Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed


The choice of name for the taxi-girls is a very responsible business and approach him with all seriousness. Tightening with a choice of nickname for your pet is not recommended, as the dog should get used to the very name, which will accompany it throughout life.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_2



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)


The average

(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Need care


(Rating 2 out of 5)

Cost of content


(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Moderate time

(Rating 3 out of 5)

Security qualities

Bad guard

(Rating 2 out of 5)

* The characteristic of the "Dachshund" breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

What to take into account when choosing a name?

It is not recommended to choose the name of the dachshund-girls puppy until its acquisition. A pre-invented nickname may not fit the pet in nature and appearance that must be reflected in the name of the dog. Choosing a name for the taxes, be sure to appreciate its size and color.

In order for the puppy as soon as he remembered his nickname, it should not be long. It is desirable that the name of the taxi-girl consists not more than two syllables. A short nickname is easier to pronounce the owner and even if a long name is recorded in documents and dogs, it is allowed to use its abbreviated option. In addition, it is known that dogs respond only to the first signs of their own behalf. For example, if you wanted to call your favorite Josephine, you can briefly call her jasos.

For dachshunds should not be used too aggressive nicknames, such as an alleged, plague, witch, bully. In this case, there is a chance of adjusting the nature of the dog under its name and a negative attitude towards your dog surrounding. As a rule, taxis girls are suitable more cute and funny nicknames.

Perhaps your pet himself will tell you how to call it.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_3

You can also think about whether the chosen name of your pet will sound ridiculous from the side, causing laughter. The dog may feel a mocking attitude towards himself because of such nicknames, like a bunch, chicken, sausagel. This will affect its character and behavioral features.

Sometimes the owners pick up the name of Taxa, listening to his inner world. No wonder there is an opinion that all dogs become outwardly similar to their owners. Consider this fact as The choice of a name can even more emphasize this similarity.

When choosing a name for the fees should take into account the fact that variants in which the first letters match the first letters of the teams, are not suitable. For example, do not call your pet pounds or Fuxiang, because dogs have a team of "Fu".

It is often referred to taxes in honor of favorite actors, heroes movies and cartoons. Use such nicknames as the Lady Bug, Glucose, Mickey, Sharon Diaz. Often owners choose several names for your pet, and then in turn called their dog and watch the reaction. The puppy will begin to be happy to respond to your favorite his name.

In order to choose a nickname, you need to say it a few times with different intonation.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_4


As a general rule, by virtue of their natural instincts, dachshund showing incredibly healthy activity. For pets such perfect nicknames such as polish, bullet Toffee, Protein, Blot, Tree, Zhuzha, Basya, Bonya, Bee, Alpha arrow. Good, sweet and affectionate dachshunds called: Vanilka, Visp, Buttons, Mila, Lusk, Lala, Babette, Tina, Tusya, Mimi, Mink, Tina. Taxi girls are very smart and in order to emphasize this, the owners give them the following names: Umka, Baby, Paw, Lusk, Knop, Lady.

Calm fee-girl well received nicknames such as Tisha, Tina, World.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_5

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_6

In appearance

For the red color

If you are a happy owner of a charming girl dachshund-red color, feel free to use the following name variations: Sandy, Ryzhulya, Vulpecula, the Fox, Gold, Spark, Gabi, Jesse, Jessica, Larry, bronze.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_7

for black

Taxi black girls are great nicknames such as Ada, Agatha, Dark, Dax, Giza, Sheni, Lyle, no one, Knight, Tomka, Joseph Souham, Foxy.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_8

for two-color

Two-colored dachshund-girl look very impressive. For them, choosing names such as the Loch Gabi, Didi, Agira, Tiger, jung, Keighley, Countess.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_9


Sometimes pronounced pet habits suggest suitable him the nickname. For example, if your girl likes to yawn, then it can be called a name in tune with the sounds produced when yawning - Ike. If your favorite loves to sleep, then it will blend in perfectly nicknamed Sleepy, Sonia or Sonya. As is known, fees - it is a hunting dog, and nature inherent in them curiosity, thirst for exploration. In this case, the name fits Mink, pulque Iskra, Umka, Energy, Deasy.

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_10

Name for dachshund-girls: what to consider when choosing a dog's click? How can it be interesting to name black, red puppy-girl dachshunds? Beautiful names for this breed 22835_11

Beautiful embodiments with decoding values

With the value of the nickname is able to emphasize individuality fee-girls.

  • Hell. The origin of the name is Hebrew roots and translates as "decoration." This is a very dramatic moniker, which emphasizes the fact that the dog - a loyal friend, decorating the hostess or host.
  • Alpha. This is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, therefore it is believed that the dachshund with such a name will always be leadership qualities. Such a nickname is ideal for active kids, having a desire to be the first.
  • Gloria. The meaning of this name "Glory". It is believed that a dachshund girl with such a nickname will definitely bring the fame to its masters by participating in exhibitions and various events. Gloria loves home comfort, wayward and caprick.
  • Jessica. The translation of this name from the Hebrew sounds like "God looks." Dachshunds are usually very attentive dogs, so this nickname is perfect for them.
  • Nessie. So called the Loch Nevsky monster. Despite this, the name sounds pretty beautiful and cute, well combined with the elongated body of the tax.
  • Elbe. This is the name of the river, taking his beginning in the Czech Republic and flowing in Germany. Its length is more than a thousand kilometers and makes it possible to carry out an analogy with a long-body dachshund.
  • Bagher. This is a famous character of the work of Kipling. Dogs with such a nickname patient, neat, kind.
  • Flora. Good, often beats.
  • Barbara. Associate with care and responsiveness.
  • Babetta . Taxes with the same name - peace of mind and peacefulness.
  • ZILL. Curiosity and tag to communication.
  • Adeline Walked and caress, loves children.
  • Lizzie. This name is suitable for dachshunds with an initial character.
  • Lyme. Demonstrates the pupil and discipline.
  • Tina . Can worry and sympathize.
  • Gilda . Spoiled, requires strict dresser.
  • Irma . Gives preference to the hostess, wayward, often manifests its independence.
  • Neva . Cheerful, loving frolic with children.
  • Hilda. Careful caution in communicating with children does not like cold weather.
  • Daisy . Excellent watchman and caring mom, but sometimes exhibits aggression.

About the features of the breed, see below.

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