, so if there is no elevator in the house, it is better to take it to walk and bring back on your arms.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_28

Tips for education

  • The desire of the taxes to make decisions on their own - this is not just its quirk, but developed reflex. Being in Norah, these dogs have always had to think where to go and where to look for the beast. It is undesirable to apply physical punishment in the case of disobedience, because these dogs have a sharp sense of self-esteem and can be very offended by you. Instead, it is better to use the ignoring method, that is, to stop paying attention to the pet, thereby expressing its discontent.
  • When the animal is trained, use unconditional reflexes in combination with mechanical exposure and treat. Teams should sound confidently, without extra words and emotionally painted intonations. After a successful execution, the animal give a delicacy. For example, the "LIVE" command is given, then the pressure on the body, after which the food is given. Do not give the dog at once two teams, it will confuse it and slow down learning.
  • When the kid just appeared in your home, he can whine at night from longing on his dog family. It is not worth it from pity to put it into your bed, otherwise the animal will be difficult to wean from this habit.
  • To teach the dog to protect the need for the street as soon as possible, without tightening the diaper period. Of course, the first time the puppy can go to the diaper, but the later you will begin to move it to tolerate to the street, the more difficult it will be this process.
  • The kid should learn from puppy age to eat at certain hours in the same place. It is very fun to run around the house with food, but this behavior needs to be immediately stopped. You also need to follow the dog that the dog does not spread the food around the bowl.
  • An animal should see the leader in you, which means that without strictness in communication with him, it is not to do. Only then will the dachshund will fulfill your teams and will not arrange chaos in the house.
  • Taxation learning should be preceded by the establishment of contact with the owner. In addition, she must respond to his nickname. This suggests that she understands when they are treated, and is ready to give a response. Now you can teach the dog to your place and start mastering the simplest teams. All this should happen in the near future after the puppy was in a new family.
  • Some dachshund owners are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a puppy bites. To stop such behavior, in the event of a bite, turn the newspaper and slightly slap her the dog on the nose or a barrier, giving the "Fu!" Command. If it does not help, then you can fold the bruised hand in the fist and shook it further into the mouth, and to take a puppy for a shake, shake and give all the same "Fu!" Command. Although some experts argue that it is impossible to raise dachshund for the inferction.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_29

Dachshunds are intelligent, playful and pretty dogs that are able to give household a lot of positive emotions. They are loved for accuracy, equilibrium, the ability to show patience and friendliness. The disadvantage of the character can only be called their natural trick. Regularly walking the animal and let's sleep physical exertion so that it does not start digging the subpople directly in your apartment, and also follow the health of her back.

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_30

Smooth-haired dachshund (31 photos): description of breed and care tips. Red and Brown Puppies Standard Shorthair Taxes 22838_31

Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the dachshund is an ideal companion dog for the whole family.

About how to contain smooth-haired dachshunds, see the next video.

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